Showing posts with label COG false teacher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COG false teacher. Show all posts

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Thus Sayeth The Lord??????? Crackpot Prophet Still Incapable Of Making An Accurate Prediction


Never in the history of the Church of God have we had such wishy-washy prophets in our midst. In between all the hand flouncing, pulpit pounding, and jig dancing, not a single one of them has the testicular fortitude to actually make a definitive prophetic statement while resting assured that their god would do what they say it will. Instead, we get a lot of "could it be", "might be's", and a lot of "what if's". When one looks at prophets of old in scriptures, when they made a propehcy you had better be damned sure you listened or your could kiss your ass good-bye. Not so with today's self-appointed pretenders. Not a single one of them, from Bob Thiel to Ron Weinland has ever made a prophecy that actually passed, or will ever pass at some point in the future. 

That doesn't stop them though. 

We now have Dave Pack predicting his creature he calls "christ" will be here right after the Feast of Tabernacles this year. The eminent return of his creature always keeps getting bumped up to some future date.

Gerald Flurry says his creature called "christ" is returning within a matter of months. In the meantime, he sends his grandkids off to dance the dance of David while spending hundreds of thousands of dollars promoting his Jesus-stone. Flurry's creature still cannot figure out when it is supposed to return.

Ron Weinland's creature has been delayed since 2008 and is still waiting for Ron to tell him when to return.

And then there is the Great Bwana to Africa and 299 Caucasians. Being self-appointed apparently does not bring any wisdom along with it. The Bwana has to be one of the most wishy-washy namby-pamby prophets we have ever had. All we get out of him is a lot of "could be's", "maybe's" and "what if's." Even his creature he calls "christ" is so confused that even it doesn't know when to return.

In COGland the return of Jesus is almost like he is waiting by the Power Ball machine for his number to pop up.

The Bwana is back with his own predictions after first mocking those that have failed. For some reason, he never lists his epic failures. Instead, he covers his lily-white butt by making broad statements hoping that somehow his dart will hit the board, which it never does.

Great Tribulation: 2026 or 2027?
Many have falsely claimed that the Great Tribulation either was in the first century A.D. or would come in many different years prior to now. Could the Great Tribulation occur next year or not? What is the earliest year that the Great Tribulation could come? Why is 2022-2024 impossible? Why does 2025 seem unlikely? What are the possible reasons for 2026 or 2027? What about confirmation of the peace deal by a prince in Daniel 9:27? What about the emergence of European King of the North and a Middle Eastern/North African King of the South? What about animal sacrifices, the red heifer, and the Temple Institute? How might the date of Jesus’ execution and resurrection be involved? Might there be a six/seven thousand year plan? How could that tie to the words of Peter and those in the Book of Hebrews regarding the last days? Who is the Beast of the sea, the King of the North? Could the final Antichrist be a type of antipope who falsely claims Roman Catholicism? What about pestilences, the ride of the fourth horseman of Apocalypse, and the opening of the fifth seal of the Book of Revelation. Dr. Thiel covers these and other matters and gives rationale, why, if the signs that Jesus referred to are seen before then, that 2026 or 2027 could be the start of the devastating Great Tribulation. He also quotes the late Herbert W. Armstrong about it starting with a nuclear attack against the UK, USA, and/or Canada. Dr. Thiel quotes Jesus’ promise of protection for Philadelphian Christians. He also summarizes several important signs to watch for, consistent with Jesus’ words in Mark 13.


Thursday, July 8, 2021

Neville Stevens: that other failed prophet to the Church of God

 Neville Stevens

Back in the mid 2000's, there was a very active alt.religion.w-w-church-god newsgroup that was filled with some of the craziest Armstrongites ever to exist (at least till Bob Thiel came on the scene).  It was led by Neville Stevens, another self-appointed prophet to the Church of God. Stevens was the "Tony Almo" of the Church of God. When he wrote articles it was like reading Tony Almo's crazy stuff from the 80's and 90's. He had his own cult break off called Zion Ministry and its mission was to:

Zion Ministry teaches Bible Prophecy
To the Churches of God, the Tribes of Israel, and the world.
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God is soon to become a reality!

Stevens had a loyal band of followers who called themselves the "Levite Brotherhood – the Sons of Jerusalem". They were crazier than hell and xCOG members who participated in the newsgroup had a field day pushing their buttons. They were gearing up for an end-time blood bath where they would be slaughtering all disobedient Laodiceans by the sword before the invading Germans and Muslims killed off the other lukewarm COG members. They seemed to relish the idea of killing wayward COG members. Of course like any good Armstrongite, they were soon to be made into gods and goddesses where they would rule the world with an iron fist dispensing HWA and Stevens teachings.

After writing numerous long-winded articles, much like what Bob Thiel does, Stevens stopped his so-called prophetic ministry because he had preached the final witness and it would soon be time for the Laodiceans and those that mocked him and his followers to be killed off as the end time was soon to hit the fan.

That was 2012. Ten years later and here we all are. No one has been killed by them. After threatening me for close to 8 years that I would die a horrible death on Passover eve, I am still here, being a pain in the ass for the uber-right Armstrongists. One of them even said he was coming to Los Angeles to kill me by the sword. I told him to let me know when he arrived and I would pick him up at the airport. Alas, he never showed up. It was such a disappointing weekend.

Neville Stevens lies are very similar to Bob Thiels, Pack, Flurry's, and others in COG prophet/apostleland, and as usual, his prophecies all failed. The sad part about Stevens Zion Ministry was that it was positive proof that COG members would and will fall for anything that makes them feel special and called out.

For some reason, his last letter to the church popped up on my newsfeed this week. Maybe it was his god trying to tell me something!

Here are a few tidbits from the 2012 final letter to the church. If you take the words "zion ministry " out and substitute Continuing Church of God, you would never know the difference. Fake COG prophets all speak the same way.

The truth is that since this Zion Ministry began exactly 14 years ago, to the very day as I write, much Bible prophecy has been fulfilled and is rapidly proceeding.   This ministry began as a prophetic ministry and has continued ever since.  The purpose and function of it was to warn the Churches of Godthe 12 Tribes of Israel and the world of what to expect, and to explain the Scriptures in order that whoever might listen might be spared the horror they now face.  Did anyone imagine that with such ominous disasters pending that will result in the deaths of millions of people – including His people Israel, no less – that God wouldn’t send a prophet to warn?  Well, He did send a prophet at the appointed time; He sent me!  And I have done as I’ve been commanded.  All that I’ve written was under the instructions of God Almighty.  I’m merely the instrument in His hands.  Nothing more – and nothing less!  The difference between me and the many false, self-proclaimed prophets is that I believedGod always and never deviated from this belief for any reason.  And the other difference is that I was taught by God Himself!  I’ve merely taught others what God has taught me, thereby leaving aside all the pseudo doctrines and sanctimonious nonsense that vain preachers find so compelling to their congregations.  Never mind that these vain creatures are leading others to their deaths, thereby depriving them of life!  If you are still in awe of the flowery, pathetic nonsense taught by your local preacher as he endeavours to entice you to follow him, then like Humpty-dumpty you’re about to take a great fall.  These mealy-mouthed weaklings will take you nowhere – except to your doom!

Stevens was big-time into conspiracy theories and outlandish beliefs.  He claimed to know how the kingdom of God would look in the new world to come. All of the land masses would migrate back to their original state, forming a pyramid in the face of what I assume is a flat earth, since so many COG members now believe the earth is flat.

If all the landmass around the arctic in the north were migrated southward and then brought together so that west meets east, and then all the western and eastern landmasses were migrated back towards Jerusalem, what you would see is a single landmass in the shape of a triangle or pyramid.  This migration of the continents would displace the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and all the inland seas, leaving the Pacific Ocean as the only ocean.  The most southerly part of this inverse triangle would be Antarctica.  So why did David use twopyramid shapes interwoven together?  He was showing us what the face of the earth once looked like, and what it has become.  It was through DAVIDthat we learn that God is going to RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH – which is of course the landmass!  Another interesting point is that when the original landmass is migrated back to what it once was, then Jerusalem becomes the exact center of it (see Eze 5:5).  The reason David included two interwoven Pyramid shapes was to indicate that one of these shapes will emerge as the original, with the chief cornerstone (the uppermost block on a pyramid) will be pointing to the north.  Presently the chief cornerstone is in the extreme south – Antarctica no less!  It’s to be hoped that all readers are familiar with the Scriptures which identify the Lord Jesus as the Chief Cornerstone.  Americans can look at their dollar bill and see the illuminated upper-stone of the Pyramid.  This Illuminated Rock represents Jesus Christ, and God inspired its use on the dollar bill for the purpose of reminding Americans who they are in the annals of Bible Prophecy.

