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Thursday, October 19, 2023

UPDATED: He Already Said It!—What On Earth Are You Waiting For?

He Already Said It!—What On Earth Are You Waiting For?

By Scott Steel

October 19, 2023


[This article has been updated.]


The reward for willing passengers was to be life-changing. After 6000 long lost years, the Mystery of God was now revealed, and its fulfillment was just a few calendar days away for the many who “gave all.”


To his credit, Pastor General David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God (RCG) has been a conveyer of energy. Like a wizard, he has created the modern Church of God (COG) experience using the magic of obscure artisan finesse. The sacred extension of his personality utilizes technical virtuosity to instill a grand transference of savage spiritedness to conjure wild sanctimony.


Because something is keeping 1300 people in RCG’s seats. If not this, then what?



Beginning of the End


Looking back ten years ago, RCG members had no expectation that hidden biblical mysteries needed to be defined, interpreted, clarified, and templatized. No one I knew expected the books of Haggai, Zechariah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Malachi, or Revelation to be unsealed, re-opened, and revealed. It would have been mind-blowing for early RCG members to think all this had to transpire just before the expected arrival of the Kingdom of God.


Prudent and zealous RCG brethren were striving to become like little children ready to enter the Kingdom of God. Such simple and pure thinkers were in no way ready for a wild man to drive an enormous prophetic bulldozer, laying waste to the theological landscape of their minds. There was no worry about what was about to occur nor any expectations for the sheer number of endless hours it would entail. We had a self-proclaimed apostle flush with millions of dollars of the membership’s “Common” money who just built the National Garden Club’s acclaimed gem: the World Headquarters Campus. There would be nothing that could stop the WORK of this magnitude. Even if it were told unto you, you would scarcely believe it.


During this time, Dave Pack completely controlled the high ground of the RCG. The “best” men out in the field churches were brought into the sphere of Headquarters to further strengthen and solidify the leverage of the narrative. For the lay members who were seeing the physical growth of the church from all vantage points, it was easy to obey the ministerial requirement to regard and wonder marvelously! 


But note that the gospel became known as the Mystery of the Kingdom of God and was open to interpretation. This event-laden narrative was initially titled "The Greatest Story Never Told!” which began in November 2015. Who doesn't like a good story, especially if "WE" are winners in the end? At that time, the Mystery of God was not in the discussion yet, as the starting focus was the Third Temple. We soon realized we were sitting on a roller coaster as our “apostle” laid the course and was the author of our exit strategy.


In Part 51, the series title was changed to "The Greatest Untold Story!" after Headquarters accountant Kory North informed the ministry they had been using the title of a pro-Nazi documentary about the life of Adolf Hitler.



History Repeats Itself


Jesus Christ and His relation to the gospel has long been the fighting stance for the Christian world to vilify Herbert W. Armstrong (HWA) and the Worldwide Church of God (WCG). Herbert Armstrong believed that Jesus Christ was just a messenger delivering a message about the Kingdom of God, which constituted the gospel. The majority of Christianity believed that the gospel was a message ABOUT Jesus Christ.


This would ultimately spark the ignition of the fire that decimated the Worldwide Church of God. Central to the scattering of 90,000 minds into all directions away from WCG was what Joseph W. Tkach, his son, and "high-ranking ministers" changed as a core teaching: who and what God is.


It is pretty simple to extract from the prayer of “thy Kingdom come” that the Kingdom will be an event and a destination with a King. Dave Pack would come to laugh at such simple thinking. That is why he has spent the last ten years solving the Kingdom of God puzzle with simple math, simple history, and simple Bible misinterpretation. He has presented to his church that prophecy is an experience of “cascade learning” and that perceived failures are part of the process leading to truth.


According to Dave, that learning process in which he solves the mysteries of the Kingdom and knowing when its arrival is scheduled constitutes first redefining the descriptive nature of God the Father and Jesus Christ. This is David C. Pack's updated and expanded “God Is…” doctrine.


Why have ministers and leaders of the Churches of God (COG) throughout history put God through an open reinterpretation to define just who and what He is before the lay member can obtain any understanding of the gospel or the gifts of God?


I can confirm the testimony of many of my fellow brethren. The true God healed us, sometimes, many times over. The God we have healed some of our children and miraculously protected them. The God we have mercifully called us out of a condemned world to Himself. The God we have turned the car about to hit us at 60 mph intangible to spare us from certain death.


Through these interactions alone, we understand entirely the nature and identity of God and His gifts. Did we need yet another man to come along and alter our thinking about our God and “improve” upon Him? Why must we accept Dave Pack’s revised and expanded god?



The Restored Church of Another god


A visibly unwell Dave Pack delivered “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 470)” on September 23, 2023. The stakes have never been higher as he succumbed to his unstoppable urge and insatiable desire to “rush to call out and make plain” the simple understanding of God in the very last days.


Dave’s contagious sickness was no obstacle to his presentation of “knowledge” about all the newly discovered attributes of God. If the membership had been paying attention, they would have realized they were witnessing not only a cascade of learning but also an avalanche of moments when Jesus Christ was removed from the Holy Scriptures, and a suitable replacement was inserted.


