Tuesday, December 8, 2020

LCG's Ministers Incessant Need To Be In Control


Several years ago during the LCG summer camp season, some of our teens were told that their ministers were the main authority over them, not their parents. We immediately checked to confirm this and the ministry did confirm it, and then we simply picked up the kids and took them away, and reassured them that it was NOT these LCG ministers' right. Several families from here have not attended LCG since. 

Sheldon Monson, that weakling hireling was aware of it and he himself waffled several times on it. I think he did know better from the Bible, but he had already made some serious compromises to remain in LCG as a fatcat paid minister, so he did not take the position he should have. Let's see how he and his staff handle things. 

I'm sure the LCG ministers will put a church speak spin on it if it comes up, just like they did on the tragic death of the young lady from Australia in the water skiing accident. I've been water skiing countless times, and I say that at the very least criminal negligence was involved. One minister named Dave Campbell who was trained with UCG and was with LCG for a short time now has his own group. Well, his answer, without God and without heart about why the girl was killed was: "Oh, that's a simple answer. Time and chance as the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 9." How vile and cruel!

When pressed, these ministers cannot handle being held to account. Remember, they are either at your throat, or they're at your feet. the worst they can do is to throw you out of their group. Contrary to what they might say, they can never take your name from the lamb's book of life.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Statements made by ministers to enforce their authority

 From an anonymous source:

These are direct statements from ministers, often and routinely claimed by them, from WCG and certainly from LCG.  

Statements 15 through 22 are from lay members and from local non-minister power brokers.  Clearly here, the term "government of God" is synonymous with the ministry, and also for God's divine will; one in the same.  Unconditionally submitting to the ministers is the same as worshipping God.  

Entire biblical essays could be written--should be written--on each point showing how they are so very wrong.  In particular, point 5 comes to mind given the recent and ongoing unbiblical threats coming from Doug Winnail and Gerald Weston of LCG, and how they so wickedly twist the incidents with Moses and the Israelites in order to prove their own authority.  Although I do believe overall what we were shown through Mr. Armstrong (thus appearing something like Messianic Jews and 7th Day Baptists), the spiritual hegemony in which these false ministers engage must be exposed for what it truly is.  Would that LCG members and from other groups study your Bibles, recapture true values as Mr. Armstrong taught, and do not be frightened or intimidated.  To do anything less leads to this present, unacceptable idolatry.

"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free!"

1.  "If you believe that Christ" (they never say Jesus) "is the head of His church, then you will follow and submit to His ministers.  His government."

2.  "If you can submit to us in the world today, then you will have no trouble submitting to God in tomorrow's world.

3.  "Even if we are wrong, obey us anyway, and God will work it out."

4.  "Even if you think we're wrong, submitting to God's true ministers is a matter of faith in God and that Christ is the head of his church."

5.  "Remember this!  Even if we are wrong, God was angry with the people!  Not Moses!"

6.  "As God's ministers, we sit in the seat of Moses.  We occupy Moses' seat."

7.  "God always backs us up.  God backs up his government."

8.  "Even if we are wrong, God will back us up.  God always backs up his government."

9.  "We have the keys to the Kingdom.  We can shut you out."

10.  "If you believe that Christ is the head of his church, then have faith in God that he is guiding and leading us--his ministers--to make right decisions and judgments."

11.  "As ministers, we are never wrong.  We might have a different interpretation of things, but we are never wrong!"

12.  "Now that I am a minister, I cannot be your friend.  You can be my friend, but I cannot be your friend."
"As ministers, we are not your friends."

13.  "Don't go to the police and the law about this.  Leave it to the ministers."  
"Don't go to the media, and don't say anything about this to them.  Refer them to the ministry."

14.  Said to children at the LCG camps: 
"As ministers, we are the main authority over you in your life.  Your parents are under us.  We as ministers are over your parents.  They take care of you and they are your parents, but we are the main authority over you in your life."

Things Wrongly Believed And Said by lay members about ministers, elders, and deacons, And Even by These Same Of Each Other:

15.  "He's ordained by God, so he must be right."

16.  "I'll just do what I'm told, and if the minister is wrong then he'll get in trouble for it; not me."

17.  "I know he's wrong, but I can't go against the government of God."

18.  "I do not believe this teaching.  I do not hold to it, but I won't go against God's government."

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Dave Pack Warns About Feral Cats Roaming The Cities! Oh Noes! Run for your lives!!!!!!


Dave Pack sent out a Co-worker letter to his dwindling faithful on December 5, 2020.

