Monday, February 8, 2021

Restored Church of God Employees After Dave's Latest Epic Failure


The Dilemma Of A Self-Appointed Prophet


Prophets in the Church of God do not know when to keep their mouths shut. For many years Bob Thiel has been bad-mouthing Living Church of God leaders, but needs them at times to justify his imagined prophethood status:

He identified his religious superiors as outright liars and unable to discern the truth, but these same men were somehow able to correctly and truthfully discern him as being a prophet. So the modern day COG prophets source their information and facts from liars and Laodiceans, or in Dave Pack's instance - the Devil himself, and then pronounce and establish concrete truth? I am having a hard time understanding these modern day prophets.

comment by a reader here 

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Dave Pack: Boxed In


From an RCG source:

Throughout most of his (the many) proclamations, Dave Pack often says God was working with him, revealing things. But when things go wrong, sometimes he didn’t realize that he had other things to see, or that God was still revealing things.

When Part 285 dropped and the latest prophetic failures happened on the weekend of Feb. 5th, Dave didn’t leave much wiggle room to reinterpret what God told him. As seen by the quotes below.

So the question is, if Dave received a revelation from God, and Mr. Pack was the direct pipe from the Creator to the intended audience, then why did God give us the wrong message?

You really only have two options:

1. The direct message from an all powerful divine Creator was wrong
2. This is a direct message from Dave and he is wrong

Verbatim from Part 285:

(Dave Pack on his inspirations for Friday, February 5th return of Christ) 1:28:13

"It all hit me suddenly, God just streamed the list that I am going to read to you, and it was typed exactly as I got it, through my mind, without notes or a Bible. So it's exactly what I said, my staff taper ecorded it. I told them, I just began to see things, and I told the staff "Turn on the tape recording and do not interrupt me and then type it just as you heard it."
So here's what I said yesterday afternoon pacing the boardroom because it struck me.

(At the end of his list) 1:46:45

"Like the sermon you already heard before this conclusion, all of this did not quite line up until the full picture came into view. And it's [this inspiration] a divine act, if all these prophecies are at stake, can God let me mess up? He had to just sort just of stream it into me. Having the time to process all of this is crucial and it is essential to the last message that all of us know that all of our relatives will be arriving with Jesus Christ and the rest of the saints. Again, you can see God in the process. I was telling the ministers, "Don't think of me as a genius, but it's ok if you do, I mean I am going to fight you," [laughs] I am going to have a little humor at the end here. I was no different than the typist who put it out. I just [spitting sound] spat it out and they just typed it out, I am a conduit, I am a pipe, [from God] I truly see myself that way.

As an open question to any minister or member in RCG, how do you justify the fact that your God, got this divine revelation wrong? If it wasn’t God, then why and how did His Apostle and Messenger get it wrong?

In the coming weeks, members in your congregation will ask, “If Mr. Pack is a pipeline to the Father, then why was the Father’s message wrong?” In the coming years, your children will ask “When you saw all these obviously wrong things happen, why didn’t you act? Why didn’t you protect us from this man?” What will your answer be? My job at HQ was too important? I didn’t look closely enough at his proof? I didn’t really put much stock in his prophetic teachings anyways?
  • Will your future self be satisfied with those answers? 
  • Will your children be satisfied with those answers?
What we are seeing in RCG is the endless cycle of false Armstrongist prophecies unfold before our eyes. While it happens in all the groups, RCG is just the most obvious place to see it.

There is no better time to reclaim your life and reject heresy.