Monday, December 26, 2011

Pork Memoirs

As far as the world was concerned, we adherents of the Worldwide Church of God were neither Christians nor Jews. Branded heretics by some and idolaters by others, we kept approximately the same liturgical and dietary traditions as the Karaite Jews, including the avoidance of pork. Though unlike the Karaites, we embraced Christ as the Messiah. I was born and raised in this group, with no exposure to any other religion for the first twenty years of my life.

Then “the changes” came. Our leader decided he wanted to become an Evangelical Christian. Instead of going alone and leaving the faithful in peace, he decided to try to force the rest of his church to bend to his will. My family was one of the casualties of this force-feeding; however, my parents, who were once secular Christians, had no issues in transitioning into what we would have once considered a purely secular lifestyle—one that I had never could have imagined.
Check out the rest of this story here on Pork Memoirs

Does Being A COG Member Make You A Better Citizen Than Your Neighbor?

According to this Armstrongite, being a COG member makes you a better citizen of the country you reside in.  Of course in his thinking only COGgers are "true Christians".  And only "true Christians will be keeping all 10 of the commandments.

Don't they ever get tired of saying this kind of crap?

Many people continue to tell me that members [true Christians] of the Church of God are not living in reality. The politicians and false christians involved in worldly politics [which is spiritual fornication] will continue to vote for fallen men and women thinking that some how they will usher in a “better world”. True Christians are in God's Church government. The best citizen that any country in this fallen world could have is a true Christian who obeys the Ten Commandments.

The Christian seeks God's kingdom first! The true Christian knows that only God's kingdom will bring ultimate peace. Just as Jesus was persecuted and ultimately killed for believing such things [if people are going to call true Christians crazy then they must be putting Jesus in the same camp] so shall the true Church of God be persecuted and killed during the “Great Tribulation”. Most so called “christians” are not ready to truly test their beliefs to see if they are genuine.

So those in false fallen apostate Christendom will continue to try, through fallen man, to create a better world. What will you do?


LCG Wants To Know if You Are A "Peacemaker?"

LCG's Winnail sent out the following missive the other day:

Are You a Peacemaker?  As the world approaches the end of December, we will hear about “peace on earth” and the need for “peaceful relations” among the peoples of the world.  Yet, the Bible reveals that human beings do not know “the way of peace” (Isaiah 59:8).  In light of this crying need, it is not surprising that a fundamental aspect of Christianity involves learning how to be a peacemaker.  Jesus taught, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9).  The Apostle Paul advised Christians to “live peaceably with all men” (Romans 12:17-21). Paul explained that we can become peacemakers by not seeking revenge, by not mistreating others when we are mistreated and by overcoming evil with good.  Solomon wisely observed, “A soft answerer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1).  Solomon also stated, “He who covers [overlooks and forgives] a transgression seeks love, but he who repeats [talks about and won’t let go of] a matter separates friends” (Proverbs 17:9).  Peter mentions that getting rid of pride and learning to work together with humility leads to peaceful relations with others.  Real peacemakers will go to their brother or sister when problems arise and talk things over in a spirit of meekness (Matthew 18:15; James 3:17-18).  The Bible reveals that the key to peace and peaceful relations with others is to love and follow the laws of God (Psalm 119:165).

Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

Maybe we should ask Winnail if his boss is a "peacemaker."  Rod has a reputation of being anything but peaceful.  He was disruptive and spiteful when he was over the ministry. He was spiteful with Leona McNair which cost the church hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and court judgments.  He broke up hundreds of relationships and marriages over the years. He was angry with HWA which caused him to be exiled to Hawaii.  He connived and was disruptive behind the scenes when Tkach was bringing the changes down the pipeline.  He conspired with various elders and deacons to form Global Church of God while he was still in the employ of WCG.  He had a non-peaceful meltdown when Global refused to let him have his way and then proceeded to take all of Global's money when he formed Living Church of God.  He was being anything but peaceful when he allowed Raymond and Eve McNair to grovel on their knees in front of him "with trembling lips" begging forgiveness for rebellion against him. His hate filled sermons lead one of his followers to murder five people in Wisconsin during a LCG Church service.

In light of all of that I can easily say that Living Church of God and Rod Meredith are anything but peaceful.
Nor, do I want anything to do with the "peace" they think they have to offer!

New Book By Former WCG Minister: "The People of the Sign"

 "What do divorce, alcoholism, kidnapping, radio evangelism, ancient prophecies, 
the collapse of the Soviet Union, church schism and the Stockholm Syndrome 
have in common with the music of the Beatles? 
The People of he Sign effortlessly weaves these together, 
proving once and for all that truth really is far, far stranger than fiction."

There is another book ready to be published about life in the Worldwide Church of God.

This one will be a little different from the previous books that have dealt with people exiting the cult. This book is by a former minister of the WCG, who jumped ship during the changes to UCG, then jumped ship to David Hulme's little group and then over to David Antion's group.

From his posts on Facebook and elsewhere he seems to be very unapologetic about his role as a minister and his stance on sabbath and other COG issues. 

It will be interesting to see how people react to his book.

This is what was on Facebook today:
Hi all - I'm a former full time WCG Minister (1989 - 1995) who was then a "local church elder" successively in UCG, David Hulme's COG aia and David Antion's COG SC. I also supported Leon Sexton's Legacy Institute, including several trips to India - and some memorable baptisms there.

