Friday, August 5, 2022

Dave Pack: Is he strapped for cash? He is selling one of his properties

Restored Church of God compound

Click to enlarge

Is RCG Strapped For Cash?


Despite "how well" The Restored Church of God is reportedly doing per recent comments by both David C. Pack and Bradford G. Schleifer, there could be some cause for major doubts.


You now have a limited time to gain a piece of church history.


For the first time since the Campus was built, the Restored Church of God is selling one of the homes. This one is located at 799 Hartman Road in Wadsworth for $269, 900.



I want to stress that this is 8 out of 10 on the Shocker Scale for a turn of events for The Restored Church of God. They have never sold a property before. I cannot help but wonder if this is just the first.


If you would like to see the listing, visit the M. C. Real Estate website. (No, that is not my side business in case you were wondering.) You can also find it on Zillow.



For our first interview back in May, Dawn Blue researched public records and compiled a list of all the properties that The Restored Church of God owns. You can link to that document here.


Public records show that the house was first purchased in 2014 for $117, 500 and sits on 1.72 acres. It is a very nice place. I have been inside many times. You might want to purchase it just for the rich history and cocktail party conversations you would have about it.


Dennis, do you have $270k lying around?


This is a total reversal of the Manifest Destiny trajectory David C. Pack has been going on since 2011 when the first lot across from Giant Eagle was purchased.


This raises a host of questions, but I have no answers. What is the motivation behind this? What is going on inside RCG? Are they planning to sell off more?


Dave, since you are a fan of either/or, here is a binary question for you:


Do you WANT to sell the property or do you NEED to?


Listing this on the market now is a faithless act since Jesus Christ needs to return by Sunday to get to your “not-really-a-50-day-count to Trumpets.”


And we are all still waiting to hear about the “slight change” to your epic craptacular.

Marc Cebrian

See:   Is RCG Strapped for Cash?

LCG: Attracts 44 people out of a field white for harvest of over 14 million people

Recent and Upcoming Tomorrow’s World Presentations
Last week, we held three Tomorrow’s World Presentations—one initial presentation in Morristown, Tennessee; and two follow-ups, in London, England; and Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. These presentations had a combined total of 44 guests. This weekend we have three initial presentations, in Little Rock, Arkansas; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Peoria, Illinois;and one follow-up in Morristown, Tennessee. Thank you all for your continued prayers for these presentations.

The work of God marches forward in amazing power and glory!   44 people's lives have been touched by the amazing ministry of the LCG, mind you this is 44 people out of a potential field white for the harvest of 14,346.069 million people! Woo Hoo and pass the offering plate! Never have we seen such amazing work that is touching the lives of so many!

Morristown TN 29,887

London: 8.982 million 
Metropolitan London 14,257,962 million

Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. 58,220

Thursday, August 4, 2022

LCG: Be more like Jesus


Doug Winnail exhorts members to value the word of older and wiser people, i.e., the current leadership of the church. After all, these are the wisest men on earth who are filled with the knowledge of God and by listening to them you will become more like Jesus!

The Value of Wisdom: We live in an increasingly secular and materialistic world where people strive to gain many physical things—money, homes, cars, and fame. Yet Solomon wrote that of all we acquire in life, “wisdom is the principal thing” and it is worth more that gold (Proverbs 4:7; 16:16). Jesus stressed the importance of wisdom, and we are told that as He grew up, “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52). The Apostle Paul urged Christians to use wisdom in dealing with others (Colossians 4:5). The Bible reveals that the key to gaining wisdom is learning to fear God and live by every word of God (Proverbs 1:7; 9:10). We are told to ask God for wisdom (James 1:5) and to seek wisdom by studying the Scriptures (Deuteronomy 4:1–10; 2 Timothy 3:15), and to listen to older and wiser people (Proverbs10:1; 15:7; 18:15). If we follow these instructions, we can become more like Jesus Christ and the wise God whom we worship (Romans 16:27; Philippians 2:5).
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail

Dave Pack: A Craptacular Addendum To His Latest Announcement


A Craptacular Addendum


The sun has set in Jerusalem as of 12:30 P.M. Eastern time which means I have thus far survived David C. Pack’s Av 7 preamble to the “not-really-a-50-day-count to Trumpets” epic craptacular.


I wonder if Dave went to bed feeling “uncomfortable” again last night. Oh, wait, yes he did. Part 387 is being delivered TODAY.


Boy oh boy. And here I thought “Tammuz” was going to be the biggest display at the Lima, Ohio, “David C. Pack Craptacular Hall of Failure.” Dave is the busy beaver making sure that “Av” greets people as they walk in the door.


