Sunday, September 18, 2022

UCG Asking Members If The Church WIll Be A Viable Church For The Next Generation of "Biblical" Christians


UCG has a survey out to the faithful asking them questions on how well the church is doing and what they think of their preachers, meeting halls, sermon topics, and other things.

In the last question of #24, they ask if the church will be viable in 5 for the next generation of "biblical" Christians. 

Will any COG be a viable organization in 5 years?


Anonymous said...

The church will most likely always be around since most people in UCG are raised in it and don't leave it.

Anonymous said...

‘the next generation of biblical Christian’s’……….
Well ucog, what is your take on ‘biblical Christian’s’?
How would you define ‘biblical Christian’s’?

Those who accept your doctrines and theology? Which include tithing and BI?
If so then why not just bite the bullet and amalgamate with another Armstrong church?

Anonymous said...

You have blinded yourself to the facts that show the migration of the lost ten tribes (not just the two half tribes of Joseph - Ephraim or Manasseh). If you have a true calling you will accept British israelism.

Tonto said...

All of Christianity , of any type, is under a secular decline, especially amongst those under the age of 35, according to many different surveys and opinion polls.

Anonymous said...

UCG viable? Nope! Most likely just vile.

Anonymous said...

The so-called lost ten tribes were not lost. They were freed from Babylon and Assyria, assimilated into Judah, Samaritanized through the forced immigration of the Cuthites, and no longer exist as distinct tribal groups. If you examine the family history of Ashkenazic Jews, and delve into that group's genetics, you will get a very good idea of the level of the mixture of backgrounds and races that all humans today are. If most who identify as Jews can pass for Heinz 57 white people, and these are the preservers of the Oracles, imagine what happened in the family trees of the other tribes! The world has always been a melting pot, existing according to the laws of entropy. Wilbur and Orville Wright put the final nails into that coffin.

In our times today, the Southeast being the Bible Belt, the folks that live there (well, maybe not so much today with all the diversity) are the preservationists of Christianity. But, genetics does not tell the tale of ethnic purity. There is an overwhelming percentage of WASPish types whose genetics indicate the presence of African-American and Native American ancestors. To use a Black vernacular expression from the 1960s, "everything is everything!"

Anonymous said...

UCG is presently the church of Shabi, not the Church of God.

Anonymous said...

Where are the 12 tribes? Scattered. James 1:1: James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.

DW said...

To Anon @3:02 Are you kidding? BI has been so thoroughly debunked, that nobody has any idea what you are talking about, outside of Acogs.

It was never legitimate. It was never true. It was just another 19th century heresy that HWA stole from other cults. So stop with the "if you have a true calling" you will accept BI b.s. It is outright racist heresy swallowed by legalistic, Old Testament, Jesus is inferior to the Father types from 75 years ago. Do your homework before you make such an ill-informed comment!

Phinnpoy said...

Correct on what happened to the so-called lost ten. The ACOG types simply accept what the BI .propagandist tell them. They do no real reading outside the literature the BI's, the Christian Identity, and ACOG's put out. And they certainly haven't read anything about genetics. If they read some books on the subject, they would see the haplotypes of Northern, Central, and Southern European are completely different from Middle Eastern Semites. Sadly, these folks are true believers committed to an idea. Proof doesn't matter to them. It's their belief in the idea that matters.

Anonymous said...

Vile and evil.

Ucg said...

NO2HWA how did you know the UCG survey questions ? How did you get this information?
One of the first questions is which UCG congregation do you attend.

Anonymous said...

BI was a official doctrine of the Anglican church before HWA was born. A prayer request will confirm its validity.

Anonymous said...

Don't let all the fake ministers and fake members in the UCG waste your time.

Anonymous said...

"A prayer request will confirm its validity".

Actually, I agree with you on this. A prayer request from someone with confirmation bias will confirm all of the Armstrong absurdities. You may want to upgrade the standards which you use to discern truth or veracity.

Phinnpoy said...

How can a prayer request prove BI? We prefer hard evidence, based on history, and genetics, not pious chicanery.

Anonymous said...

I like when UCG shows up to defend it's church.

NO2HWA said...

“ Ucg said...
NO2HWA how did you know the UCG survey questions ? How did you get this information?
One of the first questions is which UCG congregation do you attend. ”

Insider sources - several people

Anonymous said...

Obviously I was addressing Christians and not apostates or atheists.

Anonymous said...

3:18 wrote: "Obviously I was addressing Christians and not apostates or atheists."

Who are the apostates? Those who reject Armstrongism and have proven it wrong or centuries of Christians who live lives filled with confidence in Jesus Christ? Are the apostates those that follow Jesus Christ in confidence or the law keepers that ignore Christ? Are Gerald Watson, Gerald Flurry, Dave Pack, Rick Shabi, Ron Weinland, and Bob Thiel the real apostates? They all can't be true. Atheists have a better standing with God than do the abomination that claims all kinds of false prophecies and who betrays the members with unrighteous rules and false doctrines.

Anonymous said...

Of course NO2HWA.

Anon said...

2:02 you mean 'UCG' as members rarther than apostate rebels from within the ministry.