Saturday, September 7, 2019

LCG to control member's charity, plus more hubbub about sex

LCG doesn't like for its members to strike out on their own and be charitable without the minister's permission. LCG wants to control the money, and prefers that you just send in all charitable gifts to headquarters so they can determine who is most deserving. If you ask your local LCG minister as this suggests, what do you think he'll tell you to do? Send in to HQ.

From the most recent weekly update:

Caution on Internet Fund Requests—Repeat AnnouncementMore and more often we see friends, relatives, church members, and total strangers requesting financial assistance over the Internet through various funding sites, such as “GoFundMe” and others. By way of examples, some requests are for medical emergencies, disaster relief, or family tragedies. Other requests are made to help fund honeymoons, business ventures, vacations, personal desires, or trips to the Feast. Members should exercise caution, using their heads as well as their hearts. Why is the request being made? Are the requests true needs or emergencies? If the request is coming from a member, it might be a good idea to seek advice from one’s minister. As in many situations involving online activities, please exercise caution when considering a donation to a funding site.—Church Administration Department

In the update there's also more obsession about sex:

There Is NO “Gay Gene”! Research just published in the highly respected journal Science contains findings that will be shocking to many. In a genome-association study of nearly 500,000 people in the U.S., U.K., and Sweden, researchers concluded, “No individual gene alone makes a person gay, lesbian or bisexual; instead, thousands of genes likely influence sexual orientation” (Live Science, August 29, 2019). The report continues (emphasis added throughout), “The biological factors that contribute to sexual orientation are largely unknown, but many scientists suspect that genetics plays a role”—meaning scientists still do not know why some humans have homosexual tendencies. The researchers also noted, “Instead, the predisposition to same-sex sexual behavior appeared influenced by a complex mix of genetic and environmental influences.” One of the study’s co-authors stated, “It’s effectively impossible to predict an individual’s sexual behavior from their genome,” demonstrating that the “gay gene” is, in the words of Live Science, “a total myth.” 
This cutting-edge study was roughly 100 times larger than any previous study, carrying with it a tremendous amount of weight and a high degree of credibility. The study relied on data collected through the U.S.-based 23andME and the U.K. BioBank, as well as survey questions.  
It is surprising that this study was published and relayed by the press, when its findings contradict popular public opinions. However, the findings support the assertion that homosexuality is not something fixed and determined from birth, as well as the fact that “God does not make people homosexual.” With that in mind, it makes more sense when we read biblical injunctions that homosexual behavior is wrong (Romans 1:26–28)! A loving God would never condemn a behavior if people had no choice but to engage in it. For more on this topic, be sure to read “The Plain Truth About Homosexuality.”—Scott Winnail, Francine Prater, Chris Sookdeo, Richard Franz, and John Wheeler
From an LCG source


Anonymous said...

ur headline is misleading...

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Well, it's nice to know some things never change. The death of Rod Meredith has not softened LCG's rabid homophobia.
One wonders if they have actually read the quotes they've lifted from Live Science. "No INDIVIDUAL gene alone makes a person gay..." The authors tell us that, although biological factors "are largely unknown," "many scientists suspect that GENETICS PLAYS A ROLE." The authors go on to report that it is most likely "a complex mix of GENETIC and environmental influences."
Hence, while this study definitely throws cold water on the notion of a single gene being in control, it does NOT discount the role of genetics in determining a persons sexual orientation. The study DOESN'T refute the notion that sexual orientation is fixed at birth or shortly thereafter. And, as others have pointed out, HORMONES may play a role in this. In fact, nothing in this article disproves the notion that folks are born gay or straight - that it's NOT a choice.
I ask my straight male friends again: Do you remember when you decided that breasts were more attractive than pecs? Do you remember the precise moment when you decided that the sight of Susie would generate an erection, but Johnny wouldn't? Likewise, do my straight female friends recall the time when they decided that Jimmy's fanny was prettier than Fanny's fanny? Do you honestly believe that some one would CHOOSE to be on the wrong side of God and the society in which they live? In other words, my straight friends don't get a gold star for engaging in behavior that comes naturally to them!
Nevertheless, I do agree with one point they make: God would never condemn someone for having feelings that they didn't choose to have.

