Showing posts with label COG false teachings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COG false teachings. Show all posts

Friday, January 22, 2021

The Great Disappointment

The Great Disappointment 

He was only 19 but already a Methodist preacher for two years. He and his mother looked up at the New York night sky and witnessed the great meteor shower of 1833. Moved to prophesy, his mother stated, "Gilbert, the day of judgment is at hand." This was enough to convince him that he had just witnessed the fulfillment of Matthew 24:29 and Jesus was on His way.

"When October 22nd dawned in the Cranmer household, Gilbert was busy preparing to join his Adventist friends at a nearby schoolhouse to await the Advent. His wife, Betsy, had no intention of accompanying her husband. She sympathized with her family, the Heaths, and did not believe Miller's doctrine. When Cranmer was ready to leave the house, he prayed with her. She said, 'Gilbert, you will be back.' He left her with a heavy heart, feeling he probably would not see Betsy and their young daughter, Mary Ann, again. 
He and his Adventist friends read Scripture, prayed, and sang hymns while they waited for the great event. Their spirits ran high throughout the afternoon and early evening, as they were sure they were on the verge of seeing the face of their Lord and Savior. But apprehensions grew as midnight approached and no Advent. After midnight, their hearts grew heavy as Jesus' appearance seemed less likely with every passing hour. By sunrise, their expectations turned into bitter disappointment. That is the reason October 22nd, 1844, is called the Great Disappointment. 
As the early morning sun began to shine on October 23rd, Cranmer bid his Adventist colleagues farewell and started home with a heavy heart. On his way he was accosted by some non-Adventist neighbors who joked and shouted, 'I thought that you were going up last night.' When Cranmer arrived home, Betsy met him at the door with a smile and reminded him, 'I told you, you would be back.' 
After October 22 most Millerite Adventists were harassed in one manner or another but in New England especially some were jailed and others incarcerated in asylums." --The Journey: A History of the Church of God (Seventh Day) by Robert Coulter, pg. 45

Qanon conspiracy theorists and Trump Savior optimists are beside themselves now that their prophecies of a January 20th coup has come and gone. I don't know about you but I got my fair share of links sent to me by folks I know who just a year ago I thought were rational beings. Christians sharing videos from wild-eyed strangers around the country claiming their inside sources are guaranteeing a bloodbath of communists and the jailing of everyone that has been determined to be part of the swamp by Trump, Savior of the free world.

On Inauguration Day, there was supposed to be a blackout. Trump would use the National Guard and the Navy and announce Martial Law through the Emergency Alert System. Make sure you have a CB radio and stock up on toilet paper (here we go again) and food. There would be mass arrests to cleanse our Christian nation of commie scum.

Many across their forums were calling the event "The Great Awakening." Some have resigned quickly to the reality that they have been duped, it was all just a cruel hoax. Still, others are holding on to continued narratives over the following days and weeks.

Intelligence has revealed that since the Capitol riots on January 6th, white supremacists raided Parler and other alternative social media platforms in hopes of recruiting the disenfranchised. One Neo-Nazi recruiter was advising other recruiters to not focus their message on WWII but instead on Democrats and injustice toward white Christians. While many people are angry at Twitter and Facebook for a 'cancel culture', Facebook has pointed out that they removed over 60,000 pages of shit just like this starting in November.

This was such a bizarre year. It makes me wonder if the Churches of God in particular with so many years of pent up yearning and waiting for the end of the age, just finally used Savior Trump as a release. For so many years, duped people have put their whole lives on hold and sent in their hard-earned money to these serpents claiming to be doing God's Work.

It also makes me wonder why it is so much of humanity has sought Saviors down through time. I know there are any number of psychological and sociological explanations. Whatever the reasons, it seems to me that it only harms people and robs them of living a complete and fulfilling life now. And there are no shortage of thieves all too willing to take their money for the assurance that a Savior is surely coming in 'your lifetime.'

I see single people who never marry because they refuse to marry outside their tiny organizations. Smart young people deciding against higher education because they think, what's the use? Struggling families with multiple children who live paycheck to paycheck because after paying three tithes, there just isn't anything left to get their teeth fixed, let alone save or invest for retirement. What will they have to live on in their retirement years when they gave it to a ministry to send their kids to college and retire on?

Ryan Bell is a writer, speaker, and ex-Seventh Day Adventist pastor of 19 years. While I don't necessarily agree with his atheist stance on life now, he does make some poignant observations about Christianity and the need of a Savior:

Popular Christian theology...renders this lifeless meaningful by anchoring all notions of value and purpose to a paradise somewhere in the future, in a place other than where we are right now. Ironically, my Christian upbringing taught me that ultimately this life doesn’t matter, which tends to make believers apathetic about suffering and think that things will only get worse before God suddenly solves everything on the last day.

Without the dependency on a cosmic savior who is coming to rescue us, we are free to recognize that we are the ones we’re waiting for. If we don’t make the world a fair and habitable place, no one else is going to do it for us. Our lives matter because our choices affect others and our children’s future.

