Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Crackpot Self-Appointed Prophet And Lapsed Catholic Asks: "Could the U.S.A. be gone by 2028?"


The Great Bwana's god is angry!

Our favorite self-appointed prophet to the Church of God is now predicting that the United States will meet its end by 2028. Nothing excites COG self-appointed failed prophets more than seeing the destruction of the U.S. as they so desperately desire. It would be their wet dream come true. They need this to happen so that they can be proven to be telling the truth - for once in their lives.

Bwana Bob, the savior of Africa and 299 Caucasians asked this question today: "Could the U.S.A. be gone by 2028?"

His answer:

Is there any prophetic reason to believe that the destruction and end of the U.S.A. can come before the completion of the next two presidential terms? 
Could the end of the U.S.A. and its British-descended allies happen before 2028? 

Given the long-standing track record of failed prophets in the COG, with every single one of them being liars, why should we believe Bwana Bob on this prediction?  He has failed in all of his other predictions.

He is basing some of this on his belief that humans have been on this earth for close to 6,000 years. something that geology and anthropology prove otherwise, but never let science get in the way of myths that certain COG leaders believe.

Bwana Bob also knows the approximate date that Adam and Ever were created. We must always remember Bwana Bob has the inside track on all knowledge and it is UNQUESTIONABLE! Sure, Bob. Sure.

Last Days Fit When 1,000 Year Days are Understood
Based upon certain calculations that I am currently aware of; it seems that Adam and Eve were created and/or apparently left the garden of Eden between roughly 3959-3972 B.C. It is most likely that the 6,000 years began once Adam sinned as Adam had not rebelled before then.
This would mean that when Jesus began to preach (roughly 27 A.D., about four thousand years later) He started preaching late in thousand-year day four and then into day five. Day four is the middle of seven prophetic thousand-year days, hence the fourth day is not one of the “last days.”

A little later he adds:

And presuming that the great tribulation begins (Matthew 24:21-22) 3 1⁄2 years before the end of the 6,000 years (the latest date which appears to be the Spring of 2031), then the 6,000 years would be up no later than late 2027.

And there is more: 

  1. Then adding 2,000 years to a period of time leads

    to the end of the 6,000 years no later than 2031

    (and it could be earlier than that).

  2. Since the Great Tribulation is expected to start 3

    1/2 years prior to that (cf. Revelation 12:14; 13:5) subtracting 3 1/2 years from the Spring of 2031 would be late in 2027.

  3. Understand that the U.S.A. is prophesied to be taken over near the rise of the Beast and start of the Great Tribulation (cf. Daniel 11:39; Jeremiah 30:7; Matthew 24:21-22).

  4. Therefore, since the end of two full U.S.A. presidential terms would end in January of 2029, these prophetic understandings point to the end of the U.S.A., Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom prior to two full US presidential terms.

    10. This is also consistent with certain Roman Catholic prophetic writings as well. 

Get your bags packed boys and girls! Rocky times are ahead and you MUST be followers of the self-appointed lapsed Catholic or you will NOT know when the time comes to flee.

It looks like from certain Jewish, biblical, Christian, and Roman Catholic perspectives (and yes others associated with those faiths have other opinions), that the end of the U.S.A. may well happen before 2028.

Jesus said to look for various signs (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21). Until we see certain of those signs, we will not know when the end of this age will be.

But if we see certain signs in the next couple of years (e.g., Daniel 9:27), that would be consistent with the view the end of the 6,000 years could be no later than the Spring of 2031 and that the Great Tribulation would start no later than the Fall of 2027.

Perhaps it should be mentioned that since traditionally, the old Worldwide Church of God taught that the Great Tribulation would probably start in the Spring time (similar to the time of the Exodus) a Spring of 2027 or earlier could mark the beginning of the end of the U.S.A. and its British-descended allies.

What will Bwana Bob's god do when 2027, 2031 arrive and nothing has happened?  We will hear the same tired mantra that false prophets of the church has used for close to 80 some years. "God has delayed the end times so that the church can prepare its self and preach a final end-time witness."


Anonymous said...

These guys can't see the future or even know the future so they don't know what will happen in the future they just make stuff up and it doesn't come to pass.