Anonymous said...

"If the request is coming from a member, it might be a good idea to seek advice from one’s minister."

Why bring in the minister like some snitch? Why not ask the member directly the purpose for the request or whether it's for a need or emergency?

"Instead, the predisposition to same-sex sexual behavior appeared influenced by a complex mix of genetic and environmental influences."

I came across this article a week back and it basically confirmed to me what I've believed for sometime now. I believe that the study of epigenetics is proving how influential the environment is in switching genes on and off and I believe that one's SSA is influenced by environmental factors, especially, in the case of a male child his relationship with his father. I've struggled with SSA myself since I was young (and btw remain a committed celibate Christian) and I put this down to the lack of strong male role models in my early life. Although my father was around he was more of a shadow than a dominant figure in my upbringing except when it came to dishing out the discipline! My mother was the strong parental figure throughout my childhood and youth and quite permissive. Watching Rocketman the other night too and seeing Elton John's poor relationship with his own father enhances the legitimacy of this view imo. Knowing the background of a few people who have chosen to fully engage in homosexual behavior and its lifestyle and that their fathers were weak role models or absentee emotionally again adds weight to this view imo. Sure one might have a genetic predisposition to SSA, but imo it depends also on their mental health and self-perception (gender identity). So if all of these aspects are broken somehow and not curtailed or mended it can lead to the self-destructive slippery slope that is same sex behavior, which is a choice imo. And tbh given the right set of circumstances I'm sure anyone with genetic predispositions to this or that vice could end up choosing to engage in something that goes against the divine moral code so I'm not going to condemn anyone to hell for whatever sins they're guilty of--God knows I have enough sins on my own back that I need redemption from just the same.

Byker Bob said...

My suggestion to all of the LCG members is that since your disposable cash is your money, you have the right to decide what if any charities you may fund. Who is in the best position to know the needs or the validity of those needs, you at the site of the need, or your minister in the comfort of his living room or sitting behind his desk? Worthy people whom you can actually help and witness the results will go without in most cases if you listen to your ministers’ rectumendations. They want it all for themselves even though you already give much more than they deserve. Let someone else have their chance. There are some people if you don’t help that will go without. I sure wouldn’t be calling my minister from a gas station to see if it was OK to help a needy family in an old beat up car who asked me to help them with a little fuel. That should be totally up to the goodness of your own heart and between you and God.


Anonymous said...

We may be predisposed, by genetics and environmental influences to act one way or another but does that excuse our behavior? Some are hot headed and tend to be violent, others tend to be gluttons. "I beat the crap out of my wife because she made me angry! That's the way I was born, officer. I have a real short fuse." Does Scripture condemn predisposition or does it condemn the behavior that follows? Why is it that we condemn one "sin" but overlook so many others? What troubles me is that we often overlook one form of behavior that is condemned in Scripture and focus too much on others. Why do we treat one "sinner" more harshly than others? And another thing, when Paul condemned the man for having sex with his father's wife, he then went on to say that he doesn't judge the world. I think he was saying, "I don't expect non-Christians to behave like Christians. I can admonish those in the church, but I won't condemn those outside the church." An orthodox Jew doesn't expect me to avoid Spam. But if I joined an orthodox synagogue, I shouldn't insist that they change their rules for my benefit. Nor should I say, "I was born with or acquired a taste for Spam and so I am going to continue to eat it (and bring it to our Synagogue pot luck)". Shouldn't Christian leaders focus on the behavior issues of their own members and not be so concerned about what non-members want to do? True religion is taking care of those in need (James 1:27). There is something that many pastors could focus on within their church. Gossip, greed? More sermon topics. Why focus so much on gay sex? Greed, gossip, selfishness is probably doing more harm to the church and hindering its mission than what gay people are doing. I can picture a fat, bloated, gluttonous Baptist preacher whose coronary arteries are about to collapse at a church picnic stuffing his fifth hot dog down his thick throat while he mutters condemnations against a non-Christian marrying his gay partner. Why is there such focus on the behavior of non-Christians and overlooking of so much that goes on within their own churches?