Further evidence of this is found when God speaks to His servant Job about the foundation or landmass of the earth:  Job 38:6-7 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!  Who stretched a measuring line across it6 On what were its footings set, or who laid its CORNERSTONE-- 7 while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?”  The reference to the angels shouting for joy clearly shows that God is speaking about the original creation of the landmass, which has a specific form that required a measuring-line to ensure a perfect shape with straight sides or boundaries.

If that wasn't crazy enough for you he then goes on to tell us how in the Antarctic there was a fantastical world that Admiral Richard Byrd discovered with palm trees, rivers, cities, flowering gardens, and so much more craziness. That amazing area was actually a UFO base for enlightened beings who were actually the place where demons lived openly in this world.

All these things raise the question of Antarctica – the original upper bloc of the single landmass which is illuminated on the dollar bill.  It seems to be a trackless wasteland of snow and ice today.  I don’t know how many of our readers are familiar with the exploits of Admiral Richard Byrd, who led an expedition to the ANTARCTIC with a huge armada of ships and aircraft.  Afterwards he gave a report to both the President and the Pentagon which stunned them, and resulted in them deciding to sideline the Admiral.  They held him for many hours under questioning, and some wanted to lock him up in a madhouse.  What did he say in this report that so shocked everyone?


The whole story of the Admiral’s experience was recorded in his diary and was finally published in 1959, two years after his death in 1957.  The substance of the report he gave on his return to the President and the Pentagon is that he met with a being that referred to himself as ‘The Master”.  Admiral Byrd had piloted one of a squadron of planes from one of the carriers.  He had two navigators with him.  The planes explored different parts of the Antarctic continent.  The other planes all arrived back on time, but Admiral Byrd’s plane was three hours late and was feared missing.  At the very least, his fuel supply would have run out, but then suddenly the plane appeared and landed.


There’s reenacted documentary footage which can be viewed here, and which explains everything that was purported to have happened.  It’s not actual footage but a reenactment of the circumstances spoken of in Admiral Byrd’s diary.


Part 2.  The untold UFO war in Antarctica

Part 3.  The untold UFO war in Antarctica


Regardless of what you think of these events, just bear in mind that Admiral Byrd was a very creditable witness, and he had two other witnesses with him on this flight, who confirmed these things.  While all this was happening, they were actually reporting everything by radio to their base – which drew gasps of astonishment.  The being whom the Admiral met called himself ‘The Master’, so this story indicates that Satan has a base in Antarctica – the very place where he exhibited delusions of grandeur for himself, along with the ambition to take over the Throne of Almighty God.  The real significance of this would not be realized without knowing what Antarctica represents on the original FACE OF THE EARTH, which is to be renewed.


Incidentally, after Admiral Byrd’s return to the aircraft carrier, a war broke out against the ships and planes under his command, and this is what the above footage is about.  Some 4,000 personnel witnessed the attack by UFO’s.  There were dozens of casualties.   The whole expedition was immediately abandoned after only two months of the planned six month event.  Equipment and ammunition was abandoned in their haste to leave.


If you watched the above YouTube clips, you will notice that this ‘Master’ as he describes himself to Admiral Byrd, claims to be a benevolent visitor from outer space, and one who espouses peace and goodwill to all men.  Yet no sooner does Admiral Byrd arrive back on the aircraft carrier, this ‘Master’ launches an unprovoked attack on them resulting in dozens of casualties and severe damage to the fleet, which resulted in them running away like scared rabbits.

For close to 14 years, Stevens preached his craziness and like Bob Thiel, garnered hardly any COG members to join his cult. This irritated him very much and he and his followers got sick of the mocking. Stevens got so fed up that he told all COG members that they were now on their own.

The Creator God has made His position clear to everyone, so all are without excuse.  God gave His people Israel the choice between life and death, and counseled them to choose life.  Today, more than ever, that choice is before you, and from now on you’re on your own to make that choice.  Before you prepare yourself for conquest, be sure and certain you have God’s Holy Spirit or your fate will be to return to dust - forever!  Perhaps we, the Brotherhood, will see you in our Father’s Kingdom!


May God be with you!


Neville V. Stevens 

(Representing the Levite Brotherhood – the Sons of Jerusalem)

Stevens is just another example of why no one believes Bob Thiel, Dave Pack. Gerald Flurry, and the rest of the pseudoprophets and apostles to the church. They are all liars. 

You can read his final letter here and access the rest of his writings.

See previous articles on Banned about him: 

Neville Stevens: Proof That Armstrongites Will Believe Anything!

Neville Stevens: Cyrus the Great Was A Demon....


Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Crackpot Self-Appointed Prophet And Lapsed Catholic Asks: "Could the U.S.A. be gone by 2028?"


The Great Bwana's god is angry!

Our favorite self-appointed prophet to the Church of God is now predicting that the United States will meet its end by 2028. Nothing excites COG self-appointed failed prophets more than seeing the destruction of the U.S. as they so desperately desire. It would be their wet dream come true. They need this to happen so that they can be proven to be telling the truth - for once in their lives.

Bwana Bob, the savior of Africa and 299 Caucasians asked this question today: "Could the U.S.A. be gone by 2028?"

His answer:

Is there any prophetic reason to believe that the destruction and end of the U.S.A. can come before the completion of the next two presidential terms? 
Could the end of the U.S.A. and its British-descended allies happen before 2028? 

Given the long-standing track record of failed prophets in the COG, with every single one of them being liars, why should we believe Bwana Bob on this prediction?  He has failed in all of his other predictions.

He is basing some of this on his belief that humans have been on this earth for close to 6,000 years. something that geology and anthropology prove otherwise, but never let science get in the way of myths that certain COG leaders believe.

Bwana Bob also knows the approximate date that Adam and Ever were created. We must always remember Bwana Bob has the inside track on all knowledge and it is UNQUESTIONABLE! Sure, Bob. Sure.

Last Days Fit When 1,000 Year Days are Understood
Based upon certain calculations that I am currently aware of; it seems that Adam and Eve were created and/or apparently left the garden of Eden between roughly 3959-3972 B.C. It is most likely that the 6,000 years began once Adam sinned as Adam had not rebelled before then.
This would mean that when Jesus began to preach (roughly 27 A.D., about four thousand years later) He started preaching late in thousand-year day four and then into day five. Day four is the middle of seven prophetic thousand-year days, hence the fourth day is not one of the “last days.”

A little later he adds:

And presuming that the great tribulation begins (Matthew 24:21-22) 3 1⁄2 years before the end of the 6,000 years (the latest date which appears to be the Spring of 2031), then the 6,000 years would be up no later than late 2027.

And there is more: 

  1. Then adding 2,000 years to a period of time leads

    to the end of the 6,000 years no later than 2031

    (and it could be earlier than that).

  2. Since the Great Tribulation is expected to start 3

    1/2 years prior to that (cf. Revelation 12:14; 13:5) subtracting 3 1/2 years from the Spring of 2031 would be late in 2027.

  3. Understand that the U.S.A. is prophesied to be taken over near the rise of the Beast and start of the Great Tribulation (cf. Daniel 11:39; Jeremiah 30:7; Matthew 24:21-22).

  4. Therefore, since the end of two full U.S.A. presidential terms would end in January of 2029, these prophetic understandings point to the end of the U.S.A., Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom prior to two full US presidential terms.

    10. This is also consistent with certain Roman Catholic prophetic writings as well. 

Get your bags packed boys and girls! Rocky times are ahead and you MUST be followers of the self-appointed lapsed Catholic or you will NOT know when the time comes to flee.