Anonymous said...

I am beginning to think Bob Thiel is even worse than David Pack and Gerald Flurry. He is starting to sound dangerous due to his continuing mental breakdown.

Anonymous said...

He's off to a rocky start by hinging it on British-Israelism.

It's 2021 and he's still a believer in British-Israelism!

Anonymous said...

Is the author of this post denying climate change aswell ?

Hoss said...

The dates Bob predicts fall around 90 years after HWA's first failed forecast dates published in The Plain Truth.

DennisCDiehl said...

The Science Guy Bob says:
Based upon certain calculations that I am currently aware of; it seems that Adam and Eve were created and/or apparently left the garden of Eden between roughly 3959-3972 B.C."

And, no doubt and from which we surely get the custom in motels and condos, they had to be out by 11 am.

And too Bob, one would express the BCE (Before Christian Era) as 3972-3959 and not backwards as you did. "BC" has fallen out of use for some time now as well.

Zippo said...

3959-3972 B.C. / 3972-3959 BCE

Bob's format of dates suits him; remember, he's most successful at predicting things that have already happened.

Anonymous ` said...

From "Old Neo's Book of Practical Millerites", p. 713.

Millerite Arithmetic

"Miller was particularly drawn to the numbers in the holy book. He ranged through the pages, studying figures, interpreting them, inserting them into calculations. Days meant years. Multiply 49 times 50 to get 2450. Josiah’s reign ended in 607 B.C. “Take 607 from 2450,” Miller instructed, “it leaves A. D. 1843; when the Jubilee of Jubilees will come.”

"In the end, Miller discovered fifteen separate calculations, all of them pointing to 1843. Plugging these figures back into prophetic books like Daniel and Revelations, he became convinced that the numbers were pointing to the second coming of Christ and the end of the natural world. Those who were saved would fly up to meet the Lord, the rest would endure the destruction of the Earth by fire.

"That was in 1818. Mankind had only twenty-five years before the end."

(Cited from Jack Kellly's article "The End is Near: William Miller's Apocalypse", 2018)

What goeth around, cometh around . . .

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Anonymous said...

I think, (and keeping bible Prophecy out of it), it is hard to believe if the U.S stays on this trajectory where out of control deficits, rising inflation that seems to be getting worse, the breakdown of basic norms in society and the increased threat of war, that it won't lead to a downfall of the U.S. I think most people would agree that just in the last 10-15 years the U.S has dramatically changed and not for the better.

DennisCDiehl said...

Find me one Old Testament Prophet who stood before the King and delivered his calculations the way Bob does here, about when Babylonians or Assyrians would be arriving in town.

Prophet Bob: "Oh King live forever, according to my calculations could the Assyrians come sometime between your 43rd and 74th birthday? Hmmm...could they? Maybe God is trying to tell you something? No one understands how all things have been, are and will be , Oh King live forever, better than I do. I can tell you that..." You see, I had a dream. And I spoke unto myself, "Hmmm, great can't be just the onion rings or gas..."

I'd still recommend to Bob a good read of The Origin of Consciousness and the Breakdown of the Bi-Cameral Mind by Jaynes, to get the scoop on why after the third millennium BCE to this day, humans have tried to find anyway they could, dreams, lots, dice, idols, goat guts, rocks, oracles, crystals, urim and thurim, church, tongues as well as begging prayers to connect again with the voice of the gods in their heads that have long since disappeared as conscious awareness and the personal "I" came forth. Even, or especially, the Psalms speak in great agony about "why art thou afar off?" "Why have you forsaken us?" "Hear us oh Lord!" This corresponds nicely with the first and second millennia BCE's loss of personal contact with the voice of the gods.

Even the Apostles reverted to a bit of unconscious decision making by casting lots, instead of taking responsibility to choose themselves, Judas' replacement. Casing lots was a throwback practice for those who still needed the approval of the gods in serious decisions, to this day sometimes.

In the Christian era "faith" has replaced any hope of actual contact with the gods and being reduced to "he that comes to me MUST BELIVE I am...." Heb 11:6 Humans still strive to find "The Seven Proof God Exists" by manipulating the facts of science but really need only to chill and BELIEVE, though in our times that is more a sign of ignore-ance than truth seeking.

