Friday, March 26, 2021

Hey Dave Pack and His Ministerial Enablers in Wadsworth....Where's Christ?


Hey Dave!  Where's Jesus? We are waiting!

Now that Passover and the Night to be Much Observed are over in Wadsworth, 
where is that Christ Dave predicted?
Why have you ministers in Wadsworth continued to enable Dave in his failed prophecies? 
When will you ever wake up? Dave is lying to you. Not one single thing he has predicted has come true and yet there you are, scratching his back and standing in awe as he walks by
 gracing you with his presence.

Dave Pack Latest Prophetic Update: The Countdown is On! Christ is waiting for ALL COG brethren to take Passover before he returns!


How many more times will Dave cry "wolf"?

Get ready COG members! Dave's creature he calls "christ" is waiting for all true believers around the world to take the Passover before he returns! 

Is Dave finally going to get this wish that COG members in other COG groups would flock to his feet as they see his awesomeness and ditch their worthless Pastor Generals and Chief Overseers for the One True Awesome Dude?

One problem JC is going to have is that there are at least 3 different days that COG groups gather for Passover. They can't even agree on this day let alone anything else. How will he know when all COG members have taken the Passover?

Can you imagine what a shitfest Petra will be when everyone arrives and finds out Dave is in charge! Oy vey!!!!!!! Bob Thiel, Vic Kubik, Gerald Flurry, and Gerald Weston will all need a 3 1/2 year's worth of Depends. Can you imagine Bob Thiel humbling himself to kneel at Dave's glorious feet? This is going to be fantastic!

Dave writes:

Prophetic Update

Passover is less than a day away for us at Headquarters, and only hours away for some of you in the Far East. This day is crucial in God’s soon-to-unfold Plan, but for different reasons than we understood yesterday.

The New Testament Passover is in some regards the most important night of the year for Christians. God takes careful note of how His people prepare (or do not prepare) to take the symbols. There is no greater time of self-examination and preparation. It has become clear that God may want ALL brethren worldwide (seventh era included) to take the Passover prior to Christ’s arrival. What could be more crucial in determining the spiritual condition of each of His children?

Notice I Corinthians 11:26­: “For as often as you eat this bread, and drink this cup, you do shew the Lord's death till He come.” This could easily be read to mean we take the Passover before Christ comes!

Now think! The actual feast picturing Israel leaving Egypt begins Saturday night—the First Day of Unleavened Bread. This is the Night To Be Much Observed. This is when the physical Passover lamb was eaten anciently. Would this not picture the GREAT Supper? Related, we have studied the Scriptures enough to know the importance of the weekly Sabbath in God’s mind. This scenario also further elevates the seventh day.

In practical terms, if God wants everyone everywhere to take the symbols, the earliest possibility for Christ’s Return would appear to be deep into tomorrow night. Think of yesterday’s announcement. This would mean He arrives to set up the Kingdom with the Old Testament Passover/Night To Be Much Observed still “in” the Kingdom.

All this said, continue to stay alert now—and all the way into the start of the Holy Day season!

Thursday, March 25, 2021

LCG's Regular Friday Member Beat-down: You need to adjust your focus onto the work instead of social media, the internet, and Banned! Bad LCG brethren!!!!!!


It's that time of the week for the weekly Profitable Sabbath beat-down message. As LCG gears down for Passover, Winnail is asking the faithful to "focus on the big picture." What exactly is the "big picture"? 

Is it Jesus? Nothing was mentioned about the dude below.

Considering the fact LCG's version of Passover is 2 nights away, there is no focus upon Jesus. It's more important to condemn LCG members from spending time on the internet reading Banned, watching TV, or doing things that are actually fun with one's own family. 

Followers of Jesus don't let the cares of the world "choke the truth", they never have. They can enjoy life and be totally at peace with their standing with God instead of fretting about it day in and day out, especially at this time of year, nor do Christians walking with Jesus need to fret over “because the days are evil” or whether or not one is "qualifying " to become a god in the kingdom to come.

Adjusting Your Focus: Prior to the Passover and during the Days of Unleavened Bread is a good time to evaluate how we spend our time and where we focus our energies and concerns. Jesus admonished us to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). Are your thoughts focused on this big picture—of doing the Work and building the character necessary to function in the Family of God? The Apostle Paul advised Christians to “walk circumspectly” (live purposely) and to make the most of our time and opportunities “because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15–16). Paul also instructed Christians to treat each other with respect and to avoid interpersonal bickering and arguments over doctrinal issues that shift our focus away from the big picture (Romans 12:9–12; 14:20; 1 Corinthians 1:10). Jesus warned that “the cares of this world” can choke the Truth and cause us to be unfruitful (Matthew 13:22). In light of these Scriptures, we need to periodically evaluate how we use our time, what we watch on TV, what we read, how much time we spend on the Internet, and what we post on social media. If we really want to focus our minds on what is true, noble, just, and pure (Philippians 4:8), let’s use the Holy Days to focus on the big picture.

Have a profitable Sabbath and Holy Day season, 

Douglas S. Winnail