I've written an autobiographical book about my journeys - called The People of the Sign. It's being published on 1.16.2012 (couple of tie-ins there - anyone want to venture a guess?)
 My personal experience withing the WCG was overwhelmingly positive, though in my book it is discussed - warts and all, and people from across the experience spectrum will find history to relate to and disagree with.
 It will list on and Barnes & Nobles for $19.95, but is available on pre-order direct from me for $10, which includes shipping.

Let me state, openly, I've worked over 4 years on this book, and I'm not ashamed to say I hope it more than pays for itself. A laborer is worthy of his hire.

Let me also say, one of the reasons for putting up with some of the heckling and attacks that I endured in WCG survivors is that I and the other ministers in WCG and its offshoots do have a lot to answer for. There is pain, hurt, disappointment, suffering, and sin to account for. Those in positions of leadership, such as myself during that time, are held to a higher divine standard than those who looked to us as "ministers".

My goal in participating in open discussions is reconciliation.
By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another. Cheers!
 Wade Frannson
People of the Sign

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Recognizing Con Artists, Tyrants, and Spiritual Abusers in Leadership

Recognizing Con Artists,
Tyrants, and
Spiritual Abusers
in Leadership

Available in both PDF and published hardcopy
FROM THE INTRODUCTION:    Suppose you move to a different area, and are keeping your eyes open for a good group to belong to (a social club, a church, a synagogue, or service organization). You visit one such group where the people are very friendly, loving, and give you individual attention. The group has a variety of programs: a rehabilitation program for drug addicts, services and nursing homes for the elderly, help for the poor, and free clinics. The leader inspires the disillusioned, the disenchanted, and those who have been rejected elsewhere. He is well-known and respected in the area, and the mayor gave him a position as Director of the City Housing Authority. Would you join this group?
    Suppose you spend four years in college and nearly two years in graduate school to prepare for a career in Christian music. Then the ministers of your home church tell you that you are not needed in their music program. Shortly afterward, you find a new group that welcomes you with open arms. They really care for people. The leader of this group has fascinating Bible studies. You and everyone else are able to sit and listen to him for several hours at a time. Would you stay in this group?
    If you answered "yes" to the first situation, you joined the church led by Jim Jones who led over 900 of his followers into a mass suicide murder. If you liked the second group, you became a follower of David Koresh who led over 80 of his followers to die in a blaze of fire.
    A wolf in sheep's clothing is a short and simple description of a cult leader – as these men were.
    Are there any warning signs that a group and its leader are dangerous? That’s largely what this book is about. 

To read more about this subject, click here to download Stephen Martin's e-book.

Dennis On: "Well, That Was Stupid..."

Well, That Was Stupid...

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorLast week I broke my own rule.  "Whenever  you have a choice between the thinking in your head about something and the feeling in your stomach about it, your stomach is telling you the truth."

It was just minutes before a couples massage session with another therapist. This was the chocolate covered strawberries, champagne and cozy fireplace kind of session.  Actually it's not all that cozy as four people and a burning fireplace (Kerosene) sucks up most of the oxygen in a few minutes and I don't remember much about the session!  Anyway, it looks nice.

The fireplace was out of kerosene so in a room that only lights up so much, I  filled it.  Actually, I must have overfilled it unknown to myself.  Something told me, as I pointed the igniter at the grate not to pull the trigger.  I had no reason not save for the reasoning’s in my head and the feeling in my stomach.  I pulled the trigger.....

Poof!   Now the floor is on fire. The wall is on fire. The decorative Christmas tree on the bench is on fire.  And i am on fire.  Funny how you can block out stuff for the sake of the great good.  I grabbed the tree to get it out of the room and the faster I went the more the flames came back on my hands. 

The tree went out. The smothering of the fire worked. And my hands were really really red, but it seemed ok.   We moved the clients to another room (they didn't see what happened) and did the massage session. 

As the hour went by my hands really were hurting more and more.  Trapping them between the client's back and the table made it much worse as the heat from my hands was trapped.  I got through it and went home.

Over the week my fingers went numb on the ends and turned white in places.  No blisters meant I avoided 2nd degree burns but alas, now the blistering starts. It just took some time.  But they are healing and I did everything I knew to do to get through the process.  Well not everything.  I  skipped the doctor part because I have no insurance so I asked myself, "What would Tecumseh do?  And just took care of business myself.  But it is healing and it is interesting to see that in every disappointment, accident, mistake, trial, goof up, misunderstanding, stupid idea and stuff that makes up our own story along the way, healing does occur.  Sometimes shortly and sometimes over much more time, but it does come for most.

I lost the love of my life partly because of "you're stuck in the past."  I can't deny that but have chosen not so much to be stuck but to help others, including myself get unstuck by taking a good look at the whole experience.  It was taking too long. 

I believe some have been helped by my not just walking away as if it never happened.  But I mourn the personal loss which has left me learning another lesson I still have trouble going into.  Now I am somewhat stuck in another kind of past.  I wonder if it ever ends?  I have learned that alone and me do not get along. I have the kind of heart that seems to need to share it with someone who half understands me, but I digress.

The stages of loss and trauma are well known. 

7 Stages of Grief...


First we go into denial that what is or has happened , has really happened.  When I saw the fire spread, I went blank for a second or two and heard myself call myself a name.  That didn't last long because i had to move and solve the immediate problem.  But denial is not so easy.  I was in denial for years over all the WCG drama.  My prayer was simply,  "May God bless and keep the Administration and Most ministers far away from me."  And for the most part it worked...until it didn't. 

Many Christians are in denial of many things.  The  delay of or non- existence of the Second Coming, their own mortality, that tithing does not come back to you as advertised, that ministers really do get whacky and their getting to give the sermons does not mean they speak the truth etc.  Those older in the faith and having lived a life of "we who are alive and remain," simply can't imagine they simply will die like billions before them.  It's not easy to face these things. 

