Thursday, July 28, 2022

Dave Pack: The RCG Simpleton


“The RCG Simpleton”


David C. Pack led the paid audience of The Restored Church of God in doing the Hokey Pokey on Tuesday, but he called it, “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 384).”


Today is Tammuz 29 and Dave called an audible. After making Av 1 the “next big deal,” he then shifted things to come off of The Feast of Trumpets instead. Which then shifted the start of the Kingdom of God to Av 15. But now, Elul 15 is the real big deal to pivot from. When you subtract 45 days from Elul 15, you get to tonight at sunset. Yes, we are back to Av 1, folks.


I am not skilled enough to make the above explanation any easier. At least I did not take up 79 minutes of your day to do it.


Most people will not have read this article until after Dave has already started his next 24 hours of continuous failure. Take a deep breath and enjoy the moment. I am glad I did not remove the countdown from the website.


Elul 15 should be easy for everyone to remember because to the heathens, it is September 11, 2022.


@ 00:35 If this message had a one-word theme, it would be either “simple” or “simplicity.”


Which is it, Dave? He had plenty of time to just pick one and go with it to make the point. Instead, he waffles. So, who is supposed to make that call? Dave presents a one-word theme with options. In his attempt to make something simple, he even complicates that.


He must be so used to giving himself “an out” for when the inevitable failure happens, that his autonomic response is to not take a stand.


Some may think I nitpick by pointing out the seemingly mundane, but once you see Dave and the enablers with the proper light, you can spot noteworthy trends. Is this trivial? Or is the man broadcasting a consistent pattern of confusion and uncertainty?


@ 00:46 Could everything still somehow all be simpler, better, and sooner? Let’s see in this final message.


The angle that the picture is "better" than it was before is like saying that sheep shit is better than cow shit. The problem is that both are still shit. In fact, it is more enjoyable to step into either one than listen to another droning message of delusional fraud.


“Sooner” than May 15 or May 30 or June 5 or June 15 or June 30 or July 3 or July 14? Those dates are worth repeating every time Dave utters nonsense about “things being sooner than we thought” because it is flat-out, not true.


@ 07:03 So, a simple and powerful first kingdom would resolve every question we’ve ever had. All Mystery would be gone. And we would be able to correctly explain “10 evil days” not as starting this so that there's somehow 55 days to the 7-year kingdom but the 10 days close it and everything is 45 days. So on that alone, if we can prove it, it got a whole lot simpler.


Dave has discovered prophetic Silly Putty but calls it a kingdom.


He combs through parables and the prophets of the Old Testament to manufacture a malleable substance, which he then forces into any scenario he imagines. And it will always make the math work.


It is Silly Putty but with different colors to be combined. 45 days. 10 days. 3 ½ days. Even those have some “play” when needed.


If the shape is a square, no problem. Cram a “hidden” kingdom in there and suddenly it all works. If the shape is a star, same deal. Wow, it just fits. What a wonderful discovery in the nick of time.


Instead of the old ways of pounding a circle inside a triangle with a mallet, Dave now has this pliable amorphous kingdom period that can be shaped any way that is needed.


Rest assured, this type of kingdom business is going to have legs. Dave will use it from here on out.


@ 13:39 69 weeks of 7 years each, called a shabua, that’s a week, would have all of those 7 years, every single one of them, there’s no gaps, every single one of them would have started at Elul 15. Now, that’s a bombshell. By any stretch, it’s a bombshell. Our question would be, when the 70th week began, just because, you know, two thousand years passed, nearly, when the 70th week began would God change the date? Would the 70th week, which would be The Day of the Lord, change from what occurred for 483 years? That became the question. And it is it is the ultimate question right now. But you can’t get to that if you don’t have the 10 days fixed.


If you actually try to pay attention when you read that, ask yourself if you are ready to judge:


This message is A) Simple; or B) Simplicity.


@19:00 A full moon at The Day of the Lord fits much better than a new moon on Trumpets, were it The Day of the Lord. So, you’re seeing that things are better than we thought. Sooner than we thought.