It looks like from certain Jewish, biblical, Christian, and Roman Catholic perspectives (and yes others associated with those faiths have other opinions), that the end of the U.S.A. may well happen before 2028.

Jesus said to look for various signs (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21). Until we see certain of those signs, we will not know when the end of this age will be.

But if we see certain signs in the next couple of years (e.g., Daniel 9:27), that would be consistent with the view the end of the 6,000 years could be no later than the Spring of 2031 and that the Great Tribulation would start no later than the Fall of 2027.

Perhaps it should be mentioned that since traditionally, the old Worldwide Church of God taught that the Great Tribulation would probably start in the Spring time (similar to the time of the Exodus) a Spring of 2027 or earlier could mark the beginning of the end of the U.S.A. and its British-descended allies.

What will Bwana Bob's god do when 2027, 2031 arrive and nothing has happened?  We will hear the same tired mantra that false prophets of the church has used for close to 80 some years. "God has delayed the end times so that the church can prepare its self and preach a final end-time witness."

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

That Other Saviour Of Africa, Dingbat Wade Cox Admits He Has Been Conned By Some Of His African Members


This is too funny! This is the exact same thing that we have been saying about Bob Thiel's followers. Like Wade Cox's African members, Bob's are in it for the money, and when they find the next pocket of money they are off and running. COG leaders are so gullible, and in this case, stupid!..

CCG is going through a serious time, over COVID in Uganda. We have lost no one anywhere in the world to date. Praise God for his mercy but some have contracted the disease. The DCG and I have noted a few breaks or minor fractures and that has never happened throughout the history of CCG and God is telling us that we have to clean our house out and prepare for the coming war and tribulation. None have been serious fortunately but God protects us and he is drawing attention to our problems. We need to pray earnestly for our own salvation. One of the problems was two corrupted ministers in Burundi were attempting to obtain funds from the True Jesus Church and I was shocked to see photos of them performing infant baptism. They are truly falling from any understanding they once may have had.

Monday, June 28, 2021

The True Philadelphian Prophet So Ignored That Only 0.75% Of COG Members Care About Him


Imagine being a prophet to the Church of God and only having less than 0.75%* of Church of God members even interested in your message! Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack garner a higher percentage of COG member's interest than the self-appointed prophet of Grover City, CA receives. Never has a self-appointed prophet to the church had such a dismal respectability rating than the self-appointed prophet, the modern-day Elijah to the Church of God, and Great Bwana to Africa, Bob Thiel.

The Grover City peddler of homeopathic remedies and other quackeries had another major meltdown today over the fact that I do not, and 99.94% of COG members do not recognize him as a true prophet or a legitimate leader of a Church of God.

In another mind-numbingly long screed justifying his self-appointment and his usual myths about LCG leaders telling him that he was a prophet, Bwana Bob delivered another cut and paste justification for his existence.

Hoss, a reader here on Banned summed up Bwana Bob's typical response techniques to criticism:

Bob's links to links to links and eventually back to links you already linked to... it reminds me of old R/WCG literature - when you get a book/booklet/article/reprint, there will be at least one reference to another book/booklet/...

But, yes, you find why Bob left, because he thought LCG "lost it" - no longer "has the mantle" and isn't "Philadelphian", an he thinks he was given the mantle, is the remnant Philadelphian short end-time work, etc.

In Ralph Orr's classic article on HWA and CG7/BI, he made a statement about HWA that seems applicable to Bob: HWA set criteria on which to determine the "true church" and "true doctrine" - but, he asked, was HWA actually qualified to set the criteria and make a legitimate assessment?

All of Bob's responses are endless cut and paste jobs from previous postings and articles as if this was legitimate proof of himself. He does this on his blog and as a result, makes for some of the longest and weirdest postings ever. No one cares to read 500 links to other articles as proof of anything. His African followers sure do not read any of that crap!

Nothing infuriates the Great Bwana more than having people critique him. He thinks so highly of himself that he expects readers to roll over and lap up his writings as 100% truth and direct revelation from his god, whatever that creature is in his mind. He expects us to believe that Gaylyn Bonjour was supposedly inspired by Bwana Bob's god to doubly bless him in order to cement his prophethood stance in the Living Church of God. He also expects us to believe that the entire ministry of the LCG looked at him as a living prophet in their midst, which most did not. He also expects us to believe that Jim Meredith is a legitimate source for validation. Jim Meredith was one of the most discredited men the church ever had to lead a department at LCG headquarters.

The Great Bwana is infuriated that we keep saying he was kicked out of LCG. I remember the day that an LCG member sent me the sermon where Rod said Bob was kicked out of the church. Gavin Rumney and I posted the story and it was news to Bwana Bob, as he had not yet heard about his banishment and pitched a fit because he had to read about it first on dissident blogs. What a great day that was in Banned land! LCG members flocked to read about Bob's meltdown and public humiliation by Rod Meredith.

His own propaganda department that permanently dwells in his head immediately kicked into action and said it was HE who was kicking Living Church of God out and not the other way around. He says he kicked them out of his life because they would not heed his words.

I chose to leave LCG because of its integrity problems and its intentional failure to fix doctrinal and prophetic errors it promised to fix.

Imagine a man with no integrity telling another church that has integrity problems that they have no integrity! This is like a spoiled brat screaming at his parents that he hates them because they don't give him what he wants so he is leaving. What a hoot! Herbert Armstrong could never have imagined his legacy would be so tarnished by our current crop of petulant man/boys pitching hissy fits over who has the best Church of God or is the official legitimate prophet.  What a disgusting quagmire of stupidity! 

While Gary Leonard tries to lump me in with people like CGPKG’s Ron Weinland, PCG’s Gerald Flurry, and until his death, James Malm. All of whom were self-appointed in the prophetic realm and all of whom clearly made false prophecies. The reality is that I am not self-appointed, nor a certified liar, plus predictions I have had have certainly come to pass. I have not been false–this fact (plus the fact I do not take a salary from CCOG) goes against the paradigms that people like Gary Leonard have. And in his case, result in him repeatedly posting falsehoods that the uninformed (as well as those who prefer to believe a lie) accept.

Bro! Chill out! You ARE self-appointed. God had nothing to do with it. Gaylyn Bonjour had nothing to do with it. Your nightmares after eating some bad Chinese food have nothing to do with it. Your entire persona is a creation of your own mental maneuverings. You and you alone set yourself up as a supposed prophet to the church and the leader of a supposed "Philadelphian" church. Add to that your round-robin "ordination" to further legitimize yourself in the eyes of your African followers and here we are today, witnesses to yet another crazy splinter group of Armstrongism.

When you read his screed, if you dare, you will find almost every single paragraph mentioning himself. There is NOTHING about Jesus leading him or his capability as a prophet in leading people to Jesus. Nothing! Nada! He cannot and never will.

You can read his long-winded, backslapping, narcissistic screed of self-idolatry here: False accusers, LCG, and a true prophet. Have a strong alcoholic drink nearby as you will need it.

Behold! I am the one true prophet to the Philadelphian Church of God. 

Stand in amazement and awe of me as I talk about myself, yet again!

Note: This could be a deep fake picture created by Satan's Assistants 
and not the real Bwana Bob, savior of Africa and 299 Caucasians.

* The 0.75% is a generous amount of members who have expressed interest in Bob's message and also assuming that there are around 40,000 COG members in the various splinter groups and non-affiliated groups. Taking his 300 some caucasian members who believe him and subtracting that from the 40,000 leaves an appalling lack of interest across the board from COG members. Never has the COG seen such a pathetic excuse for a splinter group.

Friday, June 25, 2021

LCG Friday Night Smack Down: Backsliding LCG Members Ignoring its "more sure word of prophecy"


It's Friday and time for the weekly smackdown for Living Church of God members who just can never seem to do anything right. Today, they are failing to recognize the "more sure word of prophecy" that LCG claims to have. Not only that, LCG is the Watchman! This is sure to set off that other false prophet who claims he is the Watchman and has the "more sure word of propehcy" due to the fact that LCG refused to listen to him and now are ignorant of real prophecy. Given the track record of self-appointed prophets in the COG and their long history of lying to the members, whenever anyone hears a COG claim to have a "more sure word of prophecy" it is a guarantee they do not. The church has had no accurate prophet in its midst in the 80 some years of the Armstrong COG movement.