I don't think we need to embrace atheism to understand and embrace what it is he is saying. As I pointed out in my last post concerning Wally Smith's response to supporting causes in this world, the Churches of God have a "preach alone" dogma that excuses us from living life in the here and now. It stops us from being neighbors and helping others. That is not what Jesus taught. Matthew 25:31-46 should be the emphasis of any Christian worth his or her salt. The Churches of God are full of priests and Levites, literally stopping brethren from being samaritans. The Armstrong legacy creates an us vs them that dehumanizes humanity from the rest of us. This isn't natural or normal and eventually begins to create individual and group psychosis that pushes us further and further from reality.

As we sit on the sidelines, waiting and waiting and waiting as life passes us by, we get antsy. Something isn't right. We are waiting for a battle that never comes. So now we go looking for it. And maybe some of us find it in politics. And for the first time in a long time, we feel alive. And the next thing you know, you are a Church of God member at the Capitol on January 6th. And like Gilbert, your Great Awakening turns into a Great Disappointment.

I'm not even saying it's wrong to be involved in politics. What I am saying is that Armstrongism and possibly to a lesser degree, American style Christianity, poisons minds in a way that moves people to the unhinged fringe extremes.

This waiting on a Savior and being told that you just have to pay, pray, and stay. This feeds into delusions, distortions of reality. Convincing people to live life on pause seems to me to be one of the cruelest hoaxes in the world. New England arrested and even threw people in the asylums after the Great Disappointment! Maybe it's time we get the authorities attention on these cults so we can get the leaders like Dave Pack, Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry, and the rest of them thrown in jail and into rubber rooms.

THINK! If Jesus is coming back, it will only be ONCE and probably not in your lifetime. These Adventist peddlers, whoring for money in the name of religion have been doing this for 180 years! Take your life back. Save yourself.

Stoned Stephen Society

Monday, January 18, 2021

We can imagine Jonah, roaming thru Nineveh, that great city, shouting, “Yet forty or fifty days, more or less, God’s gonna maybe overthrow you.”

From a reader:

From today’s COGWriter: 

“However, the end of the 6,000 years God has granted humanity to rule itself will likely be over within the next decade or so....” 

I may have missed an earlier example, but today’s “prophecy” is a splendid illustration of Dr. Thiel’s prophetic style.  We can imagine Jonah, for instance, roaming thru Nineveh, that great city, shouting, “Yet forty or fifty days, more or less, God’s gonna maybe overthrow you.”    

Now of course in that example God did have a change of plan, but that was because the people responded to the Prophet’s message.  The message was clear: God will do this.  The King said, “who knows, perhaps if we really repent, God will change his mind.”  They did, and God did. 

That’s quite different from Thiel’s “will likely”  and his “or so.”
But you didn’t need me to point that out.  Have a good day.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Why the church needs your tithe money


When you are no longer welcome at your parent’s house because you chose to leave 'the church'


There has been a lot of discussion on this blog over the years about various Churches of God who actively destroy families due to their arcane and divisive doctrinal/church teachings. From Dave Pack's cult breaking up marriages to Gerald Flurry's cult which prohibits members from speaking to children and/or parents who are no longer church members. The list of abuses has been long and at times shocking in how unchristian they all are.

Here is a letter from a person who has dealt with this in his family's life. 

A post recently appeared here about what it means to be persecuted, and one of the comments that it provoked hit particularly close to home. The commentator wrote: "What does it mean to be persecuted? I will tell you what it means .... It means that you are no longer welcome at your parent’s house because you chose to leave ‘the church’. It means that your children never met their grandparents because you are an outcast (because you left ‘the true faith’). It means that you, your husband and your children are told that you are ‘evil’, ‘satanic’ and ‘lost’." Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon experience among those who have left one of the Armstrong Churches of God.

And, like many others, I have personally experienced some of this rejection and isolation described in this person's comments. After leaving the Worldwide Church of God, all of my former friendships and associations within that organization ended abruptly. Even worse, the only way "back" was to conform to the expectations of the corporation/organization. Without my complete submission, it was made clear to me that reconciliation was impossible. All of those relationships were contingent upon my unqualified acceptance of the party line.

Later, when I left the “fill-in-the-blank” Armstrong Church of God, the same thing happened - only it was even worse this time, because family members were also involved. My dad was a minister in that organization, and he was friends with one of the leaders of the group. Even worse, that leader/friend was a hardliner in the tradition of the old Worldwide Church. Also, my brother (along with one of his children's family) joined the church and adopted and fully endorsed that leader's theology and political views.

However, unlike my earlier experience, this time the death of the relationships wasn't immediate and complete. Instead, the relationships deteriorated over time. Eventually, religious and political topics were declared to be off limits in my interactions with family members - they didn't want to hear anything that contradicted their views. Contact and conversations became less frequent and confined to the weather, home repairs and the health status of family members.

In fairness, I don't want to give the impression that this was an entirely one-sided affair. Over time, I began to resent the restrictions on our relationships. I also began to resent my dad's frequent traveling on behalf of the church, and his unwillingness to visit me. And how does one deal with the sincere desire to "fix" things - to make things better? What do you do when the other side regards you as ignorant, deceived, apostate, wicked or some combination of all of the above? Do you surrender your identity and beliefs to rekindle the closeness and affection that you once shared with them?

In thinking about these things (and I've had many years now to think about them), I'm reminded of the principles behind successfully navigating relationship difficulties (marriage counseling, conflict resolution, etc.). Among many, the foundational principles governing such endeavors are that both sides acknowledge that there is a problem and have the desire to "fix" things. And how does that work when one side believes that compromise or accommodation might endanger their prospects for eternal life in God's Kingdom? How does that work when one side believes that the other is intent on destroying the church or the republic they cherish?