That replacement by divine selection was none other than David Crowl Pack.


Dave insisted this was a necessary transplantation. Jesus Christ could not be "That Prophet" and speak in the Lord's name. So, Dave Pack had to assume that role and title. Jesus Christ couldn't be the Branch of Jesse and have righteousness as the girdle of His loins or faithfulness as the girdle of His reigns. Jesus Christ also could not sit on His throne or bear the glory because it would not fit Dave’s timing. So, Dave Pack had to assume that role and title. A man would have to do all these things. Jesus Christ is not a man, and to suggest so insults Him.


Part 465 – September 2, 2023

@ 52:56 The last man to sit on David’s throne was named David, but he was a servant and he was a man. Christ was neither.


Since Dave Pack is named David, the Bible must be talking about him because no other options are possible. For decades, WCG members thought they were learning about Jesus Christ when they were actually learning about Dave Pack.


As has meticulously recorded, Dave Pack has usurped many titles for himself. Elijah, That Prophet, the Branch, Shepherd, and Stone of Israel, Star of Jacob, the Messenger of the Covenant, Lawgiver, Son of Man, the Seventh Messenger, and Goodman of the House. Those are only a few. Dave Pack recently confessed how many titles he found for himself in the Bible. Do not be tricked by his use of third-person pronouns. He is talking about himself.


Part 470 – September 3, 2023

@ 17:40 He is a man called a servant and various other things, and he's Elijah. Lot of different terms for him. I wrote up thirty-four of them…


Jesus Christ is being systematically replaced with Dave Pack. This is the reality in RCG. The Kingdom of God could "never, never, never" be understood until Dave’s status, titles, and involvement in God's plan were adequately understood.


In the context of removing Jesus Christ from the Bible and putting himself in, Dave Pack admitted, “This journey was extraordinary, historically prophetic, and amazing all rolled into one.” What a brave statement to a, hopefully not utterly blind audience.



The Trinitarian


Dave Pack was still not done redefining God. He has already corrupted the Christology of Jesus and the nature of God the Father, but brace yourself for what else is to come.


He said the WCG made two big errors: to increase Christ by calling Him the "God of the Old Testament" and then decrease Him by having him do things only “a man” would do. How does this affect the Godhead?


Since the Mystery of God was being finalized "at the very end," which is critical for understanding the Kingdom of God, Dave found it necessary to chide the long-deceased Joseph W. Tkach for introducing the concept that Jesus Christ was all through the Bible. That false teaching slayed the understanding of the membership by introducing one being in the Old Testament.


According to Dave, this is woefully incorrect. There are three Beings spoken of in the Old Testament. Yes, Dave Pack just established that he has become part of a rudimentary trinity.


       The Father is The Lord of Hosts.

       Jesus Christ is the Captain of the Host.

       David C. Pack is the Branch, the Stone of Israel, the Star of Jacob, the Lawgiver, the Messenger of the Covenant, Joshua the High Priest, plus 28 more.


Dave Pack cannot possibly be making himself equal with God. Or could he? There is no way Dave Pack just introduced a new trinitarian godhead to RCG. Or did he?



The Biggest Elijah


More recently in the Series, Dave Pack has established that God and Jesus Christ will be gigantic when they eventually come to earth in a later Kingdom. Think of a grown man holding a globe kind of big. And they have invisible wings. 


One of the thirty-four titles Dave holds is "one like the son of man" of Revelation 14:14. Dave Pack is sitting on a cloud holding a sickle and reaping the earth. As Elijah, he will be big. Toweringly big.


After making such a strong point about “a man” needing to fulfill all the roles that “reduce” Jesus Christ, he then teaches things that "a man" cannot do. This begs the question: "Why can't Jesus Christ do this? If God has to give a man incredible power, why would His Son not have that power to do it?"


Part 470 – September 23, 2023

@ 11:42 The seventh messenger is on a cloud, and he has a sickle in his hand.


@ 12:07 The one who’s on the sickle is giant. It’s Elijah. We talked about he’s riding a cloud. So, how big’s the sickle? I’m sure it is not a dot in his palm, and he trying to figure out how to get a hold of it. So, if you see a giant sword or a giant sickle in your mind, all of those going back to nine days ago, help us understand the size of Godwhich is the greatest part of the Mystery of God.


Pause for a moment.


The size of God is tied directly to a vivid picture of Dave Pack on a cloud. In order to see God properly, you must see Dave Pack properly, and the greatest part of the Mystery of God is now becoming clear.


The whole theological playing field was just upended. There has been a subtle introduction of godly characterizations of Dave Pack, making him a necessary pathway to God. It is time to call this for what it is. David C. Pack, in all his physically enormous highness and self-importance, just walked himself right into the “god trap." It's a "trinitarian god trap,” at that.


He just offered the most insidious bait and switch ever perpetrated. He stealthily presented himself as a lowly human who is co-servant to God and then, as quick as flipping a light switch, grandly elevated himself to an actual GOD BEING co-joined to the Father and Jesus Christ. This was the intended “learning” point for his congregation to picture in their minds: a massive, winged, sickle-laden biblically titled God of Grandeur, savior of Israel and Judah and the world!


