Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Dave Pack Has A New Revelation: RCG To Now Observe New Moons




The documented downward trajectory of David C. Pack’s mental state has been consistent, but to what lengths he will go into biblical lunacy is sometimes unpredictable. During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 479)” on November 11, 2023, a tectonic shift in the Church of God landscape occurred.


The Restored Church of God

now observes new moons.


I did not see that one coming. The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God has become almost downright boring with his "This date, no…that date. No, this date…no, it really is this next date" shtick and desperately needed updated material.


With seemingly no more titles belonging to Jesus Christ for him to commandeer at the moment, he looked at the calendar and wondered how he could make all things new. Lo and behold, the new moon was staring him in the face all this time, and it never occurred to him how he could exploit it.


This monumental doctrinal change for The Restored Church of God breaks unprecedented ground, and that is pretty hard to do.


David C. Pack officially became a false prophet on August 30, 2013, when the Kingdom of God did not come, and Jesus Christ did not reunite the Worldwide Church of God Splinters on Elul 24.


David C. Pack officially became a lying blasphemer on December 26, 2015, when he declared he was That Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18 and Acts 3:22 and 7:37 instead of Jesus Christ.


David C. Pack officially became an advocate of antichrist theology when he took upon himself the title of The Branch on September 2, 2023, and then also denied Jesus Christ is a man.


David C. Pack officially became irrelevant on November 11, 2023, when he informed RCG brethren that God always intended to inspire His end-time servant, leading His true church essential knowledge before the return of Jesus Christ, and this was an incredible gift of understanding God's Plan.


Since "truth can only enter the church from an apostle," this implication comes with a drum roll and the blowing of trumpets.


David C. Pack has revealed

the true apostle of God is actually

Wade Cox.


Wade Cox and his organization have been observing new moons for years.


God’s True Church must be

Christian Churches of God,

not The Restored Church of God.



Dave accidentally handed Wade Cox of CCG a golden crown of absolute legitimacy. Suppose the brethren of The Restored Church of God want to know more details about the proper hows and whys of observing new moons. In that case, they should consult seasoned biblical professionals and not a Davey-Come-Lately crew decades tardy to the chodesh party. has a vast array of resource materials regarding new moons available TODAY. Brethren do not have to wait for Sweaty Smiley Ed Winkfield to start gathering material to distribute to the church because all that work has already been done. A long time ago. 


RCG brethren are encouraged to follow this link to learn more:

God's Calendar


Hopefully, CCG lawyers keep a close eye on their new moon materials to see just how similar future RCG content "accidentally" is to theirs.


Why should God-fearing called-out ones delay learning about this exciting information from an organization that just discovered it when Wade Cox and his helpful acolytes have been doing this for years?


They can surely answer all your questions RIGHT NOW. Send them an email: Trust me, they will totally get back to you lickety-split.


That super duper micro-flock has been keeping the lamps burning when everyone around them thought they were kooks. This means Dave owes Wade a consolatory apology phone call. As it turns out, that obscure organization has been the real tip of the spear regarding doctrinal purity and time-keeping precision. And David C. Pack was the one who actually revealed that to the world.


How serious is CCG about new moons? Totally. They even have a new moon time calculator, so you will never be left to wonder when the moon is entirely invisible to the human eye.


I encourage all Restored Church of God brethren:

Leave RCC and join CCG without delay.


If new moons are a sign of God's True Church and who and where He is working, then the answer is clear:


Remember, a counterfeit imitates the original. CCG is the original new moon-keeping Church of God. RCG is the copycat. Wade Cox is the OG teacher of new moon observance. David C. Pack is the imitator.



Part 479 – November 11, 2023

@ 00:47 The Plan of God Series continues.


@ 01:04 It begins a big, big story that I will start today. A huge story that we've not understood, and it's in some ways the most astonishing part of the whole Series that you know nothing of.


But Wade Cox and the members of CCG have been most astonished and have known of it for a very long time.


If Restored Church of God members are enthused and serious about properly observing new moons, they must join the organization God revealed it to FIRST: Christian Churches of God.


Once David C. Pack starts preaching about the Hillel calendar, everyone will know who God really chose to lead the charge to usher in salvation-necessary practices just before Christ’s return.


Dear brethren of The Restored Church of God…There is only one clear choice now: Wade Cox of CCG.

Marc Cebrian

See: Lunar-Tics



Anonymous said...

Remember, a counterfeit imitates the original.