I must admit - at times, the situation seems hopeless and beyond repair. But then I'm reminded of something that alcoholics and addicts have known about for a long time: The Serenity Prayer. You know - the one that goes something like this: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Wade Cox goes bonkers and says war could start by December 2020 ushering in the two witless witnesses


The Church of God has been filled with many crackpot prophets down through its last 8 decades or so and each and every one of them has self-appointed themselves, without God's blessing or appointment, as the chosen messenger of God. The more deluded they are the more outlandish their predictions are.

Wade Cox has been on a downward spiral for several years now with multiple failed prophecies and because of his teachings on a pseudo-Muslim/Christian amalgamation, he calls the true church. He even claims he has half of the African continent as his members. Bobus Thiel will NOT be happy at that! Like other self-appointed false prophets in the Church of God, Cox knows when his pissed off god is to returning. Well, maybe. He is a great waffle maker like Bobus Thiel. He has already been wrong multiple times in the past.

In spite of all of his failures, this fraudulent church leader now has this to say:

The Treble Harvest must take place under God’s Law at Leviticus 25:21. That will take place in order for the Sabbath and Jubilee years to take effect in 2026 and 2027 under Messiah and the world briefed in order to keep the Laws of God (L1) correctly. No antinomian heretic, or pseudo Christian, not keeping the Laws of God will enter the millennial system. From 2025 on no nation will suffer hunger or famine except in punishment of the breach of God’s Laws and failure to keep the Temple Calendar, which is God’s Calendar (No. 156) (Isa. 66:23-24; Zech. 14:16-19). Anyone keeping the Jewish Hillel Calendar will have been put to death by 2025. That includes the offshoots of the Churches of God.

Given these finite time frames we expect the Messiah arriving at The Seventh Month Tishri 2025 at the latest with the Seventy Days of the Wars of Armageddon (30) and the Vials of the Wrath of God (40) taking place over Tishri and the Eighth Month and on up to the Full Moon of the Ninth Month ending the Reorganisation for the Treble harvest.

That means the Witnesses must arrive 1260 Days beforehand at Jerusalem. That would mean that they had to take place from the Passover of 2022. If the Witnesses were to come at Trumpets and not Passover then they would have to come by Trumpets 2021. That would mean that the War of the Sixth Trumpet would have to come before September 2021.

Christ said that we were to pray that, once the abomination that makes desolate is on the Temple Mount and the people flee Jerusalem, was not to be in the winter or on a Sabbath (Mat. 24:20). Given these parameters, the war would have to commence from December 2020 to February 2022. The War of the Fifth Trumpet was already released by the Chinese and the Globalists at end 2019 over 2020. That plague will simply escalate now into the War of the Sixth Trumpet (Wars of the End Part I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C), Trumpets (No. 136) and The Seven Trumpets (No. 141)).


Thursday, September 17, 2020

As King of your world in the millennium, are you be willing to die for the sins of your inhabitants?


There has been a lot of weird things said by Church of God leaders, ministers, and self-appointed prophets over the last eight decades. From Germany using the Pasadena campus as the HQ of their invasion of America to the egret sculpture coming alive with the egrets picking up the four corners of the auditorium, lifting it up, and flying it to Petra while being led by the 5th egret. From sacred rocks, all things common, to double blessings, the craziness has no end to how weird it gets. 

One famous mentally disturbed crackpot in the church was Gerald Waterhouse. This man spent decades telling one huge whopper after another, all with headquarters ' approval. In fact, they sent him out to deliberately torture members with his nonsense. Who can forget those 3 to 4-hour sermons, sitting on hard metal chairs, listening to the most idiotic stuff imaginable? 

One thing I totally forgot about was Waterhouse claiming that when we became "god" in the millennium and had our own planets to rule over, that we would also be crucified for the sins of our inhabitants.

Thanks to Exit and Support Network  for that reminder:

September 13, 2020
HWA taught so many lies about the Millennium and New Heavens and New Earth. He wanted us to focus on being “big shots” and lording it over others. Then after the Millennium, he said we would “fly throughout the universe” and make the planets over into something new. I even heard it taught–and I don’t know if it was Gerald Waterhouse or which minister–that we would “die for others” on our very own planet. This is blasphemous! I never could wrap my head around that. Yes, there has got to be something better and I’ll trust God to bring it to pass. –Former WCG member

Almost everything about Armstrongism has ended up being blasphemous and as the days go by the crazy self-appointed and dream certified leaders of the church continue that blasphemy. 

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Dave Pack and his inability to keep his ministers

double click to enlarge for an updated picture of defections

The further Dave Pack descends down the rabbit hole with his wild and heretical doctrines and teachings, more and more of his ministers/leaders are leaving the church.

This ongoing exodus of ministers and employees in Wadsworth has been noticeable by the membership. So much so that Dave has an article about it.

When Ministers Disappear… 

It has been a fact of life for nearly 2,000 years in God’s Church: Members periodically choose to leave, or must be removed from, the Body of Christ. Many factors can be involved, but the painful result is the same: They are gone.
Everything is a test for the brethren when you are a Church of God members. God is always doing something to provoke you and see if you are worthy to stand before him. But then, this is the god of Armstrongism. There are higher standards, apparently.

