“However, though we do not, even now, know the day or the hour, we do know, from God’s prophecies, that it is today very near! Notice this, in Luke 21:25-32: He had been foretelling the world events, right now beginning, leading to ‘distress of nations’ in world troubles and world wars, ‘with perplexity…men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things that are coming on the earth’—world troubles such as never before experienced. ‘When ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.’
“So all signs show we are in the very last generation of
this present evil world."
"If you hold those riches, I'm telling you, you trust in them"
"Go get a big chunk out of your home. And put your money where your mouth is and send it here. And I'm not talking about one, two, three thousand either. How about ten, twenty, thirty, fifty, or one hundred thousand dollars? Go do it.""Wives, you can be independent in this. You have 1/2 the worth of whatever you have in your house.
I'm officially telling you this...Wives, legally you have the 1/2 the funds. What are you going to do about it?...Husbands...'well, my wife is not in the church'...tell her...'you don't have a voice woman' "
"Go get those assets and get them here"
"Don't sit on vast resources that we can use now""We are not a splinter""I do not covet your silver or gold...the gold and silver is God's and He will get it someway""We do not have the funds...plans...bookstores...We need to redesign our web site...We need many hundreds of thousands of dollars to arrive at God's headquarters soon...the timing is now""This is different...ask Him for the faith to liquidate certain assets and give it to the work""I'll say it again, we are talking about liquidating existing assets...it all belongs to God and the brethren""We have a lot of plans so big going on in this office it would cause just this room to to rock and gyrate if you knew what was going on. We just need a lot of money and we need it post haste...I would give more if I had it""Herbert Armstrong wrote an article...'Prepare to greatly reduce your standard of living'...What he wrote by far, is more for us now than it was then... its all going to be taken away from us anyway brethren""There will be follow-up sermons. Time to bring in related points""Let us know how much you plan to send and when you plan to send it...You must be willing to communicate... If you do need to counsel, please do that...If you are not ready to distribute what you have...you don't believe the flow of prophecy"
"This is announcing the last blast, the clarion call as it were, to finish the work...Whether it is 4,5,7, 9 years to go, God knows...This is liquidating assets...I have the authority to tell you to do it... I have the moral and spiritual, and ecclesiastical authority to tell you to do what I have also done"
"Get it now when it requires faith... when you are dead you don't need it... if you named us in your wills, it can take us months or years to get it""The wives in the faith will say give everything you can...We don't have the luxury of waiting years...today, leaving everything in your will simply doesn't work""Now you just have a second mortgage... and frankly we flee before most of it ever becomes due""...some may think that they want to tap their 401k--maybe you want to let us know that... why would you want to tell us? We are starting to prepare a budget now, the needs are now...it would be nice to know now""Think big...Pull big triggers""There is only two positions you can take regarding all that I have mentioned, only two, there is no middle ground. You're either going to yield, to submit and to follow, the clarion call that the time is now or you're not. And postponing a decision is deciding not to do it...It's saying I'm going to wait until it gets closer because it is not there yet...Don't say that I'm going to wait until it gets closer, when I can see...The decision is that my treasure stays on earth or I goes to heaven. Period. I will not lay up for times to come or I will. And this is the real test of Laodicea... either hold on to your assets... or give it... God is in this decision, no question. Testing the church's faith""We live in the most materialistic age in the history of the world. People trust in physical things. They trust in bank accounts...If you have excess and don't need it, those verses mean you...That's the Laodicean attitude...Put your money where your mouth is...Empty your assets""There is only one place He works...Where the...work is...that's where God is working...one elder commented here at headquarters, if people can't be motivated by a clarion call to finish the work such as this, why will those same people somehow believe the internal signal given to the church of the 1335? Why would they believe it?""This is the Laodicean age...Be careful that you don't tell us how to spend your assets... It belongs to God.. You don't tell God or His servants how to spend it""Your faith is being tested. Think about that""We will all fast on November 17th...I have to...ask you for a very special financial sacrifice for God's work""The purposes of the fast...(a). To fast for God's intervention...(b).Fast for personal faith and courage to follow what I am asking you to do...(c). Fast for personal strength...(d)...Fast for faith and courage in others with more than you to give...Go get a big chunk out of your house...their assets, IRAs, and pension funds...(e). Ask God to move specific properties...that they have told us they want to sell. Pray that these properties move...that is part of what this fast is about"David C Pack-The Clarion Call-November 3, 2007
Whew...let me catch my
breath....ok.... It must have been an effective sermon and I am sure
honest and sincere folk gave until it hurt because after all, "time is short and
we have Christ's work to do," That was 6 years ago. I suspect most
can only do this dramatic time is short giving once in their whole lifetime and
they you are tapped out. You also now are so invested you have to stick it
out to see what happened i would suspect.
