Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Dave C Pack His EPIC Failure when Jesus Christ Did Not Return 10/10/20 !!"


United Church of God: Stressed Out During the Current Political Environment and Covid Times? Let Us Calm You Down


Ah, just what church members and the world needs, UCG calming everybody down. Who knew they were able to do such things? 

Given their track record of rebellious ministers causing numerous several church divisions are we expected to look to them for direction on how to be calm and peaceful? Seriously?

So many people in the United States are anxious and depressed. This anxiety and uncertainty knows no borders. It stretches around the globe. Psychologists talk openly about “election stress disorder.” People were already fatigued by the never-ending coronavirus pandemic and the rioting that swept through our country a few months back. This is now compounded by the uncertainty of a national election that has not yet ended, with both sides claiming victory and/or fraud. While relative calm existed on the American election day, civic unrest now froths in U.S. cities. This all takes its toll. In the United States, essentially 50 percent of the population is guaranteed to be unhappy with the final election results, even depressed and angry, no matter what the outcome. It’s a tough time. 
This angst of anxiety even threatens the bond of love and peace among some of our brethren! Our words between us have power and we must be careful not to weaponize our words, inadvertently indulging in accusations and counteraccusations, judging and condemning each other, and causing offense. 
We must maturely and sensitively realize that many people—both in the Church and outside—hurt deeply, even feel torn apart, on all points of being human. While we must remain true to our mission and purpose, we must also exercise spiritual discernment, and as the apostle Paul writes to us: “Let us aim for harmony in the church and try to build each other up” (Romans 14:19, New Living Translation). 
How are we handling the tumult in our midst? The answer is vitally important because the proper response allows us to plant our feet firmly on the ground, put our shoulders back and stand firm, even when earthly forces storm and howl around us. 
We must remember who we are as Christians. We must remember our calling more than ever at this time. We must not forget our primary citizenship. When we surrender our lives to obedience at our conversion, we are granted citizenship in a coming Kingdom that will last forever, one that God Himself preserves for us in heaven, awaiting the return of the King of kings to this strife-torn planet (Philippians 3:20). 
We need to confidently fix this in our mind—no matter the outcome of any earthly election. God is still in charge! We can boldly embrace these words: “Remember this and stand firm . . . I am God and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying ‘My counsel shall stand’” (Isaiah 46:8, 10, English Standard Version). Personal from the President

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Living Church of God: LCG members are to take questions to the ministers and MUST follow the decision given and NEVER try and correct or save the church

The reason COG leaders despise questions

Living Church of God leaders just cannot handle LCG members confronting them with questions or even daring to "correct" the church or "save" it. Nothing irritates Weston and his boys more. How dare church members question them! When members do have questions over doctrine they are to go straight to the ministry and MUST, I repeat MUST, follow whatever decision is handed down. No questions asked!

One of the biggest weapons and lies the church has used over the last 80 some years is that if someone leaves the church they are in the bonds of satan at that point. That's why disfellowshipping and marking are such important tools in the church. Putting fear into people's lives is vitally important and keeps them compliant and under control.

The problem LCG and the COG as a whole has is how can any member ever really trust the leadership to make the right decision considering the enormous mess they have made of the church.  Hundreds and hundreds of splinter groups all led by bellowing fools and self-appointed prophets who think they know more than anyone else. It is a disgusting mess.

Beware of Misguided Ideas: 

The Apostle Paul warned, “in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Timothy 4:1–5) and that many will not listen to sound doctrine but will prefer to ignore advice and follow their own ideas (2 Timothy 3:1–64:1–4). The Apostle Paul also warned that critics from within and from outside the Church will try to divide the Church to gain a following (Acts 20:29–31). He pointed out that Satan will try various ways to mislead people (2 Corinthians 2:11) by appealing to the human desire to be independent, or be recognized as an authority, or as being important (3 John 9–10). Numerous issues threatened to destroy the early Church: different ideas about foods, hair lengths, the resurrection, circumcision, or following a particular leader (see 1 Corinthians and Galatians). However, Paul’s constant advice was to “guard what was committed to your trust” (1 Timothy 6:20), to “hold fast” to what you have been “taught” (Titus 1:9–11), and “avoid foolish disputes” (Titus 3:91 Timothy 6:3–5). When questions do arise over doctrine, the biblical example is to take the issue to the leaders of the Church for a decision and then follow that decision (Deuteronomy 17:8–11Acts 15:1–31). Nowhere do the Scriptures encourage individuals to take it on themselves to correct or “save” the Church. That is something that Jesus Christ will take care of in His time as He “builds” His Church (Matthew 16:18).

Have a Profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail

If Robert Thiel Gave The Sermon on the Mount


Now when Bobus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them...