At the emotional level, this can be a source of considerable sorrow for those close to such a person. On the spiritual level, it becomes a test for brethren: Will we love Jesus Christ more than any human being, no matter what was our relationship with him or her? Will we choose to follow a human being out of God’s Church, Work and Way—or will we continue to follow Christ? Our remaining His disciple (student) turns on whether we pass this “exam”: “There went great multitudes with Him: and He turned, and said unto them, If any man come to Me, and hate [love less by comparison] not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple” (Luke 14:25-26). This obviously includes friends.

But sometimes the member who leaves is also a minister. Those in his pastorate are accustomed to his leadership—his style of counseling, his presence in front of the congregation at services, his messages, his personality. He has been, at least outwardly, a local representative of God’s government. Some leave after a relatively short time, while others may have been in the Church or the ministry for decades.

This particular loss can be a greater trauma for God’s people, described by Him as sheep who follow shepherds (Heb. 13:20). They are also gone, but sometimes with greater aftermath…

The aftermath comes because so many place ministers and the words they say on par with the Bible and Jesus himself.  How many decades have we been told that when a minister speaks it is if God himself was standing before us and delivering the message?

Dave then goes on to list some of the reasons people leave and why members should never be discussing such matters.

In some cases, it becomes clear that a man can no longer serve in the ministry, but that he can and should continue in the Church as a lay member in good standing.

At other times, a man may be removed both from the ministry (and if an employee, terminated) and disfellowshipped, but he then eventually returns as a lay member after some period of time.

In a third and rare scenario, a man may be removed from the ministry as well as membership (disfellowshipped) for some period of time, but can be reinstated both as a lay member and eventually as a minister.

So it is important not to jump to conclusions when you learn that a man who once served in the ministry is no longer in that role. His actions and attitude, and the gathering of additional facts and background, make all the difference in what his future holds.

However, sometimes a man exits both the ministry and Church at the same time, and in a hostile manner.

I cannot imagine many ministers who resigned and then go back into the church. Almost every single one we have been told about has stayed far away from Dave's current mess.

Dave next makes an attempt to stop any member from following a minister out, especially when they have come to realize Dave and his nefarious doctrines are wrong and evil to the core. Dave warns members that they are wolves.

This brings an additional level of difficulty to the test: The one who may have taught you and exhorted you to be faithful and steadfast on the path to the kingdom of God has now forgotten to apply his own counsel, and no longer practices what he has preached. And he may be actively contradicting Scripture, Headquarters and his own previous sound counsel through divisive, unauthorized contact with members.

At this point, Christ has another term to describe him: A wolf (Matt. 7:15John 10:12)!

The wolf Dave is talking about is none other than himself. The Chief Wolf of the Restored Church of God. However, Dave has to discredit these men with all his might. They are wrong, not him.

“Grievous Wolves”


At this point, an excerpt from a section in Mr. Pack’s Splinter Explanation Packet book Should Accusers Be Answered?titled “Beware of ‘Grievous Wolves!’” adds perspective:


“The book of Acts records an admonition—and sobering warning—that the apostle Paul gave to the elders at Ephesus—one that applies in all eras of God’s Church: ‘Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which He has purchased with His own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also OF YOUR OWN SELVES shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears’ (Acts 20:28-31).


“Grasp what Paul was saying. He could foresee that vicious men, whom he labels ‘wolves,’ would eventually ‘enter in’ the congregation with the sole purpose of spiritually tearing God’s sheep to pieces—‘not sparing’ them. Even more remarkably, he knew that some of the very men standing before him would turn away from the truth, and also attempt to divide the Church and ‘draw away’ members. How many still believe such basic, impossible-to-misunderstand warnings?


“Paul then reminded the men that he had warned them for a full three years about the dangers that lie ahead. He did this because he understood the seductive power of the devil—his ability to ensnare human beings, and then employ them toward his own ends. Paul wrote this to Timothy: ‘In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves out of the SNARE of the devil, who are taken captive by him at [Greek: “to do”] his will’ (II Tim. 2:25-26).

“Paul may have been more right than he knew, as two men close to him—Clement and Linus—eventually became leaders of the counterfeit Church at Rome!


“As has occurred time and again through the ages, wolves have arisen among God’s people—from among the elders, the ordained ministry!—intent on drawing away brethren after themselves.

Of course, this is not something that Dave did. No splinter group leader ever claims they drew people away to themselves in order to set up a new group. If they did that then they would disqualify themselves as true leaders.

“Make no mistake: Christ’s ministers are duty bound to protect His flock from damage at the hand of thieves and destroyers: ‘The thief comes not, but for to STEAL, and to KILL, and to DESTROY: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.’ Christ calls a minister who does not defend the flock ‘a hireling… [who] sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep, and flees: and the wolf catches them, and scatters the sheep. The hireling flees, because he is a hireling, and cares not for the sheep’ (John 10:10-13).”


“In any trial, God’s people must listen for the voice of TRUTH—Christ’s voice (John 10:3-518:37).”

God's people must use wise discernment to lead them out of the Restored Church of God and as far away from Dave as they can get. The problem in this is that members have had it ground into them that they are incapable of making proper decisions without the ministry involved.  So when people start questioning they think they are turning their back on God and the church.