If true, Jesus was a counterfeit of earlier pagan Messiahs. We were told that Satan, knowing God's plan, and wanting to fool people, put it in the minds of the pagans to imitate Jesus before he arrived. Which is the truth?

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Yes, lunatics! This demonstrates the absurdity of the notion that Christians should be observing the provisions of Torah. It is impossible in 2023 North America to observe all of these things in the manner prescribed in Torah! Moreover, the motivation behind observing lunar months, the Hebrew calendar, sacred names, etc. always seems to be to say we're the ones who are doing this right - we are the faithful of God - everyone else, NOT so much! Jesus was right - they strain at a gnat and swallow a camel - they tithe mint and anise and completely ignore the important stuff - ALWAYS majoring in the minors. Dave will NEVER discover the magic formula for determining when the Tribulation begins and Christ returns, because it doesn't exist!

Keep challenging the foolishness, Marc!

Anonymous said...

On the calendar: principal scriptures are Ps 104:19 - The moon was made for (Hebrew) moeds: fixed or set times, and Rom 3:1-2 - the Jews now have those times. God's counting of time has been fixed since creation, is the lunar calculations but not necessarily other features of the Jewish calendar such as all the names of months (some Jewish names are in the Bible) and definitely not the Jewish counting of years. Only the lunar calculations are believed existing from creation but there may have been times when no human knew of the calculations and other times when God gave knowledge of the calculations such as to Abraham, possibly the tribe of Issachar - 1Chr 12:32, and today the Jews.

It's difficult to believe man thought up the following calculations because they are so complex: Mark off 19 year time cycles; the 19 years have 12 months except for 7 years which have 13 months each in the 3rd 6,8,11,14,17,19 years of the cycle; alternate from month to month 29 days or 30 days in the month for 9 months; add a day to the 12th month in the years with 13 months; use four rules of postponement to determine the first day of the seventh month which rules never change the number of days in either the sixth or seventh month; change the number of days in two other months.

Evidence of a 13th month is a comparison of Ezekiel 1:1-2; 3:15; 4:4-6: 8:1: 437 days at least from a 5th day of a 4th month of a 5th year to a 5th day of a 6th month in the 6th year: 14 months have less than 420 days so there must have been a 13th month to accommodate 437 days.

There are not enough Biblical instructions to set up a calendar by only observing the moon but the moon is "there" to confirm the calculations, and clouds can obscure at times.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't the whole purpose of the new moon observnce to have a starting point from which to count off the liunar sabbaths?

Is Dave going all the way with his "new" truths and now keeping the original sabbath?

Anonymous said...

“Dave Pack Has A New Revelation: RCG To Now Observe New Moons”

Back around the time that David C. Pack got booted out of the Global Church of Rod splinter group and went on to start his own Restored Cash Grab cult, Dave claimed that Roderick C. Meredith had wanted to bring new moon observance into his Global Church in order to put his own doctrinal stamp on his own church. Supposedly, Dave Pack and others were barely able to talk Rod out of doing it.

Sweetblood777 said...

More excitement is forthcoming as many cannot agree as to how to properly determine the New Moon. Another point is: If you are a COG, what is the Name of your God? There are many mistakes that HWA made in his study of the Bible. In truth, he will learn one day that if grades were given to those who say that they have the truth, what grade do you think your church is in?

EX-RCG said...

Is this just a diversion from all of the wrong dates he selected for Christ to return? Is he just trying to keep his group excited with "new truth"? And he isn't the only one teaching about observing new moons. Why isn't he teaching the RCG what Christ told us to do? He can't because it condemns most of what he teaches and how he lives.

Anonymous said...

"Is Dave going all the way with his "new" truths and now keeping the original [lunar synced] sabbath?"

He must do, he's crossed the Rubicon now.

Anonymous said...

No, the Rubicon is yet ahead. "And yes brethren, I am the Christ"

Tonto said...

Guess Pack has figured out another way to be a LUNA-TIC!

Anonymous said...

New Moons- 12 or 13 more times a year to collect an offering. What's not to like?

Ronco said...

Looks like RCG has finally seen the light- of the moon that is.

Anonymous said...

"Teach us to number our days". We will not number our days! We like to name them like Saturn to Saturn fixation. A likeness from above Is idolatry. Some people are just not ready for the truth to set you free from paganism. Month comes from moon the original calendar the whole world kept. So many Bible verses proving this, but narrow is the way and few find it. Where are the watchmen? If you only knew what is done on Saturnalia you would vomit! Come out of her my people! It is called synagogue of Satan for a reason! Why be a part of it? Not be set apart instead.