"But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:........."
"......And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron.
The Lord shall make the rain of thy land powder and dust: from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed."(Deut. 28:15,23-24
If you research chem-trails, you will find that "powder and dust" of various chemicals are used to "seed the clouds", or sprayed into the jet-stream.I read an article from "Popular Mechanic" that was published either in the 1980's or 1990's, about "cloud seeding" practices in my homestate Iowa.
This nation, and in fact this entire world, has been facing famine and drought for decades!The reason GMO's were created, was due to the famine and drought conditions this world was facing, and scientists feared that food shortages would be so great, they decided to genetically engineer seeds and crops in order to combat food shortages.Then, they needed to control the weather, to create chemical reactions in nature to make rain clouds, and such. That is where "cloud seeding" was brought in.
Dovetail this in with the technology that men have like "HAARP", and similar stuff, which uses microwaves to manipulate the jet stream, in order to manipulate weather conditions.
The Church had articles about such things in the Plain Truth. I hope to share them articles soon when I find them again.But notice Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26.We are facing such things today, and such things will culminate into the Great Tribulation, and is meant to CORRECT our people, to humble us, to rebuke us, to get us to turn to God!God is allowing the spraying of the skies, and the rest of the attempts by mankind who are trying to remove the penalty enacted by God! They are going to find out that they can not beat God out of the penalty for breaking His laws that He set into motion.
They are fulfilling scripture and God is allowing them, for His Word is SURE.
So there you have it! A church member (Samuel Kitchen) believes it, so it HAS TO BE TRUE! Where would the Armstrongite Church of God be today without a conspiracy theory floating around?He wants repentance. He wants obedience. And all of these things are happening to us to humble our peoples, to bring them to their knees unto God, so they may realize their sins and turn from them and begin obeying God and start receiving His blessings as He promises! We have some terrible lessons to learn before such a thing happens! But it will happen, and that is the good news in your Bible.
Besides, every enlightnened person knows that all one has to do is spray some vinegar in the air and it will dissipate the chem trails! DUH!
As a student, meteorology fascinated me. I recall reading some of the books written by seminal meteorologist Ivan Ray Tannehill back in the 1950s when I was in grade school. Cloud seeding, as it was then called, was known to have the potential of inducing rain even back then.
The thing we must remember is that Armstrongites will always be against the science and technologies which appear to be postponing the HWA prophecy mold. As such, they generally come out against weather manipulation, genetic engineering which causes more abundant drought and pest-resistant crops, vaccines which control potential disease epidemics, Greenpeace, an organization dedicated to preserving the environment and endangered species, and peace-keeping organizations and alliances which have to this point in time limited the scale and frequencies of wars, thus forestalling World War III. What I cannot understand is that some reject global climate change because they believe that the weather phenomena in Revelation must be directly caused by God, and cannot be the natural consequences for humanity’s miserable stewardship of planet Earth.
Basically, if you want the weirdest, wildest, and most unlikely scenarios, check with your local Armstrongite! He’s got all the answers.
I've got to laugh at this one.
Do you seriously believe that vinegar can dissipate chem-trails?
I've heard you tell some doozies before, but this one takes the cake. I've never heard that one.
But you can believe what you want to believe. I'll stick with God's Word.
I dont know anything about the topic. I know the chinese have advanced research to make clouds rain over the dessert.
I know my 7th day adventist grandfather called the entire county administration when by mistake the plane came spraying his farmland also after missing the neighbors. There goes your bio dynamics experiment...
I know the French farmers avoid gmo.
I know that I use Monsanto and the other company raising Brazil for soy as examples on banned to claim that we are already in the World Tomorrow, finalized in 40 years when the point of technological singularity is reached and all mankinds problems will be solved by the all knowing algorythm, posessing ALL qualities atributed to gods, knowing ourselves, our minds, bodies and needs better than we do, knowing our actions in advance and therefore be god.
If we can keep the youngsters sedated with anti anxiety and adhd drugs and turn them in non critical green lefties, san francisco silicon valley will deliver the World Tomorrow to our doorstep.
If only the chinese will not beat us before reaching singularity and roll out the EXACT Armstrongite template of governance of the world tomrrow with a rod of iron including "social ranking points" so no one unpleasant will be able to buy or sell........
And that nation is calling the former no2 wcg strategist one of the top 10 most influential men to have transformed china.
The world tomorrow is nigh, I believe it will come through an exact scenario and be presented in a manner only former wcg members can recognize, since hwa was its announcer for the UN. Oh btw the former UN 2nd in command last week called for a world currency.