Pay Attention to Prophecy: Jesus told His disciples to stay alert and watch for the fulfillment of specific prophecies that will mark the approaching end of this age (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21). He also warned, in the parable of foolish virgins, that many will be caught napping and unprepared by the surge of events that will precede His return (Matthew 25:1–13). God has given His Church “a more sure word of prophecy” (2 Peter 1:19, KJV) so we can warn the nations of Israel and the world about the prophetic significance of world events. It is also an awesome responsibility to be commissioned as a watchman (Ezekiel 3 and 33). Satan has deceived the world and many in the Church to discount the importance of prophecy. We must never take prophecy lightly (1 Thessalonians 5:20). As we watch world events building to a prophetic crescendo, let’s make sure we continue to study Bible prophecy, build a closer relationship with God, and learn to live by every word of God (Matthew 4:4).

Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

Monday, June 21, 2021

Satan Attacks God's Most Special Prophet, Hilarity Ensues

It has been another rough day for God's most important prophet in human history. Satan has attacked Bob Thiel yet again and influenced the minds of the folks at Youtube to delete one of his mind-numbingly boring and obnoxious videos.

We also made a related video, which we uploaded to YouTube yesterday, which had the following description:

Is Disney promoting abominations? According to the Bible it most certainly is. In addition to “Out” which is focused about a homosexual male and “Onward” which also condoned homosexuality, it is a big promoter of “Pride Month.” So, much so that on June 27, 2021, Disney+ intends to stream “This is Me: Pride Celebration Spectacular” hosted by “Nina West” that stage name of Andrew Levitt, who was born male but now dresses and performs as a female–contrary to scriptures like Deuteronomy 22:5. Is Disney inviting the wrath of God? Were pride, sexual immorality, and going after “strange flesh” reasons that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed? What should parents and children do? What does the Bible teach? Dr. Thiel discusses and addresses these issues with scriptures and other information.

YouTube removed this video without asking. When I signed into my YouTube account, YouTube had up the following: 
Your content was removed due to a violation of our Community Guidelines


Because it’s the first time, this is just a warning. If it happens again, your channel will get a strike and you won’t be able to do things like upload, post, or live stream for 1 week. A second strike will prevent you from publishing content for 2 weeks. Three strikes in any 90-day period will result in the permanent removal of your channel.

We want to help you stay on YouTube, so please:

Make sure you understand YouTube’s Community Guidelines and strikes basics.
Review your content with our policies in mind. If after reviewing your content you think we made a mistake, let us know–you can appeal this decision.
Understand that this strike will expire after 90 days, and that deleting the video will not remove the strike.

So, we have been censored because we dared teach what the Bible says. 

You were censored because you had up an idiotic video filled with nonsensical personal opinions of yourself, not God. God is not part of Bwana Bob's so-called ministry.

YouTube also put up the following warning for me to see:

Community Guidelines strikes


Your content was removed due to a violation of our Community Guidelines.
Because it’s the first time, your account isn’t affected. You’re only warned once and this warning will remain on your channel.

If this happens again

Your channel will get a Community Guidelines strike.
You won’t be able to do things like upload, post, or live stream for 1 week.

Content removed

If you think we made a mistake, you can appeal this decision

This is Bwana Bob's response to Youtube Satan attacking him:

Here is what my appeal to YouTube states:

My video did not call for violence against any, but contained biblical warnings. Our church is nonviolent, pacifist. If YouTube does not believe in the same God those in our faith do, it should not care if we quote His word and/or apply it to modern circumstances. The Bible teaches that we are to “Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression, And the house of Jacob their sins. (Isaiah 58:1). Disagreeing on matters of morality is not hate speech. This video did not call for hatred of any group, but was intended to help parents who wish to raise their children within the bounds of biblical morality. Removing the video shows religious bias and opposition to the rights freedom of speech & religion and the free exercise thereof. Please reinstate.

No one in this entire world needs Bwana Bob telling parents how to raise their children, especially by someone so self-righteous as he is. Armstrongite cult leaders have been claiming for years that they are "crying aloud and sparing not" and all of them have nothing to show for it except bruised hurt ego's when people laugh at them. If they actually preached Jesus Christ and the works of salvation instead of hundreds of "thou shalt not's" that fill their shallow minds,  then maybe the Christian world they claim to be part of would be a better place.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

The New Face of The Greatest Church of God in Human History!

When this COG leader tries to impress the world, 
he always ends up looking like the south end of a northbound cow. 
Pretty much like the so-called "gospel" message he preaches.

ht to a reader here

Friday, June 18, 2021

Crackpot Self-Appointed Prophet Has Another Melt Down Over Satan's Assistants Constantly Attacking Him

Right on cue our self-appointed prophet and Great Bwana to Africa and 299 Caucasians popped his cork today over the previous post about him getting kicked out of Living Church of God by Rod Meredith. Did you know that this bog is filled with "satan's assistants"?  Everyone commenting here is apparently in the bonds of his creature he calls "satan'. ROTFLMAO! This is sooooooooo predictable and sooooooooo funny!

The only people we know for sure that are emissaries of the evil one are these current self-appointed leaders of the Philadelphia Church of "god", Restored Church of "god", Church of "god" Preaching The Kingdom, and the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god". These spiritual despots have been wreaking spiritual havoc for years on venerable, gullible, and blinded COG members who think they're doing what God expects of them. God never intends for any follower of The Way to be involved in these sickening personality cults where their spiritual lives are being ruined by men with serious mental issues!

Anyway, let's look at the Great Bwana's doubly blessed brain in action:

06/18/21 a.m. Satan's assistants ("the devil ... he is a liar and the father of it," John 8:44) at the Banned by HWA site do not want people to believe my 06/17/21 p.m. post. 

So, let's look at some of their false statements and point out the truth. Here is a lie that Gary Leonard (its webmaster), started a post off with last night:

It's a hot day in California, and in more ways than one. Our favorite self-appointed dreamy prophet and Great Bwana to Africa and 299 Caucasians, who was kicked out of the Living Church of God by Rod Meredith  ...

No, Dr. Meredith did NOT kick me out. It was I who left because of broken promises by him and others to correct doctrinal, historical, and prophetic errors he and the then other LCG evangelists agreed to correct, as well as other integrity problems in LCG. (Plus I could not accept the falling away change, which Richard Ames agreed to look at with me on October 8, 2012).

Anyway, all the top leadership of the Living Church of God know full well I was not kicked out--but left 12-28-12 after receiving an outrageous and inappropriate email from Dr. Meredith (see Roderick C. Meredith's Accusatory Letter to Bob Thiel).

Gary Leonard cannot get over the fact that it was I who “kicked out” LCG, not the other way around. If he and others at his libelous site would stop repeating the lie I was kicked out of LCG, I would not feel the desire to sometimes comment about it.

Those naturopathic knickers are in a major organic twist right now!  Whoa Boy!

The Great Bwana goes on to post comments from two LCG men who apparently had no ability to discern liars in the midst of the brethren. If these two guys were actually men of God they would have immediately spoke out against the self-righteous wanna-be "prophet" who was trying to make a name for himself in the Living Church of God. But no, they did not. They like others in the LCG were so incredibly deluded that they joined in the chorus of fools, whom Thiel claims, called him a prophet. Using Jim Meredith as a source for support is not the swiftest thing to do, considering the track record that Jim Meredith has with LCG members.

Dear Dr. Thiel,

I am very sorry to see you... leaving the Living Church of God. 

In Christ's service,

Jeffrey Fall

Later in that same evening, even Jim Meredith (son of Dr. Meredith) emailed me and asked me to reconsider and come back. Here are some excerpts:

Bob, as you know, we have never really seen eye to eye. ... But now you have made a potentially fatal error; ... You obviously took no time to fast and pray about dad’s response  ...

Bob, please take the time to carefully, and prayerfully consider what you are doing, and where you are headed. You are a bright, intelligent man, with a great potential ...

If you rebel against the government that God has put in place on this earth, and the leaders He and Christ have chosen, you will not be there at Christ’s return. ...

