Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Gentile Idiots," "Nincompoops," and Pretend Jews: A COG Wallet Drainer

Just when you thought Armstrongites could not get any crazier along comes another one out of the woodwork.  This one comes to us based out of the Philippines.  When you read through it you have to ask, is this for real or is it a parody?  It is just so off base that it could be parody, especially when it starts talking about "Sweet young things" donating money.  :-)  Though, it is just crazy enough to attract COG members over to it!

This site claims to have been aorund since 2000.  This one is unique above all others though because they claim to be neither Christian or Messianic Jews.  They despise Messianic Jews as frauds and the same for Christians.  Like any true Armstrongite splinter cult they know all. They are the ONE and ONLY "congregation" that follows the truth of Jesus that is wrapped up in all the useless laws of Judaism.  This should appeal to the hardliner Armstrongites that try as hard as they can to be Jewish while worshiping HWA's teachings.

On September 10, 2000, Adonai Eloheinu placed in the possession of Rav Yeshua Ed a book written by J.R. Church titled ‘Hidden Prophecies in the Psalms.’ Rav Yeshua is able to decode the Sefer Tehillim better than Mr. J.R. Church on account of the prayer he asked face to face before Rabbi Yeshua that his eyes could see clearly. There are many authors of prophetic books who wrote of things they did not fully understand like Michael Drosnin of The Bible Code 2. Some people are given understanding and knowledge that many people do not have.

The New Jerusalem congregation started as a religious organization with the Key of David in its possession already. The Key of David is a key that helps us understand biblical prophecies and their fulfillments in the latter days of mankind.

I wonder if Gerald Flurry knows about this?  Two crackpot Armstrongites both claiming to have The Key Of David.  Only in Armstrongism!

Remember this. When you worship, worship God like what the Orthodox Jewish people are doing. Flee Christianity. Set yourself free from Messianic Judaism now. Worship God not in the same way that the born-again Christian group are doing. Even though they believe, God will not welcome them in the coming Kingdom of God.
 For instance the Jewish rabbis have confused all of the believers in Jesus Christ as Notzarim or Christians and Catholics alike. They think of all the believers as Roman Catholic Church members.  Christians do not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Christians worship God in the spirit of rebellion and idolatry. Therefore, it must be Jesus who taught the Christian people to do what they are doing in the past and in this present time, they conclude.
The New Jerusalem congregation is not a Christian congregation. Only idiot (sic) believes the words ‘congregation’ and ‘church’ are different from each other. If your group is sporting the word ‘church’ you must be Christian or if you are a congregation, you are Jewish. 

You only convert once with us.

 Then to appeal to a small segment of Armstrongism they get into the sacred names crap:

Rabbi Yeshua Bar El heads and leads the New Jerusalem congregation in a way the people on earth would not be able to comprehend. The righteous and knowledgeable people on earth know that this Yeshua is the son of Miriam and Yosef way back on his birth at 5 BCE.

Yeshua Ed is the Hebrew name of the administrator of the New Jerusalem congregation. The title ‘rav’ means a teacher. The Hebrew word ‘rabbi’ explicitly means ‘my teacher’ or ‘my master.’ In the New Jerusalem congregation we only have one master and that is Rabbi Yeshua Bar El a.k.a. Yeshua Ben Yosef veMiryam.

We have two entities in the New Jerusalem congregation with the Hebrew name of Yeshua. Yahshua is not the name of Jesus Christ in Hebrew even if it seems the same. But once you learned Hebrew language you will realize Jehovah is not the correct pronunciation of YHVH. Yahweh is not also the proper pronunciation of the name of God in its transliterated form. Only the uncircumcised Gentile idiots and nincompoops of this world use the names of Yahshua, Jehovah, Yehovah and Yahweh as the names of the G-d they worship. (emphasis mine)

Since their leader uses the name "Yeshua" in his title he is referred to as "Jesus". Only true truth is revealed through this lunatic.  Again, this should really appeal to the Armstrongites.....

However, I do have to hand it to them for being "different" from the other COG's.  This one uses Katy Perry videos in their web pages......The Seven Churches    Now all we need is Rod Meredith to start using "Pet Shop  Boys" on his web site......oh wait, that's too obvious....

If you are a believer in Jesus the Promised Messiah of Israel, what generation among the seven Churches do you belong to?
 Are you a Philadelphian or a Laodicean?
 Are you an Ephesians or a Smyrnians?
You will now know the truth about the seven Churches of God.
 You need to register so you can access the true interpretation of the seven letters of Jesus to the seven Churches. But the creation of account in our website is not accessible to the public at this point. I am not in my best mood at this time. Account shall be created personally by Admin for a donation of $ 10.00 to our Paypal account.
 Otherwise, you wait until I finish writing the little book of Revelation.
 So if you want to access articles concerning the content of the Book of Revelation, contact us after you have sent your ten dollar donation. Give us your email account and we will register your e-mail address for an account in this website.
 A young and beautiful thing can get a free registration here. The dead and dying can also get a free registration. Simply send us your picture and we will register you personally. If we owe you money or any thing, you are entitled also for a free registration. But consider our debt paid.
 The Two Witnesses are also entitled for a free registration.
 If you donate, $ 5,000.00 to our Paypal account you can consider this website yours. Your name is going to be in the by-line of all the articles that will be created starting from the date of your donation.
 Shalom Aleichem to all who would land in this page!

