Sunday, January 27, 2019

Dave Pack: Sell your house and give me all the proceeds


Anonymous said...

He's ruthlessly exploiting the fact that many of his members have failed to build their spiritual houses on the rock of Christ. Instead they built their houses on the sand of 'Herb said so, the church says so, or the minister says so.'

nate said...

I like the brutalism art design that these videos use. Very engaging. We should be sending our tithes to people who take their time to fact-check and expose frauds like Pack.

Anonymous said...

he qualifies to be on TBN.

Anonymous said...

Sell everything you have and then become part of the homeless problem that so many cities are trying to deal with now. Are they going to be told not to come back until they have on white shirts and shoes with ties and freshly showered? He certainly doesn't seem to be able to think things through very well does he?

nate said...

I love the part when he says: "many leave restored because they don't want to do the work, they don't want to give to others, they are selfish".

Most leave having absolutely nothing, FACT! Some who leave are in debt, FACT! Some who have left now work 3 jobs, FACT! Some who leave have no home, have cut off their family, have no emergency fund, no nest egg, nothing to weather a financial storm when it arises because they gave it all up to RCG, FACT! They left because they keep getting fed the same bullshit year after year and the same promises that Chris will return this year or the next but it cannot be more than 3 more years brethren, FACT! They are tired of hearing that each new prophetic sermon is going to be "unlike anything you have ever heard" only to be disappointed realizing that two hours later it was merely pack thinking a loud about how he feels events could play out, FACT! Very rare now are the christian living sermons that are not critical towards others but helpful and hopeful, FACT! Ask any member who hasn't had his critical thinking abilities already taken away, who are still somewhat reasonable.

I wanted to do the work, but how could you want to stay and do the work at a place where staff were underpaid, had no health insurance, had to pay all these fees, tithes, funds, offerings, while $5k plus trees were being planted and replaced all thru the campus constantly and i cant imagine alone how much they spent just on trees, maybe more than 500k by now? Divided between staff they could have easily given everyone raises, but they went one further, they laid off massive amounts of staff. Very nice! I am one of them.

You can use the argument that i am a bitter ex-employee. But i was spoken of highly by Pack at every feast site as having taken the new of my lay off with a golden attitude, an example for all. They helped me get a job too! I also stood in the church another year and some. I left for reasons other than being laid off, i wanted to do the work, it was in my heart to help reach the world with the Gospel but that wasn't the focus anymore it was campus/and prophecy

How about those who had to offer up Sundays their only day off to dedicate it to perfecting a campus they will never live on and are restricted from accessing outside of working hours. Constantly being lampooned if you didn't volunteer or help others move. Constantly being "voluntold" to set up this event, set up that event, pick weeds on campus, shovel this persons driveway, help that person move, get pulled from working to help move office furniture somewhere in the campus because people move so much...etc. Your life was second to all that RCG demanded from you and when you finally burnt out, now you are selfish and do not want to give. On top of that counseling with the ministry there is a recipe for the entire staff to end up finding out. Anytime someone left espc. ministers pack would air out their sins and faults and murder their character thus making sure that if any member any tiny bit curious about the other side of the story they'd now see no credibility to those who have left.

See people go to these places hoping to be transformed and become a wholesome person and end up burnt out, confused, cut off from reality, and unable to function in the real world. It's not that you're tired, it's that you see thru the facade.

Anonymous said...

If you are really going to sell your house, put the money in gold. When you get to Petra, and not before, THEN sell the gold. The final warning will be done from Petra. Let's face it, nobody is listening to the warning now and nobody will listen until the tribulation starts anyway.

Anonymous said...

As far as ACOG ministers go, Pack seems to be the worst of the lot. Even more dangerous than Flurry.

Byker Bob said...

I wonder how long Gerald Flurry and David Pack have to live. If either realized that their personal end were near, how would they react? Gut it to what they thought would be the finish line, or simply reconcile themselves to the fact that they were not the quasi-Biblical character whom they had projected.

As a general observation, I believe that even when the baby boomer generation has all died off, the Gen Xers in the ACOGs will continue to believe that the trib is right around the corner, and will continue resetting dates. Eventually, that will require a shift in the understanding of the meaning of the Olivet Discourse. The church has taught that the rebirth of Israel as a nation was the symbolic putting forth of the tender sprout, meaning that the generation born around 1948 would not pass before the end. But, hey. They ignored it when the mapping of the human genome rendered British Israelism impossible. Compared to that, reimagining Olivet won’t be a major challenge.