Despicable, schismatic, ragingly heretical, and blatantly blasphemous!



In Place of Christ


Many over the years have wondered if it was only a matter of time before Dave Pack would claim he was God. As abhorrent as this is, acting in the role of destroyer, Dave Pack has cut down Jesus Christ to the ground just so that he could stand and tower over Him. 


Dave removes Jesus Christ from pages of the Bible to severely reduce Him, and then takes all the glory and righteousness for himself. It is Dave’s only option for increasing himself to the ultimate position.


Part 470 – September 23, 2023

@ 13:23 Now, Christ can reduce Himself to be come back as “this same Jesus you saw.” He’ll just be a normal-sized person…but He comes back as “this same Jesus.” I don’t know. Six-foot man, whatever He is.


The picture of a gigantic Dave Pack on a cloud and a “six-foot man” Jesus Christ perfectly illustrates his thinking.



The RCG Dilemma


There are certainly questions for current RCG members to consider. Has the reward for your long-suffering and patience "at the very end" been truly "life-changing?" What have you gained? Or should it be asked, what have you lost?


It has been said everyone is waiting for something. Dave Pack has made it crystal clear that the wait for the revelation of the Mystery of God is now over. Dave Pack’s self-inclusive astonishing trinitarian God has been established as concrete doctrine. The Mystery of God now ended, the Kingdom of God is now supposedly understood. But what is the reward for the patient, longsuffering RCG member in the Kingdom of God? Dave Pack definitively and succinctly revealed and made plain the ultimate reward of the RCG membership.


Part 468 – September 9, 2023
@ 19:24 You will not be sitting in Jerusalem. Elijah will because of his overall roll. But, you will be a king in a place far away.


@ 20:12 …but you won’t all be sitting in, you know, in the Branch’s court. You be 10,000 miles away.


The Devil doesn’t want any “saints” living in his presence either!


It is time to ask: Are you invested so far in your leader's theological exegesis that your mind can only see a giant, winged, mighty man towering as a powerful reaper of the earth in the image of god? Are you at peace with the one you call Jesus Christ, an inconsequential "in the background" figure with the world-known Dave Pack as the visible frontman? Are you okay with an invisible Jesus Christ working behind the scenes in a dark room in the Temple of God for precisely 360 days? Are you filled with excitement that this new trinitarian doctrine grossly disagrees with long-standing WCG understanding because holding fast to “old understanding” would deny you your ultimate reward?


Members of The Restored Church of God, what will it take for you to act?


The trail of evidentiary facts are right before your eyes. The biblical warnings of the apostles have come to fruition. Peter, Paul, and Jesus Christ’s words have never been more true for the time now. An unrelenting assault is taking place to capture your minds and to pervert your thinking.


The theological determination of David C. Pack should not only be frightening, it should be inconceivably terrifying when you consider where he is heading. What else could be added to expose what just transpired and has became a reality in the highest seat of the Restored Church of God?


Part 470 – September 23, 2023

@ 17:27 …because if you looked through and you believe all of that, there's one Being, where, in fact, there's three. One's the Lord of Hosts. One the other one said, “My Father's greater than I.” He’s the Captain of the Host. And the other was way down the line. He is a man called a servant and various other things, and he's Elijah.Lot of different terms for him. I wrote up 34 of them…


David C. Pack has committed the most sacrilegious, blasphemous offense against what we know as God that has been seen in our time. He reduced Jesus Christ God (who said, “I and my Father are one”) to the visual dust of the earth and made himself a "most high God" in the Kingdom of God.


The good and gracious Jesus Christ said all blasphemies and heresies will be forgiven except for one. That is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ did the miracles of God by the power of the Holy Spirit and was falsely accused of doing that work by the spirit of Beelzebub—the prince of demons. That is the unpardonable sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit.


In 2013, David C. Pack said, “I’m not getting this [new understanding] from the voice of God or the voice of an angel or in a dream. I’m getting it from the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of Truth!"


Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is a two-way street. If a man cunningly does the work of Beelzebub and calls it the work of the Holy Spirit, that is unquestionably blaspheming the Holy Spirit. It doesn’t get any more serious than this, and it is happening right before our eyes and ears. The blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is disguised as ending God's Mystery.


For the RCG brethren, reality is now. There can be no hope of fully understanding the Kingdom of God when you lose sight of who and what the true God is. Discerning the difference between a false Jesus and the true Jesus Christ is of the utmost importance. Do you recognize which master you serve?


Embracing a man with his self-conceived God standing, resplendent visage, unchallenged authority, and kingdom preeminence has its own reward. When you adopt his doctrines, you adopt the fruits thereof. Please see this as an earnest warning and recognize it is not too late to turn your thinking around and anoint your eyes to accept what you already know.


David C. Pack does not teach the truth. He does not teach a true God anymore and is poisoning the sheep instead of feeding them. Anyone who chooses to continue on his path will be partakers in his reward. And I fear for such people.

Courtesy of Marc Cebrian

Monday, October 9, 2023

"The Israeli blood spilled upon the altar of David C. Pack’s megalomania is a perfectly timed sacrifice necessary to perpetuate his lies."