Next comes the pain and guilt.   Plenty of that to go around for sure and if anyone can be the monkey on one's own back, it is me.  Pain you can't help.  Guilt is useless (I did a bad thing,) as is shame, (I am a bad person).  Bells can be unrung.  However, this does not mean they will easily let you go.  I still have an issue or two that are so painful and guilt producing, I want to scream.  So scream, see if it helps!

A simple and heartfelt "please forgive me" will not fix anything because the answer is "no" or "I forgive you, but...."   That but is a big but.

Anger and Bargaining.  Oh, plenty of that to go around.  Anger keeps us stuck until somehow we feel we have experienced all we can stand and see it does not really serve us.  Bargaining is the , "if I do this and never do that, we can fix this right?"  Wrong most of the time.  People or the gods aren't that easily swayed. It never seems to cross their minds they need to be forgiven for a few things as well.  I find the solution to the enigma of forgiveness not feeling all that helpful is simply giving up the need to forgive.  I don't need to forgive anyone anymore and perhaps they don't have to forgive me either.

Depression, Reflection and Loneliness.  Ugh...this is a tough one. Some days are diamonds and some days are stone when it comes to these topics.  Medication is not the answer to issues not faced.  I forbid myself from buying a gun "to protect myself in case society collapses," knowing full well I had my moments where I no longer cared about many things or couldn't "figure out," how things could work out. Who can?   The reflection part is why I write and the loneliness part is what I suffer as if you could not tell.  It's what everyone feels depending on their story

The last three are the "you're on your way stage" and what take time to get to. It would be nice if we could just will ourselves into healing but these burns are going to heal in their own time and in the proper order for such things. 

It's all a process and there are times where you can even fall back from one to the last one you thought you had seen enough of.  But let this well known process work it's miracle.  Where are you stuck in all this?  What part can't you get past?  It's ok. It's just how it works and time does heal not that you won't have some scarring.

Whatever 2012 has in store I'm pretty sure it will be nuts.  Life does what it does with or without us so relax if you can.  It's all just a story. We all have one.  

Burns heal. Skin grows. Nerves feel again.  The wisdom of the body should show us how to view the wisdom in our hearts. 

Dennis C. Diehl

God Hates Christmas Lights and Ashtrays

My favorite ultra conservative HWA worshiping site is at it again on Yahoo.  This time it's about the "spirit world."  Mind you, some of these are the "good" spirits that God uses to scare the crap out of you so you stop being a wretched sinner.  There is also one that is obviously demonic to him too. This guy has God intervening in his life by stealing Christmas lights off his light strings, then God throws them into the street to warn him to stop keeping Christmas.  Then God smashes his ash tray to make him stop smoking. More magical thinking about a god they need to imagine that does special things just for them since they are the select few in the world.

   I wonder how many of you have had experiences from the spirit world! Way back when my wife and I were first married, we had been living with my wife`s widowed grandmother for several months when we decided to buy our own home. We were both working for the same factory where we had met and we heard of this two and one half story house that was being settled by the heirs of the old woman that had died in that house and had been vacant for several months. The purchase price was $10,500 and we paid the $500 for the down payment and borrowed the rest.
  We would go to our newly purchased house in the evenings for house cleaning since it was in bad shape because of that woman`s age being unable to properly care for it. We would clean till late at night and then would shut off all of the lights. The next night, we found the light on on the floor lamp which I was sure that I had turned off. Then before leaving I made certain sure to shut off all lights. Then the next day, the *cellar* lights were on. This happened several times and then I felt that someone else had a key to that place and so I got a very thin wire to wire the three entrances to see which one was being used for entry. None of those wires were broken, so it had to be coming from within!! The problem finally stopped.
  Then when we were called into the truth and instructed that we need to get rid of all religious stuff from our walls and I didn`t believe that to be necessary and I left this only one item hanging on the wall. I had it hanging on the wall with a nail with a very large head on it to insure it not to fall! Then the next morning I found it on the carpet in pieces!! That thing was made with hard, thick, ceramic type stuff that could not break and especially when landing on the carpet!! It would likely take a hammer to break it!!
  Then at Christmas time I had put strings of lights on the shrubbery of the house and then the thieves would come and steal the bulbs. So we worked wiring the bulbs to the sockets. Then the next night, since they couldn`t unscrew the bulbs, they literally ripped the entire strings of bulbs off of the shrubs and strewn across the street. We finally got God`s messages!!!
   Then when called into the Church, I had a smoking problem and each time the minister and his assistant would come to the house to see how I was doing, I still had not quit and this went on for three years. I had smoked two packs a day for twenty years and was totally addicted. Then this one day, after the minister had left, my wife called me for dinner and as I was asking the blessing, we heard glass breaking from the living room, where I had been sitting, and this very thick astray that I had been using was in pieces!!! Then I was told, "I believe that God is trying to tell you something." I finally broke the habit after our minister, Mr. Bryce Clark told me that If I have to chain myself to the bed, I must quit smoking, and he made me quit before allowing me to attend services. Some thought that he was a bit harsh, but I credit him with not only saving my physical life but my spirit life as well. I could never have quit otherwise. We had been observing all of the Holy days, the weekly Sabbath, as well as tithing all of those three years, then with God`s help, I finally made it though I still craved a cigarette for five years after.
  Then one year at the feast at Niagara Falls, we were all packed packed up and was leaving and was in the outside lane of traffic this guy came barreling out of the mall and instead of staying in the inside lane, he came crashing on across into our lane and smashing against the side of our car and caused me to go over the curb. I tried chasing him because of the damage to our car but he sped away before I could catch him. I pulled off at the nearest exit to check the damage and to report it to the Niagara Falls police but after stopping and checking our car, there was not even scratch. As hard as he hit the side of our car, I couldn`t believe it!! It had to have been an angel of God who had protected us!!
  There have been other times that I can recall when we were protected by God, but this is getting quite lengthy!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Idiots in the Pulpit: Mark Davidson - Torah Institute Attempts To Discredit Christmas

The Six Foot.....