In a further attempt to put fear into his followers, Dave continues with big bad meanie Satan.  You remember that guy, he is more powerful than Jesus Christ in the Churches of God.

Discern the Spirit Behind the Man 


“We must never forget that God works through flesh—and so does Satan! It is the responsibility of all Christians to distinguish those God is using from others who show themselves to be agents of a different god (II Cor. 4:4). Paul spent all of II Corinthians 11 explaining how to discern one from the other.


“We serve a frank—a sometimes painfully blunt—God. We must never be afraid to see men for what they are. Recall the way Scripture describes false leaders:

·       ‘Serpents…a generation of vipers’ (Matt. 23:33)

·       ‘Foxes in the desert’ (Ezek. 13:4)

·       ‘Men of corrupt minds…reprobate [void of judgment]’ (II Tim. 3:8)

·       ‘Dogs’ and “evil workers’ (Phil. 3:2)

·       ‘Whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness’ (Matt. 23:27)

·       ‘Blind guides’ (vs. 24)

·       ‘Hypocrites’ (vs. 13-1523252729)”

Sadly, Dave is too blind to see that everything single thing he just listed describes him to a T! 

The Way of the Wolf

Looking at the animal to which God specifically compares false ministers who attack the flock is instructive.

Wolves inflict most wounds on their prey by biting, taking advantage of their sharp teeth and strong jaws.

In the case of “grievous [human] wolves,” the primary weapon is also the mouth—but in this case, it is used to spew harmful words. Recall Paul’s warning to those at Ephesus. He knew that predators would get into the Church, intent on causing damage, and that some were standing right in front of him. He warned that such words are “perverse.” The Greek word used here, along with its root words, illustrates a “twisting,” “corrupting,” “distorting,” “misinterpreting,” “reversing” and “turning around” of things that are true—whether true doctrines or the truth of events, factual accounts, attitudes and fruits. This latter meaning is a big one because so often these wolves turn around facts by claiming that it is Headquarters that has turned them around—even when many witnesses were involved.

This is the pattern of a wolf in the Church: He uses perverse words to sow division, cause discord, drop innuendo, plant troubling suggestions, instill doubt, and generally attempt to take members—YOU!—off the path toward salvation.

Another characteristic of wolves is that they prefer to attack in groups. (The “lone wolf” is the exception rather than the rule.) You may have seen film footage of three or four wolves taking turns biting an animal such as a moose, sometimes following and harassing their prey for miles, until the soft tissue trauma and blood loss take their inevitable toll and the larger animal falls to the ground.
For an ex-minister that has now become a predator, this group dynamic involves finding others of like mind—or, if there are none, still suggesting that there is a “larger movement” afoot. (And even lone wolves can come together if there is a common purpose.) You may hear statements like “Others are concerned…I am hearing from other people…there is trouble in the field.” As the saying goes,

“Misery loves company,” even if that company is imaginary. This has been happening for decades—in fact 2,000 years.
After rambling on about how poor Herbert Armstrong had ministers leave under his watch, Dave continues with this:

Recent Departures

Three “cases in point” are particularly instructive. They are included to help provide glimpses of how various men’s actions might play out. They are but a tiny sampling of all the things that can happen.

It is generally known that a younger local elder (having been previously demoted to this rank) at Headquarters recently left the Church. He came to believe that he was above counsel and correction, basically melting down when he faced setbacks and reversals and things did not go his way.
It turns out there was another man here, quite a bit older and longer in the Church, who played a chief role in destroying this man. Due to his lack of credibility and basic human warmth, the latter is not a man who poses much threat in terms of drawing followers after him. But in this age, it seems that virtually anyone can mislead at least a few people into giving up their crown—and this man has certainly tried to do that, targeting members, particularly certain women, with phone calls full of “feigned words” (II Pet. 2:3).

This same man was patiently worked with at Headquarters over a long period of time on a number of spiritual issues. Verses such as “he that covers a transgression seeks love” (Prov. 17:9) applied, so long as this man was willing to move forward.

But in the end this man also could not handle correction or reversals. Having also been demoted, then removed from the ministry, he was given the opportunity to continue as a lay member, upon repentance and with certain conditions being met. But he did not meet these requirements, and was accordingly removed from membership entirely, some days before the Feast of Tabernacles. (He later claimed to “resign” his membership. His claim is false—he had already been removed about 10 days earlier.)
All-powerful Satan strikes again. When one is conditioned to see satan lurking behind every decision and tree, it is pretty easy for someone when they are interrogated to fall back into church speak and say the "correct" things.

The man had very recently acknowledged to a group of seven ministers that he was in the snare of the devil (II Tim. 2:26). He later voiced that he “went to a dark place,” spiritually, and “may have gone too far”—which, as he clarified for the ministers present, meant committing the unpardonable sin. Yet he has now “reconsidered,” and believes that the Church’s leadership does not measure up to his standards of righteousness!

Stunningly, he has openly stated (to lay members whom he contacted after his departure in an attempt to win their sympathy and turn them against Headquarters) that he had proven The Restored Church of God is the true Church, and that all other groups are “compromising.” 

Despite this, he has chosen to stay home (forsaking assembly—Heb. 10:25), and attack the group and the leader who taught him what should not be compromised! Incredible! This irrational thinking is telling evidence, a result of being cut off from the Spirit of a sound mind (II Tim. 1:7).