Israeli Preoccupation


The filthiness of all David C. Pack’s prophetic sins was washed clean by the blood of Israelis this weekend. During "The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 474)" on October 7, 2023, the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God exploited the horrific atrocities against Israel on the Last Great Day to prop up his self-perceived biblical legitimacy.


When the Kingdom of God neglected to appear on the Feast of Trumpets and the Opening Night of the Feast of Tabernacles, David C. Pack became increasingly desperate to whitewash his recent string of failures. After swearing off date-setting during the Feast, he continued to give “maybe” dates supported by lists that “suggested” the Kingdom’s arrival was only days away.


The shocking event early Saturday morning provided David C. Pack with “the lucky break” he had been praying for. The vile attacks committed by Hamas handed him a means to perpetuate the illusion of his authority as a man chosen by God to end the Mystery of God, unseal Daniel, and proclaim the arrival of Jesus Christ.


“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”

― Rahm Emanuel



David C. Pack interweaves the war in Israel with his realizing that he had the Kingdom timing wrong. The two are linked to fulfill a transcendent purpose.


Part 474 – October 7, 2023

@ 01:25 …on Thursday, I began to develop a sense (I’ll explain this) that we could go beyond the Last Great Day. And, of course, the Feast of Tabernacles. It matured yesterday. Last night. I was still a little hopeful yesterday…that our wait might be over. But, no more.


@ 02:06 A great Bible prophecy is underway. I long saw (partially understood), but not fully.


@ 03:52 Now, you know I’ve long-wrestled whether I’m to announce a date. Many verses suggest Yes. Others No.


@ 05:53 But, my job has been to try to see and examine all these other possibilities…Going another year is not one of them, and there was never any doubt of that, but war in Israel today ended all possibility that that could happen. 


The world cannot go on another year without Jesus Christ returning because of what began in Israel this weekend. So says David C. Pack.


@ 11:29 But, I walked in this morning to powerful confirmation of timing. And I wanna cite…what began in Israel this morning.


@ 21:54 Let’s remember, I’m gonna show you God did this. I’ll show you His own words where He says what happened today was by His hand, and it becomes the greatest metric. I just wondered [chuckles] when we would see it.


David C. Pack chuckled. He read verses about God’s vengeance upon Israel, he read news stories describing the death and kidnappings of Israeli civilians by Hamas terrorists, and then, he still finds a reason to chuckle.


Thankfully, for the members of The Restored Church of God, their Pastor General has a complete understanding of world events, so he can confidently lead them into the promised land on schedule.


@ 30:43 So, what are we actually seeing? What are we seeing? What is this? What are we seeing on the Last Great Day of the Feast?


The attack came just in the nick of time for David C. Pack to draw a parallel between his revised suspected timing for the arrival of the Kingdom of God and elderly people being murdered in Israel.


@ 35:17 “..and I [God] did it.” Hamas didn’t do this. Now, you have two choices in a way. To say, “Well, Mr. Pack, you sure you got this placed right?” Maybe this massive attack on the Last Great Day of the Feast, when we believe the Kingdom of God is near, is a coincidence. Those are your choices.


The crossing of two lines does not equal providence. Let us reason together.


Line #1: The enemies of God’s people in the Old Testament tried to use obedience to God as an advantage to thwart them. Daniel, Esther, Nehemiah, and Ezra recorded this. The modern nation of Israel is historically attacked on a Sabbath or a Holy Day. This weekend was the fiftieth anniversary of the 1973 attack by Egypt and Syria. The enemies of modern Israel know when they are most vulnerable: on solemn observance days.


Line #2: Every single Holy Day in The Restored Church of God since 2019 is a “Feast when we believe the Kingdom of God is near.” Every year, every Holy Day is a “keep watching” occasion. Whether it is Passover, Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, or the Last Great Day, David C. Pack fills his followers with hopeful ideas that “this” is the time because we “cannot go another year.”


Line #1 intersected with Line #2 on Saturday. It was not divine. It was inevitable. The collision of two non-miraculous circumstances crossing paths does not mean Bible prophecy manifested before our eyes. 


It also does not prove David C. Pack’s validity as an apostle, prophet, or even a man of God. He fraudulently invented the circumstances by which RCG brethren “believe the Kingdom of God is near” and then shamelessly capitalized on the brutalities committed against Israel to further the fantasy that he has some great insight into what God is doing and when He will do it.


It is all a lie. Do not believe David C. Pack. Do not fear David C. Pack. He heeds to the Spirit of Error and the Spirit of Antichrist, enabled by cowardly hirelings like Ryan Denee, Jaco Viljoen, and Frank Lydick, who care not for the sheep.



@ 35:41 I find fascinating that before this attack, I’d come to realize we have a little more time. “We’re not quite there measuring this right.” 


The mirage of confirmation is amplified by the power of presumption.


@ 35:56 When this happened…I knew immediately what my assignment was. I finally understood my last assignment. I was to rush to carry out. Now, I’ve given thousands and thousands of sermons. I’ve given almost five hundred just in this Series. You imagine how many thousands of sermons I’ve prepared? I prepared today's sermon faster than any time I ever have in my life, and I'd been giving full sermons over fifty years. I never prepared one this fast.