They do have one rather LARGE character trait that sets them apart from the rest of Armstrongism. This should really make Gerald Flurry and Meredith boiling mad that they never thought of it.  They have a link on their web page for people to send in "Offerings for Sin".    Maybe our Yahooists can join up and tell us the details!  :-)

That is what the little orange (yellow?) button is. It is a test that only the true Philadelphians can pass. A $100.00 donation means you are ready to enter the gate of righteousness where only the righteous can enter in. Please send us a note stating the amount of your sin offering for we want to know who you are. It is like, we will go through hell and high water to bring you people to the place of safety we know as Eretz Yisrael—at the border.

Entertaining, to say the least!  All power to the Nincompoops!

Dennis on Weinland: "Oh Ye Of Little Faith?"

Oh Ye Of Little Faith?

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorLast weekend I had the rare Saturday afternoon off from the spa where I work in therapeutic massage.  Januaries are like that.  So I tuned into Ron Weinland's sermon to hear what Witness One had to say.  Ron , as we know, is one of the very true Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 and Pastor Only of the Preparing for the Kingdom of God Church of God. 

I'm am writing this to those of you from Ron's congregation or who follow him as if he really was who he thinks he is....but is not.  

I would have hoped that most would have learned by now to question their minister when he claims to see himself written of and spoken of in the pages of the Bible.  I mean really, what's the chance?  I suppose believing such things goes back to when we got "Waterhoused" over who and what everyone from HWA to GTA to Joseph Tkach were in the pages of the Bible and the mind of God, but look back and see how well that went.  

If HWA brought the hearts of the father's to the children and the children to the father's," etc, I guess I don't see it.  If Joseph Tkach was a "Weaver" then all i got from that is that he used lousy material, mixed his fabrics and it all fell apart as a very inferior garment.  What i mean is that if you look at what was supposed to be what, it was not and still isn't.'  Personally, if I have to be under a Ron Weinland, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry type in the Kingdom...well,  can I just have a log home in the mountains and be left alone?

Ron thinks that holding back your money over the next few months, "just in case," is a total lack of faith.  Those of you who do this, congratulations, it is a total exercise in common sense and proper care of yourself and your family.  Don't quit your day job as they say.  

Somehow, Ron had found out that some of his very own congregation were holding back on their offerings and funds that he would really like to get his hands on "just in case Jesus doesn't return " in May of this year. (2012)  I expect that a year or so from now, this article will seem prophetic, but I spare you.  Don't confuse prophecy for Common Sense.

He chided you for your lack of faith.  I think he must of said, "incredible" in there somewhere because that is what Ron always says when he simply can't understand why others do or don't do what he does or doesn't do.  

But we have to talk...

Please don't put all your hopes, dreams , faith and resources into Ron's opinion, and it is just an opinion, of what the immediate future holds for you. No God is going to chide you for your caution.  "Prove all things.." remember?

 I listened to Ron totally misuse the original context and meaning of the Book of Daniel to motivate you to see the error of your ways on this putting all your eggs into one basket thing.  Ron does not really know the historical context , setting of or even the actual time and peoples to whom the Book of Daniel was written, so of course he can't get it right to begin with.  But please, please, do your own homework and draw your own conclusions.  

Anyone can be a Bible reader.  When you read the Bible like a newspaper, which you should not do, you can come up with all sorts of hope that "time is short," "the day is far spent," or it is time to reveal things "which must shortly come to pass."  Ron never notices that ALL those verses were addressed to people 2000 years ago who just knew the end of the age was upon them and Jesus would soon return.   From our perspective, we now know that they were wrong.  How badly it hurt them, their families and resources we don't know.  The Bible never really tells us the rest of those kinds of stories.  I always wish Paul had not just told us what a loser he was ("The things that I should not do I do and the things I should do I don't," but what exactly he did or did not do that made him such.  But alas, I know the trick.  I'm a bad person, I do bad things but don't ask for specifics.  We'd probably all feel better if Paul had told us specifically how he was just like us.

 Ron, like most, read the New Testament as if it was written yesterday to all of you today, but that would be wrong wouldn't it?  Ministers get around that by fooling you about the idea of "types."  Remember when Ron was wrong about a date or event awhile back that you all had been earnestly looking for and when he had to finally speak up about his failure, HE BLAMED YOU!   I remember him saying something to the effect that "You people took it all wrong.  I didn't mean it was physical, I meant it was spiiiiiiritual.....incredible."   Evidently most of you bought it as you are still there waiting for the next shoe to drop. 

I prophecy ahead of time you will hear, "God is giving us more time," or "Who knew God had even MORE to reveal to me!   I never know until we get to that time where God talks to me and tells me more!!!"   Of course, Ron is full of bullshit on this, but it's a great technique and keeps you in your seats doesn't it...