Anonymous said...

as someone who has been involved in feast assistance in the past, (many, many years ago) I can see where they are coming from.
some simply don't have the personal responsibility necessary to set aside their festival fund....always well dressed, driving nice vehicles, kids never want for anything, yet they can't afford to go to the feast. ( always seemed to manage a nice vacation in summer though)
it seems heartless and cruel on the surface, but sometimes the answer must be "no".
we don't want to be enablers, we want to be helpers....and helping someone continue in a reckless lifestyle is no help at all....the lack of self discipline will lead to destruction.

as for homosexuality, God can't be any more clear on the subject....homosexuals today aren't doomed, but the day is coming when homosexuality and those that practice it will be wiped out.....we don't fear homosexuals, we fear for them.

Anonymous said...

Byker Bob, I agree with your post. Why would I feel a need to ask anyone if I should help someone in need. There was a go fund me posted awhile back about an older woman whose house burned here in Az. She had no insurance and her family was raising money to rebuild her very small modest home. I sent 50.00. Was I scammed? Maybe. But was I scammed when I sent money to WCG. Seems like it when I see how the money was spent. I remember buying gas for two young LDS men out “witnessing” for Jesus. I overheard one of them saying he didn’t have his wallet with him. They didn’t know how they were going to get home. I offered to buy their gas, they were stunned. They took my name and address and promised to send me the money. A few days later I got a letter with the money. In the letter they thought I was an angel sent by God. I would hate to tell them but I wasn’t an angel. Anyway helping someone is an individual matter. We don’t need someone to tell us if doing something for someone else is appropriate.

Stoned Stephen Society said...

smooth things

Anonymous said...

Is there a mentality retarded gene? I’m pretty sure no one wants to be born that way. I have friend who is still taking care of his twenty one year old son who has the mental capacity of a 3-4 year old. Tell me which loving God does that??

Anonymous said...

"Why is there such focus on the behavior of non-Christians and overlooking of so much that goes on within their own churches?"

@4:25 AM, I have to say that I do agree with your statement, as Christians we need to look at our own behavior before judging someone else. As for the gay thing, while I don't agree with same sex relationships it's not my place to tell someone how to live their lives. We are not to focus on what non-Christians are doing; Jesus said that we are to focus on the kingdom of God, and that while we are in the world we're not be be of it. I work in building maintenance and my boss approached me a few months ago and asked me to put up the pride flag on the flag pole outside the building; while the pride flag means nothing to me I did put it up as this guy is my employer and signs my paycheck. Does this mean that I participate or approve of this? No I don't. But the company that I work for is part of the non-Christian world, so at the end of the day I could care less what my company stands for as it has nothing to do with me. They can believe in fairies and little green men from Mars for all I care as I'm only there to get a paycheck. So I don't worry about someone's sexuality or their personal beliefs as I'm not the one who can change them, only Jesus can do that.

Anonymous said...

I just read that Microsoft co founder Paul Allen died from cancer at age 65. He had 20 billion dollars in the bank and owned a 300+ million dollar yacht. A reminder that we can't take out stuff with us when we die.

Tonto said...

LCG is missing out on an opportunity and for streamlining.

Just simply charge for hetero sex, and kill two birds with one stone!

TLA said...

LCG are hypocrites- they use misleading facts about DNA that fits their belief system but refuse to believe it when it debunks us being descendants of Abraham.
There’s no single height gene either- should we then believe we are all short?
The human mind is capable of great self delusion and COG world is just one example of this.