Thousands of sermons over fifty years prepared, and this one was the fastest. This "fact" carries significance only because he says so. Also, notice that he knew immediately what his assignment was rather than God giving him the assignment. His assignment came from inside his own carnal mind by the power of presumption. Not from God.


@ 38:24 “But make it plain.” I can now make it plain by simply talking about what you’re gonna hear on every television station almost anywhere in the world. Or every website. My job is not to tell you what news commenters or world leaders would say but to make plain what it means.


@ 39:11 So, my assignment became clear and immediate. Rush without notice to call out and make plain the vision that Habakkuk saw. And why it’s gonna last a little while.


For those in RCG who happen upon this article near the Feast in 2024, please remember the words of your Pastor General. Remember how the October 7, 2023 events meant the Kingdom was only a tiny, tiny micron away. And remember that the vision Habakkuk shrieked over was Hamas terrorists slaughtering Israeli civilians.


Today and in 2024, the words of David C. Pack will prove that David C. Pack had no idea what it meant or what God was "gonna do" before Cheshvan 1. If you remember, why are you still there?


@ 1:00:25 Now, it’s easy to understand. It’s easy. There should be no one alive in this church who cannot now see “the day” approaching. See what Habakkuk saw.


For those who have not been reading these articles since June 2022, you would be astounded at the “easy to understand” teachings David C. Pack had to later recant and admit, "I thought I understood. But now I do." He will absolutely do that again when he is forced to “clarify” the vision Habakkuk saw. It will surely come. Wait for it.



Matthew 12:34

…for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.


Matthew 7:20

Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.


Proverbs 18:7

A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.

@ 1:00:55 So, I want you to think of this terrible event where babies are being slaughtered like dogs and old people, too, and you know, Palestinians dying, I mean, it’s terrible. You don’t want to see anybody die.


His choice of using “you” here instead of “I” or “we” is fascinating. This fully supports my growing understanding of the man.


@ 1:01:11 But think of this terrible event (and I’m gonna use a term with quotes around it) as a “final, great prophesied gift—gift” to those watching that we have the right year.


In David C. Pack’s perverted theology, Israeli citizens being kidnapped and murdered by terrorist monsters proves he is right about timing.


If you think that is a flawed analysis of his viewpoint, think again.


@ 1:15:24 I’ve explained this great prophecy that nobody ever understood about God’s warfare by His hand and affliction by His hand in Judah and Jerusalem that tells us we’re close. And I just don’t think He wants to divulge it.


@ 1:15:46 But, maybe He wouldn’t want everybody else to know who hear because we have people who leak the news outta the church. Or the word gets out ‘cause we have enemies.


If you listen carefully to what David C. Pack said, report on what David C. Pack said, and remember what David C. Pack said, you are considered his enemy.


I, Marc Cebrian, am perfectly comfortable with that. He can call me an enemy. The one thing he cannot call me is a liar.



This weekend, the "final, great gift" for David C. Pack was receiving an opportune circumstance that fuels his self-deception while also shocking doubting brethren back into line. If not for evil-minded Hamas terrorists, most RCG brethren would have gone home from the Feast disappointed because nothing happened the way their Pastor General said it would. The Kingdom of God did not arrive. Jesus Christ did not come.


But now, horrific world news gets the prophetic adrenaline pumping, and people crawling over the fence are startled back into the yard they planned to escape. This buys Dave more time of perceived legitimacy with impending world doom, drawing doubters back to the teat of cultish familiarity.


A war in Israel works out so much better for David C. Pack than just setting a date three months away. The gory headlines will provide self-sustaining fears and fervent Bible study that will glue members to their chairs, ensuring they get to Sabbath Services every week and not hold back on the tithe checks. 


During a crisis, nobody leaves the safety of an organization promising protection and good things just ahead. Only a few more weeks, everyone. Just a few more weeks…


The Israeli blood spilled upon the altar of David C. Pack’s megalomania is a perfectly timed sacrifice necessary to perpetuate his lies. He will feed off the reported corpses of babies to reinvigorate the crumbling façade that he is God’s Messenger.


Make no mistake. David C. Pack is a documented false apostle, false teacher, blaspheming liar, hypocrite, and proponent of antichrist theology who will clutch on to the crisis in Israel and ride it for as long as he can. He is a proven false prophet who will not "eventually" become a true prophet. Not by divine fiat. Not by accident.


Do not let fear from your news feed deceive you that David C. Pack knows anything about what God is doing today or that "someday" he will finally figure it out. If you believe your Bible, then you know he is forever forbidden from speaking on God’s behalf in prophetic matters.


Brethren, please remember that no matter how bad things get in the world, none of it makes David C. Pack right. No matter how much fire and blood paint the headlines, they do not mean David C. Pack has God's authority. There are not enough earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, terrorist attacks, or nuclear explosions that will ever make David C. Pack true.


David C. Pack will intentionally use the war in Israel to preoccupy your mind and keep you from accepting what you already know.

Marc Cebrian

See: Israeli Preoccupation

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Dave Pack Get's His Wings

Kaiju Dave


The wacky world of David C. Pack has had some ups and downs as of late while the Series continues to pound nonsense into the heads of the brethren.


