Showing posts with label Church of God International. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Church of God International. Show all posts

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Church of God International Medina: Why Will It Not Admit To Its Brethren COVID Is STILL An Issue In The Church?

This post appeared on CGI Medina's website

Hello Brethren, 
I wanted to provide an update for those of us that may be intending to attended this Weeks services. 
As has been mentioned for some weeks now and as of the 5-26-21 posting, we have alerted you of a variety of different sickness that have emerged among us. Unfortunately, a few have been hospitalized, while others are in varying degrees of recovery at home with their families. As with any group situation, be it at church, work, school, or just out and about, it becomes important we remember to maintain precautions we originally have been adhering to for the last 18 to 20 months. 
So, I’d like to remind us to keep in mind the " House Rules" we have been following: 
1) If you (or your children) have the slightest sign of any symptom of sickness––please stay home. (We are webcasting) 
2) Masks remain optional 
3) Social Distancing is recommended. 
4) Wash your hands regularly 
5) Hand disinfectant is available throughout the building––feel free to use it. 
6) Please cover you mouth if you should happen to cough 
7) Remain courtesy to others as much as possible––let each have there space. 
8) Hand shakes, fist bumps, hugs, etc, are personal choices––please respect each others choices / preferences. 
9) Keep in mind if you have any comorbidity concerns, you may want to stay home for a few weeks and watch the webcast .. 
10) Potlucks are temporarily suspended for the time. 
Thank you for your continued cooperation in helping us maintain the freedoms that are so precious to us. Please keep your brethren in your prayers as they recover back to fellowship and once again pick up the good fight of Faith and the advancement of the True Gospel of Jesus Christ

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

CGI Medina Church Has To Disinfected After Outbreak of Covid


CGI's Bill Watson's tirades against COVID have not prevented CGI members from getting infected. The infection rate is so high in one church area that the building they meet in needs to be disinfected, canceling services. Now we know what Bill Watson had a fit over recent articles posted.



Over the last couple of weeks, an increased amount of sickness has moved within the congregation. The number of people has continued to grow as others are in different stages of recovery. In light of the fact that the Church building may be in need of some good disinfection, it’s been decided to go-ahead and do that as soon as we can. Arrangements have been made to conduct this service this week. However, doing this will cause us to cancel services this coming Sabbath. We will play a prerecorded sermon for the internet webcast.

As of now, Sabbath services will resume live on June 5th, Sabbath after next, unless otherwise noted. Thank you for your patience and do keep our brethren in our prayers as they go through these difficult times.

Thank you

Church of God International's Civil War Over Covid-19


CGI’s Civil War Over Covid-19

Heretofore, the loudest voices in the Church of God International have minimized the pandemic, disputed the numbers and the science, hinted at hoaxes and conspiracy theories and ridiculed public health measures instituted by local, state and federal governments across the United States. In The International News (Summer 2020 edition), Mike James wrote an article entitled “No Need to Panic Over This Pandemic.” And, after going through the numbers from other historical plagues, he declared “this present virus is not as significant.” Another article by James in the same paper decried the fact that humans themselves are causing these pandemics and warned that bigger plagues are on the way.

In the next edition of their paper (Fall 2020), Pastor Bill Watson wrote: “thousands of convicted felons are being released from prison under the guise of ‘jeopardy to their health,’ due to the Chinese Communist Party’s virus (CCP virus). And California Governor Gavin Newsome has recently reversed his opening of the state and began to close down bars, gyms, restaurants, and churches across California again! All of this is an effort to continue keeping the state and, by extension, the nation, from restarting its economies.” And, in open defiance of the folks in Tyler, Mr. Watson hosted his own Feast of Tabernacles in Medina (mask-wearing was optional).

In a May 2020 “Coronavirus Special Report,” Mr. Watson attributed the virus to a decision by the Obama Administration to give a grant to a virology lab in Wuhan China (the clear implication being that the virus originated in that lab). Indeed, a large part of Mr. Watson’s presentation was concerned with blaming the virus on China (what that contributed to our fight against the virus was never explained). As usual, Mr. Watson’s sources were the standard right-wing outlets like Fox News and Breitbart. Like James, Watson went on to compare the current pandemic to the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. He even questioned whether or not Covid-19 was responsible for all of the deaths attributed to it, and then said that the chances of dying from the virus were minimal and did not justify the measures taken to fight its spread. He went on to suggest that the impact of the virus was being exaggerated to hurt Donald Trump’s chances for reelection. In other remarks on the pandemic, Mr. Watson openly ridiculed mask-wearing and fumed about how it was infringing upon his freedom.

Finally, however, someone in CGI had the intestinal fortitude to push back against Mr. Watson’s war on the science related to the pandemic. In a May 25, 2021 post entitled “Pandemic Lies,” Mr. Jeff Reed wrote: “In the past year, we have seen many new lies originate and spread regarding the coronavirus pandemic. In my life, I have never witnessed this amount of widespread deception spread so quickly. The pandemic was a unique situation in that none of us were prepared for it, and many became so easily deceived. The danger in believing these new lies is that they could lead to your immediate death or the death of someone close to you. For many thousands, they unfortunately have. Satan is a deceiver, and he loves death.”