It is the usual long list of horrible things going wrong in the world as proof that this is the end of the age. This kind of list is so typical of Armstrongist groups that you could remove Dave's signature and add Weston, Flurry, or Thiel to it and no one would know the difference. It is apparently from the COG Rule Book on co-worker letter writing:

Greetings from Headquarters! By all accounts, the world has never experienced a year like 2020. In every part of the globe and for countless reasons, this year stands in stark contrast to ALL others. Few would dispute this. But what government leaders, economists, news pundits and journalists completely fail to grasp is why 2020 is so different. Although the world can see what is happening all around them, they are left completely in the dark as to WHY!


The phrase “we live in uncertain times” has become commonplace. This could not be further from the truth! These are actually the most certain times in history because the swirl of chaos the world is now witnessing was prophesied.

My favorite was this part:

The streets of cities across America are largely empty today because dictatorial governors and national leaders have forbidden people to travel, leave their homes, go to church, or work, or gyms, or restaurants, or malls—or even walk or exercise outside in some places. Coyotes, foxes, rats, dogs and feral cats roam the vacant streets of cities, forming an astonishing futurescape that looks like it belongs in a post-apocalyptic world. 

I can see a new booklet coming soon from RCG: Feral Cats In Prophecy 

Adult Sabbath School: "We weren't born of fornication..."

 Have settled into my new life experience here at Earthaven Eco-Village in the Carolina Mountains. Made the long haul this past week across the country from Oregon.  Went through a blizzard and had a coyote take out my travel partner's radiator. Spent a couple days waiting repairs out in Laramie, Wyoming.  Nice town actually!  

Home new home

Gary brought this to my attention so I thought I'd give it a little attention until he can come up with more COG drama and trauma. 

For a genuine historical and theological perspective on the Birth circumstances of Jesus a good read of "Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism by John Spong or "The Birth of the Messiah" by Raymond Brown might be enjoyable this time of year.

Anonymous said...

This post is for that apostate babbler Diehl who blasphemously asserted in his Nov 30th post, under "CCOG, things..." (Nov 29), that God broke the law by committing fornication when He impregnated Mary.


The reason this perspective came up is because when pastoring, a teen came up to me and asked me about why God not being "married" to Mary or she to it/him would be considered to have fornicated by any definition. Kids don't meander around with theological apologetics in my experience. They tend to go by what the church/Bible is plainly telling them not to do. 

Father Raymond Brown was disappointed in WCG's Dr. Ernest Martin for taking the birth narrative of Jesus , the star and such too literally and trying to explain it with Jupiter, Saturn and Mars conjunctions etc.  He thought Dr. Martin should have known better. 

Diehl is playing with danger by implying that Christ was born of fornication, since the Pharisees were put to shame by His resurrection from the dead. Not only that, he asserts that God doesn't exist, which makes him a double fool since the Pharisees at least believed in God's existence, even if they didn't believe in Christ.


Nothing combustible here. That Jesus was born of fornication is a Biblical theme in John 8. So much so that Jesus goes bonkers in the text ending up yelling back at them "Well, oh yeah...well you are of your father the devil, so there!"  My translation.  The story of Jesus forgiving the woman taken in adultery is a later addition to the text and meant to send the message that Mary was forgiven so leave mom alone.  The fact that Matthew places four fallen women in Jesus genealogy,  Rahab the harlot, Ruth the Moabite, Tamar who dressed as a prostitute and seduced her father-in-law in Gen 38, and Jezebel of David fame.  Why?  The message Matthew needed to send was that no matter what you say about Jesus birth circumstances, God can work through any woman of any reputation He wants.  It was not exactly a denial of the circumstances.  Just an apologetic.  

Whether the Pharisees believed in God or not does make someone who does not a "double fool."  But yes, I do assert to myself that I find no evidence save by faith in God or Jesus as presented in the Bible. 

Secondly, Mary was impregnated in a divine supernatural way, not in the typical fleshly manner. It was a divine impregnation, not an act of illicit sexual intercourse. There is a difference here. It wasn't a case of one bearing an evil desire (lust) in order to commit a lawless act (fornication). It was a case of fulfilling a deliberate design (intelligence) in order to redeem mankind from its sins (goodness). God created the law; He doesn't break His own law (which is a higher law, Gal 5:23). Otherwise, you wouldn't exist.


I'm not really concerned with the definition of fornication. I just know that what is wrong for geese in the world of the Bible teaching seems not wrong for the gander who came up with it. You do not really know how "divine supernatural way" works and can't prove anything about it. This is just Bible talk on your part. In reality it never actually happened as advertised but your apologetics as to how it all was and came about are just that, apologetics and you can prove nothing of it. 


