Sunday, April 8, 2018

Fake News COG False Prophet Claims US Government Hates Him And His Improperly Named Church

One of the Church of God's biggest self-absorbed false prophets claims that the U.S. Government is actively monitoring him and his website.  His message is supposedly so mind-boggling that the government is getting really really upset with him.
Do you think the USA is the land of the free and home of the brave?
I have contended for years it has become the land of the regulated and home of the politically correct.
The so-called Patriot Act eliminated pretty much all actual privacy rights in the USA.
The USA, which has long prided itself on being the bastion of free speech in the world, is becoming like nations it has criticized related to free speech.
While it is a well-known fact that the government has stuck its nose into many things in citizens rights, the idea that the government is monitoring Bitter Bob because he believes in the millennium is beyond silly.   According to the Fake News False Prophet, because he uses the Internet the government is actively monitoring his words and teachings. Also, because the improperly named "continuing" Church of God claims to be pacifists he is automatically on a watch list. Never mind the fact that the Quakers, Amish, Mennonite, Jehovah's Witnesses, SDA's and thousands of other groups are pacifists too, only Elijah Bob and his merry band of Africans are the true pacifists.  The government is specifically zeroing in on Bitter Bob.
With electronic media, “big brother” (the government) can watch you in ways that were not possible in the past. And, perhaps it should be mentioned that conceivably, everyone who posts on platforms such as Facebook is a blogger.
Please understand that some in the USA believe that ALL who believe in the millennial reign of Jesus are religious extremists and potential terrorists. Also, the message of the good news of the Kingdom of Godis also considered to be religious extremism by many. Freedom of religious speech is threatened on many fronts. And while you might think that if you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear from surveillance, consider that many in the government of the USA consider that not supporting homosexual marriages, etc. are extremist. I also saw someone once on a documentary that stated that people who believed in the millennium could not be trusted and should be considered as potential terrorists. The fact that we in the Continuing Church of God would be considered pacifists, does not change the fact that since we hold to millennial and other biblical views that we will not be improperly classified by government employees with various agendas. 
Jesus foretold in Scriptures that Bitter Bob would eventually be falsely accused of spreading fake news.  Those damn atheists are out after him.  As if...
While I fully expect technology will result in real and fake statements being attributed to me and others in the Church of God by evil people who hate the Bible.
Something similar, but worse is coming.
Jesus said:
4 … the night is coming when no one can work. (John 9:4, NKJV)
4… the night cometh, when no man can work (John 9:4 KJV
"When no man can work..."  When has a Church of God leader ever worked and gotten their hands dirty and covered with callouses?  Other than being on the dole, none of them can honestly claim a comparison to the above scriptures

The self-appointed enemy of the US Government continues with this:
So, the Bible tells of a time that will come when the word of God will not be found. And that would seem to be because it will be taken off the internet. In the 21st century, the internet is accessed by people in every country, and thus some type of internet restriction/suspension/site removal is coming–this will one day happen to the Continuing Church of God!
When...when, has the word of God ever been found in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God?  All we have seen is a fake man who peddles fake homoeopathic "nutritional" supplements and claiming he is God's end-time man with the best interpretation of scriptures yet to be uttered.  

The governments that truly should be concerned are the African nations that the fake self-appointed false prophet has members in.  It is their citizens who are being scammed and taken advantage of.  They are the governments that should be shutting Thiel down.  One can dream...

Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Book of Pack 6:66: Thy Priests and Thy Servants Shall Be Fed By The Eagle

"And Lo, and Behold, Thou hast looketh unto the East, towards the Giant Eagle, and Said unto thy sheep, "Mine Stomach Hast Thou Gurgleth! Go Unto Thy Giant Eagle and Purchase unto Thyself Thy Folgers Crystals and Thy Krispy Kreme! Go Thou, Forth and Forward, and Exit this Land of Common, For Thou Shall bring forth thy Pastries into Thy Storehouse. And So the Priests and the Servants shall Be Fed By the Eagle. 
And Lo, the servant shall rise up, on the hills toward the Upside-Down Wedding Cake Building, toward the Temple of the Pack, and Shall Place Thy Krispy Kreme on The Desk of Absolute Magnificence. And Lo, and Behold, It was heard within Thy Temple a sound within. 
For what shall we Compare Thy sound To? What shall we behold? For The Apostle Picketh Up the Folgers and Thy Krispy Kreme. And Lo, It was Eaten. And I heard a sound like "Nom, Nom Nom." And Thus, the Apostle Had the Energy to Write Forth another Booklet, A Scroll of Such Magnificence, to be delivered Unto All Nations, and Peoples, and Tribes, and Tongues, that All shall know Who Is Pack. 