All I wrote is verifiable knowledge.
No one in their right mind believes that vinegar will dissipate chemtrails. It is stupid just like the idea that they are spraying chemicals all over us. It is called sarcasm.
Legit cannot tell if this is a troll. Someone please help me out here :)
You know that you're dealing with a moron when he doesn't recognize sarcasm in a statement like this in regards to the accompanying video:
"Besides, every enlightnened person knows that all one has to do is spray some vinegar in the air and it will dissipate the chem trails! DUH!"
Samuel, give it up!
Kevin McMillen
the chem trail conspiracy obsession not withstanding, its more than a little obvious that the very real chemical exhaust of nearly ten thousand commercial flights dispatched on a daily basis (and the cumulative effect of the millions since the age of aviation began), not to mention the worlds military and extraterrestrial endeavors will logically have a cumulative effect that would contribute to the phenomenon of global greenhouse...
c f ben yochanan
@ 5:11 AM, has it occurred to you that mankind is engaged in some activities that increase greenhouse gases, and other activities that decrease them? Why do Al Gore's disciples focus only on half of the picture?
Yes, mankind is having an effect on Earth's atmospheric CO2 levels. To date, seven billion people are having ALMOST as much combined effect as ONE large volcano. Even that combined effect is dwarfed by the effect of the SUN.
What is behind this strange phenomenon of solar denial? Solar deniers don't like to admit that the total effect of measured climate change in the last hundred years can be explained more accurately in terms of SOLAR ACTIVITY than in terms of human activity. Solar deniers are probably looking for a way to explain how human activity on Earth is responsible for Martian climate change that roughly parallels Earth's climate change. Until they have a way, however, they'll ridicule the role of solar activity or keep silent about it.
The truth is, mankind is much more likely to POISON the planet by killing the life in our oceans than we are to FRY the planet by inducing atmospheric change.
The "Ultimate Cult/Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory"... Flurry is using his new jet to spray chemtrails all over the United States to cause mind confusion and retardation , so that they will join his cult!
"Samuel Kitchen said...
I've got to laugh at this one.
Do you seriously believe that vinegar can dissipate chem-trails?
I've heard you tell some doozies before, but this one takes the cake. I've never heard that one.
But you can believe what you want to believe. I'll stick with God's Word."
Wait a minute. Let me get this straight...
1) Seriously believes one anthology of ancient books filled with fairy tales featuring talking animals is totes true, but inexplicably, not any other similar ancient books...
2) Seriously believes in the chemtrails conspiracy...
3) Seriously believes chemtrails are obscurely foretold in his special ancient volume based upon his own private interpretation of a few verses out of 31,100...even though one of them says private interpretations are worthless...
4) But WAWAWEEWA! vinegar? That's what's laughworthy? That's what's not to be taken seriously? That's the doozy here? That's the bridge too far?
How does he know? What is his basis for sorting out the doozies? What's his criteria for identifying which absolutely ridiculous things are doozies, and which absolutely ridiculous things are to be taken seriously?
And why should anyone take his powers of discernment seriously after he's shown he can't even sort out what's sarcasm and what isn't?
Once he's decided NOT to laugh at one absolutely ridiculous, laughworthy thing, why should he laugh at any of them?
Once a nutcase has decided to arbitrarily take one absolutely ridiculous thing seriously, rest assured that there can exist no rational basis after that to draw a line in the sand against any other absolutely ridiculous thing. But never doubt that the nutcase will find no shortage of irrational reasons to draw many such lines.
This is your brain on the drug called "faith."
Ghastly days! Did Kitchen actually believe the bit about the vinegar? I thought it was hilarious when I read it.
You just impeached your own thesis in your final paragraph, 6:28! We (mankind) are killing the oceans, and the oceans are directly related to climate change.
Over the past several decades, there has been a virtual holocaust amongst marine life. The late Jacques Cousteau constantly sounded a warning about this throughout his life. Google “decimation of sea creatures” and you will begin to understand what is happening, and how the ocean is related to jetstreams and weather patterns. Mankind has polluted the oceans with plastics, medical wastes, pollution from pesticides, and accumulated toxins from
agricultural wastes transmitted by runoff into streams and rivers and ultimately into the oceans. Over-fishing beyond sustainable levels by “factory” fishing vessels has altered the food chain and entire ecology of the oceans. When critical constants, or what used to be constants, are put in flux, the process becomes a syndrome endangering the ecological balance of the entire planet. This is not imaginary, it is actually measurable by marine biologists and through other branches of science. Coral bleaching is one dramatic example that is easily understood, and it happens because of changes in the temperature and chemical content of the ocean. Coral reefs which are thousands of years old, and home for thousands of aquatic creatures are dying.