Mr. Reed went on to cite the horrible statistics associated with the virus and pushed back on the narrative that those death tolls had been “overly inflated.” In fact, he went on to make a compelling case that the death toll from Covid-19 has actually been underreported. And, on a note of optimism about the future, Mr. Reed remarked: 

“As I write this, there is hope that things will soon return to normal. God allowed one of the most outstanding scientific achievements in modern history. Humanity developed several highly effective coronavirus vaccines in the last year using new technologies. Two prominent mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna distributed in the United States have proven safe after hundreds of millions of doses.” 
Even so, there was immediate push back from the Bill Watson camp within the church. One commentator even pushed the now thoroughly discredited hydroxychloroquine as a potentially effective treatment for the virus. Indeed, my own nephew (who attends Bill’s congregation) suggested that the Pfizer vaccine had caused his father-in-law’s recent stroke! This, despite the fact that his father (my brother) and his fiancĂ©e (who also attend with Bill Watson’s congregation) are currently battling Covid-19! He went on to write: “Jeff, this article is only going to serve to divide the church even more. I received no edification from it but had what I know to my core attacked by it. I disagree with what you have said whole heartedly. Do you think Satan can’t influence information put on a government website? He can, he does, and he will. As your brother, I am offended completely by what you’ve said.”

Unfortunately, if past remarks and the present commentary on Mr. Reed’s post are any indication of what’s to come, my nephew is probably right about the division within the church. It appears that members of CGI currently have two options relative to the pandemic: Support Bill Watson’s narrative or keep your mouth shut! Hope springs eternal though, someone in Tyler did have the intestinal fortitude to post Mr. Reed’s remarks on their website!

For those who are interested in viewing Mr. Reed’s post in its entirety, you may do so here: Pandemic Lies

Miller Jones


Thursday, April 8, 2021

The Church of God International and Herbert W Armstrong’s Legacy


Please note: 

 "Miller Jones requests that you direct all commentary on this piece to him and that you leave his father alone."

The Church of God International and Herbert W Armstrong’s Legacy

The late Ian Boyne once wrote: “I am happy for the CGI, to which I belong, which retains the finest teachings of Herbert Armstrong without the dross and the excesses. I am NOT saying it is the only true church! For all GTA’s moral weaknesses and reprehensible personal behavior, he reformed a system without throwing out the baby with the bathwater.  Ron Dart’s work in the CGI has also been invaluable in preserving an intellectually respectable brand of Armstrongism.”

This sentiment (that CGI has gotten rid of all of Herbie’s errors and kept the good stuff) is/was NOT peculiar to Ian Boyne. Indeed, similar comments have been posted here in relation to many of the things which I’ve posted over the years relative to that group. In fact, some commentators have even suggested that my refusal to acknowledge this “fact” is proof that I was never actually affiliated with the group (never mind the numerous articles written by me for The International News over the years). Hence, I thought that it would be instructive to take another look at this claim and see how it measures up to the reality on the ground.

First, I have always been willing to acknowledge that CGI made significant changes to Herbie’s teachings about church government. CGI should be applauded for its more enlightened views on the meaning of servant leadership, but it should also be noted that the group still occasionally practices censorship and disfellowshipping within its ranks. And, while folks like Ian Boyne rejected Anglo-Israelism, Pastor Bill Watson continues to incorporate it into his messages and insist that it is an integral part of the church’s teachings. Also, to be fair, CGI has abandoned some of Herbie’s bizarre notions about things like divorce, make-up, healing, and personal finances.

Nevertheless, I must dispute in the strongest terms available to me that CGI has retained “the finest teachings of Herbert Armstrong.” For instance, the group continues to maintain that Christians are obligated to keep many of the tenets of the Old Covenant (Sabbath, Holy Days, Tithing, Clean/Unclean Meats). Likewise, they have retained many of Herbie’s twisted notions about prophecy, the “incredible human potential,” the “world tomorrow,” angels, Binitarianism, the meaning of Holy Day symbolism, the “truth” as the marker of a real Christian, the “true” gospel and the rejection of all things “pagan.”

I can hear it now, “Well, what’s wrong with those things?” Unfortunately, the plain truth is that the Church of God International has retained MOST of the core doctrines/teachings of Herbert W Armstrong. Yes, a search of their website may not turn up any mention of the man, but his fingerprints are all over the teachings and traditions of the Church of God International – whether or not they’re willing to acknowledge it!