I don't question (maybe one should) Ron's sincerity, perspectives, motives or way he filters his world both Biblical and currently, but I do question his common sense and wisdom.  Do you?  You do realize that every prediction about the imminent return of Jesus, every date set, every expectation expressed, sermon given, shortly, soon and almost ever expressed on this topic over the past 2000 years has been 100% wrong 100% of the time don't you?  What's the chance a real Deity is talking to Ron and will get it right this time.

I will spare you from the entire argument that Jesus is not coming back at all and all of the Bible including the New Testament is past history but that is terribly hard for us all, me included to accept.  Even in the New Testament after the Apostle Paul had told the married to be as they weren't and those that were not married to forget about dating and marriage at that point, (hmmm, sounds familiar?), we find Paul was dead wrong. 

Real people listened to Paul, adjusted their lives accordingly and ended up with nothing to show for it but less funds and broken relationships.  Of course, Paul never said, "I apologize,"  "I meant well,"  "I thought that voice in my head and light in my eyes that spoke to me was real but I guess not,'" or anything like that.  He turned on the church and accused them of being "scoffers who asked where was this coming of Jesus we keep hearing about."  Please stop and realize that to Paul these people of common sense were scoffers, but in fact, they were right.  Time was not proving to be short nor was the day shown to be far spent.  Life went on, Paul said basically, "oh well, I fought a great fight. It was fun while it lasted.  I kept the faith.  I came up with and I know there is laid up for ME a crown of righteous which I guess you get too maybe someday...gotta go."

I know you will have a hard time with this, but from all we can see and read in the New Testament,  the Apostle Paul, Peter, James, John, all the Elders, all the opening prayer givers, all the closing prayer givers, Deacons , Deaconesses, False prophets and false apostles and yes....even Jesus as presented to us in the Gospels was wrong about the arrival of that Kingdom and just how soon it would be upon them.  "We shall not all sleep but we shall be changed, " for them and every prophecy haunted minister and church since has turned into "We shall all sleep...deal with it."

I am speaking to you with a sincere heart.  I suppose in some way, I am ministering to you in a really weird way from what you have always thought of what ministers do.  Actually I am no longer a minister but go with me on this concept.  :)  








Well, I think you get the point.  I promise that if the real Jesus really really returns on Pentecost of this year and you really really are the only true church and Ron was truly truly God's faithful witness of two, I will write a humble letter off apology and recognition of this as being so.  I'll renounce my own insights over the years and sit quietly in church and never never want to be a deacon, elder or minister ever I promise.  I'll just give what I have not got, or should not give and call it even.

Well, I guess this is the Forrest Gump moment.   And that's all I want to say about that.....

Dennis C. Diehl

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Church of God Wikipedia Propaganda Machine

Silenced has a call to action in regards to the mountains of erroneous material that fills up many Wikipedia entries that pertain to the hundreds of Churches of God and Armstrongism.  Many have fairly accurate information in them, while others look like they have been written by the PR officers of the various splinter cults.  The biggest offenders are (which should not be a huge shock):

Radio Church of God/Worldwide Church of God

United Church of God

Philadelphia Church of God

Living Church of God

Terry Ratzmann

Roderick C. Meredith
Silenced writes:: Wow. Just…wow. Did he write this himself?

This includes one that is missing and SHOULD be written: Ron Weinland

Armstrongism has always done a white wash on its self over the decades.  In its eyes it has done no wrong, committed no evil, and has been the most glorious resurrection of the True Church in 1,900 years. The truth is, in many cases, that the Church of God has blatantly lied about it's history.  It has attempted to cover up murders, suicides, huge legal challenges, rapes, wife swapping, child molestations, stalkings,  embezzlement and more.  If you can name an evil present in the world it most likely can be found existing in Armstrongism.  One person some years ago even accused he Church of genocide with is vile medical prohibitions.  How many thousands have died over the decades because of church leaders deliberately banning medical intervention? 

It's time these liars be held accountable on Wikipedia!

So if any of you want to join the Wiki Truth Squad contact Silenced for more information

Happy 26th!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dennis On: ""For God So Loved the World...." A very sincere question to consider

"For God So Loved the World...."

A very sincere question to consider

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorI would like to seriously and sincerely reopen a question I have had for years about the teaching that God gave his only son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for us.  I believe this audience would be able to draw on scores of scriptures to this effect so I will not reproduce them here.  

What I would like to ask, and sincerely so, is "In what way is Jesus death a real death and in what way did God give his son?"

I know our initial reaction is "on the cross" or "he turned his back on Jesus and abandoned him at death," or "Jesus gave his life for us..."  etc.  But in what way? From my perspective, it was not in anyway I can identify with as a human and the "loss" God suffered is not like any loss I have seen in the faces of parents who lost real children in death.

My personal problem with the concept is that from all accounts, well most, Jesus knew he would die but also that he would return better than ever in a mere three days and not in the flesh, but back at the right hand of God.  In what way is that a sacrifice?  Every sacrifice that died in the entire Bible stayed dead.  Jesus merely appears as a sacrifice but in a way that is not really like all the so called '"types."  Jesus death was not like human death.  It was almost like a play that has a really good ending once we get to the end.  It seems more like going through the motions but not really the emotions.