In Christian Love,

Jim Meredith

Living Church of God

Office (704)844-1970

Jim Meredith, who was partially behind the 12-28-12 letter to me that Dr. Meredith sent, fully realized that I left, NOT that I was kicked out. As far as rebellion against God's government, I assert it is those in LCG that do not accept how GOD works. They are looking to men above God--that is something that Dr. Meredith himself warned about when he was part of the old Radio Church of God (Meredith RC. Second Commandment. Plain Truth, March 1960, p. 27).

Bwana Bob also popped a cork over being mocked about the nightmares he continues to have that he sees as proof of his legitimacy. Because the scriptures mention dreams, Bwana Bob believes that those scriptures pertain to him and legitimize his apostasy and rebellion against church government - at least the Armstrongite version of whatever "church government" means.

Gary Leonard's post also included the following:

Having nightmares and dreaming up fantastical stories to prove your legitimacy does not make on a prophet either.

Public/official 'prophet' recognition by LCG was NOT a factor in my choosing to leave--particularly since ALL the then LCG HQ evangelists stated that God might consider me to be a prophet. This was also directly confirmed to me by Dr. Doug Winnail in September 2012 and after I left in January 2013 (and that 2013 time was in writing).

It is a FACT that not ALL LCG evangelists thought Bob might be a prophet. If any of them thought that then it is proof that these guys were not real ministers.

As far as the "nighmare" crack goes, the word of God says that God speaks to prophets in dreams in Numbers 12:6 (for more on that, check out the article: Dreams, the Bible, the Radio Church of God, and the Continuing Church of God).

I can state for a fact that God is no more channeling dreams and visions into Bob's mind than he is into Dave Pack's mind. The fact that COG members fall for this schtick is appalling and shows how little Biblical understanding they have about the New Covenant and the role of Christ in the church. But, why should they since they all deny the guy?

Bwana Bob ends with this as a direct rebuke to ALL who refuse to acknowledge him as a true prophet and the one true leader of the one true Philadelphia Church:

Consider that the Apostle Paul wrote:

20 Despise not prophesyings. 

21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21, KJV) 

Hopefully, you, the reader, take those scriptures seriously and have not despised prophesies and have truly PROVEN what you believe on this. If so you can actually be one who will "hold fast that which is good," which includes the truth about me and the prophet matter.

Of course, many will choose not to believe the truth or be sufficiently diligent to "prove all things," but will instead love and believe a lie--even though the Bible warns against that (Revelation 22:15).

You can read the rest of Thiel's hilarious, self-serving, "look at how important I am" temper tantrum here

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

COGWA: Your voice doesn't need to be heard

From a COGWA source.

6/5/2021 Sermon Transcript. Caleb Froedge, Pastor Kansas City COGWA.

I would like to start out today by talking about a riveting story introduced by Taco Bell. It is a commercial that I saw the other day on Taco Bell, and it was called chicken philosophers and it had philosophers arguing about what is the best chicken sandwich. I think maybe many of you have probably seen this commercial, but they're arguing back and forth. About pointless discussion, items that really don't make a difference about this chicken sandwich. Debating what is the best chicken sandwich? And they kept arguing chicken, mayo, pickle, bread. Bread, chicken, pickle, mayo, and every way with the same ingredients. It didn't make a difference; it was still a chicken sandwich. And then you have the wise come in with tacos. They didn't get into the debate, and I know there's things out there about those taco lovers and it's always going to be a taco over a chicken sandwich. But they stayed away from the pointless debate.

Now philosophical debating is something that we can be trained in. There are debate teams. You can learn the art of the debate. There's a political science. There's a science of debate. There's a science of philosophical studies. And one can really try to make an impact with their knowledge and wisdom and a philosophical approach. But can debate and philosophical discussions, even of the Bible, just because it's the Bible, does that mean this is what God desires from his members? Could debate and philosophical discussion on biblical matters actually cause someone in God's church to be entangled to their own demise? How much time does God want US spending quarreling, debating on speculative details in the Bible? Of course, you know, we're all going to have different opinions on speculative parts of the Bible where there's really no conclusive determination, well why was this? Or you know anybody who's been to FI, you know you're going to ask those questions and sometimes it is, “I don't know.” You know, watching the FI online with Mr. Ken Giese on the most recent one on Joshua and Judges, you know there are really good questions and thought provoking. But then sometimes the answer is well I really don't know. And so, you know it's, it's fun to sometimes talk about those things and explore. And uh, but can there be too much where we don't actually focus on the trunk of the tree and those foundational truths that are so very important?

It was funny, I saw a post the other day from a member, and it said which side of the paper clip, which side of the paper does a paper clip go? And of course, we know it's the left side, you know? So, I didn't know why that was really a question, but yeah, you know, everybody is going to have a different opinion, why? Well, I don't know why. Why is it the left side? It just seems right. It just feels right, but there's a theory for what is right and why we should do that, and it's fun to sometimes go over those different philosophies, if you will, arguments if you will. And it’s fun to kind of take silly things and get everybody's opinion. Again, another post I saw was let's end this lifelong debate. What is better, Coke or Pepsi? And then of course you have those rebels that put Dr. Pepper instead, they don't even get into the debate on that, but you know it can be fun to do at times.

You know, but to what point are we to involve ourselves in debates, quarrels? How fruitful will that become even if it's in biblical studies? Again, we are not going to all come to the exact agreement on every single thing, but those core fundamental beliefs we are to be in agreement on. We are to be in agreement as a church and that is a very positive thing. But are we to explore all of our disagreements? Is this a positive thing for the church? Is this where we should put our time?

Some have made their own religion about philosophical points in the past. They've looked for some obscure detail, and in studying a certain topic, maybe it's kind of a, it's not the trunk of the tree, it's a twig and, you know, they focus on that twig so much now it becomes, you know, “I have superior knowledge, I have superior intelligence and I've taken this idea and now it's become my baby.” Now it's become a pet doctrine and it is coddled like a little baby. You know, do some have some sort of superpower to understand speculative scripture? Is it a superintelligence or is it making one wise in their own eyes? But, you know, you can take a philosophical question in the Bible. or for anything for that matter, and you put in all this research into and come to your own conclusion, but should we really take it in and hold it tight to us? Those, you know, philosophical questions, the all-important, which came first, the chicken or the egg? If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around, does it still make a sound? Yeah, you can find little things in the Bible that we would also, uh, look into and try to figure out as well.

What should we be aware of as members in the Church of God who study the Bible? One, we want to be aware of our own actions as we study the Bible. We study the Bible to look inwardly; to look at ourselves. You know, it is, God's word is to be a mirror to our path, a light to our path. And we look at and study the Bible as inwardly first we look how does this affect my life? How does it change my life? Do we study the Bible to feel superior? Do we study the Bible to correct others around us? Is that our, is that what God wants us to do? We have the knowledge, so now we can go sharpen one another with our words and tell everybody where they're wrong.

Are we aware of false teachers of the Bible? Teachers who do not have authority from God but they’re self-proclaimed teachers. Now, they have put themselves up on a pedestal, and they've said, “I'm, I'm going to put myself in a position of superior intelligence and I'm going to judge the Church of God, and I'm going to make claims, this is the way the church should function. This is my philosophy. This is what the church should do.” Are we aware of false teachers? Really, there's nothing new under the sun, and there's those who have fought against the Church of God and the core doctrines over the ages, and many have done it in the name of theory and philosophies, superior knowledge, and philosophy. Men who have, came along with no authority to teach, but yet they claim superior knowledge and intelligence. And they, in turn, are drawing members away from the Church of God, where there are firm proven truths.

Paul had to fight against such knowledge and philosophies such as Gnosticism and different things that stem from Gnosticism: Docetism, Gnosticism. And it takes the name of the Greek word, gnosis, G-N-O-S-I-S and it means knowledge, especially spiritual truth, and there's this great spiritual knowledge. And so many of the so-called gnostic groups are characterized by mythiology [sic] and distinguishes between the inferior created world - the physical - and the more transcendent god and the order of being. But in the book of First John, he wrote to reassure and to comfort the church members who were contending with dishonorable individuals, intent of shaking the faith of the members through false and heretical teachings. 1 John 2:19, “They went out from us, but they were not of us.” So, the indication was that they were once members with the church, but then they went, and they left. “For if they had been of us they would have continued with us, but they went out that they might be made manifest that none of them were of us. But you have an anointing from the holy one and you know all things. I have not written to you because you do not know truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth. Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is the Antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either. He who acknowledges the Son has the Father also. Therefore, let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning, that what you heard from the beginning abides in you. You also will abide in the Son and in the Father, and this is the promise that he has promised us – eternal life. These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you.” So, there is a deception. He was talking about some had come out from among them. There's sufficient internal evidence that suggests that certain people from within the church, likely former members, were expounding HERESY contrary to authentic and foundational doctrines.