--Miller Jones

Monday, March 8, 2021

CGI: Bill Watson continues to bow down at the altar of a certain political party - even after his members complained

Here We Go Again 

If anyone was hoping that the Church of God International might have learned a few lessons from its recent obsession with things political and the group’s unequivocal support for Donald Trump, their latest offering from Pastor Bill Watson should be sufficient to exterminate any such optimism. 
Watson’s A Beast on the Move? (part of CGI’s series on “Biblical News Updates and Commentary”) criticizes the Biden Administration’s rolling back of Trump’s policies and warns that those nasty globalists are back! 
Interestingly, the pastor does interrupt his attack to admit that the church has received some negative commentary regarding their coverage of geopolitical subjects, issues, current events and governmental policies. Apparently, there are folks out there who believe that Christians really shouldn’t be engaged in these types of discussions – that there should be more sermons about Christian living. Watson, however, is having none of this line of reasoning! 
Instead, he repeats Herbert Armstrong’s often stated claim that more than a third of the Bible is prophecy. He says that’s a lot of material and goes on to specifically cite the books of Daniel and Revelation in defense of his position and says that they are full of information about the “beast” and how it is going to rise in the End Times. Pastor Watson says that this is obviously information that God wanted us to have. “Why else would God have instructed John to right all this stuff down?” 
Mr. Watson goes on to say that he’s amazed that some folks consider this stuff unimportant or that we shouldn’t be talking about it. He claims that we “undermine” God when we fail to appreciate the amount of work and effort which God undertook to give us this information. The pastor also states that it is obvious that we are living in the End Times, and that it is important for Christians to take the time to understand the prophecies which deal with this period. 
But what about these claims? Is Pastor Watson right about this Biblical emphasis on prophecy? Does God expect “His” people to closely follow current events, government policies and the machinations of the governments of this world? Are those of us who oppose this kind of messaging from the Church dismissing prophecy as unimportant or unworthy of our attention? Are we living in the End Times? Should we be focusing on prophecies dealing with that period? 
In attempting to answer these questions, we should begin by acknowledging the fact that there are many opinions and interpretations extant within the Christian community about Biblical prophecy. Most students of the Bible who have taken the time to consider the question of just how much of the Bible is devoted to prophecy put the figure somewhere between 27 and 33 percent of the whole (see How Much Of The Bible Is Prophecy?). There is also fairly widespread agreement that the Old Testament books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel and the twelve “minor” prophets are all considered to be prophetic literature. In the New Testament, the book of Revelation is likewise widely acknowledged as being prophetic in nature. Now, unless my math is incorrect, that means that 18 of the 66 books of the Judeo-Christian Bible are devoted to prophecy (we should also all be willing to acknowledge that other books contain some prophetic material within their texts). 
Hence, if we accept that roughly one-third of the Bible deals with prophecy, we must also acknowledge that two-thirds of the subject matter deals with other topics. This is not to say that prophecy is unimportant – we’re just attempting to put some perspective on the issue. Moreover, it should also be pointed out that students of the Bible estimate that somewhere between 50 and 80% of the prophecy in the Bible has already been fulfilled (by the Israelites, Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Jesus Christ, etc.). Again, to put that in perspective, we are really talking about 20-50% of one-third of the Bible that applies to the future. Furthermore, one source estimates that 150 chapters of the Bible deal with the period known as the “End Time” (see 150 Chapters on The End Times). That’s 150 chapters (where the author estimates more than 50% of the material in the chapter deals with this subject) out of 1,189 chapters in the Bible which specifically address the “End Times.” So, yes, the subject of prophecy is important, but we must not lose our perspective that MOST of the Scriptures which God has made available to us deal with other topics! 
Pastor Watson goes on to quote Proverbs 24:11-12 and Ezekiel 33 as justifications for his obsession with current events and policy. He claims that he has an obligation to warn people about what’s coming, and that God will hold him responsible for not doing so. What about the obligation to preach the gospel and discuss the Christian way of life? And, what if (like Paul and the other First Century Christians) Mr. Watson is wrong in his assessment of the fact that we are currently living in the time of the end? What if Christ’s return is still hundreds of years in the future? 
In his commentary, Watson goes on to applaud Catholic Archbishop Carlo Vigano’s letter of last October to Donald Trump in which he asserts that the world is being threatened by a global conspiracy. Vigano claims that he is the voice of one crying out in the wilderness against the forces of evil who are opposed to the children of light. He claims that these folks want to destroy the basis of society and promote the suicide of Western culture. The good bishop goes on to assert that the current health crisis is being used to establish a tyranny over people. Never mind that the Armstrong Churches of God have always been extremely anti-Catholic. In this instance, Mr. Watson sees a kindred spirit in the archbishop. 
Watson then interrupts his praise of Vigano’s letter to compare its contents with Chuck Todd’s Meet the Press interview in February with Dr. Michael Osterholm warning about the surge in deaths and illness which we might experience if we aren’t diligent in addressing the pandemic in the present. Osterholm pointed out that “we’re good at pumping the breaks after we’ve wrapped the car around the tree.” Pastor Watson seems to think that this is proof that the archbishop’s assessment of the threat of a globalist conspiracy to institute a tyranny over all of us and destroy our individual liberty is real. Watson also quotes the archbishop’s statement that Pope Francis has betrayed his office and is supporting the Globalist agenda. Vigano goes on to suggest that Trump is an “instrument of Divine Providence.” 
For his part, Watson equates globalism with the Beast. He claims that Biden’s executive orders are implementing this globalist agenda. He cites the fact that the new president has rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, instituted restrictions on the increased production of fossil fuels, stopped construction of the Keystone Pipeline and Trump’s border wall, revocation of the travel ban against Muslim countries and his commitment to rejoin the World Health Organization as evidence of Biden’s complicity. Watson then proceeds to warn us that, if the United States goes globalist, the rest of the world will follow. According to Pastor Watson, this Beast is going to persecute Christians – which he insists means that “government is the enemy of Christians.” To be fair, he does finally admit at the end of his message that Jesus Christ’s offer of eternal life in God’s Kingdom is what really matters (I’m thinking that should have been the bulk of his message). 
Anyway, bottom line, the folks within CGI who were hoping for a return to a more spiritual message are going to be sadly disappointed with this latest offering from Pastor Watson. Maybe it’s time that these folks start looking for a different church home? Oh, sorry, I forgot there’s no where for them to go – the other Armstrong Churches of God are just as bad or worse! If you’re not a Trump supporter (or worse – if you support Biden), it’s becoming clearer and clearer that you’re not welcome in the Church of God International. 
Miller Jones