If you had any thought that Armstrongites were the only ones who  would go to great lengths to discredit Christmas you are mistaken.  Below is a video of an idiot that surpasses even the weirdest Armstrongite.  Of course Armstrongites agree with this guy as further proof on the paganism involved in Christmas.  This was on a Facebook COG board.  It is a Messianic cult that preaches a lot of legalistic silliness that some Armstrongite's want to cling to.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dennis On: "And Yes Brethren...I am that..."

"And Yes Brethren...I am that..."
Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorDear Brethren,
Yesterday, Apostle Ron Weinland, with some nervous tension, announced that , "yes brethren, I am the third type of the Elijah to come."  That was the last straw for me.
I have had to endure Gerald Flurry declaring himself "that Prophet," and David C Pack, "And yes brethren, I am that Apostle."  Now I have to put up with Apostle Ronald Weinland declaring he is the third type of an Elijah to come.  He also made it clear he was the final one.  I guess Elijahs come in threes.  I assure you they do not.
I'm going to be honest about this.  I want a title.  My writings have brought me some derision where one called me "The High Priest of Marduk."  Now don't get me wrong.  I haven't had a title in a very long time and being the High Priest of Marduk is not bad considering he was the chief Deity over Babylon and lived at the top of a Ziggurat in Bagdad.  But it is not enough for me. 
Ron Weinland started his humble climb to stardom with being content at being an Apostle. Then he switched to one of the Two Witnesses with his wife being Witness Number Two.  To date, these witnesses have not wielded much power and have not impressed anyone with the word of their mouths, but there may be time.  Now Ron is declaring himself the Third Elijah Type to Come.  Great!  All the good titles are fast being consumed by the faithful ministry in him.  Ron may, however, fall back to Mr. or just plain Ron sometime in 2012.
Far as I know, Joe Tkach still goes by "Mr." so I congratulate him for at least not becoming the Arch Angel Michael.
Dave began as "The Watcher," progressed (in his fine mind) to "and yes brethren, i am an Apostle,' to darn near Prophet status or something of late.  I think he is basically out of titles and Ron has usurped the last legitimate one from him.  Nice work Ron!!  I suppose Dave could give a four hour sermon on "and yes brethren, i am the Fourth Type of the Elijah to Come," but it doesn't have a good ring to it.
The only titles I find not used yet are, "Man of sin,"  "false prophet,"  "who say they are apostles and are not," "Messiah,"  "scoffers,"  "King of Kings and Lord of Lords," and "Family guy..."  
Therefore, and I am going to forgo the four hour sermon proving this and simply say, I am Jesus, no wait, I am God, and let me see you beat that one!
As Supreme God I command you, Ron Weinland, to step down as both Witness and Elijal type.  I fire you.  I did not call you to that and  you have been fibbing to the brethren. If I had appointed you that, I am quite sure I would have remembered doing so. You're fired.
This goes for you too David C Pack.  You were never a Watcher and certainly never an Apostle. Or if you were, you were in your own mind and like Paul, announced it yourself 22 times out of the 24 times Paul called himself one in the NT.  Seems no one else is familiar with your grand titles.
As for you Gerald,  you are not this or that or another prophet.  You made that all up and I have not appointed you. Again, I would have remembered that, and frankly I don't.
Now a word to you brethren who sit there comatose and unable to speak up with that niggly voice in your head that tells you, 'what!  That's a bunch of shit if I ever heard it."   Wake up brethren.  These men are fooling you and themselves.  They are self appointed, somewhat mentally unstable and while MAYBE sincere, not in touch with me on these things.  I know who I assign callings to, and none of these guys are on the list.  I am a bit disappointed at your lack of critical thinking, but it is what it is.  Save yourself however and question these guys and pay attention to your doubts.
Frankly, ALL the prophecies of my son, Jesus' return were for 2000 years ago.  I know what "shortly" means and "the time is hand" is all about.  It was not code.  I goofed.  I sincerely thought the night was far spent and the time was at hand.  Shortly means shortly and was not code for longly.  I simply made a mistake.  Or if not a mistake, did not mean the return would be as you have thought.  I think I meant the Jewish faith would pass the baton to the Christian one. The Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD was kinda what i meant.  Wasn't thinking much past that and if you think 2000 years later is a good definition of "shortly", well I can't help you.
At any rate, as God, I have to negate all your titles as invalid and not of my choosing.  I know that's a toughy for you, but trust me, you'll thank me. 
Ok, well that's about it from HQ here.  Nice Auditorium for me there Gerald, but I don't like living in Oklahoma so won't be visiting there often if at all.  Dave, are you nuts?  Winter in Ohio is brutal.  I am a Middle Eastern kind of God so won't be living in your House for God anytime soon.  Ron, well what can I say. "When I was in prison, you visited me," may be the best I can do.  I wish you well.
That's about it .  Being God is not what it's cracked up to be.  You get credited with things you did not do or cause and you get the blame for things you had nothing to do with.  It's a tough job, but I had to adopt a title you could not out do.  Having done so...I return the reader to the channel they were watching, and myself to just being me.
Dennis C. Diehl

Monday, December 19, 2011

Spanky Meredith's Self Serving Fast Request Is Backfiring

The "Dear Leader" of Living Church of God is still turning off people with his required fast for healing of himself and others in the LCG.