There have been three messages since Pot Dave called Kettle Gerry a false prophet. “The Greatest Unending Story!” Parts 467 and 468 were on September 9, 2023. Part 469 was given on September 14, with Part 470 scheduled today to accost another "coulda-been a somewhat restful” Sabbath.


The Restored Church of God just endured its 47th prophetic disappointment over the past twelve months. You can extend the theological woes to 67 if you count back from Tammuz 1 (June 30) in 2022.


On September 16, the Kingdom of God did not arrive on the Feast of Trumpets as was taught for three months by David C. Pack. No matter how far he cheats the goalpost forward, time continually exposes him as a biblical fraud.


Part 464 – August 26, 2023

@ 16:04 My purpose now is to thoroughly and completely remove all doubt that the Kingdom of God does come at Trumpets.


Part 468 – September 9, 2023

@ 1:01:55 Like Christ comes in the evening, which would match a Jerusalem dawn. I'm not sure I'm right on this, but I can't see it or fit it any other way. We may go right up till Trumpets. But, if we do, then it's just Bang! Everybody's ready. I mean, right up to the moment the sun goes down in Jerusalem this Friday, which would be the middle of Friday for us.


@ 1:03:22 Now, I wanted to say that because it kinda sets us up. Does that mean we’re waiting for Thursday night? And the answer’s Maybe. Maybe. Could it be dawn a whole day later? I don’t know how…


Brave Dave had no choice but to teach this.


@ 1:36:20 Theoretically, the safer thing (and I believe the more cowardly thing) for me to do would be to lay out the picture and don't touch the year. Talk about Trumpets, but don't touch the year with a hundred-foot pole. To me, that would be cowardly, or it would be worldly-wise. Don’t do it ‘cause people can throw stones at ya.


@ 1:31:21 God would only promise Christ will surely come if He’d removed all doubt with indisputable metrics. Only 2023 (that I can see) brings surety. Doubting 2023 is practically a faithless attack on God’s word.




If you doubt the teaching of Pastor General David C. Pack that the Kingdom of God arrives on Trumpets 2023, it is practically a faithless attack on God’s word. The stakes are high when it comes to buying into his malarkey. Now having both feet on the other side of that deadline proves that always doubting Dave is the wisest, safest choice.


Dave must have forgotten he made that point because five days later, after three long months of holding the line, within the last twenty seconds of his “last” message, Dave straps on his Prophetic Parachute in full view of the entire church who are left sitting in their seats wondering who will fly the plane.


Part 469 – September 14, 2023

@ 1:25:23 I still believe the Kingdom is tomorrow. But, I wanna just say something. Just wanna say this ‘cause I absolutely believe the Kingdom is tomorrow…But if we pass Trumpets for some days (I don’t believe that), but if we do, I think I know why. And next week, I'd explain, and you'd understand, and we'd go from there. So, that's my last thought. Hope you’re inspired. I absolutely am stick’n with tomorrow. Good night.


Life has three certainties: death, taxes, and Dave Pack failing.


As brethren slipped their meager green envelopes into the hungry basket during the offertory, that old familiar feeling returned. “We have yet more time, and this will just keep going. Wow. We can suppose we’re still on track because the Feast of Tabernacles will be in the crosshairs again this year. And Mr. Pack knew nothin’ was gonna happen on Trumpets before anyone else. So, he was right again.”



Spoiler Alert for Parts 467-469:


The Kingdom of God must arrive on Trumpets this year

God does not want David C. Pack to preach the Gospel

David C. Pack is King Elijah

David C. Pack is “one last” Lawgiver

David C. Pack is a Refiner’s Fire and Fullers’ Soap

David C. Pack kindles “the Fire”

David C. Pack will be a winged Kaiju sitting on a cloud

David C. Pack will reap the earth with his sickle

The Sixth King is…? Dave knows but refuses to say

     (Psst. He hinted one of the two options was President Joe Biden.)



Dave woke up on the defensive side of the bed before Part 467. The brethren have noticed he has grown quite accustomed to cold kickin’ it for his endless pontifications.


Part 467 – September 9, 2023

@ 00:10 Good afternoon, everyone. I should clarify. If the years ever went on, I would be standing to preach again. But, I have so many papers for these years, and not every time do I sit down. But, it’s so much easier to sit down…It’s not that I’m old and decrepit, but leaving the glasses here, people say, is very helpful to them.


2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.


In the Church of God landscape, nobody sits more than David C. Pack. He has taken upon himself names and roles that belong to Jesus Christ. David C. Pack is the Branchthe Messenger of the Covenant, the Star of Jacob, Lawgiver, the Shepherd and Stone of Israel, and he is the one named THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Elijah will sit on David’s Throne before Jesus Christ will.


David C. Pack is literally showing himself that he will fulfill roles belonging to God. This is a sobering observation held by more and more brethren who leave RCG. How many boxes can brethren check in those verses before it gives them gut-wrenching chills?


We await a coming king, David C. Pack, as Elijah, who will work with an invisible Jesus Christ Who remains “in the background.”