I'm Pretty Sure...

...the currently known Universe has never heard of Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry or Ron Weinland .

"We're gonna need a bigger Gospel"
"When the Son of Man comes, forget faith, will he even find the earth?"

If they have persecuted ME, they will persecute YOU!

I was browsing through one of David C Pack's booklets today.  OK, I know, what a dumb thing to do, but...oh is it ever entertaining!  The booklet is, "Should Accusers Be Answered?"

One thing the various COG leaders of various personality cults receive is a LOT of criticism.  In the Internet age of today, as soon as they open their mouths or put pen to paper, everyone knows what they said.  It happens so quick sometimes that they are left stupefied.  Then, after being endlessly mocked and ridiculed, they attempt to pull their articles and sermons from the web (as Dave has done) trying to cover their tracks and save face.

Every single one of them blames dissidents, whom they imagine are influenced by Satan, as "persecutors of the brethren." None of them can ever stop and take an inventory of their words and actions and realized that much of what they say is a load of bull and they are being called out for their abuse of the brethren.

Most of them have told so many lies now that their brains cannot even grasp what it is to be an ethical, moral and grace-filled minister.  From outright lies about how God had placed them in their leadership rolls, to wild and blatantly idiotic prophecies, and to their sick whoredom to the law, the false leaders of the Church of God have become blind to their own perversions.  It is easier to blame the other than to examine their actions.
Christ described our time as the age of hatred, betrayal, offense and lawlessness (Matt. 24:10-12). Many today use and promote innuendo, rumors, outright lies and other forms of deception to confuse and divide God’s people, and defeat their confidence in Christ’s ability to govern His Church. When presented with such information, what do—what will—you do?
Christ said, “If they have persecuted ME, they will persecute YOU!” This means attacks, sometimes vicious, are a fact of life for God’s people. The true Church and especially its leaders stand squarely in Satan’s crosshairs. It will receive the brunt of persecution prior to the Tribulation, when Satan will turn on the “remnant” of Laodicea (Rev. 12:17). Should Accusers be Answered?
I don't think any of the so-called "dissident" sites have ever accused the brethren of things, but have held their leaders accountable.

We have leaders in the Church of God today, like Dave Pack, who wants all of his members to give them all of their money while making outlandish prophetic claims.  Gerald Flurry forbids family member from having contact with former members which immediately wrecked marriages and familial ties, while claiming he is in possession of the new coronation stone of Jesus Christ. Bob Thiel lies about God setting him apart to do a final work, after suffering major butthurt by being rejected by his "daddy" Rod Meredith, that will be greater than anything Meredith could ever have imagined.  James Malm has made a business of whoring himself out to the law so much that he has become blind to the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ. Gerald Weston expects church members to support him for a final push as he carries on envisioning the world filled with depravity while his own headquarters is a quagmire nepotism and spiritual depravity. Vic Kubik leads a church that is now known as the wishy-washy Church of God which cannot take a stand on anything because they still live in the past.

So just who are those that persecute the brethren?  Is it the "dissident" blogs and websites, or the corrupt leaders of the various Church of God's today?  None of us directly picks on members of the various groups, but we do have a fervent desire to see those people freed from the lies and vile abuse their leaders dish out on an hourly basis. There are may COG groups out there who are not even on our rader because they actually doing some good in peoples lives.  They don't make extreme demands or utter wild prophecies.  They actually seem to care for those who are part of their groups.

If you are a Christian, you know that there is an accuser of these men who is greater than Satan or some dissident web site. These men don't fear that One, because their narcissistic arrogance has blinded them as to whom the real abuser of the brethren is.

Dave Pack: I Know More Than Apostle Paul and I Am Here to Warn The World About A 15,000 Foot Mountain That Is Coming Down To Earth From Space

Dave Pack:  I Know More Than Apostle Paul and I Am Here to Warn The World About A 15,000 Foot Mountain That Is Coming Down To  Earth From Space