:3 Junk food, synthetic nutrition, and your health   November 10, 2020

:4 Hamas leader calls on Biden to abandon Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’   November 9, 202

 :5 Why St. John Lateran, Not St. Peter’s Basilica, is ‘Mother of All Churches in the World’   November 9, 2020

:6 Rickards: Life Under Biden   November 9, 2020

:7 Where did Canadian settlers come from?   November 9, 2020

:8 EU Set to Impose Tariffs on $4 Billion in US Goods’ ‘

:9 China and Europe Won’t Get Any Relief on Trade From Biden’   November 8, 2020

:10 ‘Biden to Bring Noah-like Flood into world’ Rabbi warns; The Hill:

:11 Biden plans to issue orders reversing Trump policies immediately upon taking office: report   November 8, 202

:12 Roman Feast of Holy Relics   November 8, 2020

:13 Euthanasia: Mercy killing or murder?   November 8, 2020

:14 Trump Says “Election Far From Over”; Biden “Honored & Humbled” After MSM Declares Him President-Elect   November 7, 2020

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Gerald Flurry’s False Prophecy About Trump and Jeroboam

Gerald Flurry’s False Prophecy About Trump and Jeroboam

In the lead-up to the 2016 US Presidential election, when it was becoming clear that Barack Obama would not be the last president to usher in the return of Jesus Christ, Gerald Flurry began to indicate that Donald Trump could be, in his words, an “end-time Jeroboam” figure. 

During the 2016 Feast of Tabernacles, Flurry said he leaned towards Trump being elected President for prophetic reasons, even though polls suggested Hillary Clinton was more likely to win. After Trump was elected, Flurry began to announce emphatically that Trump was this “end-time Jeroboam”—even going as far as saying this may be the last presidential term before the Tribulation. 

Many other specific prophecies surrounding Trump and Jeroboam have been made by Flurry in the subsequent four years. Given the fact that Trump has was not re-elected, being replaced by Joe Biden, let’s review these prophecies in order to make sure Flurry remains accountable for the predictions he has made.         

1) Donald Trump is Jeroboam 

“Donald Trump’s victory in the United States presidential election gives us a clear indication as to where we are in Bible prophecy.” - Great Again, p.1

“The Prophet Amos recorded a prophecy about a leader named Jeroboam. I want to show you that this is referring to a powerful individual who is on the scene right now.” - Great Again, p.1-2

“It seems obvious that God is telling us we have now entered the time frame of Amos chapter 7. What does that time frame mean for America and for you? God has revealed to me more understanding from Amos 7.” - Great Again, p.2

“The bible also describes President Trump as a “king” – a type of King Jeroboam in Amos 7...” - December 5, 2019 Co-worker Letter

2) The United States will be destroyed in the time of Donald Trump

“When God says, “I will not again pass by them any more,” He is talking about them being destroyed in the time of Jeroboam.” - Great Again, p.3

“God will not bring this warning to His people again; the Jeroboam time is going to be the last time!” - Great Again, p.4

“God is sending His message into the “midst of the house of Israel,” into the very heart of America and Britain. The Philadelphia Church of God message is going to take center stage. Just watch how this prophecy is going to be fulfilled. God has spoken!” - Great Again, p.5

“Amos “warned the people that the supreme moment of their success was but the prelude to their doom” (Soncino commentary). This is what we are looking at with Donald Trump assuming the American presidency.” - Great Again,p.17

“This “supreme moment of their success” is but the prelude to America’s doom. A man is on the scene whose house God is going to take out by the sword!” - Great Again, p.17

3) Joe Tkach Jnr is going to conspire with Donald Trump

“Amaziah is accusing Amos, God’s true prophet, of treason—“conspiring against” Jeroboam! Amos is a type of the man in this end time who is proclaiming God’s warning message to Israel today. So this is a prophecy of a real clash between a false minister and a true prophet of God.” - Great Again, p.5

“I believe Amaziah the priest is the same man as the leader [Joe Tkach Jnr] of God’s rebellious Church whom we battled with for copyrights to the truth and message of God (Amos 9:1, 11-12). Amaziah hates our message. He is almost certainly the individual who led a six-year court battle trying to suppress God’s truth from going out to this world!” - Great Again, p.6

4) Donald Trump is going to kick the PCG out of the United States

“At the time of the end, Jeroboam is going to be laden with problems and difficulties, but his biggest problem is going to be the message of God coming out of this organization! Our message is going to plague him! This is what people in this land are going to fear most of all. God is forcing them to face the warning message of their own destruction! This is a problem Jeroboam never saw coming.” - Great Again, p.8