When you know a hurricane is on its way, you prepare for it by boarding up, collecting survival supplies, and perhaps evacuating, even though man did not cause the hurricane. Yes, a volcano is a massive contributor to greenhouse gas. But, we can’t control the volcano. We can only control the part of the equation that is contributed by mankind. We also can’t control solar flareups, or the natural cycles which vary the proximity between the Earth and Sun. But, as a species, we do contribute to the cumulative damage, and there are steps we can take to minimize the damage.
Chlorofluorcarbons were at one time destroying the ozone layer. They were largely banned, and the ozone layer has been repairing itself. We can also be successful in repairing other types of damage, if we have the will to do so. Fortunately, sustainable technology is already in play, not susceptible to politics or big business. Look at the proliferation of solar panels, and the development of battery technology which has increased the useable range of electric cars. Lyft has as its goal the ellimination of private ownership of cars. Privately funded technology is cleaning up the gyre in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, removing tons and tons of waste plastic. We are well on our way to removing these issues from the purview of the politicians and talking heads. You know that when insurance companies acknowledge the effects of climate change on fires to the extent that they have their own fire companies to save high dollar homes for folks like Kim and Kanye that bought and paid for “scientists” in the fossil fuel industry are just about at the end of their manufactured window of credibility!
I'm laughing at the absurdity of the statements of ridicule. You guys obviously cannot discern my sarcasm. James added to my statements with some absurd idea that I had no idea existed before today. James had to use another persons absurd theory, in order to "make" my statements sound absurd.
And that is LAUGHABLE. And plus the arguments you guys have between each other, this is a laughable theatre to watch.
And while you try to make what i said into a subject to laugh at, you guys opened your mouths and proved to everyone what you are. Confused and an in a state to be pitied.
Confused? Please tell me exactly where I'm confused Samuel.The
First and foremost I believe that Jesus Christ, the one who created all things through the Father, including kneeling in the clay of Eden and forming Adam, is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world, the mediator of the one and only covenant that GIVES freely salvation to anyone who thirsts because he came to this earth and lived, then died, and arose to life Eternal, sitting at the Father's right hand as an advocate for us all.
Now let's get to the lesser matters of it all!
I believe the Sabbath and Feasts are to be kept.
I believe in eating clean meats
I don't keep Christmas or Easter.
I believe that God has a plan to save all of mankind if they so choose. First the firstfruits aka the church (not an organization), then most likely individuals throughout the millennium, and finally the vast majority of mankind at the Great White Throne Judgement.
Let's see what did I leave out? Oh, that's right, Herbert W. Armstrong. The one who you believe that I need to praise, the one who you think is the first step into God's Kingdom, and to reject him is worse than blasphemy.
You know what Samuel? I have more in common with Dennis than you and I'm not afraid to say it. He is a fellow human being who is being honest with himself and all on here. He's even being honest with God. He's said that if he's ever shown undeniable proof that God exists then he'll bow down willingly.
You know what Samuel, I believe that is what God is really looking for. He even said it, "oh that they had a heart to obey". Israel, if the bible is true (and I do believe that it is) was given undeniable proof but they didn't have the heart to obey.
I personally doubt that people who put HWA so high on a pedestal have a heart to obey. They are merely obeying their physical idol. As you do.
I sincerely believe that, as Jesus told the Pharisees, that Sodom will repent before them (Pharisees) when shown undeniable proof, and Dennis will most likely repent of his doubt long before you do of self righteousness when shown undeniable proof.
I really don't like to come across as your judge, but your self righteousness has become so evident here that I'll gladly accept the same kind of judgment that I'm dishing out when that day comes.
I don't know if Dennis will be in the first or second resurrection, but I'm willing to bet that he'll be in one of them and it won't surprise me one bit if mainstream Christians are in the first resurrection instead of self righteous law keepers. Because God is looking for a heart to obey, not necessarily perfect obedience. If He requires perfect obedience then we might as well all give up.
As I said before Samuel, give it up because you're going to lose this battle of wits here with me because I strive to judge no one and I really hate the fact that you have forced this issue. You have actually condemned yourself, no judgement is needed on my part, so please repent. Worship God, not a dead man who remains dead!
Kevin McMillen
"Give it up"? This post was posted by "James"(NO2HWA), attacking my facebook post on a scripture. You want me to stop laughing at the absurdness of everyone here bickering and arguing with each other, and the absurdness asserted by James?