This in some ways continues comments from a few weeks ago regarding Rod’s enforced fasts. I agree the tone of Rod’s desperate letter sounds like the desperation of the priests of Baal cutting themselves and jumping around wildly to get Baal to answer them. And like Elijah said in modern language: “maybe Baal is on vacation–or maybe he’s across town that he can’t hear you.” Maybe the God (or perhaps more appropriately god) Rod worships is not hearing him because of his terrible selfishness. I cannot believe how self-serving Rod’s “fast” is. He and his “leading” cronies get the hot seat of sickness–and he wants everyone else to do something about it!! It doesn’t work that way! “you fast for strife and debate–and to smite with the fist of wickedness (brutality.)” To be fair, I don’t think Rod’s “church” is as bad as the concentration camps run by F & P (Flurry and Pack) but Rod has never learned anything in his life. He never learned humility, (to this day boasting about his golden gloves boxing days; now that’s humility!)–he never learned how to obey orders, always insisting he be the one that gives orders–he has a long history of abusing people, but if he thinks God is “abusing” him or his cronies with sickness, why all you losers fast and pray so God will help me! It’s a sad, pathetic letter. I truly think the poor brainwashed members of Rod’s church (not God’s church) will be forced to see their “Dear Leader” for the carnal personality he is.

Weinland Criminal Court Case Moved To 2012

Weinerdude's criminal court case has been continued till March 2012. From Apostle Malm's blog:

On December 12, 2011, a hearing was called on the defendant’s motion to continue [delay] the trial scheduled to begin January 31, 2012. The United States was represented by Assistant United States Attorney Robert McBride. Defendant Ronald E. Weinland was present and represented by Robert Webb, retained counsel. The proceedings were recorded by official court reporter, Lisa Wiesman. The Court having heard counsel and being sufficiently advised, it is hereby ORDERED as follows:   1. The defendant’s motion to continue [Record No. 14] is GRANTED. The trial date of January 31, 2012, is vacated and the jury trial is rescheduled for March 20, 2012, beginning at 10:00 a.m., with counsel to be present at 9:30 a.m.   2. The pretrial conference previously scheduled for January 17, 2012, is continued [delayed] until March 12, 2012, beginning at 3:30 p.m., at the United States Courthouse in Covington, Kentucky.   3. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3161(h)(7)(B)(iv), the time period between January 31, 2012, and March 20, 2012, is excludable delay under the Speedy Trial Act.

The Court finds that failure to grant a continuance [delay] of the length outlined above would deny the defendant reasonable time necessary for effective preparation, taking into account the exercise of due diligence. Further, the ends of justice served by continuing [delaying]  the trial date in this case outweigh the best interest of the public and the defendant in a speedy trial.   4. The defendant shall remain on bond and conditions of release previously imposed.

Ronald Weinland’s criminal proceedings began formally on November 10. The criminal trial is scheduled to begin on March 20, the court having given the defense 49 days of the 180 days delay they had requested from an originally scheduled trial date of Jan 31. There are other hearings between those two dates.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Saint Herbert

Saint Herbert

You stupid fools that read other blogs and listen to people speak ill of God's Apostle are headed straight to the Lake of Fire! REPENT!  God's Apostle NEVER made any mistake when it came to the Church.  He may have made a few itty-bitty mistakes in his personal life, but NEVER in the Church!

   It is apparent that some of you are being involved with other forums and that is your business, but to bring to this forum what some dissident minister has to say in regards to a charge that Mr. Armstrong made some mistakes in dealing with God`s Church and that particular minister feeling that he must correct the mistakes of God`s Apostle, will not be tolerated! Christ would never use some dissident minister to correct any possible mistakes of His Apostle, that would make no sense and does not! Any mistakes that Christ`s Apostle could have made, Christ would have seen to it that He would use His own Apostle to  make any needed corrections!
  At one time, I had subscribed to another one of the more popular forums one day and unsubscribed the very next day having had to read some of the "garbage" that had been presented. It just was not my cup of tea! I found it hard to believe that some in God`s Church would resort to that sort of thing. I personally don`t care to read that sort of gossip!
  That is not to say that Mr. Armstrong didin`t make any mistakes in his personal life because obviously he did, but never regarding the Church, and then Christ using him (Mr. Armstrong) to correct those mistakes! Hopefully you all understand!
  There is nothing wrong with questioning something from the scriptures that needs better understanding that this forum might present in that understanding and would be very much welcomed.

Meredith Speaks Out About LCG Cancer Plague

As usual the premise of the letter says that if you are sick it is your fault! Your "lukewarm" attitude is causing your sickness.  Your lack of passion and refusal to put "your heart" into God's work is letting Satan have free access to your brain and causing you to sin.  Plus, if you sinners have stopped using your Moffat translation Bible you had better dig it out of the attic!  Does any one even quote that translation anymore except for Spanky?