Saturday, February 6, 2021

CGI Adrian Davis Doesn't Like This Blog Critiquing His Sermons...Says Only People With Discernment Can Understand Him

Sudden Death Overtime (Part 2)

Pastor Adrian Davis of the Church of God International responded to our critique of his “Sudden Death Overtime” sermon by doing a sequel. In this one, he insists that he was merely preaching the gospel and upholding the truth. He goes on to suggest that his message was intended for people with discernment – folks who are able to discern the fact that “the season has changed.”

For Davis, the only folks who could possibly have any problem with anything he said in his first sermon are those who are actively part of the “mystery of iniquity” currently at work in the world, or those who don’t care what Scripture has to say about the future. He tells us that he was preaching to those who have a “high view” of Scripture, that he wasn’t talking to anyone who has a “low view” of Scripture. He said: “If you don’t care what the holy prophets have to say, then we don’t have a conversation.” For the record, this writer has a fairly high opinion of Scripture, and I believe that many of his critics in the previous thread share my high regard for the Judeo-Christian Bible.

Pastor Davis reiterated his belief that we are in the final days of the 6,000 years which he believes God has allotted for mankind to go his own way. Moreover, he suggests that anyone who disagrees with his interpretation of prophecy is a scoffer or doesn’t believe in God’s Kingdom. In the sermon, he makes plain that he believes in the Anglo-Israel slant on prophecy, and that the Biden Administration will move away from Judah (the nation of Israel) and favor the Palestinians. It has apparently never occurred to the pastor that other folks simply may not agree with his interpretations of prophecy!

Davis then proceeds to defend his remarks about the Biden Administration hating Jesus Christ and his followers. He claims that they are all self-admitted Marxists (funny, I don’t remember Joe Biden ever claiming to be a Socialist or a Marxist). He goes on to remind his listeners that all Marxists are enemies of religion. Hence, Biden and his supporters can’t possibly love the “Christ of the Bible.”

To his credit, the pastor does finally admit that he had hoped that Trump would continue in office, and he defended his interest as a Canadian in U.S. politics because of America’s impact on the rest of the world. He goes on to suggest that Biden’s slogan of “Build Back Better” isn’t even an American slogan, and that anyone who falls for it must be deceived! Davis, however, does generously insist that the folks who agree with him shouldn’t hate the folks who voted for Biden, and that everyone should now accept the fact that he’s president (progress is progress - I guess).

Nevertheless, the main thesis of this Part 2 of his message seems to be that folks within the CGI should not criticize him or his allies within that organization. He seemed particularly concerned that some of the membership of the CGI expressed their disapproval of his political remarks. He warns them about apostasy and admonishes them to love the “truth.” He decries the twisted priorities of those who are deceived – that wearing a mask is considered virtuous, but being a pedophile is OK (sounds suspiciously like that QAnon garbage). In short, the message seems to be “stick with me and Bill – we’ve got this stuff all figured out.” Judging from the comments we received from some CGI members on the previous post, Davis may be justified in worrying about some of his folks finding fault with his political messages. As John likes to say, time will tell!

Miller Jones

After this was submitted, more came in:

P.S. The latest offering by Davis on CGI's homepage is entitled "A Woman's Place" see The Church of God International (

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Church of God International and the Satanic Philosophy Of New Administration - Still Playing the Politics Game

There He Goes Again

If anyone was hoping for a reset or brief respite after the political trauma and drama within the Church of God International during the Trump years, you are going to be sadly disappointed with the latest offering from Pastor Adrian Davis. The Canadian pastor’s latest offering on the political situation within the United States reflects the same commentary that he and his close ally, Bill Watson, have been peddling for years now. And, apparently, the folks in Tyler are fine with all of this, because they keep posting it on the church’s website!