Anonymous said...

There's a multitude of YouTube videos that warn of a world wide financial collapse. All based on historic precedents. I have a bad feeling about what's on the horizon.

Anonymous said...

Is the author of this post denying climate change aswell ?

Bob did a to and fro with climate change. At one time, he, as a claimed scientist, accepted the science. When he realized he could blame the natural disasters on punishment for LGBTQ+ legislation, he dropped climate change as a reason. Then, he made some claims about other natural disasters across the USA and stated which ones were punishments and which ones were the effect of climate change.
I don't know if he still follows his science vs punishment pronouncements. Personally, I think there are some decisions humankind has made that "self punishments", and failing to curb climate change is one of them.

DennisCDiehl said...


For example, Bob must ignore the fact that genuinely modern humans lived in the Levant 90,000 years ago and long before any Adam and Eve of the 3rd Millennium BCE. There have been genuine humans around the See of Galilee (Natufians) since 15,000 BCE. etc.

In short, history shows that the more conscious the human mind became, the less present and discernable were the gods. Once writing came on the scene, God could be discerned in the pages of the Book and what the Book said was how it all must be. That's the "God said it, (in the Book), I believe it, that does it for me" problem we will have ever more with the Bible, the Koran and the Book of Mormon as interpreted anyway one wants by as many as want to. It's why, if Bob can't find some correlation in the Bible with his world or his views, he can't have any other views. It's why he claims to be a "Scientist" but faith restricts the non-biblical conclusions that he should be able to see his way through but can't.

The written Bible is now the conduit through which Christians can discern what in the third millennium BCE they heard in their less than conscious Bi-Cameral brains. As Jaynes notes, "At one time, human nature was split in two, an executive part called a god and a follower part called a man. Neither part was conscious."

This merely to note that Bob, as many are, is stuck in Bronze and Iron Age methods of contacting his god and gets all his ques from the barely conscious prophets and practices in the Old Testament. Its why he can't imagine weather as JUST weather or dreams are just the mind sorting out the subconscious clutter of the day. He reverts to ancient and ignorant Biblical explanations for these phenomenon and uses them to give himself a credential of being just as unconscious as his favorite buddy Bi-Cameral Prophet Amos the sheepherder who was probably the best example of an unconscious human being in the Old Testament according to Julian Jaynes and I could not agree more when you read the Book of Amos and understand the phenomenon of the Bi-Cameral mind in human history.

Tonto said...

THIEL WRITES :" 10. This is also consistent with certain Roman Catholic prophetic writings as well."

Look, either the Catholics are RIGHT or they are a total mess, but you better choose one! COG world view is that the Catholic Church is the "fallen whore" and that she changed the Sabbath Day, and introduced Babylon Mystery religion in the form of Xmas, Saints Days, Easter etc.

If your world view is that the Catholic church is a lying whore, then why would one give a heck about "Catholic Prophetic Writings" say in the least? Boobylonia, you really drink from some strange cups! You should stick to Sola Scriptura.

Anonymous ` said...

Anonymous (7:10, 7:21)

The trajectory has always been bad. There is always something bad on the horizon. Why do you think our times are any different? The history of this world is the history of great Gentile nations rising up and then collapsing. Why should the USA be any different. A good guess is that the USA will succumb to racial civil war ("a house divided...") and break up into several smaller nations. And the Chinese will be he leading people of the next century.

Whatever happens, the demise of he USA does not necessarily mean that the Parousia must happen soon. The USA is just not that important. It is not even featured in the pages of the Bible (think outside the Splinterist box for a moment and imagine that the mythology of BI is not true). I know it is unthinkable but Christ may not return for centuries. And when he returns, the USA may not exist. If you are focused on living a Christian life, none of this makes any difference.

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Anonymous said...

Dennis, you seem to be a natural skeptic, so I'm surprised that you've so completely bought into Jaynes' ideas. No doubt there are interesting observations and nuggets of good ideas within Jaynes' work, but he overplays his hand in many, many ways.

For instance, just look at porpoises and gorillas in our world today. They are "less evolved" than humans, but they show strong evidence of having the kinds of meta-reflective experiences that Jaynes associates with post-bicameral-breakdown "consciousness."