There is that word “better” again. If he just keeps repeating it, perhaps it will manifest as reality. So far, I have been repeating, “Hot wife. Hot wife. Hot wife,” and yet, she has not knocked on my door.


It still does not appear that we have ventured into “better” territory. Different is not the same as better. Do you mean, better than proven failures? Better than broken theories? Better than nonsensical babblings?


Dave went on with more math, more calendars, and more moons.


He must have forgotten that he spent almost ten minutes a few weeks back explaining the “perfect math” proving that Tammuz was the final deal.


Perhaps the biblical scholars out there can fact-check this one:


@ 19:36 Well, that’s impossible to argue. It’s impossible that I can see to argue with the fact that Christ’s ministry began on Elul 15. And curiously, it looks like He disappeared for about 45 days right before that.


Matthew, Mark, and Luke all say, “40 days and 40 nights”—not 45. But when should you take what they say as the gospel truth? Dave conjured “five days of slop” to make his current theory fit. See, prophetic Silly Putty in action.


@ 20:12 …then He came back and He said, “My time is fulfilled.” Now, I’m not saying that’s exactly 45 days, but it’s within a day or so.


Curiously, sometimes Dave stresses how important exactness is. But other times, when that just will not work for his current line of thinking, it becomes A-OK to be approximate. Much like when the antecedent is all-important except in cases when it means nothing. Add or subtract. Multiply or divide. Do whatever you need to at the time and you are good to go.


Dave keeps getting boned by Habakkuk 3:2 and what that means.


@ 22:13 I had to admit I had it right a while back. I thought maybe it was Tammuz 1. But it’s still sort of “in the midst of the years.”


It takes a truly humble, mature man to admit when he is right.


Dave did a little more than just “thought maybe” about Tammuz 1. In Part 378, he pressured the brethren to send in their Common while holding over them the threat of losing their eternal life. That was no soft sell.


Thank God for those wicked serpents at the back of the hall who actually RECORD what Dave says.


Part 379 – June 25, 2022

@ 07:13 It is not possible, write it in your notes, it is not possible that “the month” the Bible talks about is anything other than the fourth month and Tammuz which is about 96 hours away.


Part 379 – June 25, 2022

@ 18:34 I believe that [Tammuz 1] no less certainly than I believe the seventh day is the Sabbath.


Is Dave now keeping Sunday? Are Ed and Dr. Viljoen wandering the hall with Sharpies making folks redact their notes?


I cannot figure out if this is lying or denial. I try to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I think Dave is cracking and it is becoming harder to hide that.


For those interested in revisiting his adamant push for Tammuz 1, read “Cancel Your Thursday Lunch Plans” written on June 26.


@ 28:33 But God knew there would be one more message and I could clear all of this up.


I knew. Dennis and Gary knew. Brad knew. Everyone else knew, Dave. Just like we all know this is not the last one. If I had any retirement left to place on a bet in Vegas, I would go all in. The days of your long-winded voice are far from over.


Dave cleared nothing up. He just reshuffled the deck after the cards were dealt.


@ 46:19 All of that becomes easy to understand. It’s an Elul event.


But not too long ago, Dave pointed this out.


Part 376 – June 13, 2022

@ 8:44 But you know, I’d watched us go from Sebat to Adar to Adar II to Abib to Iyar and then to Sivan.


Then to Tammuz. Then to Av. And now we are back to our old friend, Elul. But when you subtract 45 days from Elul 15, you land back on Av 1.


You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around…


It is Av 1. It is not Av 1. It is Av 1.


This reminds me of all that Elijah business. I am Elijah. I am not Elijah. I may be Elijah in the future. I have already been Elijah. I am not Elijah the Prophet.


If only this website was up and running at the time of the Ws. Folks in RCG five years ago remember that debacle. If anyone still has those handouts, I invite you to revisit that “simplicity in Christ” which has not stopped moving to this day. Instead of a W on a projector screen, it is now the Tammuz Cooking Table. How I miss that ugly green volleyball.


