Thursday, April 15, 2021

And Now a Word From Our Sponsors: "Hey, Hey, Hey......I'm Important"

 A Ministry of Arrogance 

They tend to rise to the top on the backs of  the genuine "Helpers of their Joy"

In 26 years of ministry, I had encountered many personalities in ministry. Most I knew were very sincere in WCG, of no particular reputation in ways that hurt the people who they served. This includes pastors of an number of denominations I befriended along the way as well as in WCG.  The pastors I met outside WCG and became friend with were much more educated in ministry, well loved and appreciated and wouldn't last ten minutes in their congregations if they were otherwise.  Congregants had a say in their future thus putting a check on the crazies, like some we see today in the splinters today who have no such scrutiny. Their members can like it or lump in terms of their options. 

The classic issue of "Church Government" in WCG and now too in most of the splinters of it, is ultimately their undoing. 

Apostle Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry and Ron Weinland being our best examples of this phenomenon. 

However, there were also "the difficult ones"  WCG allowed any number of them flourish where any other company would have sent them packing long ago. The concept of just moving these types around after their antics and arrogance disheartened their current congregation almost beyond repair , to do it all again always puzzled me personally. It was just as difficult for the sincere pastors to be around them as for the congregations they tormented. 

And no, there was never instruction at AC on how to be arrogant, controlling and "in charge". Never. These kids matured into the destructive personalities when they were on their own.  I once suggested to the HQ Administration of the time that all perspective pastors and even current ones be given a genuinely professional personality profile.  The reaction was telling and of course it never happened. 

 This guy reminded me of some of them...

And just for fun...

Best Feast EVER!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

COG Groups Love To Dish It Out But Scream Like Hell When The Tables Are Turned

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Herbert Armstrong and his successors have decried the "persecution" which they have suffered at the hands of critics. In fact, critics within and without the ACOGs have been characterized as tools of Satan deployed by him to attack/destroy "God's Church." They say that former members have allowed a root of bitterness to well up within them and make them disgruntled and vengeful. Critics outside of the Church have been characterized as deceived and/or wicked proponents of lies and distortions. In short, anyone who makes negative comments relative to the ACOGs or challenges their work, teachings or behavior is said to be attacking and persecuting the Church (and are, consequently, enemies of God).

However, if criticizing the doctrines and teachings of an organization constitutes persecuting God's Church, then Armstrong and his successors were/are master persecutors. They have always been fond of pointing out what they considered to be the erroneous teachings of Mainstream or Traditional Christianity. Armstrong said that the vast majority of Christians worshipped on the wrong day (Sunday), had adopted pagan notions and practices, preached a false gospel and were drunk with the blood of the real saints (the folks who believed as they did). Armstrong and his followers have ridiculed Mainstream/Traditional Christian teachings about the trinity, afterlife, Christmas and Easter observances, grace, religious music, symbols, and prophecy (among other things).

Now, as far as the New Testament is concerned, the modus operandi of Jesus, Peter, Paul, John, and the other saints was to call out false teachings. Indeed, throughout those writings, Christians are constantly encouraged to ignore or dismiss teachings that contradict or twist what the founders of the religion have taught. Christ warned his followers that false messiahs and prophets would arise and attempt to deceive people. Paul warned the saints of Corinth about false apostles and deceitful workmen. He also chided the saints of Galatia for abandoning the Gospel of Christ and embracing a false gospel. John told his followers not to believe everything they heard and warned them that "many false prophets have gone out into the world." Peter warned the saints that there would be false prophets and teachers among them who would introduce "destructive heresies."

Hence, if we are following the example of Scripture, it would be reasonable for us to conclude that calling out false teachers and false teachings is the appropriate way to deal with this problem. Moreover, if it was appropriate for Herbie and his successors to call out the "false" teachings/doctrines of Mainstream/Traditional Christianity, how can they claim that anyone who does the same thing to them is persecuting them? My grandmother used to say, "What's good for the goose is good for the gander!" And, when an ACOG member alleges that my criticisms of their leadership and teachings amounts to persecution, I'm thinking of another grand old axiom: That sounds an awful lot like the pot calling the kettle black!

Miller Jones

Parcast Podcast: The Attleboro Sect...A COG Splinter Group That Proved Deadly


Jaques Rubidoux: COG Splinter Group Leader Who Starved His 10 Month Old Son To Death Now Realizes How Wrong He Was

14 Children by Roland and Jacques Robidoux