Part 468 – September 9, 2023

@ 51:52 Christ is absolutely here. But, you can’t see Him. That’s why He arises in your hearts at a certain point. And I wanted that to be clear.


David C. Pack has become "the mighty man" he used to warn about. Never has one man become a more prevalent Swiss Army Knife of prophetic fulfillment. After Herbert W. Armstrong learns he mistakenly taught Christ instead of Dave all those years, he will be so ashamed he will crawl back into his grave.



Part 467 – September 9, 2023

@ 01:34 Let me add something that I neglected to say would be helpful to understand who delights in Elijah.


@ 02:38 “…and he’ll prepare the way before Me, the Lord whom you seek shall suddenly come to his temple, even the Messenger of the Covenant whom you delight in.” Every Levite who’s ever lived knows that there is a high priest coming. They know that Elijah the Prophet closes this book.


@ 04:02 And Christ had to get outta the way one time because they wanted to make Him a king. He knew that because Elijah would come as a king. And we never really talked about that. But that’s one of the things that Christ understood. “I gotta get outta here ‘cause I know they’ll make me a king.” Now we understand maybe they knew more about how Elijah would be a king how Elijah was the Branch in the past than we do today. Or the most do today.


No further proof was necessary to prove the King Elijah declaration. David C. Pack talked just enough to make it true and moved on.


The Word of God is Play-Doh for Dave to press through whatever shape fancies him. A verse can be literal or symbolic. A word can be exact, or it can mean the opposite. A bible figure can be Jesus Christ, or it can be David C. Pack. Only David C. Pack is qualified to know which is correct.


He perverts the Scripture by mixing a bit of truth with falsehood. Years ago, he warned us that the devil knows the best way to lie is to place it between two truths. David C. Pack has adopted the same methodology for his faux theology, hoping the sleepy-headed brethren do not realize he is lying to their faces. Talking until whatever he says becomes true, he exhausts them with constant changes and manipulating words.


Nobody in the New Testament mistakenly thought Jesus Christ was Elijah. The Pharisees asked John the Baptist if he was Elijah. The people wanted to make Jesus a king because they knew a Messiah was coming and Jesus was a descendant of King David. They repeatedly called him "son of David" throughout the Gospels.


There is no King Elijah in the Bible. Since only kings sit on thrones and Dave is going to sit on David’s Throne before Jesus Christ does, he had to give himself a preemptive promotion. Presto Chango: Elijah the Prophet is now King Elijah. ‘Nuff said.


The result is the same, whether it is because of stupidity, ignorance, arrogance, or the Spirit of Error. David C. Pack teaches corruption and cannot be trusted with anything he says.



In another example of talking until something becomes true, David C. Pack slipped in that Elijah is a Lawgiver and then moved on as if that did not have paramount implications.


Part 468 – September 9, 2023

@ 18:21 But, they’re not gathered to the Father until He comes as Shiloh, world peace. So, there is one last Lawgiver. You know, we talked about that man’s role who is descended from David until the Father comes.


If someone went to the restroom, they missed a huge point that was dropped like it was a little No Duh.


David C. Pack is one last Lawgiver, but he did not bother to elaborate after this. This was another colossal stealth acquisition to strike from column God and add to column Dave.


But do not take my word for it. No one is better qualified to comment on the teachings of David C. Pack…than David C. Pack.


Is “That Prophet” Alive Today? The Rise of False Prophets – David C. Pack


This never-ending acquisition of more titles better secures the false prophet’s followers under his spell. The man declaring himself That Prophet also claims he is The Lawgiver, The Voice, King,Father, The Messenger, Teacher of Righteousness, The Nail, among many others! Of course, there will be more in the future. Such is the working of a cult leader. But these divine and religious titles have all given him a tremendously powerful grip on those whose worship he seeks! God the Father is the only Lawgiver in the Bible.



Anyone claiming to be That Prophet, The Lawgiver…has literally attacked his flock with blasphemy and rank idolatry. Like any cult leader, his only possible objective is to seek ever greater adoration and worship—and that may currently include you! Such a one is an outright antichrist! This cannot be viewed any other way.




Part 469 is where things get Kaiju Sci-Fi. The point of the entire message was that Jesus Christ, God the Father, and Elijah have wings and will be gigantic when the Kingdom of God arrives.


Part 469 – September 14, 2023

@ 05:14 So, here’s my question: Is it possible God has wings? The Father has wings? Would that make it possible? Certainly, dudn’t say it outright, but would it be possible? Hmm.


@ 12:47 Does Christ have wings? Now, the world doesn’t know God or Christ have wings if they do. They are never depicted that way. Angels, yes. And sometimes saints. But not generally.


The Restored Church of God Church Administration Department gathered together the local congregation and employees so they could sit and hear their cherished “apostle” pose a question about God having wings that he immediately admitted is not expressly found in the Bible.


This must mean that during Part 470 today, David C. Pack can finally address age-old questions like how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. He will also determine whether God can create a rock too large for Him to lift.


As an aside to volunteer full disclosure, Dave actually makes a convincing case that God has wings. Anyone who does an eSword word search can read everything Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy did.