An inside source assures
me that some in high places that the Apostle Pack, at one time, did resist the
idea of building a campus and all that goes with it ala HWA format and types.
Kinda like those Bible Theme Parks maybe but duplicating the "template" as it is
called, of HWA and his vision of empire and work. The feeling was that if
monies were spent on such physical and permanent facilities it could be
misconstrued as 'My Lord delays his coming."
Well..those days are
obviously over. Decisions have been made about just how short time is
after all and there are buildings to be built and HWA templates to be
replicated. (I assume there will be some templates yet to be replicated
that will not be all that pleasant, but I spare you.). How easily COG
empire builders slip form "My Lord delays his coming " to "Blessed is he who is
found so doing."
Now slap me if I am
wrong but...
Matthew 24:43 rBut know this, that if the master of the house had known in what part of the night sthe thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into. 44 Therefore you also must be tready, for uthe Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
...has much more to do with not letting a thief break into your home and being ready for the return of the Son of Man than building dining halls, auditoriums, houses and campuses for God and getting hold of a $25,000 Steuben knick knack for your office. Maybe it is just me. I can tell you that Christ University was not the next thing on this "time is short" group of folk 2000 years ago.
Looks to
me like "time is short" really does mean "No problem, my Lord delays His coming
and it is ok!"
"Brethren...God does not see as a man sees. One day with God is as a thousand years silly. His ways aren't YOUR ways. In fact, there is a way that SEEEEEMs right to YOU...but it is going to kill you if I don't predict your death first. Besides, I saw Field of Dreams and if you build it, Haggai said they would come."
"The structure represents an achievement in design, construction and technology, and is unique in the region. Its four levels contain a mix of elegance, modernity and technological innovation. Four beautiful chandeliers hang in the building’s signature north and south towers on the second and third floors. Throughout the structure, 605 very long window panes allow natural light to brighten interior offices and meeting spaces. Natural light spectrum fluorescent fixtures provide a vibrant work environment for the interior offices as well. Befitting the quality of the God we serve, the nearly 300,000 square feet of wall space is lined with over four miles of cherry and oak wood trim. To allow for maximum connectivity within and between multiple departments, 10 miles of Category 6 data cable and three miles of fiber optic cable were also laid throughout the building. Our meeting hall has been finished, with new chandeliers installed last night.
Many elements of the campus are now coming together, with more trees, gardens, and sod being installed each week. Exterior work outside the Hall of Administration on the eastern side is also taking shape. The developing landscape has approximately 4.5 miles of pipeline buried beneath the surface to irrigate the rolling grounds. God has blessed us with water from our own spring that will enable us to maintain the green turf and sustain many towering trees, lush plants and flowers through the hot summer months without the enormous cost of water this many acres and plants would require. This has turned into a tremendous blessing considering the possible water restrictions that may be imposed in the future. We have developed a saying that, “The Garden of Eden is open for business again.” We are pleased to announce that there will be a public area where city residents may enjoy spectacular flower gardens and specially decorated grounds." God's Work Advances Again
And of course, this is just the beginning of the end time
permanent and incredibly expensive template for the time is short and the
hour now is Restored Church of God. It certainly is a twist on being found
so doing. Jesus did know he meant miles of cherry wood and excellent trees
planted to grow for decades and awestruck the brethren, who of course, are
paying somehow for all of this. Maybe it's done with equity loans?