I wonder if this next point caused any alarm bells to sound off here in Wadsworth when Dave started to mess around with the Passover again. Is he laying the foundation for a future change?


@ 1:00:43 And He’ll drink wine again for the first time. Take the symbols. It’s a classic example. Now we know that Christ is gonna take the symbols of the bread and the wine in early September. God doesn’t use Holy Days. We would think I thought that would be around Passover sometime. Nope. Not at all.


Did he really say this? Listen for yourself.

Passover Symbols

@ 1:02:59 It has been my experience, and I’ll promise you I pastored more people than any other minister who ever lived, even thought about, it has been my experience that most people we think are God’s people are lying, unbelieving hypocrites.


The tone of his voice was uncharacteristically soft and full of humility. If you doubt, take a listen.

I Pastored More People…

Okay, I was just kidding.


Dave explains that some folks (maybe me included) get to wait 45 days knowing they will be “burned alive with all the other unbelieving hypocrites who blew off God.”


Believe me, if "biblical" things began to happen, even when and how Dave said they would, I would drop to my knees in a heartbeat and plead with God. He would judge whether it was too late for me or not.


I tend to not sweat that idea too much right now because Dave keeps throwing plastic darts at a concrete board.


@ 1:10:58 Now, maybe we cannot know the day and the hour. If. If we know the day, it’s Thursday night. I’m not sure.


@ 1:14:46 So, could it be Thursday night, Friday night, at the end of the Sabbath into Saturday night? Or later? No matter, we wait.


Wow. This was spoken with such power and clarity that you cannot deny God is behind this. Except, God is not behind this.


He even continued into pondering the possibilities of Av 5 starting at sunset on Monday night or maybe all the way through Trumpets. At this point, why not just let everyone go home and say, “I don’t know folks. Sorry I bothered you.”


Okay, I laughed out loud when I heard this next quote:


@ 1:18:28 Because everyone who understands how simple things just became realizes there is nothing more for me to teach. The days of my voice have to be over. I have nothing else.


AMEN! If only that were true.


@ 1:18:48 It got so easy. So simple. It was hard to believe and yet God waited to the end to make it a signal that we had to be near the end. So, all I can tell you is this man “prepares the way” right before the Father and Christ coming when He’s still a messenger of the covenant, he “rushes to call it out,” I don’t know how I’d be rushing if we got a two-week wait. Or a ten-day wait or even a seven-day wait.


@ 1:19:18 It’s not gonna go another year. The Mystery’s over. I “give a ration” and then “he watches.” And he seems to pretty much know when it is ‘cause he “tells the house” and they’re “found watching” with “their lights on” as though they know the day. If I know the day, if it’s exact, we have two days to go.


If Dave was not all throughout the pages of your Bible when he paraphrases so many verses that apply to himself in a continuous stream, then those comments would appear to be insane.


This was delivered on Tuesday, July 26. Tonight at sundown is the beginning of Av 1.


Wait for it…


@ 1:19:49 The series is over.


He said this with dramatic thumps on the table meaning, “for realsies this time.”


Is this for real? Let me consult the Magic 8 Ball website.

Marc Cebrian

See: The RCG Simpleton

The Petra Hoax: One of the biggest con jobs the church deceived its members about

Anyone who grew up in the church in the 1960s - mid-1970s heard all about how the church would be fleeing to Petra. In the Dayton area, we had endless sermons on preparing for the Place of Saftey in Petra and how we would make the desert bloom again while staying there for 3 1/2 years. 

All kinds of myths popped up about Petra. God was going to place a cloud covering over Petra in order to sleep us cool and prohibit the military from finding Petra and bombing it in order to kill us because after all, the world would be hating us at that point. Jordan was going to open its arms to take us in because of the work AICF and the College did with mentally challenged chidlreninJordan and other projects.

