Monday, January 18, 2021

Can the Church of God Get Any Crazier?


If Herbert Armstrong were alive today and could see the abominable mess that the church is devolved into he would be appalled. The absolute batshit crazy men leading Churches of God today are the most disgusting group of men the church has ever seen. 

There is Dave Pack in Wadsworth, Ohio who is ready to meet his Jesus any day now. 

In Edmond, Oklahoma we have Gerald Flurry who has proclaimed himself King and declared Irish dance as the holy dance of God and now claims to possess the coronation stone that Jesus is supposed to be coming back to sit upon.

In the Five Cities area of California, Bob Thiel, the Great Bwana to Africa and 299 Caucasian members worldwide, has declared himself Elisha due to his double blessing by a heretic pastor of Living Church of God and is desperately trying to con us into believing he is a prophet

Ron Weinland, the first convicted felon to lead a COG claims his "christ" is ready to return at any moment and that he and his dingy wife are the two witless witnesses.

Can Armstrongism get any crazier? These are four of the more vocal loudmouths who have set themselves up as mouthpieces for the creature god they claim to serve, but there are many others out there. It is certainly not that God that most COG members follow. It is for that reason that all four of these cult leaders are either losing members or have failed miserably in gaining any members from the various COG's. 

What can we expect from these religious despots in 2021? The year is young!


Phinnpoy said...

"Can Armstrongism get any crazier?" Be careful what you ask for, for it probably will!

Tonto said...

Jesus Christ is alive today, and sees every last bit of this madness, and has it on record.

Anonymous said...

Yes the year is young.
But fear not. There are plenty of messiahs out there.
A quick search of the 'web' throws up multitudes of them.
We create our own realities, but too often they are enslavement.
There is always someone or somethink available to feed us delusion.
They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. And many walk it.
The message of hope love and compassion for our fellows has being lost by the COG.
It has been replaced by 'religion'.

Anonymous said...

“What can we expect from these religious despots in 2021?”

Expect more lies, thefts, murders, destruction, etc.

Anonymous said...

These leaders have put their trust in bully morality. It does have its short term 'advantages,' but long term one loses big time. God never blesses such groups.

Anonymous said...

Dave Pack is coming close to a mental break. Only time will tell what will take place in rcg in 2021.

Hoss said...

“What can we expect from these religious despots in 2021?”

They've already crossed the line and competition is heating up as the rewards diminish. The events begun last week will continue to offer fresh fodder for more fantastic forecasts and foibles.

And Bob appears to have come to his closest point in setting a date, notably by less wiggle-room:

"Because biblical prophecies point to the end of the 6,000 years for humanity to rule itself occurring around 2031."

DennisCDiehl said...

2021 in the COGs will probably make Bat Shit look like Haagen Das. Stay tuned...

Anonymous said...

I prophecy .... that jesus WILL come, look at the COG leaders and all the destruction and pain they’ve caused, and will strike Bob, Gerald, Dave and all the others dead with a huge lightning bolt!

How does that sound?

Anonymous said...

"..the end of the 6000 years for humanity to rule itself."

This is typical ACOG verbalage. It implies that freedom has been given it's chance and that a returned Christ and His boys will make things right by super lording it over others. In fact human history has typically been a small elite lording it over hamanity. Christ condemned this social system by teaching in the parable of the talents that everyone governs themselves. Bob has followed HWA in embracing the wrong social system.

Anonymous said...

Well, the COGs won't distinguish themselves from the U.S. government too much in 2021:

1)Give us more money.
2)You can't say that.
3)You can't go to that website.
4)I'll tell you what to think, you just repeat it.
5)You will be shunned/canceled if you venture from the acceptable "truth".
6)Danger everywhere but we will protect you.
7)Distort the beliefs and positions of others.
8)We are the chosen and are awoke/woke-- perhaps smarter/better.

Anonymous said...

12.00 PM
Ironically, though kindred spirits, the COGs leaders are complaining of the U.S. governments new policies since it threatens their ability to play church.

The list also implies that the U.S. will splinter just like the old WWCG. Perhaps there will be states called The Living State of America, The United State of America, The Restored State of America (they practice common), The Continuing State of America etc.

Anonymous said...

haha, 2:37.

The U.S. actually may split at some point, hopefully peacefully, which is not unlikely. The Democrats are control freaks like the COGs generally are, so a split may best occur when the less controlling conservatives are in power. We are living in interesting times...

Anonymous said...

Thiel has some skeletons in the closet. I can tell you that. What I can't tell you at this time is what, who, and of course, the where.

Anonymous said...

Thiel has some skeletons in the closet. I can tell you that. What I can't tell you at this time is what, who, and of course, the where.

I don't know about skeletons, but Bob is definitely in the closet!

The W.A. said...

Wednesday will be a big day for Gerald Flurry, of course. Unless God strikes down both legs of the Biden-Harris ticket (writing this Tuesday night), he'll have to do some serious explaining about why he's not a true prophet of God.

Anonymous said...

4.40 PM
There's a large body of evidence that the election was stolen, so there will be no next time for the conservatives. America has become a one party state with sham elections like in every other dictatorship. We sure are living in interesting times.