Now granted, it is no fun to die at a young age, but hundreds of thousands and millions have done it before and since Jesus.  But they are all dead and gone.  I can't imagine any grief lasting long if the families and friends of those who have died would have had to wait a mere three days to get them back better than ever. I can't even imagine any of those who died being all that upset if the knew, as Jesus and God evidently did that they would be back shortly better than ever.  That's not dying.  That's stepping out for a bit and coming right back.  That is not what humans call death nor parents who have lost a child, a tragedy that eats their soul up for the rest of their lives. 

God the Father knew, evidently, what his plan was and could bring his "only begotten son that he gave  back quickly.  I can't do that.  No parent of any children I have buried can do that .  How can this be said to be the most amazing parental sacrifice in the history of the world?  I can see if  the figure of Jesus STAYED DEAD and was not himself ever to be part of the coming Kingdom.  Now that would be a sacrifice on the part of both Jesus and God the Father.  But this mere "weekend inconvenience," seems to fall far short of that?  I ask sincerely for an answer.

In what way would God have agonized over Jesus death if it was merely a short weekend event from which God would easily recover the life of his son?

In what way is this the most amazing sacrifice of all time?  (Thousands of humans have been crucified, skinned alive , boiled alive and burned to death which would seem far more hideous than any six hour death on a cross.)  I have my doubts about Jesus being "marred above any other," as well but will leave that for another time. Death on the cross is generally a days long event where no burial is afforded the criminal and the body is left to fall off the cross to be eaten by dogs.  Jesus had the burial of a King with little of the humiliation that would normally accompany such events.  I'm sure many would have said in his day that "Jesus got off easy. He died really quickly."  

I have recalled how this question came to me when a client told me she lost her only child in an accident.  After telling me how little help her church had been trying to encourage her with, "God won't give you more than you can bare," "at least you have other children," (She didn't) or "At least you will see her again in heaven," the Pastor himself made the mistake of his theological career.  He told her that "well, God lost his only child too."  

"Uh oh.." I remember thinking.  He sure stepped into that.  I asked what she said and she assured me that she screamed "NO!" at the minister and then said,  "Jesus seems to have known he would die and come back in three days. God knew He was going to resurrect him in a mere three days better than ever.  My daughter is still dead!  A real sacrifice should stay dead.  Jesus death was merely a weekend inconvenience for both Jesus and His Father."

Ugh....I just listened and thought that she , in her grief and clarity, had hit on something so deeply disturbing to me that I later wrote about it.  I asked what the minister said and she said he just looked at her and said NOTHING.  Probably the best think he could have done under the circumstances.

It is a sincere observation and it has raised a deeply troubling but sincere question in myself since then.  

So in sincerity I ask,  In what way did God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son....?  How was it the most amazing sacrifice of all time?  Should not a real sacrifice stay dead?  And why would Jesus actual death which quickly was remedied by a better than ever resurrection be considered some kind of substitution for ours?

I simply have no answer for this observation and if I were still a minister and this was thrown in my face while someone was grieving the real loss of a child, would have nothing to say but,  "that's a good question.  I don't know."

Dennis C. Diehl

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dale Schurter: The Master of Flip Flopping (Updated)

A reader commented on the  "The Dale Schurter Propaganda/Resignation Letter":

We had him for a pastor for awhile in UCG. Dale flip flops in his beliefs in unbelievable rapid fashion. In this letter he uses the names God and Jesus Christ. Last I knew in UCG he was using the " Sacred Names"....and admonishing UCG members they should be doing the same (to the point of members getting very upset with him). He had come to believe that using the names God and Jesus Christ was very evil. Now it seems he is using them quite frequently.

Also, the last I knew, Dale believed in keeping the new moons. And had some very different ideas than HWA about what will happen when Christ returns....like the bride will go to heaven (the sea of glass) and live there for awhile...I forget all the details, but it was radically different from what HWA taught.

He also claimed to know (via Ron Wyatt propaganda) to know where the Ark of the Covenant was (in a cave under Golgotha with Christ's blood on it), not to mention, where Noah's ark was, Sodom and Gomorrah (he even brought some sulfur smelling rock to church and in his sermon invited people to come up later to smell it...claiming it was authentic rock from Sodom & Gomorrah). Plus the true crossing of the Red Sea site by the Israelites, plus more. And also, the Sabbath doesn't begin and end at sunset...it begins before sunset (unspecified time) and ends after sunset (again unspecified time).

Oh, I could go on and on....oh yes, he also claimed to believe that members should have input and that he believed in a team effort...not the old top down stuff.

So now fast forward just 6 years or so and now he is claiming to believe in everything that HWA taught. RCG has it all just right and is God's only true church on earth. Yet it was UCG that tolerated Dale's "different" beliefs, and didn't boot him out on his behind.

So my question is: has Dale now changed his beliefs back to what HWA taught (has Dale now gotten "back on track"?) or does he still hold to some of the beliefs he was teaching in UCG (one week instead of sermon we had to watch a Ron Wyatt tape)? If he has reversed a lot of what he was teaching....I guess he will be OK in RCG. If he hasn't...and is "just pretending" to put a good face on to the Packman...then trouble is ahead for Dale because I do not think RCG will tolerate his beliefs for long...after they finish using him as a propaganda tool.