Most of us would be flown over on old DC9 and DC10 planes that were having issues in the 1970s due to malfunctions. The reason for that was the church said that the evil governments would hope our planes crashed on route to Jordan.

My mother kept a detailed chart in the kitchen cupboard where she marked the days off till we were to flee. This calendar was passed onto us at a combined Holy Day service by a recently returned minister from Pasadena where he got the information.

We were also instructed to have Petra kits ready in case we had to flee quickly. They were to have clothing and of course our Bibles.

So, for church leaders and ministers to deliberately lie today that the church never taught any such thing is disgusting. One of the main reasons they deny it is the flack the church got right after Jom Jones led his followers to Guyana where they committed mass suicide.

The Anniston Star Anniston, Alabama Saturday, June 14, 1980


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The Official Tiny Little Prophet Of The COG Erupts In A Gaseous Cloud As He Claims The U.S. Will Have It's Gut's Ripped Open By A Volcano

Our favorite tiny little prophet was sitting in his tiny little world headquarters last night searching the news to find something significant to fit his end-of-the-world scenarios he needs to happen in order to prove he was right. Lo and behold, a volcano erupted in Japan and the eyes of the tiny prophet glazed over in orgasmic delight. Always in need of some kind of death and destruction, this volcanic eruption was the perfect reminder of how HE and HE ALONE has been warning the world...well, actually his 150 Caucasians, about the imminent punishments his god is just itching to dish out on Americans and other British Israelite nations. 

The world's greatest and tiniest end-time prophet starts off by quoting a link from Twitter about volcanic eruptions:

Oh, noes!!!!!! Volcanos erupt!!!

Elijah Joshua ben-Thiel then goes on to remind us of a 2018 news story in the official COG Pravada new source WND, that Yellowstone National Park is a steaming caldera ready to explode...

Meanwhile, in Yellowstone, scientists say a massive eruption could be 6,000 times more powerful that Washington state’s Mount St. Helens in 1980, which killed 57 people an deposited ash in 11 different states and five Canadian provinces. 
If the volcano explodes, a climate shift could ensue as the volcano would spew massive amounts of sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere, which can form a sulphur aerosol that reflects and absorbs sunlight. 
If all that is not enough to worry about, there are three more volcanos in California alone that are have threat levels listed as “very high” – Mount Shasta, Lassen Volcanic Center and Long Valley Volcanic Region. Three more are listed at “high threat” levels – Clear Lake Volcanic Field, Medicine Lake Volcano and Salton Buttes. VOLCANO ALERTS: You want to talk 'catastrophic climate change'?

Our almost arrested martyr then goes on by reminding us that HE has been WARNING us about Yellowstone for years (as have geologists since before Bwana Bob was born). In his sad pathetic pseudo-powerfulness, he warns us that when Yellowstone erupts it could “literally tear the guts out of the United States of America”.

For many years, I have warned readers that Yellowstone poses a threat (e.g New Madrid earthquake risk and Iceland’s subglacial volcano erupting; any risk from Yellowstone?). Here is something from my book Biden-Harris: Prophecies and Destruction:

Disasters, especially if there is an ElectroMagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack, a severe solar flare storm, devastating hurricane (s) something like a massive volcanic eruption and/or massive earthquake could be part of a so-called “perfect storm” of events that could set the U.S.A. for destruction.

Consider the devastation of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina. Multiply that by other disasters. The U.S.A. is at risk. Notice, also, the following related to Dr. Michio Kaku’s assessment of Yellowstone:

Scientists assure us that one day the absolutely massive Yellowstone supervolcano will once again experience a Category 8 eruption, and if it happened today it would “literally tear the guts out of the United States of America” … “Instead of having 50 states of the Union, we would have 30 states of the Union.” [Snyder M. As Yellowstone Awakens, Dr. Michio Kaku Warns That It Could “Literally Tear The Guts Out Of The United States Of America”. Economic Collapse Blog, February 2019}

A ‘perfect storm’ of disasters, internal strife, and misplaced confidences will make the U.S.A. a nation that can be defeated. (Thiel B. Biden-Harris: Prophecies and Destruction. Nazarene Books, 2021)

I can just see Bwana Bob bouncing in his chair when he read this. It probably took several minutes for those arms to stop flailing!! The ultimate COG fantasy needs as many deaths and destruction as possible and this fits the bill perfectly! Millions are dead, the volcanic cloud darkens the sun, and a giant hole is left in the earth. Woo Hoo and pass the matzos!

