Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Parcast Podcast: The Attleboro Sect...A COG Splinter Group That Proved Deadly


Jaques Rubidoux: COG Splinter Group Leader Who Starved His 10 Month Old Son To Death Now Realizes How Wrong He Was

14 Children by Roland and Jacques Robidoux


Tonto said...

I believe that there was a Dateline or some other similar type program that also did an expose' on that very tragic situation.

Anonymous said...

I want to know if Doug Winnail, former pastor of the Providence WCG congregation (serving part of Massachusetts) ever counseled any of these break-away families. If so, did Winnail advise on health matters (a favorite topic of his) or warn of the evils of medical science? Perhaps a sermon Winnail gave on child rearing influenced these families?

In 2016, there was another murder in the Providence area with the murder, Ed Acquisto, and the victim, John Cloud, both former parishioners of Winnail.

There's too much death and destruction swirling around the WCG spinoffs and following the LCG.