Anonymous said...

"as someone who has been involved in feast assistance in the past, (many, many years ago) I can see where they are coming from.
some simply don't have the personal responsibility necessary to set aside their festival fund..."

The problem is a non-biblical ministerial class treating the "laity" as if they are ignorant slobs. I can determine for myself if someone is worthy of my financial help or not.

Setting aside a "festival fund" is only biblical if you're under the old Mt. Sinai covenant. As I've said before I rather enjoy the "tradition" of going to the feast as established by HWA and the WCG, but it's only a tradition. There's no biblical command for it.

Don't let them dupe you into thinking you have to set aside ten percent of "your" income so you can attend a site that "they" choose, claiming it's where God has placed Hid name.

Tithing is not biblical for New Covenant Christians! Not a so called "first" tithe, nor a "second" tithe. If you choose to set it aside for a tradition that's fine, but it's not commanded! Nor is going somewhere for the Feast of Tabernacles. That's all tradition, tradition, tradition!

Anonymous said...

I don't think it inappropriate for Christian ministers to condemn recreational drugs, gay behavior, gay marriage, or any other sin that is common in society. The reason being that these sins influence everyone, Christians included. It's like Christ saying beware of the Pharisees.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:14AM, if the Holy Spirit is such a powerful and wonderful gift that God gives to Christians, it's shocking to see just how weak that Spirit is in reality when it comes into contact with the spirit of sex and drugs and rock and roll.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:08 AM, please remember that when Jesus came into Jerusalem, the people did not line up and wave luxury hotels at Him.

For the Feast of Tabernacles, the Bible commands Israelites to reside in A TEMPORARY BOOTH MADE OF PALM FRONDS to observe the Feast of Tabernacles. There's nothing wrong with going to a hotel to spend a vacation week with your friends, but when you do so you are NOT observing the Feast of Tabernacles. Your hotel is neither temporary nor made of palm fronds.

Anonymous said...

So, where does the bible say that recreational drugs in moderation is a sin? Weston keeps harping about marijuana but he seems to have no problem with all the alcoholics in the church.

Marijuana is no more harmful than alcohol in moderation.

God seems to love "breathing in" the smoke of incense, so don't tell me how harmful smoke is.

Anonymous said...

"These sins 'everyone." OK, so let's divide up our church . . . you to go over to McDonalds and protest the grams of fat, sugar and calories that these obese people are cramming down their throats, running up all of our medical bills from type II diabetes and coronary artery disease. You . . . go over to the mall and point out to people how fat they are and tell them to get their act together. And you, yes, you! What is that crap you are blowing out of your nose? Is that smoke? What the hell is wrong with you. Let's turn the whole nation into a police state and stop all of that sinning. Think of the negative impact you are having on all of us. Are Non Christian monogamous Gay couples doing others any harm? The church has plenty enough to do cleaning up their own messes. Paul said that he doesn't judge the world in sexual matters, neither should we. Let's take the pole out of our own eyes first. Imagine, GTA preaching morality. Really? Lying, greedy, power hungry, unkind evangelists living in mansions on Waverly Drive (you know who they were), and let's not forget about the greediest of them all, Stanley Rader, who lived at 840 Loma Vista in Beverly Hills. Go to a real estate website and see what his house is worth. Then you can look at HWA 1981 income tax return, earning over $1 million dollars in today's dollars and he gave only about 11% to charities. The churches have plenty of work to do in their own houses.

Tess said...

why do we have feast sites with such expensive accommodation and why do they involve so much travel. How does everyone afford to go - when you're retired and on a pension? Anyone have some better ideas as to how to keep the feast of tabernacles.

Tonto said...

Anon at 12:36 PM

Zillow lists 840 Loma Vista in Beverly Hills at $29 million dollars.

Al Dexter said...

