In the Byrd house and in other COG homes many TV shows and movies were no-nos. All cartoons were off limits. Animals don't talk, people don't fly, nothing but lies. This is the way Satan first enters into a child's mind. Teaching them myths, magic and glorifying evil.
Of course, shows like Bewitched, I Dream of Jennie, The Munsters and The Addams Family were Satanically Inspired. Most all Walt Disney shows was off limits too. Because, everyone knew he had a demon.
Even Leave It To Beaver was frowned on. The Father was a weak kneed person dominated by his wife. Wally and Beaver used Golly and Gee Whiz openly taking the Lord's name in vain. Basically, they'd teach kids to be rebellious to parents and God.
Also, coloring books which contained this demon inspired junk was off limits. It was wrong to tell a lie then it was wrong to color a lie. Instead, we were encouraged to read the Bible Story books and look at the macabre drawings it contained. We sat through sermons about how angels might pick us kids up at school and take us to our parents when the church fled.
How on our way to Petra, God may kill rebellious teens and women with lightening bolts. One final purge before entering the Place of Safety. No rebellious minded person would ever enter Petra. Because rebellion is the sin of witchcraft, you know.
So, it was okay to listen to demon inspired hate, racist and sexist remarks, lies and myths from the church but not from the world. Bet you didn't know women were the ones that killed Christ? Eve made sin enter into the world thus Christ had to come and die. All women are Daughters of Eve. God cursed them with a painful child birth. God wanted them to feel some of the pain Christ went through. I had Waterhouse for a year as pastor, you know.
So, I wonder which myths would cause the most damage, worldly or church?
From Facebook radio/WCG Alumni (Used by permission)
After spending a lifetime in the church, the myths that can be listed are endless. The Armstrong myths were far more dangerous and damaging than anything we railed against from the world! Not only were these lies preached from the pulpit by ministers and printed in our magazines, but we were told had come directly from god! It got so bad that for a while we were told to remove any magazines and booklets from view if we had guests in our homes that where "unconverted." I guess the church was embarrassed about the junk they were dishing out on a daily basis.
One of the biggest liars the church had was Gerald Waterhouse. Is there ANYTHING the man ever said that was truthful? Following closely behind was Rod Meredith. The whoppers from his mouth knew no boundaries. Of course, all of this lunacy is the result of the daddy of all the lies, Herbert Armstrong. Remember, these men all claim to have trained at the feet of the Master himself. That legacy continues on today with Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel, Ron Weinland and James Malm. These are currently the ones who cannot keep their mouths shut and have to say some of the most idiotic and mind numbingly stupid things imaginable. I will take I Dream of Jeanie and Disney any day over the lies of ACOG leaders.
What are some of the myths you were told?
One of the biggest liars the church had was Gerald Waterhouse. Is there ANYTHING the man ever said that was truthful? Following closely behind was Rod Meredith. The whoppers from his mouth knew no boundaries. Of course, all of this lunacy is the result of the daddy of all the lies, Herbert Armstrong. Remember, these men all claim to have trained at the feet of the Master himself. That legacy continues on today with Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel, Ron Weinland and James Malm. These are currently the ones who cannot keep their mouths shut and have to say some of the most idiotic and mind numbingly stupid things imaginable. I will take I Dream of Jeanie and Disney any day over the lies of ACOG leaders.
What are some of the myths you were told?
Waterhouse was telling the truth at the Gold Cup in Hollywood when he met young men and took them to the restroom for some intimate touch. The rest of the time, all lies.
Here's some childhood myths that I specifically recall:
1. Childhood would be cut short at any time.
2. Demons could be invited in if you left the door open.
3. Everyone in the church was more godly than worldly people.
4. Worldly church buildings were all haunted.
5. Green Sticker cars were automatically good, decent, and holy people
6. No one in the Church was abusive.
7. No one in the church ever went to jail.
8. Leaving the Church meant God removed all protection from you.
9. Leaving the Church meant you were no longer saved.
10. Being good at sports was an essential to being a man.
11. Using words like Gosh, Gee, and Darn was far worse than ignoring a worldly man who needed help on the Sabbath.
12. Disobeying a minster was the same as disobeying God.
13. Respect is by rank and title of authority.
14. Makeup was the biggest thing on God's mind when it came to women.
15. Going to church was more important then keeping safe in bad weather.
16. The revelation images were actually what the beasts coming out of the sea looked like.
17. Herbert Armstrong could do no wrong.
18. The church never lied.
19. It was never about the money.
20. We were not a cult, we were not brainwashed.
Man's reign was for 6000 years from 4004 BC (Usher's Chronology). Then the millennium. 4004 BC + 2019 AD + 1 = 6024 years. Another prophetic failure. No you do not get to adjust the years to make it "right."
Some of the more interesting fantasy and Sci Fi shows from the 60s were verboten according to what I have been told.
You would have missed out on some good ones too, like...
Outer Limits
Twilight Zone
Alfred Hitchcock Presents
One Step Beyond
Dark Shadows
Star Trek
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
My Mother The Car
My Favorite Martian
Lost In Space
Its About Time
Time Tunnel
The Invaders
The Prisoner
Fireball XL5
Mr. Ed
“Of course, shows like Bewitched, I Dream of Jennie, The Munsters and The Addams Family were Satanically Inspired. Most all Walt Disney shows was off limits too. Because, everyone knew he had a demon.”
“Even Leave It To Beaver was frowned on. The Father was a weak kneed person dominated by his wife. Wally and Beaver used Golly and Gee Whiz openly taking the Lord's name in vain. Basically, they'd teach kids to be rebellious to parents and God.”
Yes, I totally agree! What trashy shows!!!
sounds like a lot of micro-managing going on back then...
they had fallen into the same trap as the Jews by adding rules to God's instructions, maybe with good intentions, which burdened the people.
3.58 PM
How do you know that 4004 BC is correct? Cause some old musty book says so?
No adjusting is neccesary without proof on your part.
That worldly churches overemphasized Jesus.
Yet, Jim Franks in the MEMBER letter to COGWA wrote:
"Consider how you can keep this year's feast with 'the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.' I don't believe it is possible to overemphasize the significance of these days."
Hey, I don’t know if this fits into the category of myths, but partially as an antidote to the entertainment already mentioned on the TV programs of that day, my parents had us watching Leonard Bernstein’s classical music-based TV program. Rod Meredith had recently written his article “The Shocking Truth About Queer Men!” Although Bernstein’s sexual orientation was not yet public knowledge at that time, it is indeed ironic that the parental units had us watching a gay man conduct the Philharmonic while forbidding “Leave it to Beaver” because of slang, a character like Eddie Haskell, and the non-authoritarian demeanor of Ward Cleaver.
Once one becomes closed minded to all but the infamous Armstrong insider Gnosticism, all manner of irrational thought patterns and ridiculous false steps come into play. But, most of our parents checked their minds at the door.
Take yer pick:
! Beingn watertboarded at Gitmo or 2 being Waterhoused at WCG
Good Morning Mr and Mrs Cleaver
All time classic: “Ward, don’t you think you were just a little bit hard on the Beaver last night?” (June Cleaver).
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