Davis claims that the Marxists, Socialists, and Globalists have triumphed with the ascension of Joseph R. Biden to the presidency of the United States. In his Sudden Death Overtime sermon, he reminds his listeners that time is short – that the end is drawing near (a narrative familiar to most Armstrongites), and that Biden’s inauguration will hasten that end. He then proceeds to inform his listeners that Biden (and his administration) “hate Jesus Christ.” “They hate Jesus Christ,” he repeats (just in case anyone missed him saying it the first time). “And they’re going to punish and destroy anything that opposes them,” he continues. He goes on to tell us that he feels sorry for Trump because Biden and his team “are going to go after him” (couldn’t have anything to do with what Trump has done).

From that august height, Pastor Davis proceeds to tie opposition to Biden’s Administration to the Christian’s duty to overcome and prevail until the end. His main thesis: Christians are now in “sudden death overtime.” Davis warns folks in the CGI to be ready for Christ’s return. He doesn’t want his folks to be on the losing team when the final bell rings. Davis doesn’t want his folks to be contaminated with Biden’s Satanic philosophy. He warns his listeners that Biden’s “Build Back Better” sounds intellectually appealing, but that they should be very careful to avoid becoming entangled in its socialistic and anti-patriarchal snares. The pastor goes on to imply that Biden may be part of the “mystery of iniquity” and “beast” power mentioned in the book of Revelation! After Gerald Flurry’s prophetic debacle, you would think that these Armstrongites would stay away from this stuff!

Over and over again, Davis mentions the bonds that CGI folks have forged over time and reminds his listeners of Christ’s instructions to love each other (meaning folks within the CGI). He warns church members not to become entangled in Biden’s Satanic philosophy and miss out on participating in Christ’s second coming. One has to wonder if maybe some within CGI have started to push back against this overtly political message?

Perhaps I was being too naĂŻve, but I was hoping that recent events would have taught these folks a lesson about meddling in politics. Unfortunately, like their secular Trumpist allies, these CGI Trumpists appear to be completely unchastened by recent events and intent on doubling down on the error into which they have fallen.

Miller Jones / Lonnie Hendrix

Saturday, October 31, 2020

CGI Is Competing With Pack, Flurry & Theil For Most Crazy!


The obsession of two of the leading pastors of the Church of God International with right-wing politics and conspiracy theories is clearly pushing that group into the “Bat Shit Crazy” category (Gary may soon be forced to add them to his poll). Recent sermons by Adrian Davis and Bill Watson have been literally chocked-full of warnings about folks on the left as socialists, communists, globalists, homosexuals, Jewish elites, Black Lives Matter supporters and pedophiles. In fact, listening to some of their most recent sermons one might conclude that the fall of the United States is imminent if Joe Biden and the Democrats are swept into power in the rapidly approaching U.S. election!

In his most recent sermon, Pastor Davis declared that no matter who wins the election “America is gone…It’s just a matter of time – It’s just how quickly America will collapse.” He went on to say that America is already gone as an idea, and that the communist takeover is almost complete! He goes on to suggest that anyone who supports those wicked globalists and communists is in reality worshipping Satan! Pastor Davis proceeds to decry the “beautiful rhetoric” of the Left about coming together to solve problems and helping the disadvantaged. He then goes on to attack those who have advocated for a more serious and sober approach to handling the Covid19 pandemic. Pastor Davis believes that those who are advocating for global cooperation in instituting scientific health measures to protect folks are pushing fear. He says the coronavirus is contagious, but not very lethal. He points to Donald Trump’s quick recovery from the virus as proof of his point. Davis then proceeds to denigrate anyone who would deign to find fault with what happened to George Floyd. After that rant, the good pastor returns to his attack on those nasty advocates of social distancing and mask wearing – even injecting a right-wing video to buttress his attack! And, if you think I’m making up stuff about poor Pastor Davis, then just listen to the sermon for yourself (if you have the stomach)...Mask and You Shall Receive

In his most recent sermon, Pastor Watson calls out those “self-proclaimed” socialist Democrats: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Like his preferred president (Trump), the fact that none of these individuals is the current standard bearer of the Democratic Party makes no difference to him! He proceeds to decry just how much America has changed in his lifetime – things like two homosexuals being able to marry each other! Pastor Watson also spends a great deal of time defending his obsession with politics - often pointing to the moral implications of issues like abortion and transgender rights. He says that folks on the left want to replace the U.S. Constitution with a socialist platform. Watson proceeds to decry professional athletes taking a knee during the playing of the national anthem at sporting events. And, if that isn’t bad enough, Mr. Watson is outraged by the fact that Ohio has recently instituted a mask wearing mandate because of Covid19. The gall of these folks to interfere with his rights! For Pastor Watson, masks don’t make sense, and he glories in the fact that the mandate exempts him as a pastor. “America!” he declares, “Freedom to travel…freedom to breathe fresh air!” Mr. Watson is paranoid about the collection of data. He sees dark conspiracies at work everywhere. He decries the fact that we are “quarantining the healthy.” Watson says he has no problem with folks wearing masks, just don’t force him to wear one! Later, he launches into a diatribe about a socialist platform and suggests that these folks are coming for your guns and are going to take away your right to vote. Once again, you don’t have to take my word for it – If you can stomach the message, you can view it in its entirety here:  The Black Robe Regiment