Shortly after this, a third man, this time in the field, also had to be removed and disfellowshipped. In his case, profound self-righteousness and arrogance had become a pattern, to the point where he eventually stated he had never committed an error in judgment during his entire ministry! Having a fantastically elevated view of himself, he was routinely insubordinate and repeatedly spoke against God’s Headquarters in conversations with certain lay members. This, coupled with a severely unbalanced mindset in nearly every area of life—again, evidencing extreme lack of sound mind—were the fruits by which he became known. Finally, he displayed open disrespect and outright scorn toward Mr. Pack in a dinner during the Feast—all of this witnessed by three other ministers, their wives and Mrs. Pack. 

There will be more ministerial losses before the end of the age—this is one of the tests God’s people must expect. Whenever they come—sooner or later—you must pass the test. 

Dave is particularly concerned about one thing when it comes to his ministers leaving. They need to stop criticizing him. Imagine men being so pathetic that they date question him! Ghastly days!

Speaking Against Government—in a Different Light

In most cases, a minister who is turning against the Church begins to speak critically of its human leadership. 

Remember boys, it is always about government and power! Never mind that every single one of these splinter group leaders, including Dave, rebelled against that government they claim to be bound to. Dave rebelled at least 3 times in order to start his own group. 

Dave also includes rebelling against church government as a rebellion against Jesus Christ.

It seems that many brethren do not understand the seriousness of criticism toward Headquarters. They do not equate it with criticism of Jesus Christ as Head of the Church, and as a result they are most often willing to hear it and say nothing. They do not bring it to the attention of the ministry or Headquarters, forgetting a clear instruction in Leviticus 5:1: “If a soul sin [this can be many things], and hear the voice of swearing [or similar things], and is a witness, whether he has seen or known of it; if he do not utter it, then he shall bear his iniquity.”

Dave then warns members to report these devious men, though he wants to make sure there is no "informant" system in the church.  This is hilarious as the chruch has functioned this way from the very beginning.  People ratted each other out over everything, from member against member, member against the minister, minister against other ministers, ministers against members, chruch group against church group, and apostle against apostle. 

The goal is not to create a fear-engendering “informant system” within the Church, which would quench the joy that is to characterize every Christian (Gal. 5:22). But words that are clearly divisive and destructive cannot be tolerated!


At this point, an account from the New Testament enters the discussion. Paul wrote to Timothy that he had delivered two members, Hymenaeus and Alexander, to Satan for a purpose—so they would “learn not to blaspheme” (I Tim. 1:20).


Consider: to blaspheme means to “speak evil of.” How likely was it that these two members had walked through the congregation directly cursing God, or blatantly speaking evil against Him? Who has ever even heard of such a thing?


So it is highly unlikely this is what they were doing. It is likely that these two were speaking evil against God’s government—the human instruments through whom He works. In the case of Hymenaeus, we learn in II Timothy that he also spread the heresy that there is no coming resurrection of the dead (2:17-18).

Dave then goes on to call all ministers who leave the church as subhuman and animals.

Peter describes such critics as the “unjust” who do not fear to criticize those in authority: “…chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord. But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption; and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time” (II Pet. 2:9-13). 

“Natural brute beasts” can be translated “carnal, irrational animals.” Let that SINK IN!—God describes certain people as operating at a subhuman level—ANIMALS! 

Even worse, Dave claims they are "spiritually murderous" and consumed by "devilish conduct." 

How Much Should Be Said?


Typically, when a minister is removed, the related developments and decisions do not need to be broadcast around the world by Headquarters, but rather kept on a local basis where there is a need to know.


At some point, you may notice that a man is simply no longer pictured in the Manpower Brochure, or does not appear in the annual Behind the Work video. This was a regular occurrence in the Worldwide Church of God, and will occasionally happen in this age.


If one becomes spiritually murderous, divisive and dives headlong into devilish conduct, such would be marked and disfellowshipped. But many are content to simply disappear, move on to another “career phase,” and merge back into the world and its covetous pursuits.


But there is another reason to keep “announcements” minimal—and it is big: What if the man repents, comes back into membership, and even the ministry? In this case, keeping a lower profile for the event would best serve the man, particularly if he is not a threat to the Church.


Brethren, take note: Those who want to “know more” about a particular man leaving, after hearing either a local or broader announcement, are usually sending the message that they simply do not trust Christ’s leadership of the Church. This amounts to spending time looking sideways or backward, and dwelling on the negative, rather than moving forward and focusing on the positive, as Paul instructed the Philippians: “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (4:8).


Naturally, we would rather focus on, for example, growth, healings, the Work advancing and new men being ordained. For example, we have added 13 new ministers in the past ten months. One man has been reinstated into the ministry, with others likely to follow. (Keep watching for more of both.)

Dave then has to list a bunch of steps that loyal church members need to follow in order to remain faithful to Dave's god:

Brethren, when a minister “disappears,” there are ways to avoid generating unnecessary confusion, of which God is not the author. This is accomplished by following these general rules:


1) Resist the urge to “fish” for information either from ministers or lay members, regarding what has happened to this man. In other words, resist the tendency to have itching ears (II Tim. 3:4). Try to imagine if the entire Church always needed to “know more” about such men. The Work would have to almost stop until the requisite answers had been distributed to thousands of people. And what if halfway through the process, more facts came out, or the situation changed in some way? Do we start over with clarification for the first half to avoid confusion with what the second half is hearing? You see the point.