Added 1/15/12    
According to Dave, the earth is millions of years old. According to Dale its 6000.      Is the Earth 6,000 Years Old?
So "Mr. Dinosaurs lived with man" is already at odds with his new guru.

Dennis On: "Getting Back On Track"

"...among other things, and some have again committed to “get back on track.”
Not Again!
"Maybe we should reconsider this route?"
Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorIf we have heard it once, we have heard it a thousand times.  "God has put his work back on track!"   It used to be "we are in the gun lap," but evidently there were so many gun laps, they all ran out of bullets. 
What did that mean?
Back in the day it always meant that HWA had been spending so much time flying around the world preaching the Non-Gospel of the Soon But Not Real Soon Kingdom of God to world leaders , that when he got back for a few days, he found out the mice had been playing. 
Mouse play could have been anything to a drop in income while he was gone to publishing an article or a PT cover that was less than pleasing and for sure was done without his permission.  Often times he probably had given permission but simply forgot.  And so after the appropriate sermon blasting everyone for "not getting it,"  the Church was put back on track and the appropriate member was sent out declaring it to be so. 
The Church got put back on track in 1968, 69, 70 ,71, 72,73,74,75,76,77,78----all way up to 1986 when it derailed again because the Engineer had died while the train, now on another right track was speeding ahead throttle up knowing that his end was near and unwilling to admit it or ask someone to take his place.  One of the conductors had spent a lifetime telling all the passengers that the Engineer could not die and would live until the train pulled into the station, but that was just rail road talk. 
Pretty quickly though, a new Engineer put himself as far as we can tell into the cab as all the conductors once again put the train back on the tracks.  Or at least back on tracks because these were different tracks than previous tracks.  Very often in the past, the impression was given that the train was always put back on the same right tracks as God and Jesus, I mean Christ, would have done if they were actually here helping with the heavy lifting.  But often, while close, it was at best a parallel track yet a little more right of center than the last.  Derailments were generally blamed on falling off the tracks on the left side. 
At any rate, it did not take long to see that the new Engineer, a Mr. Weaver, was unlike any Engineer WCG had ever had.  These can't be the same tracks as all the others we suspected.  He really had little training as an Engineer as far as one could tell and was prone, as was the original WCG Engineer towards nepotism putting close relatives and friends in charge of the train, the station , the conductors and all the passengers who wanted to be on the train on the right track.  I think they even took over concessions as far as I can tell. 
However, it was not long before it was obvious this Engineer was on Jesus Drugs and the train plowed into a miracle caused by Jesus, who was quite different from the Christ of WCG.  Well they said it was a miracle, but I say it was one of those abutments that announce this track is going no where and one has reached the end of the line.  I think you are supposed to stop when you see that coming up, or even be smart enough to know the route being taken actually ends up ahead and slowing down would be in order. Not being there in the first place would be even better.  But alas, no one on the train seemed to understand this or at least assumed the Engineer would know this and stop in time.  Wishful thinking evidently. 
When the train, Engineered by Mr. Weaver hit the end of the line, ugh...bodies everywhere.  The momentum took the wreckage clear into the little town of Evangelical where it burst into the flames of the Holy Spirit.  Conductors and passengers alike, who survived crawled out and off to join new railroads and work on safer and more predictable trains.  Some even started their own railroads and put those trains back on the right tracks all over again. 
It wasn't long before we could see dozens and then hundreds of separate trains each with their own unique passengers, crews and Engineers lined up, one behind the other, yet all on the same "right track."  What a site.  Have you ever seen a train behind another one on the same track try to pass the one ahead of it?  Not pretty and certainly not easy!   I guess when you are in a line anyone of them can claim to be at the head of the line and the one ahead is really at the end of the line, it's just that you caught up with it.
Pretty soon there were hundreds of right tracks all part of the one true railroad and lead by the one true Engineer barreling down the right track.  New stations sprang up all over the country and then the world, all claiming to be the true and right railroad and back on the true and right tracks.  Problem is, they all forbid their passengers from ever riding or even reading the brochures of the other trains on the right tracks and surely never even thinking of riding on their same but different true but false railroads not driven by God's chosen Engineer.  
Soon we had competing one true railroads all on track.  There were the PCG, RCG, LCG, UCG , GCI, and dozens more railroads, all back on the same right track yet denying that each other really were.  We had "That Engineer," "And yes brethren, I am an Engineer," and even "We are the Two Engineers," of all things.  I was concerned that two engineers on the same train would cause conflicts, but was relieved to see that the one engineer never spoke and really didn't know how to run a train on the right track anyway.  Anyway, we also have, "Presiding Engineers," and "Engineers for life. " He runs the GCI line but doesn't seem to have much of a route. 
I tell you, all these trains back on the same right track makes me nervous.  Sometimes conductors from one true train on track jumps track and lands on the same right track again but different.  I can't figure that one out.  They say the last true right track train was true but is now less true and on a track but maybe not THE track.  I don't know.  Some say that some railroads pay conductors better than others and, of course, that is the real reason for jumping trains. 
Anyway, sometimes it crosses my mind that all these Engineers blowing their own whistles and stoking their own fires really aren't back on the right track after all.  I think they are on a track, but the right one?....not sure.  Well, pretty sure they aren't actually.  No, positive!  I think you can put a train back on the same WRONG track and just think you are on the right one....until you see that bumper thing at the end of a dead end staring you in the face and you going way too fast to slow down, much less stop and avoid yet another train wreck with casualties.
Personally,  I don't ride trains anymore because I am leery of the tracks.  None of these companies seem to do much maintenance or educate their conductors on how to take care of the passengers.  You know, "Jones pays the freight, give Jones what he wants,' as the old original Engineer used to say.  Shoot, their engineers haven't even gone to a real engineer school it turns out nor have they learned the many nuances of engineering.  They know nothing of the origins of real railroads or what constitutes right tracks much less how to get back on them when you drive recklessly and plow into reality.  Sometimes I think they even have the wrong book or at least read the directions half drunk.  Maybe they just filter out the stuff that they don't understand and make what they think they do mean more than it does. 
Anyway, once again, a conductor on one of the older new true railroads has jumped on to and even newer and truer one, even before the other once crashes.  He's sending passengers on all sorts of sorta true railroads and trains new schedules and wants to meet them at the station, the true station anytime they have time.  We'll see.
But, while the claim is made that once again, the true train has now been put back on the true tracks and the most true conductor and Engineer will meet you at track 29,  I have my doubts.  I have never understood how the passengers that survive can crawl from one wreck after the other and still sit on the latest train as if there never was a wreck or OK there was, but God put me on this track and damn it, I'm riding this train into glory!  Passengers are the biggest enigma to me.  They buy a ticket.  Step over the bodies, find a new train and let any glib talking, railroad reading , Engineer come lately take them along for the ride on tracks that have already proved less than safe and reliable.  Go figure.
Oh well.  Pardon me boys, is that the cat who ate your new shoes?  Ok, sorry, couldn't resist.  Personally I think you can be put back on the wrong tracks and never even suspect it the whole time you are on the train going nowhere.