Now, while I’m confident that these rants will appeal to a great many of the supporters of Donald Trump, I do not think that they have much to with proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. And, if one is truly trying to reach the broadest possible audience with that message, how do you think an extremely partisan message will accomplish that? I have no idea how much of the leadership and membership of the Church of God International actually subscribes to these extreme views – hopefully not many of them. However, by providing a platform for these views, we are forced to conclude that that organization has clearly gone off the rails!

Miller Jones / Lonnie Hendrix

Saturday, October 10, 2020

A reader is looking for answers about GTA's theology


A reader posed the following question.  Does anyone want to fill this person in on the beliefs of GTA?

Hello. I have friends that are involved in a splinter group that followed GTA. I only know a little about their beliefs. I have expressed concern that their beliefs don't follow the Bible and they have agreed to discuss it with me. They are asking about end times, specifically the 3 resurrections. Is there anyone in this group that knows how to explain the difference between Scripture and these teachings

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Atonement: The notion that Satan’s rebellion caused God to go to “plan B” is purely a figment of Herbert Armstrong's overactive imagination!

Church of God International Affirms HWA’s Understanding of Atonement


In his booklet, Pagan Holidays – or God’s Holy Days, Herbert Armstrong insisted that one goat represented Christ and the other goat represented Satan in the ritualistic observance of the Day of Atonement recorded in the sixteenth chapter of Leviticus. Even so, many of Armstrong’s critics have pointed out that the ninth and tenth chapters of the book of Hebrews make plain that the high priest was symbolic of Christ, and that the two goats represented different aspects of the high priest’s work to make atonement for the sins of the people (one providing the blood, and the other representing the removal of our sins – the very things that have separated us from God).

In Herbie’s theology, the assignment of the scapegoat as being representative of Satan was an essential component of a more complex theology elaborated in The Incredible Human Potential and Mystery of the Ages. The premise being that Satan ruined God’s original plan for the angels to inhabit this earth and complete God’s creation which in turn necessitated the creation of man (because angels were supposed to be immortal and indestructible). Moreover, Armstrong reasoned that, because Satan was the ultimate author of human sin, justice demanded that all of our sins be placed on the head of Satan. Thus, Satan would ultimately be sent away by the hand of another angel into the bottomless pit, and we would finally be reconciled to God.

Never mind that Scripture makes plain that it was God’s plan from the very beginning to create humankind, place the earth in their care and make them His children. The notion that Satan’s rebellion caused God to go to “plan B” is purely a figment of Herbie’s overactive imagination! Scripture also refutes the notion that any of the lifeforms which God has created (including angels) have immortal life (Paul tells us that immortality is a God quality). Finally, there are a great many scriptures which suggest that we are all personally responsible for our own sins, and that it is those sins which have alienated us from God.

Nevertheless, in his most recent sermon regarding the meaning of the symbolism surrounding the Day of Atonement, CGI Pastor Wynn Skelton continued to insist that HWA’s understanding of that symbolism was correct! After clearly linking the first goat to Christ’s sacrifice for our sins, he said: 

“The other represents - now, don’t get mad at me <for> this – represents our enemy…it represents the devil…Now I’ve had debates about this and there have been papers in the Church of God International saying that both goats are for Christ…What we officially teach is this: one goat for Christ – one goat for Satan.”

He continues:  

“I am not trying to create division or animosity, but I will point out for those who think that both goats are for Christ then…what would be the difference between the Day of Atonement and Passover?...How in the world are we going to have peace and harmony and at-one-ment if you don’t remove the enemy?” see Atonement by Wynn Skelton

Has Pastor Skelton forgotten what Paul wrote to the saints at Rome? Paul said: “For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.” – Romans 5:10 Hence, it is clear that Paul thought that we were reconciled to God by Christ’s death, and I’m assuming that Satan was still around when Paul penned this! In other words, Satan’s removal wasn’t necessary for that reconciliation to happen. Likewise, Paul wrote to the saints at Corinth that God “hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ.” – II Corinthians 5:18 And, finally, Paul wrote to the Colossians that “having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight…” – Colossians 1:20-22

For Paul, at least, the presence of Satan the devil represented no obstacle to our reconciliation with God! The fact is that Scripture clearly contradicts Herbert Armstrong’s teachings about the meaning of the Day of Atonement. According to Scripture, Jesus Christ is the vehicle for our salvation – something that Satan plays NO role in whatsoever! Moreover, Scripture makes plain that the ultimate fate of Satan will be just and force him to pay the penalty for his many sins. Ezekiel wrote about him: “Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more.” – Ezekiel 28:18-19 And this is certainly consistent with what we read in the book of Revelation: “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone…” – Revelation 20:10 And, finally, the context makes plain that this lake of fire is representative of eternal death.