2) If you receive an email, phone call, letter or social network contact from the terminated minister, do not respond. EVER! If his name appears on your phone’s caller ID, do not pick up. You are so commanded by God, not Headquarters (Rom. 16:17II Thes. 3:614II Tim. 2:16).


3) Do tell Headquarters as soon as possible. (If you do not give this notice, you are saying that you do not care if such men pull out of the Church others who may not be as strong. This also sends the message that you are sympathetic.) 

4) Then tell your local minister as soon as possible. (Of course, if your local minister is the one who has gone off-track, see rule #3!!!)

5) Pray fervently about the situation, asking God that you not be tempted and that He would help all others in the same way.


Following these steps carefully and prayerfully ensures that, in the case of an attack on the flock, each of us can be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

These ministerial defections and attack are a sure sign that the end is approaching and that Dave is about to do amazing work:

Attacks Come Before Leaps Forward


[Author’s Note: The context here references mid-2007.] “For some time, perhaps about six months, or so, Mr. Pack spoke a number of times to the staff about major leaps forward that must be just over the horizon for the Work of God. This was because we were suffering a series of defections, difficulties, persecution and trials, including the death of his wife and the near death of one of his sons—severe trials for both the Church, collectively, and Mr. Pack, personally—among other things.


“In fact, the Work did soon after witness far and away the greatest leaps (plural) forward we have seen. Very, very dramatic advancements came on the heels of these trials. Nothing that we have previously experienced compared to the kinds of announcements we went on to make and are still making.

“Just as Mr. Armstrong endured intense trials prior to each breakthrough in preaching the gospel, during this final gun lap we saw the same—and will probably remain under greater or lesser attacks for the rest of the age.


“The Church always used to understand that severe trials winnowed out trouble-makers—that they caused, as Mr. Armstrong put it, ‘all the rotten apples to fall from the tree.’”


Prepare Now


Grasp this, brethren: Though God is on His throne, and Christ is the Head of the Church, these things can and will happen. But we have been forewarned, and “forewarned is forearmed”—having advance notice gives us time to prepare for spiritual battle.


This article is not the result of any great, broad expression of concern in the wake of a few ministerial losses. Quite the opposite. God’s people have been wonderfully stable, with not a single member at Headquarters following either of the two men who left, or the third man described above. 


It is intended to be an inoculation—a measure to prevent unnecessary future losses—particularly for those who are very new to the Church and have not yet seen these types of events.


This will simply be part of the landscape for the rest of the age. Recent losses are only a simple “pop quiz” compared to coming future events. Remember! False prophets are foretold to arise from the midst of the Church—and some will perform miracles, powered by demons (an example of “lying wonders”—see II Thes. 2:9). Never forget that Satan wants to snatch your crown from off your head! And the pattern of history is that he uses human beings as agents to do this.

That wily Satan is a busy guy! With so many Church of God now to look after I am surprised he can handle it all.

Sadly, in some cases, part of the test is not getting “caught up” with a few lay members who may choose to follow a false minister out of the Church. If certain people or households are “subverted” (Titus 1:11), doubt can begin to creep in: “Others are leaving…maybe there’s something to this!”

But invariably there is no real “bandwagon” gaining momentum. Rather, some sheep have simply been convinced to cease following true shepherds in favor of a wolf, being somehow unable to see his teeth or his claws.


To maintain perspective, the next time you hear about the ordination of one or more ministers, review this article. And when you hear that one or more ministers have left, review it again. Also, reading for review every year or so Mr. Pack’s book Should Accusers Be Answered? has become part of the Church’s spiritual diet. His recent sermons “The Devil—Deceive, Divide, Destroy,” and “Satan—8 Levels + 1” were not merely “sermons for that Sabbath.” They are hallmark messages—classics—that should be reviewed. So much is at stake in how you handle the devil—and in not letting him “handle” you!

Forget about reading about grace, mercy, and justice, the very things Jesus preached about. That should be the spiritual diet of RCG members, not some idiotic booklet or article by Dave.
Ultimately, taking the “100 miles above earth” view, the loss of a minister is a test of faith. Will we trust God? Do we truly believe that Christ can lead the Church He promised to never leave or forsake (Heb. 13:5)? 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Is Dave Pack Ready To "Squeal Like A Stuck Pig?"

The small group of apostate church jumpers at Restored Church of God have this little blurb up today about Dave Pack ridiculing Ron Weinland and his idiotic May 27th prophecy:

New Open Letter Addressing Ronald Weinland’s Prophecies

Mr. Pack has written an extensive Open Letter to followers of the Church of God – PKG. It is titled “Ron Weinland—Spectacularly Wrong!

Over recent years, Ronald Weinland fell into ridiculous teachings on many topics, but especially his framework of prophecy. He has announced a series of failed predictions. He is most noted for predicting that Jesus Christ will return on May 27, 2012.

Opening with a more than cursory overview of the truth of prophecy, including some brief statements from Mr. Armstrong, this article goes on to identify and refute Weinland’s bizarre, totally unscriptural prophetic scenario. Addressing a number of topics in a way you have not seen, it is a tool to help misled followers untangle themselves from a web of error and delusion.