Beware though, it is not only the U.S. that will suffer but also New Zealand! Oh, double noes!!!!!

Of course, it is not just North America or Asia that could be affected by supervolcanoes. 
Consider also New Zealand:

The North Island of New Zealand is chock full of volcanoes—and big volcanoes at that. No less than four major calderas sit in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) that stretches from White Island in the north to Ruapehu in the south. One of the most violent volcanic eruptions in human history took place in ~186 AD from Lake Taupo. That rhyolitic (high silica) eruption produced an ash plume that may have towered 50 kilometers (164,000 feet!) over the caldera, what we call an “ultraplinian” eruption (and anything that is “ultra” has to be big). More recently, Tarawera in the Okataina caldera erupted in 1886 in one of the most explosive basaltic (low silica) eruptions on record that had ash plume that reached 10 kilometers (~32,000 feet) and buried a number of towns along with blasting a new valley out of the landscape. The North Island is definitely a place where volcanic unrest is taken seriously.

Once again, thinking rather highly of himself, the Great Bwana reminds us that he has traveled to New Zealand!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I should mention that my family and I visited Rotorua, New Zealand twice. We also visited Taupo decades ago.

Well, I have been to Yellowstone four years in a row now, so that makes me a volcanologist! Yes, sirree Bob! I is one!!!

Anyway, all of these erupting scenarios are leading to one thing and that is the end times, at least the end times that have taken up residence in Bwana Bob's head.

Now could Yellowstone, Rotorua, or some other area with major volcanic potential possibly explode before (Mark 13:8) or during the time of the Great Tribulation? 
It would seem possible. 
Jesus warned about a time of earthquakes and troubles:

8 … And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be…troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8) 
The beginning of sorrows is BEFORE the start of the Great Tribulation.

Bwana Bob, the world's foremost volcanologist then warns us with this incredible revealed knowledge:

A supervolcanic eruption such as one at Yellowstone could cause major “troubles,” and truly impact the USA and Canada. An earthquake could trigger this. Volcanic eruptions spew out melted elements and can cause much destruction.

I could say here, "Well, no shit Sherlock!" but I won't. 

Volcanologist Bwana Bob then goes on to warn us with his prophetic vision:

For years I have warned that the USA could be hit with a ‘perfect storm’ of events and disaster that could weaken it during the ‘beginning of sorrows’ so that it would be easier for it to be taken over at the start of the Great Tribulation. Now, we see that the space agency NASA sees Yellowstone as a serious risk. And while some will scoff and say that the probability is too low, less statistically ‘probable’ events have happened. Plus, because of the decline in morality in the USA, destructive events are going to hit it. 

Of course, it is not just North America that could be affected by supervolcanoes before the coming Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21).

There are volcanoes in many parts of the world and nearly all can cause major problems. But as Yellowstone is in the USA, it would be those in the USA, and probably Canada, that would be the most affected by it should it erupt.

Coulda, shoulda, woulda. The official COG prophet mantra.

So brethren, heed the official COG volcanologist and his prophetic warnings and join the one true end-time church doing the only work in the world today. Your salvation depends upon it!

Things will not remain as they have. Yellowstone could erupt. Elements will melt. Get your spiritual life in order. 
Also AFTER the start of the Great Tribulation, there is a prophecy that sounds like destruction from a volcano: 
8 Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. 9 And a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed. (Revelation 8:8-9)

Volcanoes do pose a threat.

Well, sh.....! 