Dennis C. Diehl

Dave Pack: "Freedom of the Press Is Not God's Way"

In looking through Pack's screed on being persecuted by the unjust he has this little tid-bit about the Internet and the press which now hold him accountable for his lies.

The arrival of the Internet, coupled with a long-time American institution, has forever changed communication and the “rules” within the Church of God. Let me explain.

Together, these changed everything. When disruptions now occur in the Church, everybody has a “story” to tell. The Internet provides them with a vehicle to do this. And dirtmongers are only too eager to help them. When Daniel said, “knowledge shall be increased” in the end time, he could not have remotely understood how the computer would play such a large role in this.

Freedom of the Press

Compounding the problem, America and other countries practice the principle of “freedom of the press.” While this has never been God’s way, it is certainly the American and modern way. The American Bill of Rights ensures that the flow of “information”—good or bad, right or wrong—can never stop. Therefore, Americans (and citizens of nearly every Western nation) consider access to information not just a privilege but a right. They could not imagine life without all of the various written materials that are made available through this freedom—and the Freedom of Information Act has allowed them to access vast additional amounts of once inaccessible material!

The attitude that people are entitled to complete “openness” from all institutions of government has been absorbed into the splinters. An expectation has developed that visiting certain websites, or reading “church culture” newspapers, is how to get the real story. Now, “investigative reporters” take it upon themselves to “just report the news” happening in the splinters. They view themselves as neutral or acting on God’s behalf, while distributing every conceivable kind of garbage, filth, muck, sewage, dirt and trash landing on their desks!

Obviously, these “journalists” are not dirtmongers in their own eyes. They see themselves as merely performing an “information service.” But they function much like the National Enquirer, The Star or other supermarket tabloids, so popular today. The difference is that they do this on behalf of the many splinters, assuring themselves that God is pleased with their efforts. Actually, these “journalists” directly serve the “god of this world,” who loves gossip, talebearing, slander, bad news, discord, division and every other form of human disagreement. While God hates these things, the devil and human nature feast on them. But try to tell them God hates what they are doing.

Additionally, most of these “information services” link their websites and newspapers. One “service” may specialize in muck, while another specializes in dirt. Still another in sewage, while yet another features trash and garbage. But since they all “cross-pollinate,” one need only stumble onto one source to find a veritable treasure trove of every vile thing under the sun—instantly available!

You must come to see that, in a host of ways, these sources have rejected Christ’s most basic teachings, and have departed from even the fringes of marginal true Christianity. (From Should Accusers Be Answered?)

The only people I know on the fringe are the legalistic splinter cults of Armstrongism who promote worthless legalistic mumbo-jumbo that enslaves.  They follow a weak, impotent little god who is powerless.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dave Pack: Miraculous Healings, Demons Being Cast Out, Thousands of New Members

Packatolla wants all of you COGers out there that are looking for a home after years of wandering around from XCOG to XCOG and never being satisfied.  Pack wants you to know he has the worlds largest, most important and most miraculous COG on the face of the earth. He has written a letter to all of you apostate, demons possessed, slackers out there.  Amazing things are happening in RCG.  Web hits are up dramatically, Web downlands are earth shattering.  Miraculous healing are occurring.  Demons are being cast out.  Income is up 102%.