Hence, in officially perpetuating Herbert Armstrong’s errors with regard to the Day of Atonement, the Church of God International makes clear that they have not moved beyond the founder of the movement. In continuing to promulgate an understanding that is clearly flawed, CGI has rendered itself just another irrelevant splinter of a failed theology.

n  Miller Jones/Lonnie Hendrix

Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Fly in the Ointment: When disfellowshipped members don't stay silent

When a person leaves or is pushed out of one of the Armstrong Churches of God, those who remain expect them to tuck their tails between their legs and never have the audacity to speak or show their faces again. Unfortunately for them, many of us have not gone quietly into the night.

After all, leaving or disfellowshipping is supposed to remove the offending person from the church and cut them off from sowing any more mischief or discord within that body. The leadership of the church expects to be able to both characterize the person who has left and project the agenda and message of the church without hindrance going forward.

Imagine their consternation when someone whom they believe they have eliminated decides to challenge them. It must be infuriating for them to be confronted by someone whom they have labeled as being wrong. “NO, I’m not wrong – YOU are wrong!” That’s simply not supposed to happen. They are supposed to be able to control the narrative.

The thing that infuriates these folks more than any other is that one or more of these rejects would have the audacity to stand up against God’s anointed ones! It infuriates them, and they see Satan as being behind any and all such efforts. It is simply incomprehensible to them that one of their minions would regain their independence and stand on their own two feet again – to begin thinking for themselves once again.

Worse yet, they no longer have the means to control the access which these disgruntled folks have to the folks who have stayed behind – the internet has made that virtually impossible. It has to be frustrating to realize that there is absolutely no way to regulate what folks do in the privacy of their own homes. And with blogs, tweets, Facebook and e-mail everyone has a means now – a forum to reach the public. Yeah, the genie is out of the bottle, and there’s no stuffing him back down inside there!

Of course, from the perspective of those who have escaped these cults, the freedom to help others and make them aware of the hurts and harms that these cults have inflicted on so many is very appealing. We no longer have to suffer in silence and slink away into oblivion. We have a voice, and the cult’s leadership no longer has the ability to stifle, dismiss or suppress it!

Lonnie Hendrix

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Church of God International on Racial Tensions

CGI on Racial Tensions
Always timely, the Church of God International has moved on from the Coronavirus to a discussion of racial tensions in the United States. This time the topic is handled via a “web chat” featuring pastors Bill Watson and Adrian Davis. Unfortunately, like the previous offerings on the pandemic, this one rapidly assumes the characteristics of an apologetic for right-wing conspiracy theories.
In fact, before the dialogue even started, I was struck by the absence of CGI’s most prominent African American minister, Bronson James. One has to wonder why a black Canadian pastor was chosen for this topic instead of the most prominent black voice within their U.S. churches. Could it have anything to do with the fact that Pastor Davis agrees with Pastor Watson’s conspiracy theories about a Marxist-Globalist agenda?
As the conversation proceeds, we see that this is exactly what is at work in this presentation. Pastor Davis begins by proclaiming that President Barack Obama was/is a neo-Marxist. Davis moves on to suggest that there is a dark conspiracy at work to bring down America. There is no recognition that anyone might be motivated by a desire to make America better – to extend the promise of America to all of her citizens. Pastor Davis insists that protesters are being played by powerful interests who do not really care about them or their demands for justice.
Pastor Watson quickly agrees and introduces his favorite whipping boy, George Soros, into the mix. He then proceeds to declare that these are facts, not conspiracy theories! He suggests that Soros is funding all of this unrest and implies that he is doing so to bring down America. Pastor Watson even implies that Soros is paying and training people to protest and sew discord.
The pastors then unite to tag-team the Black Lives Matter movement. Pastor Watson plays the good cop by lifting some noble quotations from their mission statement, but Pastor Davis immediately sets him straight. Davis informs us that it is a false narrative that blacks are being oppressed. He goes on to point out that the movement is queer affirming and opposed to heteronormative thinking. He tells us that no self-respecting Christian should even consider supporting such a movement.
Pastor Watson then inaugurates a brief discussion about the destruction of Confederate memorials. He suggests that folks are trying to rewrite history and undermine our forefathers. There is no acknowledgment that the objects of these memorials were traitors to the United States and were fighting (at least in part) to defend the institution of slavery. The pastors then conclude this segment with the suggestion that the ultimate objective of these iconoclasts is the subversion of the U.S. Constitution!
So, according to the Church of God International, there is no real problem here. This is just a bunch of neo-Marxists and homosexuals intent on the destruction of America. All of these racial tensions are indicative of “spiritual drunkenness” that people with nefarious motives are using for their own dark ends. The implication is that systemic racism and racial injustice are just illusions – a false narrative that has been promulgated to bring down America.
In providing a platform for this kind of discussion, it is clear to me that the Church of God International has decided that their best hope for appealing to a larger audience will be found among folks who support Donald Trump. They have clearly identified themselves with one side in the “Culture War.” In keeping with the times, they have staked out a clear political identity for themselves – one that eschews the center and the left. The obvious question that this brings to mind: Is that what a Christian Church should be doing?
Miller Jones

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Republican Church of God?