Personally, I favor explanations that point to language as what has allowed us to build elaborate mental constructs that are only available in very limited form to animals with less sophisticated linguistic development. Much of what we call "consciousness" is simply language playing out in our minds, bicameral or not, but it seems to be present in limited form in other animals that don't show any signs of the phenomenon Jaynes describes.

Anonymous ` said...


I am not familiar with Jaynes but there is a paradox in what you relate. From a materialist perspective you would not expect a dreamy, hight symbolic, religiously oriented mind state to precede developmentally a mechanistic mind that reacts to reality in any way other than bland, unadorned simplicity. It is the simple recognition of reality, with no distortions, that is the key to survivial. "I see sabre tooth cat. Run!" Rather than "I see lion god. Me worship!"

I do not believe that consciousness is remotely an evolutionary product and you will find atheists who align with this view. But if it were, survivalism, the value that evolution would want to emphasize, would select for fidelity to reality not semi-conscious religious ornamentation.

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Anonymous said...

The plain truth is no prophecy the church of God ever foretold ever came true.

DennisCDiehl said...

851 notes: Personally, I favor explanations that point to language as what has allowed us to build elaborate mental constructs that are only available in very limited form to animals with less sophisticated linguistic development. Much of what we call "consciousness" is simply language playing out in our minds, bicameral or not, but it seems to be present in limited form in other animals that don't show any signs of the phenomenon Jaynes describes

Language as the cause of advanced consciousness IS Jaynes point.

NEO if you're not familiar with Jaynes there is too much to address without having read him. Consciousness arising has nothing to do with being atheist.

Anonymous said...

You're lumping all the Catholics together. They've always had their intellectual wing, with many writers being very astute. Try viewing Bishop Baron on YouTube. I don't agree with much of what he says, but he's very impressive.
Btw, historic Catholics lacked present day information, so I wouldn't put much value on their prophesy speculation.

Anonymous said...

"Christ may not return for centuries."

You are in for a shock. The holy spirit has informed me that I will live to see the tribulation, and I only have 10 to 20 years left based on the average lifespan.

Anonymous ` said...


I do believe that advanced human sentience arose relatively late in history. Maybe not so late as the Bronze Age. Bi-cameralism may well have been the state of the human mind before advanced sentience happened. But there are some problems with Jaynes developmental track. In summary, too much happened too quickly. If at about 3,000 BCE man was essentially unconscious and without language is the assertion, I think there is archaeology that contradicts that. Jaynes seems to define consciousness as introspectability. I am not sure the people of Çatalhöyük could have built a complex, for the time, municipal infrastructure without some kind of introspection. But here I am counting the ability to design something physical in abstraction as a kind of introspection.

But the world and its history does not seem to accommodate the development track that Jaynes must envision. Someone back in the Bronze Age for instance maybe became the first conscious person - bicameralism broke down - perhaps a mutation caused there to be an early form of a corpus callosum (apparently the corpus callosum has been around for a while - even some mammals have it). Then through reproduction and natural selection this type of new conscious person would have to replace, probably violently, all of the unconscious old timers. For centuries there would be a mixed society of sentients and non-sentients. Where do we find this in history? And in some far away place, there would probably be a few non-senients still around for us to examine. The Bronze Age has not been that long ago on he grand scale of time.

Anyway, this seems to be a long ways to go to try to prove that god does not exist but is a mental phenomenon. That's the atheist slant.

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DennisCDiehl said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Christ may not return for centuries."

You are in for a shock. The holy spirit has informed me that I will live to see the tribulation, and I only have 10 to 20 years left based on the average lifespan.

Unless you're just kidding, you're in for a shock. You just don't know it yet. lol

RSK said...

Funny, HWA said that too, 11:57a.

TLA said...

Dennis, I read Jaynes when you first mentioned him.
More recently I read a book about split brains - when they sever for medical reasons, the connections between the two. We are multi-processing entities and our 2 "CPUs" usually work together. Split - they have some independence and different personalities.