Worldwide The Unchosen Church Podcast: After leaving the church, Dave Bonnett attended seminary and is now the pastor of a Texas church


Church hurt, women’s roles in ministry, and pastor worship are all topics that we discuss with Pastor Dave on this week’s episode. Dave grew up in a legalistic, authoritarian church that preached you had to earn your salvation by works. Today, he’s a non-denominational pastor at the Life Church in Texas that preaches salvation by grace. Learn why, unlike a lot of our guests who gave up on religion after leaving the Worldwide Church of God, Dave went the opposite route, attending seminary and then later becoming a pastor. Learn, too, how his time in a high-demand religious group informs the way he ministers today. You can reach out to Dave at

Worldwide: The Unchosen Church is hosted, written and produced by Dr. Tricia Jenkins; sound design and editing is done by Thirteen Media; and music is licensed by SoundStripe.

Instagram @worldwidepod
Facebook and Twitter: @worldwidepod11

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Wayne Turgeon: Love Your Enemies But Ignore Your Family Members Who Are No Longer Part of PCG

One of the sad hallmarks of the current COG splinter group masquerading as the Philadelphia Church of God is its abhorrent treatment of family members and friends who are not part of the PCG, especially those who left the church for various reasons.

Fathers and mothers have turned against children. Children have turned their backs on parents and grandparents. The abominable edicts from Flurry, Turgeon and other goosestepping henchmen of the PCG have separated families so horrifically that it has led to suicide by several members. They have no problem with this and hold their heads up high and puff their chests out pretending to be enforcing God's standards.

Turgeon writes:

I have dealt with situations where I needed to love my “enemies.” Some of those relations have improved to the point where these people are now great friends of mine. It showed me, personally, that God will bless us if we follow this command. 
Verse 44 ends, “… and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” God’s Church will definitely face more intense persecution. When persecuted and unjustly accused, it can be hard not to become indignant and try to retaliate. Christ is clear that we must endure people’s mistakes as well as any intentionally hateful acts. There will come a time when the offender may repent, and we must be quick to forgive them. 
“That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust” (verse 45). All who ever lived are potentially God’s children, and He loves each and every one of them. We happen to be part of the firstfruits, but there will be many more to follow Christ’s and our example. 
“For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?’’ (verses 46-47). These publicans were tax collectors who most despised. There were also Gentiles at that time who were regarded as dirty, disgusting dogs. We have to have love for the whole world, not just those in God’s Church today. Anybody in the world can love their inner circle of friends and associates, but it takes the love of God to sacrifice for even those who hate you. Turn the Other Cheek

Here is the instructions  that Gerald Flurry commanded all of his followers to do:

July 22, 2016 
My mate has former friends from PCG who have told of a brand new ruling sent down from King Flurry that was announced last Sabbath. Jerry Flurry, in his "omnipotent wisdom," has ruled that now all contact with unbaptized children who have left the PCG is to be terminated immediately. 
It has been the policy for years that parents were still allowed to talk to children who have left the PCG only If they were unbaptized. Now Pope flurry has even taken away that small mercy. 
The talk amongst the children now affected by this judgment is that this will push many PCG families over the edge and force them to leave or get put out. Others feel that this will put one more nail in the coffin of Flurryism. Flurry is looking more and more like "mad King George" as his actions are ruining the PCG. All of his egomaniacal pipe dreams have come to nothing. The dig in Jerusalem has failed. The PCG radio station broadcast from the Edmond compound has failed. Membership has plummeted since the late 90s and there is almost no growth. Some wonder that in the end all that will be left is a small "Jonestown faithful" secluded on the Edmond compound. --Former PCG member. Exit and Support

To read more on the true Philadelphian love that the PCG exemplifies, check out the following:

Gerald Flurry Commands Cult Members to Cut Off ALL Contact With Nonmember Children

MaryAnn McCullough: Philadelphia Church of God Causes ANOTHER Suicide In Milton, Ontario Congregation

Gerald Flurry And PCG Have Blood On Their Hands AGAIN Because Of Another Suicide Of A Member