Growing up in the church I constantly heard how the church was supposedly non-political and that it was wrong to take political positions, mainly because Herbert Armstrong said God frowned upon it.  However, anyone growing up in the church quickly found out which side of the fence the church was on in regards to many social justice issues, race issues and local governance issues. Every year as election season started we were lectured that voting was wrong.

As usual, with much of the things taught in the church, voting and politics depended upon where you lived and who you were.  If you were in Big Sandy or in Pasadena, members were encouraged to vote in if local policies and issues were to work in the church or college's favor.  One Big Sandy Mayor was a COG member, elected with a mass turn out of church member so that local alcohol rules could be changed.

That leads us today to Bill Watson and the Church of God International .  Listening to Watson preach, reading his web entries, and his church magazines you would think he was the spokesman for the Republican Party.  Plus, he uses the WorldNetDaily as his go-to news source (as does LCG, UCG).

International News

...The United States is positioning for a correction in its course of interaction with the world’s community of nations. It would appear by the actions of this President, that he fully intends to rebuild and rein- force the overall strength and posture of the United States on the world stage. His most recent passing of the Omnibus Budget Bill clearly indicates military spending is a top priority. The fact this $1.3 trillion bill has $720 billion earmarked for military expenditures plainly indicates he is refurbishing and expanding the military might of America, for whatever military action may be required. Actually, it appears he fully expects preparedness for war is justified, and that’s why more than half of this Omnibus Bill is devoted to military spending...
...The United States is relearning to express assertive leadership after decades of appeasement, apologies, and accommodation at the expense of its own national well being and security. The question is, Will the world’s community of nations, having been working an agenda of globalism, accept and adjust to this revived nationalistic approach the United States, United Kingdom, and a handful of others within the European Union are now adopting? That remains to be seen as to how it will all play out....
As long as the politics being preached was one geared up for war, anti-Muslim, anti-immigration, anti-gay and anti-Catholic, certain COG leaders are in heaven.  They want to see a war happen, Europe rise up and attack the United States, horrific terrorism and all kinds of violence.  Because when it does, they think it is validating their Biblical interpretations.

When a person listens to the sermons of these guys, reads their articles and blog entries it would be hard to mistake them as anything other than conservative or Republican.

How is this really preaching a gospel message?

hat tip JF


Monday, September 5, 2011

Church of God International Continues To Promote a COG Lie

I had a blurb a while back about the Waldenses and how they were NOT Sabbatarians or a remnant of the 'true church".  You would think that the various COG's would do some actual research before they write their articles.  CGI apparently did not feel the need to do so and relied upon illogical research of past COGers.

CGI's magazine Armor of God had this to say:

Extreme and excessive persecution was used to wipe out every historical trace of the Sabbath-keeping, Feast-keeping Church of God, which stood up for the doctrines left by the Apostles. As the Church of God struggled to survive, moving from place to place, it took on various ‘nicknames’ in different territories.

Names like the Paulicians, Waldenses, Leonists, Vaudas Cathars, and Albigensians were all attached at some time or another throughout the centuries, describing
these people and their movements.

Who does CGI rely upon for this information?  An outdated and poorly research book and a COG members' research:

For example, Orthodox Christians date the Waldenses as originating in the twelfth century and named after a wealthy French merchant Peter Waldo, who was founder of a radical ascetic Christian movement. But much information has come to light proving the Waldenses existed as early as the second century.

The recent work of Andrew N. Dugger and Clarence O. Dodd, titled, A History of the True Church, and Richard C Nickels’ Six Papers on the History of the Church of God, have done much to preserve some of the earlier writings about these groups.

In another bold claim, they said that England was a sabbath keeping nation until Ethebert, King of Kent converted to Catholicism in 597 AD.

“Catholicism was not established in Britain, until the conversion of the Angles in the 6th century by Augustine of Canterbury. According to Butler, Ethelbert, king of Kent, was converted to Catholicism at Pentecost 597AD with some 10,000 subjects baptized at the pagan midwinter Christmas festival of 597. The Christians of Britain were up until that time, predominantly, Sabbath-keepers, who kept the food laws and the Holy Days.”

Being the Anglophile that I am and in the collection of numerous books I have back several hundred years, there is no mention in any of those books that the nation of England was a nation of sabbath keepers! Even my extensive collection of Celtic books never refer to the English or Saxons as "sabbath keepers."  Sure, many of the traditions of the Celts were carried north to England as they travelled across Europe and Asia as the people migrated, but, sabbatarianism is not one of the traits that is ever mentioned.  Of course, there is a reason for this in COG lore.  It is not mentioned because Satan was seeking to destroy the true remnant with intense persecution and those evil Catholics stopped the truth from being published.  Ho hum......