Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Dave Pack: The Perpetual Liar


During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 515)” on June 1, 2024, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God walks himself all the way back to not knowing the exact day for the return of Jesus Christ. 

After declaring it was Sivan 1 
(beginning at sunset on June 6) or Pentecost (beginning at sunset on June 15).
Part 512: “I know when the Seven Year Kingdom begins. The very day. Absolutely.” “I know the date this comes. It’s impossible that it’s wrong.” 
Part 513: “I know the date, and I’m three times more certain of it.” 
Part 514: “I told you I knew exactly when this was, and that’s true. I know it’s in Spring.” 
Part 515: “I cannot do that.” Too late.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Crackpot Prophet Claims Most Will Not Respond To His Gospel Because The Bible Said So


God's most highly favored and most important Church of God leader to ever walk this earth (pound sand, Herb!) is back again making excuses for his AI-translated booklets and articles. He doesn't care if they are riddled with mistakes and admits it. His logic is that even with all the mistakes, just because someone looked at his writings he has spread the so-called gospel even if they do nothing more with it than line the bottom of the birdcage. A life has been touched and he has done his job. The gospel has been spread and it is up to the person to accept it or not. Of course, God foretold this in sacred scripture, for these perilous end times, knowing that 99.99% of the world would reject the Great Bwana's message.

What useless crap!

As has been the case recently, we also received another 20 translations of our English booklet titled The Gospel of the Kingdom of God
Some of you may recall that I have never claimed that the translations were perfect. Instead, I have said that the following prophecy applies:

9 “Whom will he teach knowledge? And whom will he make to understand the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just drawn from the breasts? 10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little.”
11 For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak to this people, 12 To whom He said, “This is the rest with which You may cause the weary to rest,” And, “This is the refreshing”; Yet they would not hear. (Isaiah 28:9-12) 
Notice that even having some language difficulties seems to have been prophesied. And, I have been saying that about our translations for many years.
We are to reach people in multiple languages as a witness before the end comes (Matthew 24:14), despite the fact that most will not respond in this age. And we know that there may be difficulties caused by translations.

May I suggest the Perfect Gift for "David C Inarguably Passed Over the New Testament His Whole Life"?

Dear Council of Enablers and those less inclined to gyrate in their seats every week. 

The Perfect Gift for Dave Pack

 “Look, maybe there’re people who know New Testament Church history better than I,
but I but I I’ll bet there aren’t three in the last two thousand years, partly because I live at the
end of it and I’ve studied it and written long books on it and studied it...”

Comment: There are thousands of actually trained theologians who know the New Testament and Church History better than you could possibly imagine.  You are not on their list. 

“These are mysteries. Nobody understood any of this. I didn’t and took me a while to
put it together. I mean, I feel like I could write a new King James Bible better, with the Greek and Hebrew. They were fine, I’m not I’m not trying to brag, but I’ve had to. That’s where I got up to and I do estimate it’s about 9000 hours of study on this.”

Comment: You never have to try to brag. It's what you do naturally and have nothing really to brag about. Ashamed, maybe. Brag?  No. 

 I’ve said it before, if you think I’m arrogant saying it, as I like to say, ‘Then, pray for me.’ But I’m gonna tell you I’ve dug and dug and dug like nobody I ever knew...and now a thousand wise men could not convince me I’m wrong.”

Comment: Now that I'm going to agree with you on. No one could ever convince you of being 100% mistaken 100% of the time on 100% of the foolishness you believe you have studied more than any other human being.   You have proven that to everyone. 

What is delusional disorder?

Delusional disorder is a type of psychotic disorder. Its main symptom is the presence of one or more delusions.

A delusion is an unshakable belief in something that’s untrue. The belief isn’t a part of the person’s culture or subculture, and almost everyone else knows this is not true.

Non-bizarre delusions are different from bizarre delusions, which include beliefs that are impossible in our reality...

People with delusional disorder often continue to socialize and function well, apart from the subject of their delusion. Generally, they don’t behave in an odd or unusual manner. This is unlike people with other psychotic disorders, who might also have delusions as a symptom. In some cases, however, people with delusional disorder might become so preoccupied with their delusions that their lives are disrupted. (Or the lives of others)

Grandiose: People with this type of delusional disorder have an overinflated sense of self-worth, power, knowledge or identity. They may believe they have a great talent or have made an important discovery.