Thursday, November 16, 2023

Bouncing Crackpot Prophet Speaks On Hierarchical Governance and Corruption...Hilarity Ensues!

Hi Folks, I think all of you in CCOG Land could USE a Refresher Course in Pastoral Coverup Propaganda. This sermon is the one in which Bob Thiel defends his African Ministry with smoke and mirror tactics. Especially laughable is his holding up the now proven forged Malawian Registration Document, for a split second, saying here it is.  I think he knew deep down it was a forged document but didn't think anyone would catch on. All we said is True. Bob Thiel can't deny Facts, no matter how much spin he puts on it. At least we have him on tape denying the now-known truths of the corruption of his African Ministry Minions. Review this sermon folks and realize all the allegations are true, Thiel will go down in COG History as the most tolerant leader of Church corruption, idiocy, and propaganda manipulation and downright financer of EVIL the Church of God has ever seen.

Terry Nelson

This is truly one of the most pathetic sermons you will ever witness. 

It is like watching a petulant grade schooler justifying to the principal why he got caught cheating on a test. 

The excuses are childish and really beneath the dignity of a church leader. 

You can see why the Worldwide Church of God, Raymond McNair, Dibar Apartian, Gaylyn Bonjour, and Rod Meredith REFUSED to ordain the guy.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I can't get past his hands and arms flapping like a chicken.

Anonymous said...


Bob has gotten huffy about those who've figured out that his many new translations are done via AI. He has denied that he uses AI for his translations. Well, it turns out that this is just another half-truth.

Bob is paying a shady service that at the very least makes false claims about its translators, using photos of other people deceptively and putting false names to those photos. It appears that Bob's translation service uses AI while claiming otherwise, and while making false claims about its "translators". I looked up the "Linda Jane" who Bob mentions in his 11/16 letter to the CCOG brethren, and it turns out that she's a scammer. Skip to Note 147 here: Translator-Scammers-Notes

And there's a lot more at that website. Bob is in this way over his head. What a loser!

Tonto said...

Why doesn't Bob just "bite the bullet" and go and live in the countries of his so called "church"?

Anonymous said...

It's toasty hot out there in desert CA with no green foliage nothing except parched dirt landscape, the frantic hand waving is for cooling-fan effect ahhhhhh 🏜️🌬️

Anonymous said...

Notice that the woman running the translation service Bob is using is clearly doing something deceitful. Her website shows a photo of one of her translators, by the name of Kisham Singh, but the photo is actually of wealthy Indian industrialist Gautam Adani.

She appears to be taking people's money then running their "translations" through Google Translate and other similar services, while pretending that she has a staff of native language translators.

And Bob has been fooled again, just like he was fooled by his African witch-doctor "ministers."

Some prophet, eh?

Anonymous said...

Observers will also notice that on the website of Bob's translator, the photo of her secretary, Andewson Chris is on the Web in a couple of other places as a photo of a Mac user named Chris Coyier.

Bob is a fool.

Anonymous said...

dat's why we calls 'im Flail zeBub!

Terry Nelson said...

Its Just been Confirmed that Evans Ocheing called Radson Mulozowa and is aware of Radsons deteriorating condition; so now we know Bob is aware also ; Makes one wonder why Bob is not requesting Prayers for Radson, could it be he already knows of his criminal Behavior and Sinful Satanic ways???? CCOG members, time to ask the Prophet some serious questions!!!! I'm not a Prophet, but I predict Radson won't last 30 days, then Bob Thiel most likely will pick Sosten, his former Malawian leader that was Disfellowshipped for Adultery, but Hey in Bob's World a former Adulterous Minister will be welcomed back as long as he provides Numbers for Bob's Delusions of CCOG as the Fastest growing Church and proof of Bobby's Prophet Status; we now know in Bob's World when it comes to Africa, everything goes,Have fun folks , a Big I Told You So!!!!!!πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Anonymous said...

I watched most of Bob's hierarchical governance and corruption video. It's the usual ACOG bull. He keeps quoting HWA as a source of infallible truth, which he is not. Bob quoted an article by Herb where he claimed that government is the root of the tree. This coincides with Herb often writing that "government is everything." This is in contrast to America's declaration of independence which asserts that the role of government is to secure people's right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." They believed that government existed to serve the people rather than people existing to serve government. Christ experienced this moral inversion when the Pharisees criticized Him for healing in the Sabbath.
The other major deception that many in ACOG-land would not pick up on due to incessant brainwashing, is that the hierarchical form of government that Bob keeps repeating, is code for ministers lording it over members faith and being their masters rather than their counselors. Moses, Samuel, David etc, that Bob mentions, were chosen by God, but were always respectful that each person was the steward of their own life. But this was never the case in Herbie-land.
I noticed that Bob's video is sped up. He could be accused of "cheating" on this point.

Anonymous said...

Well it has also been sort of proudly proclaimed in the literature or articles, basically as a badge of prophet "identity", that the hand-waving is "proof?" of being the one mentioned in Isa. 33:15-17...

"He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, He who despises the gain of oppressions, Who [gestures with his hands], refusing bribes, Who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed, And shuts his eyes from seeing evil: He will dwell on high; His place of defense will be the fortress of rocks; Bread will be given him, His ..." › compare
Isaiah 33:15-17 -

The flappy hand waving sort of looks INTENTIONALLY meant to be the "gesturing with hands" effect?

But guess what else...the standard COG uniform of sportcoat & tie (replacing tsit-tsit/tallit shawl/yarmulke cap of olde) is sometimes so hot that more fanning of hands is needed too.

Why do the ladies who sometimes need more heat than men wear chilly breezy dresses but the men wear hot suits in western culture...

Anonymous said...

5.58 Pity the character Steve McGarrett from the early Hawaii Five-O TV series who always had to wear his dark blue suit in the stinking hot Hawaiian weather. Book'm Danno!

Anonymous said...

Two times Bob claimed in the video that the independents need to go to (his) church. He quoted HWA twice to "prove" this point. So everyone should be good little boys and girls and do what daddy says. It doesn't matter that the ACOGs are toxic and will do more harm than good to those who attend. Just blindly obey the big people and everything will work out just fine.

Anonymous said...