Apostle Pack says:

 Some time before (referring to Harold Camping), a lesser known “prophet,” Ronald Weinland (of the Church of God – PKG), had spun his own theory about how Christ would return on May 27, 2012. He began pushing in earnest his end-time scenario—through extensive ad campaigns much like Harold Camping—five and a half years earlier in late 2006, in belief that the Great Tribulation would begin on December 14, 2008. (Also paralleling Harold Camping, Ron Weinland has had to recompute events and dates because of failed prophecies.)

Dave does not recognize the fact that Herbert W Armstrong had hundreds of failed prophecies. Gerald Waterhouse had hundreds of them, Dean Blackwell had his share, John Rittenbaugh has his embarrassing failures.  The list could go on and on.

The most magnanimous Apostle to ever walk the face of the earth has this to say:

True ministers of God strive to never attack other human beings. They are for the truth rather than against people—and there is a big difference. Therefore, I have determined to actively resist and teach against any false doctrines that are deceiving people among the splinters. However, this subject presents a unique problem with this policy.
Dave then goes on to say this:

When a leader teaches a false concept or doctrine, it rarely has anything to do with himself. Generally, the heresy can be clearly singled out and countered without having to necessarily address the man who teaches it. 

This is going to come back and  bite Dave in the ass big time!   RCG is all about DAVE!  It's all about HIMSELF!  Hersey in the Restored Church of God is centered squarely in Dave Pack's shoulders!

Dave goes on to say this about prophets, which of course does not apply to him:

The Bible says prophets fall into one of two categories—true or false. All prophets—past, present or future—are one or the other. They cannot be both, and they cannot be in-between. Within the category of false prophets are two types: Those who claim to be a prophet, but falsely foretell events, not being inspired by the true God—and those who do not necessarily claim to be a prophet, but who teach falsely about prophecy—and for that matter any other aspect of God’s Word. The latter would include false teachers and false ministers. Like false prophets, false teachers assert they are vested with God’s authority. Rather than falsely prophesying future events, they teach false doctrines supposedly from the Bible. Therefore, Jesus’ warnings about false prophets also apply to false teachers, who work in the same way.

Ronald Weinland is a complete fraud, and one who is breathtakingly ignorant of even the most rudimentary elements of prophecy—of events that should be impossible to misunderstand. He is utterly wrong—and in his case spectacularly so, and on virtually every point! The Bible does not validate any of his prophetic ideas. You are about to see this.

We can rightly says:

 Dave Pack is a complete fraud, and one who is breathtakingly ignorant of even the most rudimentary elements of prophecy—of events that should be impossible to misunderstand. He is utterly wrong—and in his case spectacularly so, and on virtually every point! The Bible does not validate any of his prophetic ideas. You are about to see this.

Dave says:

Tragically, most who read Bible prophecy remain in near total ignorance of its size and scope. They are completely unable to recognize the speed, sequence and timing of its prophecies. And this is on top of not truly comprehending what any of them means! So many just cannot untangle the maze of what happens when, as well as where and to whom—and WHY!

 Then says this  about his prophecies.  He knows EXACTLY how they will all come about:

The interested reader will want to view my 2-part World to Come broadcast series titled “26 Prophetic Events in Exact Sequence Before Christ’s Return!” It reveals in detail all that lies ahead.)

Dave then goes into a look screed about the specific things that will happen in a specific order.  Just typical Armstrongite prophecy silliness.

 Dave does write some good things in his letter that are spot on about Weinland.

...seeing through Ron Weinland should be a snap. Incredibly, he has managed to get almost nothing right—NOTHING! It has been said that even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut. Not Weinland! He seems unable to get anything right, even accidentally. Again, if Elijah mocked the ancient prophets of Baal, I can mock a modern one.

Pack has this to say about lying false prophets.

A final word of caution: When their silliness is exposed for what it is, false prophets usually squeal like stuck hogs in protest. With his “credibility” now at stake, I realize this article might cause Ron Weinland to smear my credibility. He virtually has to. But at best his words will only carry “weight” until May 28 when his prophecy fails. The even barely discerning person will realize Weinland cannot use God’s Word in any intelligible fashion to do this.

I can see that very soon we will see Dave squealing like a stuck pig because of his lies.

Beware all you splinter cult leaders, Dave has his sight set on you next!  God's most powerful Apostle over the largest web based minister on earth today is coming after you!

I will address more splinter leaders in the future—and in detail. This includes certain other deceivers within these groups.
Dave's letter is long and boring, filled with typical Armstrongite theological stances with a Dave spin added to them.  Read it at your leisure because it is all fantasy:  Ron Weinland—Spectacularly Wrong!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Supreme Cult: Making a Mockery of Cult Religion

Check out the latest COG related blog that pokes fun at the hypocrisy 
of the cultic mindset of Bob Thiel and others.  

You would think after all these decades of failed prophecies and ignorant utterances 
that COG folk would keep their mouths shut and stop saying such incredibly stupid things. 

But no!  

Thiel and others continue to give the world daily fodder that deserves to be mocked and ridiculed.

So keep it up Dave, Wade, Sharon, Gerald, Spanky, Ronnie, Bob, Donna 
and the rest of you enlightened ones. 

You make us proud! Or something.....