Dear fellow ministers and brethren,

Greetings from Charlotte! I want to give an emergency comment about the upcoming FAST we have called for this Sabbath, December 17, 2011. I should have put this in the Update yesterday, but was too busy and got distracted. So it is my fault. Dr. Winnail mentioned it, but I do want to comment further because of the extreme urgency of the situation we are in—which some of you may not fully realize.
Brethren, more than in any time I can remember, literally dozens of our members and ministers are in “dire straits” physically. Up and down the East Coast, especially at here at Headquarters, at least seven individuals that I happen to know about are in life threatening situations—mostly from cancer. Just this morning, interestingly, I received an email from one of our leading members, Syd Attenborough, telling about the death of two CGI elders. One of the men I had known, Dennis Lawrence. The other I had not known but am very sorry for his death and the death of all of God’s people who perhaps have to die prematurely. So these two elders have died just within the last several days. A number more of our own people may die within the next several months unless we—as a Church—cry out to God to please intervene more powerfully to heal His own people! Certainly, as Jesus said, “When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8).

May God powerfully help us to regain the child-like faith that many had in years past—as some may not have had at all! Brethren, one of the major parts of Jesus’ ministry was to heal the sick—as I have explained many times. So we need to beseech God to help all of us draw closer to God so that He will begin to supernaturally heal those who turn to Him for this mercy. But the problem with many of us here—in this society—is that we do not get truly urgent in our prayers. We tend to be “lukewarm” in our prayers for healing—as in so many other things. One of Mr. Armstrong’s favorite scriptures along this line was something he said that we—as a Church—vitally needed to meditate upon. That is Moffatt’s translation of Hosea 7:14: “Though it was I who redeemed them, they have lied to me; they never put their heart into their prayers.” Mr. Armstrong often remarked that he thought that this was perhaps the greatest weakness in the prayers of God’s people—the lack of total fervency and passion when we pray to Almighty God. Brethren, I hope that as we enter this fast, that we can meditate on that and cry out to God for the sense of urgency and heartfelt outflowing concern for these people that are truly sick and perhaps ev en dying among our own brethren in the Church!

Remember when God told His servants to cry out to Him about the coming trials of the Day of the Lord—the time just ahead of us—He urged them, “‘Now, therefore,’ says the Lord, ‘Turn to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning. So rend your heart, and not your garments” (Joel 2:12-13). And when God instructs us in the New Testament to pray for healing, He states, “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16). Therefore, as we enter this fast, I hope and pray that all of us will genuinely take it seriously and try to mediate thoughtfully and lovingly about the suffering and imminent death so many of our own brethren are going through! Let us, together, truly cry out to our God at this time for His special intervention and healing of His own people. I am sure God would want us to do this. If we cry out to God in this way at this time, it will all draw us close together as a Church and He will no doubt bless us in many other ways. As we pray, let us also cry out for additional faith and courage so that we may move ahead in every aspect of our Christian lives and honor the God who gives us life and breath.
Brethren, please take this seriously and let us go all out as a Church in seeking our God in this day of fasting and prayer.
With Christian love,
Roderick C. Meredith

Another Harlot Daughter School/College

The newest harlot daughter of Armstrongism, The Church of God Worldwide Association has announced it is starting a Bible School.  What's with all these splinter cults and their schools and fake colleges?

I would imagine their first course to be offered is "Ethics."  They wouldn't want any of the students working behind their backs to form another church while on COGWA payroll, would they?

Sadly another generation of youth will be indoctrinated in false doctrines, false prophecies and worshiping HWA.

EDUCATION:   Dick Thompson has agreed to oversee the development of a COGWA Bible school (details of which will be announced soon!) and assist me with ministerial development and training and any other adult programs or online educational efforts we may develop in the future.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Were Adam and Eve Bioluminescent?

COGers say the strangest things:

When Adam and Eve were created, was it possible that they may have looked
different from what humans came to look like? What I mean is, is it possible
that they were bio luminescent beings or beings somewhere above humans but below divine spirit beings? And then when they took of the tree of knowledge, and God clothed them, could that have been God turning them into fully flesh and blood
beings? I think that when Adam and Eve were created that they may have been
created in a way that, had they not taken of the tree of knowledge of good and
evil, they would have been fully spirit divine beings (verse 22 in Genesis 3
seems to indicate that Adam and Eve may have became divine beings had they not

So I guess if Adam and Even had not sinned we would all be glowing today?  Eve and that damn apple tree!

These Shoes are Killin' Me! Do you like the color?

These Shoes are Killin' Me!
Do you like the color?

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorShe came through the front door of the local hospital looking more like a person who was about to ask where the emergency room was than the visitor she turned out to be. She was middle age and walking like she felt 100 years old. Limping and listing side to side, I thought she was going to tip over right in the lobby before ever getting to the desk. She asked the room number of a friend she wanted to visit and we found out they had been discharged and gone home.

What followed was comment that symbolized how so many live their lives on lots of topics.
"Good," she said, "Now I can go home and get these damn heels off." It was her church shoes that were tormenting this poor woman and giving her this grotesque walk that she must have counted as her normal "these are my damn Church Heels" walk. She was miserable in them. They were physically killing her feet and adding peril to her walk from points A to B. But damn it, "these are my Church Heels and I wear them every Sunday," I suppose is what she felt and expected of herself.

Why do we do that? Why do we torment ourselves wearing things we are expected to wear and doing things we are expected to do, when in fact they hurt us and make us miserable? She was obviously expected to wear those shoes, certainly by her own force of habit, but maybe also by all the other women in her church who tolerate the same torment of wearing shoes that in fact are "killin my feet." In her case, just stop wearing the darn things lady! They are either too small, too high, too narrow, too old or too so not your style. Just stop wearing them and every bone, muscle and joint from your toes to the back of your skull with thank you a thousands times over!