The Zondervian [sic] illustrated Bible Dictionary states, “The purpose of the author was to warn the readers against false teachers who are trying to mislead them and to exhort them to hold fast to the Christian faith that they had received.” What was the heresy in this particular case? According to David and Pat Alexander, the Lion Handbook of the Bible, “John’s letter was written to counter some of the early form of ‘Gnosticism’ being propounded by men who were once church members but had now withdrawn from the group. They liked to think of themselves as intellectuals, processing [sic] a superior knowledge of God. They made a complete distinction between the SPIRITUAL (which was pure) and the material (which was evil). In practice, this often led to immortality – because nothing the body did could tarnish the purity of the spirit. It also led to the denial of Christ's human nature – which was either ‘make-believe’ or temporary [in their mind]. The Christ – being spirit – could not have died.” So, this was where that superior knowledge LED them ultimately to rejecting Jesus Christ as a Savior. And you start getting out on the limb – superior knowledge – putting oneself on a pedestal and making judgments towards the Church of God, it leads to the denial of Jesus Christ.

So today, I want to look at philosophies, a little bit about false philosophies that are out there, and philosophies that we should be aware of as the church. We need to understand what ideas are out there and what are being promoted so that we aren't straying from the church. And now, there ARE teachings that are just wrong, they're not biblically supported: Heaven and hell theory, Trinity, Sabbath is on a Sunday, that’s just strong philosophy, you cannot back them up biblically. But then there are those that may have an understanding of the truth but yet they have put themselves in a position to be a teacher, not by God's authority, but they put themselves in a position to make judgments on the church, “This is the way the church should function. This is the way this is the way the overall culture of the Church of God should be.” And they're teaching this is what should happen within the church. And it's based on philosophical wisdom and not biblical instruction, and it's very dangerous, and it's very hard to recognize sometimes that it's actually a false teacher.


So, let's look at some of the false philosophies that are floating around. I'm not saying this is from any particular individual, but these are philosophies that are out there and they're philosophies that are going. Some have put themselves into a position of quote unquote superior intelligence and it's a theory, and it's a philosophy and basically ADVISING and putting themselves in a position of being a church auditor, basically, and going to ADVISE the WHAT the church should be doing. That's called division, that's called discord. One is NOT going through the church to do this – away from the church putting themselves in this position, and now this is what the church should be doing out of discontentment – so, something we must be aware of.

But one of the philosophical ideas that are out there is that the church needs to learn to disagree, the church needs to learn to disagree. We need to WELCOME disagreements, be brutally honest, speak your opinion, welcome criticism. Is this what we should be doing as a church culture? Would this help create unity? In the name of unity, we all need to have more emotional intelligence, if you will, to handle disagreements, to handle to handle conflict, to PROMOTE disagreements. Is this what our focus should be? As members, is it going to help create unity? Is this the right philosophy that should be applied to the Church of God?

First Corinthians 1 and verse 10. What is it that brings unity? Does God want us to explore our differences? “Let's all focus on our differences.” Or are we to be in agreement? What is it that creates unity in the church? First Corinthians 1 and verse 10. If we look hard enough, we can find where we don't agree on certain details, but shouldn't we focus on what we do agree, and focus on edifying, and focus on encouraging one another as was brought out in the sermonette? First Corinthians 1 and verse 10? Is it disagreement that brings unity or is it agreement? 1 Corinthians 1:10,

“Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be NO divisions among you, and that you be perfectly joined together in the SAME mind in the same judgment.”

Teach as we've been taught. This was also brought out in the sermonette. God does not want divisions; God does not want there to be disagreements among the brethren. That doesn't mean that we all don't have different backgrounds, different ideas, different thoughts about certain subjects. If that was the case where we're all yellow pencils and we all are exactly the same, you know, it's just not the way it is. There are disagreements in particular areas, but if we're all to be in agreement in that way, we all walk alone, but we know that, “can two be together unless they are agreed?” We are to WALK in agreement. That's a part of what brings us to the truth in unity. There is ONE Spirit, ONE body of Christ. There is a unity, one Father, there is a oneness. And we are to speak the same thing in love, there (are to) be NO divisions. You know, even though this was not a doctrinal issue, as you can kind of continue on, the contentions among them, “I'm of Paul, I'm of Apollos,” there's an issue there, and it was a people issue. But the same point in this is, “I plead that you be an agreement.” There needs to be an agreement here. There should not be the contentions. Can two walk together unless agreed?

As the body of Christ, we are not of the world, we are not of the world’s philosophies. There is a world philosophy out there which does say, you know, we are to kind of be everybody’s auditor and everybody needs to buck up buttercup, and, you know, listen to the tunes. But if you if you want honest opinion you need to hear honesty and I'm going to tell you all your faults and this is going to be honesty. If you don't WELCOME that then there's problem, you’re not going to really have unity as you want, and that's a worldly philosophy that's found in worldly workplaces, it's found in corporate America. This is the body of Christ. This is not corporate America. It does not function the same way. You don't take the handbook of Google or Amazon and try to apply that to he Church of God. We are to be in agreement, it's the spiritual matters, and Bill Gates is not the head of the church, it is Jesus Christ. It isn't to function as corporate America where, you know, everybody needs to have a little more, a little thicker skin. You know, yes, we are not to be easily offended, that is what love is, but we are also not to provoke. We are also not to seek our own. Let's go ahead and turn here, of course I didn't have this in my notes, but it is worth looking at. Because you can have knowledge, you can have a certain amount of knowledge and understanding, it's nothing if you don't have the right attitude behind it. 1 Corinthians 13:1, this is what love is. So, are we to disagree in love? Is that our focus?

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, if I have not love, I have become a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy (there's knowledge), and understanding all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains, if I have not love, I am nothing.” What's the point if we can't have love, and what is love?

“And though I bestow all goods and feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Love is (patient) suffers long.” You know, if the first time we hear, see something we don't like about somebody, maybe we should just go up quickly and tell him about it, “Hey, you got a problem here.”

“It suffers long, it is kind; it does not envy; does not parade itself, it is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, it does not seek its own, is not provoked, it thinks no evil; does not rejoice in sin, but it rejoices in the truth; it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” We are to be patient with one another. Our aim is not to see where we can disagree in love. We are to be in agreement. Our focus is not to go at each other and to stir up contentions. Could you imagine if that was our focus, and this is what we have prodded to do every week? We should come in here and we look at each other and we start telling people where they're wrong. That would really build a lot of unity within the body of Christ, wouldn't it?

The apostle Paul had something to say about this too. Colossians 2 and verse 4. Colossians 2:4.

“Now this I say lest anyone should DECEIVE you with *persuasive* *words*. For though I am absent in the flesh, yet I'm with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the STEADFASTNESS of your faith in Christ. As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, ROOTED and built up in him and established in the faith, as you have been taught (again from the beginning, they've been taught these things) abounding in it with thanksgiving.” You know, our approach should be with THANKSGIVING and a content heart, very thankful for what we've been given, that we have been set apart and called into the body of Christ. What a wonderful gift.

“Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the traditions of men….” There's always been, from the very beginning, there's been philosophies, there's been man’s ideas of what will work, and we should be aware of that. There is a philosophy of the world that does say, you know, it's your due diligence to go after your brother and they should, they should uh, they should just be more willing to accept that. Is that, is that really emotional intelligence? And if we could all come to this certain emotional intelligence, then we would be able to disagree more in love and have more unity. Well, that's foolishness. We would not… you know, emotional intelligence that is something that is taught in the workplace, and we need God's Spirit working in us, we need that we don't need this physical self-help book, emotional intelligence, that…YES, it is a great tool, we should respond to each other in a positive way, we should have tolerance, but we need to bear the fruit of God's Spirit that is love, and joy, and peace. Peace, not being full of contention or disagreement.