Don't forget....
"This is announcing the last blast, the clarion call as it were, to finish the work...Whether it is 4,5,7, 9 years to go, God knows...This is liquidating assets...I have the authority to tell you to do it... I have the moral and spiritual, and ecclesiastical authority to tell you to do what I have also done"
"Get it now when it requires faith... when you are dead you don't need it... if you named us in your wills, it can take us months or years to get it""The wives in the faith will say give everything you can...We don't have the luxury of waiting years...today, leaving everything in your will simply doesn't work"
"Now you just have a second mortgage... and frankly we flee before most of it ever becomes due"
"...some may think that they want to tap their 401k--maybe you want to let us know that... why would you want to tell us? We are starting to prepare a budget now, the needs are now...it would be nice to know now"
Sigh...Now personally, I don't care what Dave Pack does, thinks,
believes about himself or his place in the Universe, but I do care about double
talk in religion. In Apostle Joshua's right hand we have "time is short"
and "and frankly WE flee before most of it ever comes due, which sounds illegal
to me, but what do I know and in his left hand we have, well yet a third
Ambassador Campus with all the trimmings under the guise of being found "so
I guess RCG members must be totally brain dead by now. Let's
take a look at the "My Lord delays his coming" concept with my own meager
contribution to reality included.
I believe I have made my point at
least. I can see pouring resources into booklets and radio if one
has a message, real or imagined. Especially if time is short and
love compels one to reach as many as possible and as quickly as possible
before it is too late and the night is far spent. But I don't
believe for a minute the Apostle Joshua C Pack believes time is all that
short or you'd not be seeing this foolishness of recreating yet a third
time the Ambassador College Campus. According to the current behind
the scenes , go find those sermon tapes and get them back, schedule, 2016
ish is not all that far away. Two sides of one mouth comes to mind
here. Carrot and stick also comes to mind along with just around the
corner, just out of sight and just over the next hill.
The scoffers in the times of the
early church 2000 years ago were correct in noticing that, after all Paul
and John had said, how they said it and the clear implication
that they meant it meant their time, those people and that work of
God, were wrong. Paul even left the scene rather cynically saying
that "oh well, I fought a good faith, I kept the faith..therefore there is
laid up for ME, (which is typical Paul), a crown of righteousness...oh
ok...and not just me but you too...gotta go."
Ruined relationships, lost
resources on which to actually live, lost properties, angry children at
parents who gave it all away and sent too much in too often leaves it's
scars. Recall Paul told people not to marry and to that it was much
better to stay single as he was. Of course he never heard any Jesus
taught the opposite even thinking time was short for humanity too.
The Apostle Joshua C Pack is
indeed recreating the HWA Ambassador College and Campus Template.
May I remind you the original is being torn down even as I write.
The Second Campus in Edmond is falling on hard times and the third is
rising on the backs of the zealots who will probably repeat yet a third
time the history of "My Lord Delays his coming."
The Apostle Joshua's work is
calculated to last as long as he does. It will be a comfy life but
full of more drama to come. I think the Apostle thrives on drama as long
as you spell his name correctly. And then it end in the back of a
debris truck or taken over by a business or a church that believes the
exact opposite of it all. There will be nothing new under this
And brethren,
speaking of things that must shortly come to pass, are soon to
come and sending in all one has because we need "big triggers pulled"
and not to worry, "we flee before it ever comes due," is double
speak. It is a subconscious belief that my lord does
delay his coming and tricksters have buildings to build and an
empire to establish. It is a theological disconnect and those
seeking security and safety have for the past 2000 years gotten burned but
good putting up with it.
Amen and Aaaaaaamen
as they say around here.
contact Dennis at: denniscdiehl@AOL.com
Shades of an Hitlerian Harold Camping.
God doesn't need Dave Pack.
I don't need Dave Pack.
You don't need Dave Pack.
Nobody needs Dave Pack.