I have a gay cousin. His mother suspected his orientation from infancy on because he liked to play with dolls rather than trucks. I'm not going to let some bewhiskered Middleastern bronze age know-it-all tell me I should abandon, hate or execute my cousin. Religious bullshit dreamed up by hateful idiots no longer impresses me.

Anonymous said...

Normal adults should be able to decide for themselves whether a charitable request is legitimate or not without the help of the ministry. Many congregants are more computer savvy than some of the more aged ministers anyway. This is simply a power play to involve ministers in something that should be a matter of personal choice. I appreciated the comment about going directly to the person involved rather than "snitching" to the minister about such a request.

As for the seemingly hyper focus on homosexuality, this is an easy and obvious target that doesn't make too many church goers uncomfortable. There might be a little more squirming in the seats if the focus was suddenly shifted to say adultery, lying, child molestation, or self-righteous behavior. God condemns any sin that transgresses His law, but to focus on the sins of others while the sins of our own go unchecked is hypocritical, and one reason many of our young people don't stay in the church.

Anonymous said...

Tess 4:44 PM said... “why do we have feast sites with such expensive accommodation and why do they involve so much travel. How does everyone afford to go - when you're retired and on a pension? Anyone have some better ideas as to how to keep the feast of tabernacles.”

I agree with what 10:08 and 11:46 both said. The observance of the FOT as ACOGs teach and practice is nothing more than a tradition made up by HWA like the NTBMO. This was also one reason why I disassociated from the UCG and all ACOGs as I saw this as an unnecessary economic burden on the members compelling them to travel when God doesn’t even demand such of us in the first place. I felt it self-indulgent, an inconvenience and a waste of money when like the early Christians or Diaspora Jews we could simply observe it in our local congregations even as we do the other pilgrim feasts like Passover and Pentecost. Now I keep it at home or with another group of people and we listen to sermons off the internet on the holy days. Sometimes others in our group might go to the seaside or mountains for the FOT to listen to sermons there. I feel the money ACOGs spend on the FOT would be better spent on the community and donations to the homeless or others in need and if I want to go on holiday I’d prefer to do so when I want and at a season I want to go rather than because a “minister” or an ACOG tells me to. Sometimes I wonder if HWA established this tradition because he was suffering from a form of ASD/OSD or it basically was to attract the wealthier people to his church and so get more money or even a bit of both.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Is there a mentality retarded gene? I’m pretty sure no one wants to be born that way. I have friend who is still taking care of his twenty one year old son who has the mental capacity of a 3-4 year old. Tell me which loving God does that??
September 8, 2019 at 7:55 AM

I feel for your friend. My eldest sister was born with cerebral palsy. On top of that she was blind and couldn't talk either. She lived like that stuck in a wheelchair all of her life. I can only imagine how unimaginable it must've been for her! My folks were in their 80s still caring for her until, due to their own failing health, they chose to put her into a home for the disabled. I know if I would've been born like her I would've rather been born dead. I take some measure of comfort now that she is at peace and no longer suffering. Why God allows all this unimaginable pain and suffering I don't know. But, I do believe He is Love and in the end we'll see Him for as He is seeing His whole unimaginable purpose for us. The fact that soon after her moving out of the family home she gave up and let go in less than 2 months and yet obviously thrived on the love and care received from our parents, her siblings and extended family for almost 49 years demonstrates to me how the love of family is more important and stronger than anything.

Byker Bob said...

Historically, we can only know about the genes of one of the tribes, Levi. Pants designed for the usage of the priests, rugged pants that would stand up to the rigors of the sacrifices and were handed down from generation to generation. Of course the spelling has changed in our modern times, as we now say “Levis Jeans”. And oddly enough, you’re not allowed to wear them to Armstrongite sabbath services!


Anonymous said...

I wore jeans at sabbath services during the Cincinnati cog Winter Weekend in Lexington, KY.

Anonymous said...

Of course that was while we were decorating the tree and singing xmas carols.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I didn't get a bite from my 7:06am and 11:47am comments, I was fishing you know! The jeans part was true.