“Amaziah is being directed by Jeroboam about what to say. He’s saying, Tell them to get out of here! This is “the king’s chapel,” the president’s domain—this is our religious place. Get out of this land because we will have none of that message!” - Great Again, p.10

“This man becomes the evil “Jeroboam” because he is fighting against the message of God—along with Amaziah the priest, who is a spiritual Antiochus.” - Great Again, p.10

5) The “Trump Tide” will open doors for the PCG in Jerusalem

During the 2019 Feast of Tabernacles and just before the COVID-19 pandemic, Gerald Flurry tells his followers about riding the Trump tide:

When God opens the door, we must ride the “flood tide” through it and on to amazing success!... Right now, there is a tide in the affairs of Judah!... The bible also describes President Trump as a “king” – a type of King Jeroboam in Amos 7… With the right kind of business deal in Jerusalem, God’s Work could certainly ride the momentum of this “Trump tide”. God wants us to take this tide at the flood and move on to miraculous achievements in finishing this critical end-time WorkDecember 5, 2019 Co-worker Letter

This “Trump Tide” never materialized and the PCG is yet to accomplish anything of note in proclaiming a message to Jerusalem. 

6) Donald Trump would get re-elected

Since none of these prophecies materialized during Trump’s first term as President, he would need to be re-elected in order to fulfil them. It is common knowledge in the PCG, because of Flurry’s predictions, that Trump would be the United States’ “last president”. 

“Anciently, though Jeroboam was unrighteous, God did use him to save the nation temporarily (2 Kings 14:23-27). “God granted mercy when Israel really didn’t deserve it,” I wrote in that article. “Rather than sending Israel into captivity at that time, God used this king to save Israel and give them one more age of prosperity before Assyrian conquest.”

This is what is happening right now in America. God is saving Israel temporarily. If the 2016 election had gone the other way, I am convinced the nation would already be finished!” - ”The Kavanaugh Hearings Reveal America’s Lawless Spirit”, November-December 2018 Philadelphia Trumpet 

Now, Trump has failed to be re-elected and none of these prophecies have come to pass. What explanation does the PCG have? In order to explain this failure, the PCG has resorted to claiming that the results of the United States 2020 Presidential Election were in fact prophesied in the Bible. Accordingly, the election can only be explained by Democratic ballot fraud which amounts to a national coup! 

“There is no doubt this election is being stolen. The whole thing is a sham, and I am not saying that as a Republican. I’m just saying that as someone who has eyes and ears. It’s obvious. It’s completely obvious. It’s plain to anyone with any amount of honesty that this election is being stolen.” - “The Coup is On” (3:42 to 4:00), November 6, 2020 Trumpet Bookshelf

“This moment was forecast in Bible prophecy. God knew this was going to happen. This coup is only going to further His plan and benefit His work. For nearly two decades now, God has been telling us to expect this. There is no reason to be surprised, and, if we trust and obey God, there is no reason to be frightened or worried.” - “The election exposes the radical left’s rolling coup”, November 5, 2020 The Trumpet

This is quite a prophecy! What exactly is being prophesied here?

That 1) Jeroboam will come on the scene, but 2) Amaziah wouldn’t approach him, and 3) he wouldn’t kick the PCG out of America, and 4) the sword wouldn’t fall upon the land and 5) the Tribulation wouldn’t start during his term, but 6) the Democrats would steal the election by ballot fraud, and 7) Jeroboam wouldn’t accept the election?

The state of this failed prophecy is so dire that no matter what, the PCG is simply resorting to imagining that they predicted this situation all along:

“Today we are experiencing the “end result” of Mr. Obama’s handiwork—it is worse than most people imagined in July 2008!... The same people who were behind this attack on law seven years ago, including Barack Obama and Joe Biden, are the ones orchestrating the present constitutional crisis! This coup has been building for 12 years… Unless God intervenes, this diabolical attempt to manipulate the election is going to destroy America’s government, just as Mr. Flurry warned… The coup to overtake America was stopped with the election of Donald Trump in 2016. Will God stop it again through Donald Trump?” “The election exposes the radical left’s rolling coup”, November 5, 2020 The Trumpet

Considering the PCG’s track record, one can only laugh at Stephen Flurry criticizing the media for their bias and complaining that no-one ever holds them to account:

We know that they got it wrong flat out wrong this happened now twice in a row it happens all the time and they're never, never, never held to account. - “US Election Limbo Added to a Year of Chaotic Events” (37:06 to 37:15), November 4, 2020 The Trumpet Daily

Joe Biden is the new President of the United States. The world has not ended. The PCG is still in the United States. All these prophecies were wrong. It is time to hold the Gerald Flurry and his Trump-Jeroboam predictions to account. 


Submitted by a PCG source