You said it Kevin.
You say "I"(speaking of yourself) believe this, "I" believe that, and I don't doubt you believe those things.
But when does your sabbaths and your feasts days become "God's"?
We can build a personal religion, and actually copy what is written in the Word of God, yet be the farthest from God and Jesus Christ! We can be celebrating sabbath days, and feast days and dietary laws, by the LETTER OF THE LAW, yet if it is just a matter of agreement, and making it YOUR religion, then God hasn't entered into the picture yet. You have to apply the spirit of the law.
Job, in the Bible, had his own religion. He lived by the letter of the law, yet God was not YET in the picture! The book of Job is about God entering the picture and Job becoming converted!
If you keep God's Sabbath day, and the Feast days, and live by God's Word, then good for you. I won't throw shade on that. But there is a deeper phase you aren't seeing yet. And actually, I know i am myself am wrong. I am a no good sinner. But Christ in me does the good works, whatever they be. And if I should boast, I boast in Christ, and if I should be confident I will be confident in Christ. Because I cannot do any good. It is only Christ in me that does the good!
You may be indignant against me, because I am making light of your ridicule of me (and you are mocking me to scorn), but I don't think I am better than you. Your sins are just as evil as my sins. But there is something you are not seeing YET, a deeper phase.
We must throw away our personal beliefs and surrender ourselves to what God says in HIS Word.
While you have come to the place to obey certain things, I have come to a deeper understanding concerning the men of God and I want to obey God. And I can prove why I believe such with the Word of God, applying it in my life. But because you are unwilling to apply it yourself, why must you ridicule me who is striving to apply it? It's not my religion I'm trying to live, but what God says in His Word.
And if anything should happen going forward, it should be to drop this negative attitude of being better than the other person. You believe i am wrong, because you say it is so! Because it conflicts with your beliefs. And while you are clearly defending your beliefs, you have to settle down and try looking at it from the Bible's point of view. Am I sinning against God for what I believe? If you can find that in God's Word, without ADDING your interpretation to the scripture, but just showing me what the Bible says and how I am going contrary to it, I'll be open to that sort of discussion. Because this isnt about my personal religion to me. It is about what God says. But remember, I will be posting from the Word of God too, and you have to be willing to have an open mind to God's Word too. If you are concerned about what God says and not just a personal religion as well. I think that is a basis for a discussion. But this sort of rotten attacking each other (specically me), is not foundation for a discussion. It's only meant to stir up anger and hatred and the types of attitudes that doesn't come from God but only from Satan the Devil.
Samuel Kitchen said...
James had to use another persons absurd theory, in order to "make" my statements sound absurd.
So who is James Sam? I don't see it.
The first name of the User/author (No2HWA) is James. He is the one who posted the above post.
Edit: Sorry not "James", Gary Leonard.
I have no idea where "James" came from. But I was talking about the user "No2HWA" FYI. His name is Gary not James.
"While you have come to the place to obey certain things, I have come to a deeper understanding concerning the men of God and I want to obey God. "
Wow, such arrogance and ignorance in just one sentence.
"Men of God"? Just how do you prove that? Did HWA ever raise anyone from the dead? Did HWA ever heal a blind man?
Samuel, I said "give it up" because with every post you reveal yourself as a bigger and bigger man worshipping fool.
If that is a picture of you on your page then you never even met HWA, you're not old enough to even know what went on in the WCG, yet you think you're a HWA expert. Hilarious!!
While I've come to a certain place to obey certain things? Samuel, I grew up in the WCG from two years old to 27, and I've been out of WCG for over 27 years, I know the WCG and HWA better than you ever will if you're as young as those pictures.
You're an idolatrous fool and it's sad that your parents taught you to worship a man and thinking by doing so you're really worshipping God.
Show you where you sin from the bible? That's easy, but of course you had to place that one qualification in there didn't you? "Not your interpretation" so now you can dismiss any sin that I point out as my interpretation.
Well Samuel, you shall have no other gods before me. That is your sin and it's not my interpretation. Everyone on this blog can attest to your idolatry.
The one true thing that your parents never taught you is why God destroyed the WCG. It was because of idolatry. Placing a man on a pedestal, placing a man, a church organization, and a ministerial class up as an idol before God.
You think you understand truth but you'll never understand anything true until you realize that one simple fact.
Samuel you are continuing in the 50 years of HWA and WCG idolatry that God destroyed. You are swimming in sin and are too blind to see it.
Samuel, I'm through, I've pointed out your sin several times but you remain arrogant just as your idol, HWA.