When a woman desires a child and goes to a semen bank to produce one, does the doctor commit fornication when he implants her with a fertilized egg, or is he simply a go-between? Does the woman commit fornication when she deliberately accepts the semen of a stranger into her womb? Or is it fornication if the doctor just mechanically inserts the semen alone without preparing a fertilized egg first? So how can it be fornication for the Godhead when all three decided to enter a human body? Who created and owns the soul and body? (1 Cor 6:19-20) Is Dietz saying that the holy Spirit illegally intruded into Mary's womb against her will? If so, why was Mary filled with the joy of the holy Spirit? Where is the sin since Paul says that fornication is a sin against the body? (1 Cor 6:18) Did God injure Himself or Mary by His actions? Is Dietz, like Job, accusing God of sin? Dietz, a former minister, not only doesn't know God, he doesn't know what the holy Spirit is, whether it is a person or if it is good (life-giving) or bad (fornication) for the body?


The priests who actually wrote the Pentateuch  in the 6th Century BCE while on vacation in Babylon were not writing knowing anything about artificial insemination, so your point is moot. Stick with the Bronze age concept.  The name is Diehl.  I doubt God injured himself or Mary herself in the act. Perhaps a chuckle?  

Correct, I do not know God and according to my former dominators, I knew a lot about Jesus but did not know Jesus.  I grew up in the "give your heart to Jesus" and "Know God" etc, so it holds no fascination with me. It has no real meaning and no one has ever actually explained giving hearts and knowing Jesus works in real life. I found over 26 years that people are just people and don't change much internally unless their health is threatened and then not very often either. 

I am pleased that you have all these mysteries understood clearly and solved. 

Even your definition of fornication as an act of intercourse between the unmarried or gods is incorrect. In the infamous example of 1 Cor 5 the woman fornicater is married.


A woman sleeping with the son of her husband is called "sexually immoral" and the text labels it as "incest" though it is not really technically. The woman would be committing adultery, the man would be as well in a rather obtuse way.  Boy is dad going to be pissed.  And too, I doubt it was really such a shock to the pagans as the text makes it out to be.  HWA , it is said, slept with his son's sister, and I also hear they weren't sleeping. 

The other fool who asked if God was married when He impregnated Mary doesn't know who or what God is when he asks that question. God isn't married to anyone. God is the great Husbandman who planted the first seed (Christ) so that the church could be married to His Son.


The other person....   Not "the other fool."  You need, as a Christian to avoid calling other's fools if I read the NT text correctly.  However, I guess the OT gives permission to not be aware of that one yet if those that deny the existence of God are "fools."  They are not.  They are not God haunted, faith restricted and simple folks who need more than "He that comes to God MUST BELIEVE THAT HE IS...."  That is simply not good enough for the critical thinker in this world. For the go along to get along types?  Yes, perfectly understood approach. 

I do understand your rancor but please understand that I am neither faith restricted in my beliefs and observations nor into the apologetics necessary to get around obvious textural, historical and theological problems in the stories. 

And that teen that first asked me what seemed to be an obvious Goose/Gander problem in the story of Mary was not going to let me bullshit him.  I told him that was a very question. 

Anonymous said...

Dave Pack, Apostle Extraordinaire, left you where you needed to be at the end of the Feast...even though it all failed, everything is still right on course!

In the recent news update for Restored Church of God members. This has to be the most idiotic thing I have seen that is trying to cover up absurd comments made by Dave. Where's the logic in such nonsense?

Remember back at Feast time when Dave told his few remaining followers that his creature "christ" was returning on the Last Great Day and his followers would NOT be returning home? Well, we all know Dave failed miserably in that prediction and JC did not return and his followers went home to continue to warm money to send to Dave.

Dave immediately started scrambling to reinterpret his interpretation. As Dave is incapable of making a mistake and his "god" would never lie to him he claims things are right on course.

Never in human history or in the history of the church has anyone received as much hidden knowledge as is being revealed by Dave.

Hence the need for this convoluted mess:

Greetings brethren! We hope those of you in America had as wonderful a Thanksgiving as we did here at Headquarters. Despite the world’s many troubles—controversy with the U.S. election, the worst year of Atlantic storms on record, riots, racial strife, and of course the worst global pandemic in over a century—we above all people have so much to be thankful for, no matter where we live.

We get to see all of the events Christ said would precede His return! We get to live in the time the apostles all spoke of and wanted to see! And God has uniquely revealed to us—His end-time little flock—many prophetic truths hidden from the world and even other eras.


Mr. Pack has learned more inspiring and powerful things over the past few weeks. You were left where you needed to be with the final Feast messages, but a brief note to explain that everything is right on course is helpful.

The nature of the “acceptable year” has clarified. Six verses show the year is contracted—that it is shorter than a standard year. And because we cannot know when it begins or ends, it must be contracted on both ends. But understand, this does not change the start date of the devour month! Much, much more exciting information could be added.

Endless reasons make extending our wait a year look scripturally impossible. Just the conditions referenced in the opening paragraph is enough to make this plain!

Take Paul’s words to the Galatians to heart: “Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Gal. 6:9). Keep watching!