His church is experiencing, allegedly,  astounding growth with "thousands" being brought into the church.
He refuses to release his numbers though, as well as his finances.  So when he claims thousands, that could literately mean two thousand and two people as members.  "Thousands" plural can mean a lot of things, but in Armstrongism it usually means minuscule and irrelevant.

Dear Dave: Can I call you Dave?  Ok Dave.  
The above picture is what thousands (maybe even ten thouosand) symbolizes.  
Not the miniscule little "thousands" you claim.  
Once a liar, always a liar.

Jesus taught, “You shall know them by their FRUITS” (Matt. 7:16, 20). How often did Mr. Armstrong repeat this? Only one organization passes the test when fruits are the standard. These fruits spring from having the truth, traditions and standards of the past, and God’s guidance and blessings—which are all demonstrably provable! The many fruits in this letter represent the fingerprints of God for those interested and willing to look.
Every year the statistical growth in all categories within God’s Church and Work show an increase, and usually all of them a significant or large increase. But what follows is nothing short of a STATISTICAL TIDAL WAVE unlike anything we have seen before—and we have seen a lot of growth!

Some mind bloggling statistics of the greatest show on earth are:

"...it should be obvious that 20% growth for 12 straight years puts our official attendance in the thousands."

"All ministers (and wives) in the RCG ministry undergo a very extensive, sophisticated training program, via Ambassador Center, The Pastor General’s Report, numerous special Pastoral Care lectures, and an annual Conference for all ministers, among other means. Nothing like our training program is occurring anywhere else. In fact, nothing else is close."

"2011—102.2% above 2010
It is my prayer that God will help everyone in the splinters understand what the statistic you just read—growth in income—should mean to you. It should be literally IMPOSSIBLE to miss God’s fingerprints in just THIS SINGLE NUMBER. "
   " The millions of dollars we received in 2010 more than doubled in 2011!!!"

"A World Headquarters campus is scheduled to open in April 2013—and to begin construction in April 2012. " (Obviously this will be in the Guinness Book of World Records for the fasted construction of a college campus and Auditorium in human history.)

 Someone had better get out the measuring tape to see who's dick is the biggest. with this boastful pissing contest:
 "Perhaps examine the quality, professionalism and “authority” (or lack thereof) of your organization’s telecast, in light of World to Come broadcasts, which can all be found at worldtocome.org and youtube.com/restoredcog. Incidentally, RCG’s YouTube totals for World to Come views is significantly greater than UCG, LCG and PCG combined! And we are just starting."

" Finally, and this is most important, view any of the 125 broadcasts available to compare the messages with those of your organization—and then decide who is continuing the fulfillment of Isaiah 58:1-2 in the same way as did Mr. Armstrong!"

" Regarding the amount of literature we offer, virtually all of our enemies ascribe the writing of these books and booklets to me, at the human level. While these enemies are trying to discredit me, they in fact greatly overcredit me. When they suggest that either I or my late wife (as my constant typist) could have done this on our own, even a fraction of it, they have unwittingly assumed a human being is capable of what no man could do, and over a short period of time, without tremendous miraculous help from Almighty God. Discerning brethren in the splinters will recognize God’s handprint."

"God’s Church continues to experience many dramatic healings, as well as a host of other miracles. Of course this has been most inspiring—and faith-increasing!—for the Church. No one hears in the splinters of outright truly miraculous healings any more. We do time and again. Here are just five brief examples, quickly assembled for my letter, of what is a long list of such healings:" ( Obviously God hates all the other splinter cults because they are dying from all kinds of diseases while we are being healed.)

 "Healings are only one of many kinds of miracles we see in God’s Church on a regular basis, miracles that His enemies cannot gainsay. For instance, we see dramatic open doors, special protection from calamities, and demons cast out. In this regard, Jesus instructs those listening in Luke 11:20 that “the finger of God” is responsible and “no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you.” Are you listening to what these miracles mean? "

"I fear—I truly FEAR—for those who so freely speak against the work of the Holy Spirit in The Restored Church of God. If only they could have the good sense of carnal Gamaliel in Acts 5:34-39, and stop attacking us “lest haply [they] be found even to fight against God.” " (So we are supposed to fear Pack and his impotent little god? Hardly!)

"All eyes in God’s Church are looking ahead to the absolute explosion of additional growth that this letter heralds for 2012! It will surely be a year like none other for the reconstitution of God’s Work for this final age. It could now be said that we are on the last few pages of the last chapter of God’s Work!" 

Dave goes on to prostitute out Dale Schurter some more:

We are pleased to announce that a longtime minister in God’s Church, Mr. Dale Schurter, has resigned from the United Church of God (UCG) and, with his wife, Mona, come with The Restored Church of God (RCG). A resignation letter to UCG brethren and ministers explaining the reasons for Mr. Schurter’s decision has been posted on rcgtruth.com. Over the last five days, a great many people from every corner of the world have contacted us from UCG, but also other organizations, because of Mr. Schurter’s powerful letter and call to action. Our Mailing Department has been extremely busy. To see more and more people waking up to the false doctrine, wrong standards, poor fruits and continually worsening condition of their organizations has been most encouraging. We will have more to report with the passing of time.