You're free to have the last word with your rambling incoherent posts.
Kevin McMillen
You are a sincere person. Could the only real addictive chemtrail be the endorphine released from the "reward system in your brain" when "anyone" responds to internet postings?
Skiing for a week without internet access works miracles. Or fasting so I hear.
Anyway. Take care!
A caring citizen of planet Banned.
Is it Idol worship to apply the following scriptures Kevin?

& Luke 10:10-12

. Due to persecution the WCG is scattered today, and these COG groups was started up to CATCH US as a net, to lead us into different doctrines and away from obeying and applying the above scriptures and HOLDING FAST TO WHAT WAS TAUGHT BY CHRIST! He taught through His apostle.
John 6:29
Isaiah 50:10
Matthew 10:14-15
2 Thessalonians 2:15
1 Thessalonians 1
John 15:20
Matthew 10:40-41
John 13:20
Jude 1:17
1 Thessalonians 1 has Paul speaking of brethren who received what the apostles taught, who spread the apostle's teaching so much in their area that there was no need for the apostle to come and preach there! He called it "turning from the worshipping of idols unto serving the living and true God"!
If I apply these scriptures unto HWA, how am I disobeying God and not following Jesus Christ?
God didn't destroy anything Kevin.
We mirrored the first century, where unbelievers took over the "organized work" and became a different Church.
We are in the period of Revelation 12:13
Yet I am counted by you as an idol worshipper? For believing Christ?
Remember 1 John 2:27
Why should I reject the man who has such an anointing, to teach me? For it is God working through the Holy Spirit in HWA, and who is doing the teaching.
And since I have God's Holy Spirit too, God's Holy Spirit is what joins us together and witnesses. And since I know what he teaches is from Christ, and I too am a believer of Christ and strive to obey by every Word of God, then I receive HWA and put God's Word into ACTION, trusting in Christ. And Christ hasn't led me astray.
I think you got things backwards.
You did not hear this from me, and I will deny saying this if the guys in the dark suits and sunglasses come visit me, but.... Chemtrails are virtually harmless to us humans, but lethal to the aliens!
Nck, Most of the time your comments make no sense at all. 11:31 post included, why link me with chemtrails? Other than that being the context of this thread, I have said absolutely nothing about chemtrails.
My problem is that it sickens me to see someone in their 30's worshipping a man who died around the time of their birth.
I have two children in their 30's, and to think of any parent teaching their kids to worship a man is revolting. Talk about child abuse!
By the way, both my kids are Christian (Christ always comes first) sabbath and feast keepers, who I have also taught for over 24 years, to never, ever, join a church organization, nor to ever look to a man ordained clergy class. To only look to God.
Kevin McMillen
The early church looked to men like Paul and Peter and James because of the proofs of their claims that they were sent by Jesus. Proofs like raising people from the dead, healing people.
All that HWA had was his proclamation that he was God's end time Elijah. No miracles to prove that claim. Nothing! Hell, he didn't even have much of a "WORK" when you consider what could really have been accomplished with a yearly budget of over $200 million.
Anyone who compares the WCG to the early church is delusional and should be committed to a mental institution for their own good!
Kevin McMillen
When people start a new endeavor, to have an instructor like Herb is understandable. But after decades, to still be looking to some daddy is ridiculous. It's regressive. People should grow up. Unfortunately many people don't, so they become easy pickings for Ayatollah Dave Packman and similar.
Not only that, people like Dennis Diehl and Middleman-Guy try to convince readers that they need middlemen seeing eye dogs telling them what the Bible truly means. They want people to mentally regress rather than progress for dubious motives.
Kevin 11:31
My posting was a genuine concern regarding ny observation that I like your philosophical input but that over time it has become "radicalized and incessant".
I therefore suggested a short time out for your sake. Nothing in my posting suggested you should cease posting.
I make a lot of sense if people would just know more.
I recently discovered, quite by accident and to my horror, how earth bound chem trails are created. All I can say is that if you take garlic for circulatory system health, you may want to avoid eating Bircher Meusli cereal!
Nck said:
"I make a lot of sense if people would just know more.
Elaborate please. How do you "know" what other people "know"?
Honestly that looks like something an ignorant person would say.
How about some proof of your "know"ledge? Other than rambling posts.
Kevin McMillen
I’ve been seriously confused about this dude too haha. Unfortunately I think he’s 100% for a Facebook account where he just throws this kind of stuff out there all the time apparently. Like HARDCORE into HWA. Like...freakishly into HWA...
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