As far as Bob's dates go - they are pretty obvious. Add 2,000 years to either the start of Jesus' ministry or his death.
Scripture also records Jesus saying that no man knows the date of his return except for the Father. This would seem to exclude the demons and the angels. So if you believe the Bible is inspired, you can't know the time of his return.
And, if you don't believe the bible, you don't know either.
One final thought - if you are wrong about there being life after death, you will never know.

Anonymous ` said...

Anonymous (11:57) wrote: "The holy spirit has informed me. . ."

Are you saying that the Holy Spirit is a person? An Armstrongist would not say that in that way. Armstrongists believe that they Holy Spirit is a non-sentient energy.

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Anonymous said...

Bob Theil wouldn't recognize the seven head, ten horned beast of Rev 13 if it curled itself up and sat on his lap. And I see Bob is now into making "predictions" and not prophecies. True prophets don't make predictions, they issue prophecies as received from the Lord. People like Miss Cleo make predictions, which are condemned in scripture as sorceries and witchcraft.

Now he is just throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks. The main problem these so-called "prophets" from Armstrongism have is that HWA was completely incorrect on basically everything he ever taught about the bible. I have his booklet "1975 in Prophecy" setting on my desk. I grew up under the spell of that booklet and it changed my entire family's life forever. I still have family trapped in the LCG in Charlotte, still spewing the same nonsense from that booklet. They will not listen and they will not change, no matter what evidence they are presented, just like Bob.

The seven heads and ten horns of Rev 13:1 are the G7/Club of Rome. The G7 rules most of the world and the Club of Rome has the planet divided into ten zones. The King of the North, possibly Trump, will rule the seven heads and ten horns, just as Rev 13 states. The military power of the King of the North is the USA/NATO/Zionist armies.
These forces are right now tonight squaring off with the Kings from the East in the Black Sea, and will face off ultimately at Armageddon. Iran no doubt is the King of the South and will be wiped out by the King of the North per Dan 11:40-44.

You can watch all of this take place on the nightly news.

Bob Theil's future:

Anonymous said...

They prophesied that many east European countries would break free of the Soviets in order to enable the 10 nation United States of Europe, plus that England would leave the EU. Both proved correct.

Anonymous said...

God via His holy spirit informed me. Happy now?
Notice how my wording is similar to Luke 2:26, so why the question?

Luke 2:26 " And it was reveal to him by the holy ghost that he would not see death before he had see the Lord Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Bob Theil, Gerald Flurry, David Pack, Gerald Weston and all the others I don't have time to name are all suffering from a condition that is called the "Jerusalem Syndrome",which is well known to the medical staff in Israel. It is a condition where a human takes on super god-like qualities and where they see themselves as elevated and more important that their fellow brothers and sisters. Related problems are known as the Stockholm Syndrome and Munchhausen's Disease.

Anonymous said...

Yes RSK, but HWA was a pathological liar, and I'm not HWA.

Anonymous said...

"Why do you think our times are any different?"

Two words nuclear weapons.

Anonymous said...

Prophecy based on British Israelism [BI]
HWA's manifesto on BI can not be taken seriously because it doesn't have footnotes [LOL] or references [LOL]

Anonymous ` said...

Anonymous (10:31)

Now the question is why don't you believe Luke 2:26 instead of HWA? What you are claiming is that Luke 2:26 is using metaphorical language and you, likewise, are using metaphor. How do you know Luke 2:26 is metaphorical - other than "thus spake Herbert"?

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the Ocelot said...

Maybe God's running a Motel 6 He'll leave the light on for you!

Max said...

To put this on the record. Dr Thiele's thinking is quite good. He says Dr Hoeh's later revisions put the end of 6000 years at 2027-28. That sounds valid and jibes with other behind-the scenes info on the web. Then the 3.5 years should start in early 2025. That jibes with plans of the NWO. The US has already lost its sovereignty due to default on its debts. Everything is up in the air.
Trump apparently has terminal prostate cancer and just weeks to live. We shall see who to believe.

Anonymous said...

Seriously? Thiel has never preached anything valid since he started. From lying about his prophethood status to his double blessing that set him apart. It's all a crock of BS. Everyone in LCG knew that and that's who no one joined him. From his heretical doctrines that he espouses to lunatic speculations about future events, he is nothing but a fraud.