You pick the topic, but this wearing, doing, participating in, going to and believing things "that are a killin my feet," seems to be such a human trait and why do we do it? Seems so easy to me, but that's because I have gone through the process of rejection for not doing things that don't personally work for me anymore and leaving some shaking their heads in dismay over the changes I have made in ways of doing or not doing, being and not being. How about you? What is it you are doing, or practicing, or forcing yourself to believe, or participating in that you really don't want to and are physically, mentally, emotionally and even spirituality killin you?
Why do we torment ourselves by doing that which we don't really want to do and not doing those things we really want to. If that sounds a bit like the Apostle Paul, I'm not speaking of the same frustration he was thinking about.

First of all, we don't do or think the things we really feel because it is not acceptable with the Tribe. They have a belief and plan for our life all ready pre-approved, and we are not to stray from that plan without their permission, which we will never get, or approval, which we also shall never get. Solution: "I can't wait to take off these damn heels. They are killin my feet."

Secondly, wearing the clothes we want to wear, thinking the thoughts that work for us and believing that which we have found to be more true for ourselves, takes homework, effort and determination to be our authentic self. That poor woman knew how she felt in those lousy heels, but she still made no effort to correct the situation for her, choosing rather to endure it, and to her peril. How many people do I know who wear their ill fitting ideas, beliefs and practices on the outside, knowing full well that this is not who they are nor what they really believe. As I have noted in the past, how many ministers I know who understand a topic to be more true in their understanding than that which they are willing to share with their congregation. There is no difference between their discomfort and the woman wearing the heels that she hates and can't wait to get rid of, but can't or won't. In this case, these men have done the homework, but won't share the results because it is too risky. There is no difference between that problem and wearing "these damn heels." We just don't mention our discomfort, aches and pains and keep on wobbling along. Solution: "I can't wait to take off these damn heels. They are killin my feet."

Finally, we must do, practice, go, participate in and believe that which is "killin us," because, well, we like to. Oh my feet hurt, but everyone wears these damn heels and their feet must hurt too. Somehow, as long as we know that everyone else is miserable, we can just follow along in the misery and be happy with it. Scary huh! It is truly a case of "Doc, every time I do this, it hurts," to which the Doc tells us, "then stop doing that." We can't. It's a habit, we paid good money for those damn shoes, ideas and classes, and we gotta wear them. Well, no really we don't have to do anything. Just because one invested 20 years in one set of ideas, does not mean we have to invest the next 20 in the same set of erroneous ideas, although I realize that if something was "good enough for papa, it is good enough for you," as some will say.
Solution: "I can't wait take off these damn heels. They are killin my feet."

So don't put up with that which does not serve you any longer for any reason. There is no good reason to do that as you just end up with crooked feet, aching shins, lousy knees, fractured femurs, grinding joints, a twisted pelvis, painful back and a lingering headache. Take off the heels and get you some moccasins that fit and feel soft as a babies butt, and see how many want to join your tribe.
 Dennis C. Diehl

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Haley's Comet Heralded HWA's Death

The silliness keeps on coming:

The bible tells us that the sun and moon are for signs.
Eclipses of the moon and sun have heralded many important events.
Like Christs birth.

Haley's comet also heralded important events . One such was Herbert Armstrong.

Haleys comet heralded the Norman Conquest, the destruction of the temple, the beginning of America in the 1600s, the death of Elder Andrew Dugger, last apostle of the church seemingly ending that era of the church, and it appeared again at Mr. Armstrongs death.

Are you Feeding Evil Birdies, Owls, Eagles and Other Unclean Birds In Your Bird-feeder?

In August I posted a blog entry about The Birds written by a Living Church of God minister.  His silliness is not unique to Armstrongism.  There are others in the splinter cults that think the same way:

What amazed me was seeing a picture of a WAREHOUSE full of little stands (for a garden, perhaps) (just for Jerusalem!) where the idolaters would put bread crumbs or "cakes" for the Queen of Heaven, who, naturally, sent the birds to bring the offering to her. :)  Hm, how many of us have bird feeders?

Or, as Jesus put it, the birds nest in the tree. Birds are a symbol of evil throughout the Bible, from the dream Joseph interpreted to "the bird that carries tales to the King's ear" to the birds that snatch up the truth when the seed falls to the earth.

Of course, birds themselves are not evil--they are simply a part of God's creation and do what birds do. It is instructive to note that many evil people use owls, eagles, and other unclean birds as talismans (like Harry Potter and his mail-owl). ;It's as if they instinctively thumb their noses at God.

So, has anyone seen or read Harry Potter's Deathly Hallows? Does he combine into the powerful, evil wizard who keeps trying to kill him? You might read that as symbolic of God trying to win over Satan, similar to the Superman story. (Yahoo)

The stupid things Armstrongites come up with still continue to amaze me.  You never hear them talk about feeding the poor, taking care of the sick, or taking care of the orphans, but you sure hear a lot about how everything is pagan.  Pagan this, pagan that, evil this, evil that. One conspiracy theory after another, concentration camps on US soil,  illuminati, visions of Fatima and on and on the list goes! Stupid, stupid people!

Dennis On: "I Still Have Hope"

I'll let this be one of the shortest "articles" I have written.  I love this video. 
I love the message and I still wish it were so. 
For all the skepticism on origins and content, one would be a fool to not want this to be true.  
The world is really screwed up. 
Leaders are finally being challenged politically as religious leaders are 
by those like us who have had enough. 
Maybe it is people that make things happen after all. 
When in WCG, I stayed way too long because the hope of the message was still bigger than the stupidity of the administration.  
Then the stupidity won and it was time to move on. 
So to prove I can get to the point....I love this video. 
It still bring tears to my eyes.  
I still have hope.  
I just can't prove it and don't trust anyone to tell me how it all is anymore.
Season's greetings to you all however you perceive it.  
I love you all for the journey you have been on and have so freely shared.

