Friday, February 4, 2022

PCG Turns Off Tracking On Flurry Family's Private Jet But Still Can't Stop People From Tracking Them


From a reader:

Flurry's jet at one time could be tracked using various flight trackers, but unfortunately, they have the option to turn off the tracker system being a private aircraft. 
However, there are "airport watchers" who as a hobby , note the tail numbers of the various planes landing at sites around the world. Some people have the hobby of trying to find far away radio station call letters, others, register train locomotive numbers. A sort of "collect the set" kind of thing. These folks like to watch airplanes and keep journals of tail numbers.

Flurry's PCG Jet has the tail number of N127RR . Not all flights get recognized, but a few are made note of by airport watchers. Here is the list on the public site...

Screenshot off Twitter

Showing landings near London.

I hope this gets posted, just so that the Flurry crowd knows that they have "eyes on them" and that turning off tracking, didnt totally assure anonymity.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Doug Winnail: The world is falling apart around us and Satan is promoting rebellion. Will LCG ever recover?

Doug's words of wisdom this week. The world is falling apart around us and big old meanie Satan is stirring up rebellion. The record keeps skipping at this point.

Satan’s Divided World: This week millions have watched a massive convoy of Canadian truckers converge on the nation’s capital of Ottawa to protest the government’s restrictive COVID policies. America and Europe have seen similar protests by angry citizens against coercive government regulations. We see political parties bitterly opposing each other and angry leaders in science and academics denouncing each other and denigrating opposing ideas. The winds of war are blowing again in Europe, and Asian nations are launching supersonic ballistic missiles to threaten other nations. Few today realize that Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4), that he is a rebel who promotes rebellion (Isaiah 14:12– 15; Revelation 12:4), and the author of anger, hatred, and lies (Galatians 5:19–21) that lead to chaos and confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33). Brethren, we, as God’s people need to recognize and resist the negative and divisive influence of Satan’s world (1 Peter 5:6–9) by building and maintaining a closer relationship with God.
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Evil Laodicean Delilah's With Smart Phones Are Seducing PCG Members To Sin While Entertaining Them!


More craziness from the Philadelphia Church of God:

“Be very careful about becoming unequally yoked with this world.” He kept trying to put fear in the members and singles as he said, “Don’t underestimate the power of the Devil to bring you into his team.” [Note from ESN: He is making the Devil out to be more powerful than God and contradicts the verse, “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” –I John 4:4] 
Brad Macdonald mentioned “Delilahs” in our life as maybe being: “a relationship with someone in the world, a relationship with a Laodicean family member, a sin we’ve become comfortable with; a speculation; your version of a church doctrine; an attitude of bitterness or resentment towards a minister or another members; maybe it’s your smartphone, or maybe it’s entertainment.” 
“Ask God for the will and power to smash the yoke that is binding you to that thing.” Exit and Support Network