 Schurter and hundreds of other defecting ministers will soon be exposing the false doctrines and teachings of all the other 600 some splinter cults of Armstrongism.  With the mind boggling, soon to come defections, of hundreds of COG ministers, the RCG will have first hand knowledge of how evil these 600 some splinter groups are.

Has the Church of God ever had such a bold liar as they now have with Davie Pack? 

Thiel Making Eyes At Baron Guttenberg Again

Dr. Bob is at it again. He wants you to know he has his eye on the Baron. I wonder if Spanky approves of this bromance?  He also wants you to know that the Baron will be the one that will come back over here and kill all of you reprobates when he brings the German armies back to destroy the nation.  Ho hum

As regular readers know, I have long had my eye on former German Defense Minister Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg as one to watch as a possible candidate to be the final King of the North of Daniel 11 and Beast of Revelation.

I have warned for some time that he would return to politics if he is the one.
His actions show that he is one we all should watch (cf. Mark 13:37).

An Ecumenical Church of God Love Fest In The Works?

Armstrongism has always mocked the Christan world when various churches met together to work towards a common goal.  Now it seems United Church of God and Living Church of God are extending an olive branch to each other so they can work together in fulfilling the commission.  Quite absent from this love fest is Church of God Worldwide Association, UCG's recently departed brethren.  Why the hypocrisy?

As the end of this age draws near, it seems more appropriate than ever that God’s people, wherever they may reside, support one another in fulfilling the commission Jesus Christ gave us. With this in the forefront of our minds, representatives of the of the United Church of God, an International Association, met with the leadership of the Living Church of God at Living’s Headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, on January 9-10 for a two-day visit. 

The purpose of the visit was to rekindle friendships and discuss ways to cooperate in serving God’s people. The meetings were cordial and positive and included an open and frank discussion about those things that we have in common, and some of our differences, including church government and the way each Church is organized. We also discussed our different strategies for preaching the gospel in this modern age. There was no discussion of any type of merger.

Discussions about areas of cooperation within the greater Church of God community included humanitarian concerns, disaster relief and other unforeseen events where we can help our members meet critical needs by supporting and loving one another as Jesus commanded. Cooperation could also include helping members who have difficulty getting time off for the Sabbath and Holy Days, and other legal matters that affect both organizations.  It was agreed that open communication between Church of God organizations will become more important as world events move towards their ultimate prophetic fulfillment. 

Those in attendance at the meetings in Charlotte on behalf of the Living Church of God were Dr. Roderick C. Meredith, Mr. Richard Ames and Dr. Douglas Winnail. Those who traveled from Cincinnati for the United Church of God were Mr. Dennis Luker, Mr. Victor Kubik and Mr. Peter Eddington.  Mr. Luker commented that the Cincinnati team felt most welcome and were treated very warmly. In addition to the meetings, the UCG visitors were given a full tour of the Living Church of God headquarters and adjacent media center.

Another tour?  These tours are starting to be dangerous!  Will the representatives immediately jump ship now to LCG because they were in awe and amazement at the magnificent work being accomplished in Charlotte?  Will we have another Schurter 20 page resignation letter from these guys?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Schurter Says He Offers Hope to COG Slackers

Dale Schurter has written about his amazing and mind boggling defection over to the Restored Church of God.  He claims hundreds have written to him and been restored back to wholeness by his amazing letter.  You would think that this event is the most miraculous thing to happen in the Church of God in decades.

Greetings again, everyone. As I continue to hear from people around the world, many are emailing and calling from several of the break-away groups of the WCG, in addition to folks in general. Comments indicate my letter has already helped many to see that they have slacked off in regular and heartfelt daily prayer and Bible study, among other things, and some have again committed to “get back on track.” As of this evening, my website has reached 960 cities in 40 countries. How encouraging and sobering at the same time.

He then goes on that not all comments have been warm and fuzzy.  Some disagree and he is not happy about the detractors ridiculing him. But takes it on the chin as a martyr for the truth no matter how painful..

And yes, some comments are negative, a few of them even hostile in nature. How we all long for the day “the accuser of the brethren” is no longer able to accuse the faithful daily before the throne of God. However, the vast majority of the comments are positive, including comments of appreciation to receive a “wake-up call,” and gladness to be back in touch again. Please continue to pray for all the brethren and those being called of God….yes, including those who do not yet understand in full, and strike out at others. This can be painful, but should never dissuade us from our commitment to the Father and Jesus Christ to stay the course to which we are called. Remember, “All who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (II Tim. 3:12).

He should realize that his "detractors" see through the malarkey of his miraculous visit to Packman's HQ and how that cult is damaging hundreds of lives.  People are still shocked that he wants to be part of that kind of evil.

Idiotic Ron Weinland Video : Alien Demons

Armstrongism's latest fool to soon go down in flaming glory on May 27th is Ronnie Weinland.  Here is one of his more idiotic videos.