This was my struggle while attending The Restored Church of God from July 2012 until March 2021. Every once in a while, the blind Dave Pack squirrel finds a Bible nut.


For the sake of argument, even if we all let Dave have his moment of biblical sobriety about God having wings, it does not make David C. Pack also accurate in any other regard. The devil can let a truth slip in to sell the bigger lie. The Tree did have knowledge of Good alongside Evil.


He may be right about this detail, but he is still wrong about the weightier matters of the Law. David C. Pack is still a false prophet, blaspheming liar, and a hypocrite. Correctly putting verses together about "wings" does not a true servant of God make.



Part 469 – September 14, 2023

@ 28:27 We know God is coming with great power and great glory, what nobody ever understood (and we’re just still starting), does He come also with mammoth size in a way we never thought? And fly as an eagle to what He does.


I have another personal admission.


God being so big He fills the sky, helped many verses make more sense to me. Though Dave never brought up the concepts, I can see where an enormous visible God looking down on grasshopper people would cause them to hide in caves to escape the face of Him who sits on the throne and desiring rocks to fall on them.


The concept of Jesus Christ being so large He fills one end of the sky to the other so every eye will see Him perfectly fits men's hearts failing them from fear on a global scale. At that point, it would absolutely be a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.


If David C. Pack turns out to be right about this, it does not erase the fact that he is a false prophet.



There is no topic the man can cover about the Father and Jesus Christ that does not somehow tie directly back to him. David C. Pack is now part of his own Trinity.


For those chuckling, things turn blasphemously sinister when Dave sees himself in Revelation 14.


Revelation 14:14

And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.


@ 23:26 Now, the question is: How big is this person, this being with wings where the entire planet can hear them? We know he has a big voice and would be spirit. And now [laughs] it's looking like it's impossible to say doesn't have wings, and he says these big things.


@ 24:14 Now, he looks like the Son of Man. He can't possibly be Christ. But he looks exactly like Christ in verse 14, and some other angel tells Christ what to do? No, no, no, no, no. So, if someone in verse 14 looks like Christ and is sitting on a cloud…


@ 24:50 So, this is one who looks like Christ. We know Christ has wings. So, how does he not have wings? Christ rides clouds. We know that. The Father rides clouds. So, here are saints riding clouds and flying sometimes.


@ 1:05:18 I read that the servant David (this would be true of you) is higher, loftier than the kings of the earth. Do you mean his title is? Well, it says that God says when he comes to earth, this man he plants one foot in the in the ocean and one on land. Now, if he can do that, then you can do that. In Psalm 89, it says he puts his one hand in the sea and his other hand over the rivers. That’s talking about David. And he’s not the size of God. He’s bigger than the devil…He becomes the prototype of what we’re all gonna look like. Enormous. Enormous.


David C. Pack tells The Restored Church of God members that he will look like Jesus Christ.


2 Thessalonians 2:4

Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.


How this gets past even the most passive biblically ignorant enablers at Headquarters is a study for psychologists to examine for decades. Even Ryan Denee should have caught this one.


For all his bravado, self-assurance, and humble acceptance of his own importance, David C. Pack is as lazy as he is dangerous. A single five-second eSword search utterly destroyed this foolishly blasphemous idea that he is the one “like the Son of Man” sitting on the cloud.


If David C. Pack bothered to use The 12 Rules of Effective Bible Study, he could have preemptively spared exposing himself as an extreme incompetent. He has spent years surrounding himself with mindless, wide-eyed drones who will confess even his doodies are amazing and powerful.


Hey Brad. The problem with conditioning yourself as a Chief Yes Man is that even when you are tossed a softball, you are too disinterested to realize you could have caught it and helped the team.


One verse proved how completely worthless Dave’s long evening walks with his spineless sycophants are. All the “ministers” at Headquarters have surrendered their testicles to the jar Dave stashed under his desk as part of their show of dedication and faithfulness.

Revelation 1:13

And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.


Revelation 1:13 proves “one like unto the Son of man” in Revelation 14:14 is Jesus Christ. David C. Pack now has two options.


1) Walk it back and blame the translators, his staff, the “good” men around him, or God

2) He is ALSO “this man” in Revelation 1:13


It is a coin toss as to which way he will go. Do not be shocked if he takes a razor blade to Revelation 1 to “explain away” the rest of the chapter. That would take bone-breaking verbal contortions.


David C. Pack is a blaspheming liar heeding to the spirit of antichrist. As stated by David C. Pack.



Dave urged ample caution to the disbelievers in the audience.


@ 55:01 So, I thought you would find that, you know, you wanna be just very careful. You dismiss this, then the next thing you do is dismiss the Law.


@ 1:21:09 Well, we gotta be careful. Don't add to God's word, particularly if you see it in the Book of Revelation or ya get the plagues. Subtract from it, say, "No, that's not literal," and subtract something from it, and you may find your name gone from the Book of Life. Be very careful when you read something like that.


The person who most desperately needs to hear those warnings and cannot is the man who uttered them.


If David C. Pack were to become a winged Kaiju, people should run away in terror. In fact, those in The Restored Church of God should be doing that right now.

Marc Cebrian

See: Kaiju Dave