I listened to Parts 385 and 386 and have to admit, I'm still unclear as to the "Elijahn period" and how that is counted since I thought Dave went searching for a missing "4 days" that would make his 50-day math work. But Daniel 12 does say, “…none of the wicked shall understand.”


No one needs to fully understand Dave. Just smile and nod your head, “Clear and powerful, sir,” if he ever asks you in the hallway.


The last article was ridiculously long. If you reached the end, then bless your heart. Dave rambled for 103 minutes and it was so “nonsense rich” that there is more to report on.



I have a few more notable quotes from “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 386)” delivered this past Tuesday.


@ 1:42:52 I’m committed absolutely to this year. Or we’ve had an enormous coincidence. I figured this out right on Av 5. I just lucked out. Man, I just I won the lottery without buying a ticket. I figured this out right on time. What do you know? What a coincidence. You believe that? I can’t believe that. So, truly this time, time alone, the schedule, and dates, and your church calendar alone tell you this is the end of the series.



a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection


Dave imagines a connection to dates in the Bible. He uses all his Precise Speculation skills to build a case of smoke and mirrors that "prove" his Nothing-burger. He throws his thought menagerie hastily at the membership, then gives them two options: 1) either; 2) or.


Either God is behind it all. Or it is simply a coincidence.


The invisible third option is that Dave is making it all up. It is not of God. It is not even a real event, so coincidence cannot apply here.


One of his “metrics” for this week was found in the book of Amos.


Amos 3:7

Surely  the Lord  GOD will do nothing, but  he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.


@ 1:39:35 It’s possible that revealing it to me now is God sort of saying, “You get this after all these years. You get this now. You get it and you told everybody.” I’m revealing it to you and maybe I’m supposed to realize it’s the beginning of being this prophet. I’m not sure, but it does say, “Who can but prophesy?” So, it’s been revealed to me and He does reveal it to prophets. Whether I am or I’m not now, “Who can but prophesy?” would suggest it’s close.


But you do not “get it,” Dave. I am certain I will be able to quote this in another article. Prepare to be tweaked in the future.


I never understood why he cannot read that verse and see that all we need to know to prepare for the Kingdom of God is right there in the scriptures. God revealed His plan ALREADY to everyone inside the pages of the Bible. That verse does not apply to a future-tense fulfillment for David “Passover” Pack.


Talk about over-reading. Sheesh.


One of  the “epic” points to the message was found in Daniel 12:4, “…knowledge shall be increased.” Would you like to know what that really means? Ready?


More people hear will hear this knowledge when it all happens! More people = increase.


Boy, that was certainly worth waiting 77 minutes to hear. Dave could have saved a lot of time by just opening a dictionary.



become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree


Dave read Isaiah 41:2, “Who raised up the righteous from the east…” and repeats that is him functioning as Elijah. 


Does Isaiah 41 mention Elijah by name? No.

How does Dave conclude that “the righteous from the east” is Elijah? Because he says so.

How does Dave know he is that Elijah? Because he says so.


This is what Dave does. This is how The Restored Church of God operates.



This is a true, factual statement: "Nowhere in the Bible does God command anyone to count 50 days before The Feast of Trumpets." Dave spotted something in the Bible but did not realize it was just a fly that landed on the page.


This is a true, factual statement: “David C. Pack never found 4 days in the scriptures.” He had to round up from “time, times, and an half” by taking cotton balls and duct tape to pad the triangle so it would fit nicely inside the circle.


Both of those are pure imagination.


Brad, Ed, Jaco, Ryan, Ken, Tim, Carl, Jim, Andy, Salasi, Frank: You did not create the monster, but you play a role in feeding it kidnapped virgins. The monster only has power because you LET it. Maybe you can sleep at night because you wash the blood off your conscience as Pilate did.


Your continual enabling is not helping God’s people.


Every single one of you knows there is no “50-day count to Trumpets” and he never found “4 days” to even make the math work.


Please explain how that is "inspired preaching" and NOT lying.

Please explain how that is "God revealing to His servant" and NOT lying.

Please explain how that is "Bible truth" and NOT lying.


Write me. Call me. I want to know from any one of you. Help me to understand.


The Av 7 deadline has passed. By the time this is posted, Part 387 will already be underway.


Will you all continue “to agree with Mr. Pack” when he declares whatever else the next thing that “God led him to see?”

Marc Cebrian

See: A Craptacular Addendum

Can We Stop Gyrating in Our Seats Now?


 "Dear brethren, 

Please note that Mr. Pack plans to deliver a Bible Study tomorrow, Thursday, August 4 in the afternoon. There’s a SLIGHT change to what we learned in Part 386 that will be explained in a short message tomorrow. ALL IS WELL! We will let you know once the message is available in Member Services. 

Warm regards" - RCG Admin