Interracial Dating In Armstrongism

Felix has a great letter on his blog by a GenX black member who grew up in the silliness that is Armstrongism. Armstrong and various other cult ministers always loved to preach that they were 'turning the hearts of the children to their fathers'. Nothing could be further from the truth than that comment. Armstrongism destroyed countless lives, families and the beliefs of tens of thousands of members.

There has been a slew of stories flooding the internet over the last several years by people who suffered under the putridness of Armstrongism. This story is just another in a long list of stories on how morally bankrupt the entire belief system of Armstrongism is. And of course the nay sayers come out of the woodwork and accuse these people of all kinds of lies. Most appalling is the extreme amount of racism that filled the church. I have loved watching Armstrongites over the years deny that there was ever any racism in the cult.  Some of the biggest proponents of this seem to have gravitated towards Rod Meredith and Gerald Flurry.

Another "Second Generation XCGer Speaks Out

19 07 2009
(Editor's note: We have on Gavin's blog heard the testimony of Sienspirit, a young woman in her mid-20's discuss her time being in the Worldwide Church of God (historic, orthodox and evangelical periods) and discusses the ripple effect of the church's destuctive policy on medical care which hit directly at home with her. Though members from the splinters came out from the woodwork (let's say) to spew their venom by suggesting that her testimony was exaggerated at best and fabricated at worst or that she was another second generation whiner who could not take any responsibility for her life and the most childish and infantile suggestion that Sienspirit was not the most attractive of appearences (I actually liked her hair done in the third segment of the video and I really do think she has an Alyson Hannigan-American Pie fame, thing going on but that's just my humble but complementary opinion), I thank God she had her defenders and I will proudly add my name to the list. Until Anderson Cooper gives people like her some prime time, Youtube and other internet media will be the route. I have also said some time ago have desired to hear some more stories of relating to an African American (or Canadian or Carribean) experience in Armstrongism. Well I didn't need to look to far. My brother's friend in Y.O.U. days has a story and it is a unique story. This brotha was an independent thinker from the get-go and trust me this guy has proven that there IS life after the WCG and more abundantly. I hope all will enjoy this different kind of perspective.)

On the family side, things began to sour. My father got fired from his good paying career because he refused to work a Friday night shift that he was scheduled to work. Then he tried to call the church lawyer using the "religious freedom" card. The lawyer in our church stated that he can't help him and hung up the phone rudely. In my opinion, losing a career in the manner my father did was irresponsible. As I look around me at church, the YOU group my brother was in were nice kids outside of church, but in church a collection of disinterested teens that did not care about church. I was in YES. I dutifully completed the bible lessons and I got my YES certificate from the minister-a stiff as a cardboard Englishman. I admit his daughter was cool to me because she was coming to church with yellow hair and openly criticizing the church current doctrines. I recall when word got out that she was pregnant, the self-righteousness of many people felt it was their right to openly criticize her. Using names like "*#$%@", members (particularly the single men) started to quote this line about "be you not unequally yoked". That service was just bizarre. I felt sorry for her. I saw in tears outside the meeting hall (a very old public school in another end of town) I said to her, I do not condone in this behaviour". I then decided it was time for me to "go on strike with the WWCG".

My biggest complaint with the 'church' was the policy on interracial dancing. My brother and I were not allowed to go because of this reason and I quote "The Worldwide Church of God view is that interracial dancing can ignite sexual arousal in black men so we don't allow black men to dance with someone outside their race." The minster went on to say that it was OK to call a black person "@%#%#@". The two statements are the most ignorant, short-sighted, ridiculous statements I have ever sat through in my life. This was said in the middle of church! Recall that my family was the only black family in the congregation. I threw a temper tantrum like former tennis star John McEnroe in his prime at church and to this day, I am very proud of myself for speaking out in the middle of church! I got some lashes from my father for it when I got home, but I felt strongly that what the minister said was racist. It became the 'hot-topic' in the church district I resided in. The minister tried to "smooth things over" but the mere sight of him entering my parents house would make me want to toss him out in the manner like Philip Banks did to Jazz on the 90s sitcom "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" television show-throw Jazz out of the house!

The minister came to my parents' house to explain how SEP works, how I would be a "leader for the black kids". I told him I am no role model for anyone. The minister assured me that those rules were done away with, realized they were rules that created sensitivity issues etc. I went to camp, first dance they had, no interracial dancing (not even in dance class!) I remember the camp director. I never liked this man because in a YOU track meet earlier this summer, he made comments about black people that I felt were insensitive. I sat alone by the lake. One of the girls' counsellors found me and asked why I was not dancing. I told her why. She was SHOCKED to find out the rule existed.

My experience dealing with hypocrisy, racism (not just with Caucasian people but other black members of the WWCG were racist towards me due to my refusal to date their daughters and being called a "sell-out". For those that do not understand a "sell-out" is a black person who "acts white." By that I mean young black males like myself who do well in school, do well in extra curricular activities and are decent in character. For instance there was one young black woman who thought it was her divine right to go up in my parents face after church one and state this in a nasty attitude that was evident in some black women back then. I quote "You have raised beautiful whitechildren". I know most who read this may not understand but I will state that was very hurtful towards my mother. My reaction, some CHOICEwords for this young woman), church leadership (and I have not even touched on the doctrinal side of the Church in this retrospective look) and the two-faced attitude of most of the members I came into contact with.