“For in him dwells all fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in him, who is the head over all principality and power.” So, don't let someone cheat you with philosophies. Be thankful. Be thankful. Who was it that wasn't UN thankful? Who was it that were discontent? Who was it that was critiquing Jesus Christ all the time? Nitpicking Jesus Christ, critiquing, who was it? Who was constantly challenging through philosophical debate? It was the Pharisees. They were some of the most argumentative debating, contentious, quarrelsome people mentioned in the Bible, and God referred to them as a brood of Vipers and of their father the devil.

What does a servant of God look like? What is the mindset that God leaders are to have? Second Timothy 2 and verse 23. 2 Timothy 2:23, “But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate STRIFE.” This is something we avoid. We don't generate strife; we don't look for disagreement. We look to be IN agreement. Where do we share the unity through God’s Spirit? And a servant of the Lord MUST NOT QUARREL, but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition…” I don't find… well, I won't go there, “If God perhaps will grant them repentance so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.” Satan is very crafty. He wants God, people to disagree MORE, criticize MORE. Constructive criticism is… if that's… if there's a time and a place, you know, I do understand, there are the scriptures, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend,” as was also mentioned in the sermonette, basically, you know, that we will. But if you're talking about sin here, you're talking about there's a sin that is noticed and you go to your brother and you let him know, out of love, is it would be better to let him know, “Hey, you're getting close to the cliff!” As a friend, you know, you're going to let him know in that way where there is SIN involved. That is where we should go to our brother in that way. But we aren't too… it's not going to bring a healthy unity to look for where we are in disagreement. But he's crafty, you know, he wants us to disagree to get into POINTLESS disputes, idle babblings. Foolish and ignorant disputes is a tactic of Satan the devil.

Philippians 2 and verse 2. Philippians 2:2 (reads verse 3), “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in loneliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.” As when we come to church services, our goal and our aim is to lift each other up to edify. That's what edification means it is to build up; we’re to strengthen one another. We are looking to encourage one another. “Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus….” We are to be of the same mind, the same mind, a lowliness of mind, encouraging one another. You know, *swift* *to* *hear,* slow to speak. We are to be slow to speak and swift to hear. God wants us to encourage one another, edify one another. That is what a friend is for. That is what friendship is about.

What about iron sharpening iron? Aren't we to go after one another? “I need to sharpen my friend.” Isn't that what a friend is for? (Mocking) We need to hash out some disagreements, open criticism. We have this emotional intelligence because of it. We're really becoming better by doing this. What? “Iron sharpening iron.” Let's turn to Proverbs, I think it's 27. Proverbs 27 and verse 17. Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the COUNTENANCE of his friend.” It’s encouraging the countenance of a friend. And that's the other thing, they're already friends, they're in agreement, iron, sharpening, IRON. Not iron sharpening clay, not iron sharpening something else. It's talking about they're in agreement, they're the same, that we need to have that, there needs to be that unity. And that is what will sharpen one another, and build the friendships, and edify one another. Again, we do understand that “Open rebuke is better than love, carefully concealed,” there's a balance, but that is, we're talking about sin, we're talking about, we notice a sin and it's a friend and we go to them and let them know is better than love that is concealed. But it isn't talking about our, focus is to go after each other and to sharpen one another, that our due diligence is to stir up disagreement, discontentment, discord. Playing devil's advocate, we've heard that before, there's always the flip of the coin. You know, you can say something: this water is half empty, you know, “Oh, I think it's half full.” OK, so that really accomplishes a lot, you know. We can be a devil's advocate. Who wants to be a devil's advocate? Doesn't sound like that's a good friend. It's called contention. In the Church of God, he has called us to be in agreement so we can be of the same mind so we can build each other up so we can speak the same things and love. We are to edify one another.

I think we're all thinking about Larry Williamson and, I too, you know, didn't get with Mr. Anderson before, and we didn't talk about we were speaking on, but I thought about friendship with Larry Williamson. He was a good friend. When I think about the friendship that I had with him, I think about at services, you know, you come with him, you talk to him, and you walk away edified, you walked away encouraged. He would share stories of faith and how God's word was true in his life. And those words of encouragement, you know, he used God's word as a way to edify, to build up. He would offer advice, but it was how it worked in his life. And I remember, you know, there are certain things I’d talk to him about he said, you know, “This is what I would do; this is how it helped me in my life,” and it was really edifying. He used God's word to edify, to encourage, to build up. He esteemed others better than himself. He was a friend. You know, he did not… he was not one that sparked debate or dug up disagreements, he was not one that did that. He was very… he had a strong foundation, he was strong in the faith, and he sharpened the countenance. I would go over there wanting to talk to him and encourage him and I'd walk away encouraged. That was Larry Williamson. His focus, you heard it all the time, his focus was the Kingdom of God; it was always pointing to the Kingdom of God. You would talk to him about things, and it was when God's Kingdom comes it's going to be like this. He was focused on that future. He wasn't focused on the here and now. But we want to use God's word as a tool to edify one another, to encourage one another.

Proverbs 13 and verse 12, you know, thinking about, you know, iron sharpening iron in agreement of the same mind as a friendship there, that's a part of that unity that's already there, which builds on the friendship. Proverbs 13 and verse 20. Proverbs 13:20. “He who walks with the wise man will be wise (you know, your wise? Walk with the wise), but the companion of fools will be destroyed.” We don't want to associate with foolish discussion, quarrels, foolish debate. What does it bring about; what's the fruit of it? That's not the sharpening that will help. It's not going to sharpen our countenance. Now, there's a safety, as we see here, a safety of being with the wise. We want to be in agreement from the beginning.

Proverbs 11:14, “Without wise leadership, a nation is in trouble, but with good counselors their safety.” We want to associate where there is safety. There's not safety with wrong philosophies and self-proclaimed teachers.

There is a philosophy out there that, you know, in judging the church, they've kind of taken a step back, put themselves in a position to judge and say, “We don't like the way the Church of God is doing dot-dot-dot, and as a result we are going to get it done ourselves.” Is this wisdom that is of meekness [that it’s] talking about in James? Is that a meekness and a wisdom that started with meekness? And there's also a philosophy you need everyone else’s opinion. Everybody has an opinion and that has to be… there needs to be an open opinion, everybody's opinion is needed. What if a family worked like this? “OK kids, we're gonna go out to eat today. What do you want? Every opinion matters. What do you want to eat?? Pizza! Hamburger. Tacos. Say, “OK, we're gonna do Italian.” Now you have a car load full of very happy content. Individuals, don't you? “I'm glad I got everybody's opinion. Thank you for sharing. Now we're going to Olive Garden.” Should we get everybody's opinion on everything? Is not being honest, you know, as the Church of God, not being honest unless you get everybody's opinion? You're not, you know, not gonna have the right unity unless everybody’s opinion is involved.

Romans 12 and verse 9. Romans 12:9, “Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another, not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind with one another (we are to be in agreement). Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be WISE in your own opinion.

Not every opinion matters – just the way it is, and we should not be, you know, love does not seek its own. If we have an opinion, again, slow to speak, quick to hear. This is what God's word tells us. So, if there's other teachings out there saying otherwise, and this is the way the Church of God should function, we should disregard that opinion. That opinion is only an opinion. Are we to prove all things? So is opinions, is welcoming everybody opinion – open opinion; everybody needs us put in their opinion – is that the way we should prove all things? If we don't do that, we're not proving all things. Is that what it is talking about in proving all things? When you look at the context of proving all things and testing the spirit it is basically before you even acknowledge someone's opinion you're testing, “Is it true?” Now, of course we study God's word, and we prove all things, Mr. Armstrong always said, uh, you know, “Don't believe me, believe the Bible.” And that goes both ways: if somebody is out there preaching a philosophy that the church should have, don't just take their word for it, prove it in the Bible, what does the Bible say? We have to test the spirits.