If you believe and follow Dave Pack, you will find out, after a period of time, about who was truly serving whom. It's been said before but it needs to be remembered. Ministers are supposed to 'serve' and feed the flock. Wolves live off the flock. They also 'eye' other flocks. Dave Pack will consume you.
another seekeroftruth
While asshole preachers declare it's "the last blast", it's really only a 'blast from the past' that these asshole preachers (like those on TBN and Daystar) use to sell shallow teachings so they can get rich and fulfill their mission of being satanic control freaks.
I believe that Matthew 24 where the home owner is told to watch out for the thief in the night so as to provide well for the family is a prophecy about the coming of the false Apostle Joshua C Pack.
It fits perfectly. Here we have their that is breaking into the family home taking all he can get his hands on. The owner is warned to watch out for this thief.
Therefore: Watch out for the Apostle Joshua C Pack because he intends to steal every last physical posession you have both from you and from your descendents.
Prophecy comes alive!!!
God-given freedom of speech really irritates Dave, doesn't it?
He allows for no second opinion, no discussion or debate, and clearly believes that the only opinion that matters is his own.
Thank you, God, for giving your children "a voice".
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dave said:
I'm officially telling you this...Wives, legally you have the 1/2 the funds. What are you going to do about it?...Husbands...'well, my wife is not in the church'...tell her...'you don't have a voice woman' "
Boy that makes sense in the Wacky World of Dave Pack.
If you are a RCG woman, you have RIGHTS to give day 1/2 of your family funds. If you are NOT RCG, you have NO RIGHTS or a voice woman!
What a condescending piece of shit this man is. To include the word "woman" in a sentence by a man is degrading and condescending to the max. And yes I know Jesus said, "Womand, what do I have to do with you ?" to his own mom, in the story. It was equally as rude for the Gospel Jesus to speak so to his mother.
As the first Ms Pack said to relative...."You know it's not easy being married to Dave Pack."
I can't imagine it being otherwise.
Definitely does not know God as "Father".
However, with Satan, it's another matter -- you can be sure he is on pretty good terms with the Devil.
The roll of women in Dave's cult only works as long as they are giving money or stealing it from their household. When they stop giving money, or they cannot give, then they are chattel to be beat and abused by their husbands all with Dave's knowledge.
Christian Domestic Discipline, or CDD as its adherents call it, is a movement that can help Mr Pack IF he has the eyes to see and ears to hear about it.
More Spirit-Filled Christians need to spank their wives.
To do otherwise is to slap all three Christian Gods in the face.
Tempers are short, brethren, and we've just STARTED summer.
Hey, lets not let Pack's flamboyance mask what Rod Meredith has been doing for 60 years! A couple years ago, he gave a sermon, "The Gun Lap", where he, once again, gives 5 to 10 years until the end. How many idiots are going to believe him when he says that this time he's right. What he is really saying is that the Biblical admonition to endure no longer applies! After all, the gun lap is, by definition, something that cannot be endured. Rod Meredith negates the Bible. Follow Rod! He knows! Link
Dave thinks: "I have the authority to tell you to do it..."
Dave just makes shit up. He has no authority to do anything. He believes he is King and others are nothing. So that makes him King of Nothing as far as I can tell.
"We live in the most materialistic age in the history of the world. People trust in physical things. They trust in bank accounts...If you have excess and don't need it, those verses mean you..." Packard forgot to mention in the above the people trusting in physical things is him and those holding onto it is them.
Dennis, you are rocking lately on some good stuff, thanks. J
PS I heard that LCG did the same thing at a Feast or two about 10 or so years ago. Shameful.
His Hall of Administration is a cheap Queer-looking phoney compared to Herb's
That's what I thought. I can't speak to it's engineering, but it's architectural design borders on criminal.
I can't speak to it's engineering, but it's architectural design borders on criminal.
There's much that borders on the criminal when it comes to the leaders of the WCG splinters, like the UCG, PCG, LCG, and others.
Unfortunately, brainwashed members have their heads so far up their asses that they no longer have eyes to see to or ears to hear.
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