Friday, February 5, 2021

Apostle Pack:The Fudge is on!

Word is...

Prophetic Update

We have received numerous emails from the field expressing your amazement and excitement about what is upon us. Brethren here at Headquarters are right there with you!

As we enter the Sabbath, understand there is a case for Christ coming this side of midnight (Headquarters time). But the case grows stronger after midnight. And the most powerful case of all, with literally dozens of reasons just reviewed by 15 ministers at Headquarters, indicates Christ comes late in the day on the Sabbath tomorrow. So strong is this case, it appears virtually impossible that anything happens tonight. But do not stop watching! It is important to Mr. Pack that all of you remain on the same page we are, hence this brief update.

Rest assured, Christ coming later on the Sabbath in no way violates the intricate mathematical relationships between the key dates we have studied in God’s Plan.

We look forward to seeing you very soon!"

Bob-baloney-ia Notes: RCG’s David Pack about to be proven wrong again

"While David Pack needs to repent and then to be forgiven, no, it is not possible for Jesus to return this week. Furthermore, it is not possible for the Millennium to end as early as April 3, 3028"

The Millennium cannot start until 7 years after the deal of Daniel 9:27 has been confirmed/pushed–for details check out the article: The ‘Peace Deal’ of Daniel 9:27. Such a deal is NOT going to be done by April 3, 2021, hence David Pack’s date for the end of the Millennium is too soon.

David Pack went over the ‘deep end’ years ago and his recent rantings should make that more and more obvious to any that will look.

David Pack has repeatedly been proven wrong and will be once again."



Dave Pack: One More Day And It's Finished!