First Thessalonians 5 and verse 12. 1 Thessalonians 5:12, “And we urge you, brethren, to recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. Be at peace among yourselves. Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly. Well, this is advice for brethren; this is vice for you and I. “Now we exhort you, brethren warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all. See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourself and for all. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecy. Test all things; hold fast to what is good. Abstain from evil.”

There is a testing of what is good and what is evil; what is of the spirit and what is not. And we are told in a variety of scripture what God’s Spirit, and the fruit of God’s Spirit looks like, and it's not the promotion of contention, discord, disagreement. We must test the spirit.

James, three and verse 13. James 3:13, “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom.” So the action, you know, if someone is to take it upon themselves, build their own platform and say, “I'm going to judge the church. I'm a self-proclaimed teacher,” is that done in the meekness of wisdom? “But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but it is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who make peace.”

It's very clear. Those actions that we are to acknowledge as wisdom or not. There are certain actions that we must reject. If someone has stepped aside and said, “I'm going to be a chief auditor of the Church of God, and this is what the Church of God needs to do. This is what the members need to do,” I would be very aware. If someone is saying, “Be critical, speak up! Let your opinion be known. Don't keep quiet, form your own opinion. Every voice needs to be heard. Learn to disagree in love,” that's not of God. This promotes foolishness. Satan is very crafty, and he is going to welcome disagreements, criticism, debate, contention in the name of philosophy.

Proverbs 29 and verse 22. Proverbs 29 and verse 22. What type of individual stirs up strife, stirs up contention, stirs up conflict? Proverbs 29:22, “An angry man stirs up strife and a furious man abounds in transgression.” An angry man doesn't have to just be outwardly angry in all his speech and actions. He can have a pinned up, frustration and anger, that's deep inside. And this willingness to divide; a willingness to stir up disunity, one can come across very charming – nice outwardly – but they're stirring up conflict as it says, it is a man of sin, it’s a man of anger and full of sin.

The Bible is very clear in how we should. Be towards one another. Philippians 2 and verse 14. Philippians 2:14. “Do ALL things (so this doesn't leave anything out), do ALL things without complaining and disputing, that you become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, in whom you shine as lights in the world….” Everything without complaining, and other translations say without complaining, without arguments.

Titus, three and verse one. And Paul is giving instruction to Titus on how he should admonish the church himself. And he was to warn the church, Titus 3:1,

“Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey (you know, be willing to yield to the authorities that God is put in place), be ready for every good work and to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men. For we ourselves were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another. But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior towards men appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, through the washing and regeneration of the renewing of God’s Spirit, of the Holy Spirit.” You know, God has given us his Spirit so we can be peaceable, so we can have and share in the same love, not deceived, “Whom he poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that having been justified by his grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.”

Second Corinthians 11 and verse one, 2 Corinthians 11:1,

“Oh, that you would bear with me in a little folly – and indeed you do bear with me. For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.” So here is this example of future bride of Christ, and God is a jealous God, and there's a jealousy there. But what is it that is going to provoke God? “But I fear lest somehow as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you have received a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted – you may well put up with it!”

False ideas; deceptions. Christ is looking for a bride that is going to be in disagreement with him or agreement with him? Is he looking for a bride that is going to criticize MORE, always object? Is that what Christ is looking for from the church?

What is the closest friendship that you can have in this life, as was also mentioned in the sermonette? Our spouses, a physical relationship with our spouses. Should we be in disagreement all the time, so we look for fights? Should we look for disagreement? Would that be a very positive thing in a marriage?

What does God want? Now, First Timothy 3 and verse 3, and we have some advice towards a spouse, towards a wife, and you think if this parallels a wife and husband relationship in the physical, what is Christ looking for with the church, with the spiritual Church? What will it be like? And also, to think about here too, you know, this does not just to apply, this this attitude, only applied to a wife. You know, a husband needs to also adhere as well, (so) we don't want to be contentious as well.

First Timothy 3 and verse 3. (I'm in Thessalonians, excuse me, that didn't look right). 1 Timothy 3:3, qualifications of an overseer here, and goes into the detail, “Not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous; one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence….” I had the wrong verse here, so I apologize. OK, here we go. (I Timothy 3:11), “Likewise, (and talking about qualifications of deacon) likewise, their wives must be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all issues….” And I'm looking for a different verse, but I don't have it in front of me, so I apologize, but it is basically, you know, a contentious wife, that's not what God desires in a wife.

Titus, two and verse one. We can turn there. Again, I apologize, I did not have this in my notes, “But As for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine: that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound, in faith, love and patience. The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, or given too much wine, teachers of good things – that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.”

But there are other scriptures in talking about, you know, not being a quarrelsome or contentious wife, you know, but a husband is not to be contentious towards their spouse either. It's not going to edify, it's not going to encourage one another. You know, “Hey, would you mind buying some towels for the bathroom?” And they buy towels, they go to the store, go shopping, “But you didn't get my favorite color, take ‘em back!” You know,

“I made you this dinner, I hope you like it.” “Well, I didn't know you hated me this bad, why would you do that? I don't like this stuff. Take it back!”

You know, “I think the fastest route would be this way, this is what the GPS says, maybe we can do that.” “Ahh, I know it's going to be bad; I'll do my own way.” Everything, you know, it could be, you could drive somebody INSANE. At every step of the way there's a contentious, or there's something on the flip side, “Well, we need to look at this and over analyze it. You know. Now, we apply this within a physical relationship in marriage, but what is it that God is looking for from his future BRIDE the Church of God? Is it always, you know, my opinion matters the most all the time, and my voice needs to be heard?

As we conclude, I'd like to just give one final thought, and, you know, if we accept these damaging philosophies and we don't acknowledge what God's word says, not only will we have more strife among ourselves and our relationships; not only will we not have unity, but we’ll also and it will lead to rejecting Christ’s supreme authority. It will lead to quarreling, debating, criticizing and putting themselves in a position to judge the church, which is led, and the head is, Jesus Christ. So (if) we ever get to a point where we think, “I can do it better, and I'm not going to wait around for anybody else. I don't (basically you're saying) I don't trust God. I don't trust the Christ. I'm going to fix it myself,” then we should reconsider.

Remember Job, he did not understand what was going on when he was facing, you know, the trial beyond any comprehension. He did not understand, but he got to a point, he didn't understand it, and so he wanted to debate with God. “I'm ready to debate you and your intent, and I'm ready to quarrel. You don't know what's going on. You don't have it right, and I question you.” And then God responds to Job with 72 questions of his own, that he has no answer for. God’s thoughts are above our thoughts, his ways are above our ways and we have to remember that. Job 40 to conclude. God’s intelligence is the supreme intelligence. Job 14 verse one, Job 40:1,

“Moreover the Lord answered Job, and said (you know, this is after he's already asked him quite a few questions), ‘Shall the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? He who rebukes God, let him answer it.’ Then Job answered the Lord and said: ‘Behold, I am vile; What shall I answer you? (‘I have no answer,’ he was seeing himself clearly. ‘I should not have tried to debate with you. I should not have, uh, I should not have done this’). Once I have spoken, but I will not answer; Yes, twice, but I will proceed no further.’” And then God challenges him more and goes on with more questions.

Drop down to verse 42 [sic], and Job responds again after those 72 questions. (Job 42:1), “Then Job answered the Lord and said: ‘I know that you can do everything, and that no purpose of yours can be withheld from you. You asked, “who is this, who hides counsel without knowledge?” Therefore I have uttered what I do not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I do not know. Listen, please, and let me speak; You said, ‘I will question you, and you shall answer me.’ I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.”

And at that point God poured out the blessings on Job. Job contended, he wanted to quarrel, he wanted to debate. He disagreed and he went after God; he questioned him. And God helped him to see that his thoughts are much higher than Job's.

There have been many arguments, debates, philosophical ideas out there that have attacked the Church of God over the years. Gnosticism, whatever it may be, you go back, there's always a philosophy, there's always an idea. There's always a, “We can do it better ourselves.” But maybe before one takes the time to introduce criticisms, opinions, quarrels, debate, criticism towards the Church of God, they should first answer those questions that God questioned Job with. And until one has those answered, maybe they should stop questioning, themselves. Job repented, Job responded, and God blessed. Until we can answer those questions, maybe we should do the same and be quick to hear and slow to speak.