Showing posts with label Edmond Oklahoma cult. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Edmond Oklahoma cult. Show all posts

Monday, January 31, 2022

PCG: Murder By Neglect?


It should come as no surprise that another person has died in the Philadelphia Church of God due to its draconian and vile doctrines. Once again, another person died because they refused medical treatment, or in this case, the husband refused it. Members live in this constant state of fear that they dare not cross the doctrinal line of the PCG for fear of losing one's salvation, while Gerald Flurry and other PCG elite regularly seek medical attention.

Exit and Support Network has this letter up:

My Ex-Wife Died in PCG Died Due to Medical Neglect:
January 30, 2022 
Reviewing these pages has helped me understand and strengthen my thoughts about the PCG and my ex-wife’s passing. 
My wife joined the PCG in the early 1990s. I continued attending a traditional Christian denomination while she attended the PCG. I kept getting vibes that her “church” was a cult from the members I met and because of the control it had on her thoughts and actions. We eventually ended up divorcing [several] years later due to the strain it was causing on our children and marriage. She married a member of the PCG and ended up moving multiple times to different states and loosing contact with her children. 
Her husband called us in the middle of the night [date removed] that she was dying, was incoherent, and couldn’t talk. Word quickly spread and my son called the town’s police to do a wellness check. They arrived and insisted the husband allow them to call an ambulance and he argued. One was finally called but the husband refused any medical treatment at the hospital because that was her wish. He produced a hand written note stating she didn’t want medical intervention and later he admitted signing the paper. We learned later she possibly wasn’t allowed transportation (by her choice or others) to medical help for a few weeks leading up to her death. PCG members would come over and sit with her to pray and use healing cloths. This was murder by neglect. We also suspected the husband may have had a hand in her demise. The police never did an autopsy or investigation. Later [date removed], he remarried a PCG member and had a child. 
The PCG stole my wife, contributed to her death, and emotionally scarred me and my children. 
Your pages have given me knowledge that my experience was unfortunately shared by others. –[name withheld]

Friday, October 29, 2021

PCG Excited Over Ancient Judean Toilet Seat!


When you live a sheltered life on a cult compound, all kinds of things will surprise you and shock you. The Flurry cult is all excited right now over a newly discovered throne toilet seat and sewer outside of Jerusalem. Will they soon acquire this artifact to place next to their other throne, Herb's Prayer Rock? This is the PCG after all, and NOTHING is impossible in these desperate end times!

They see this find as more proof that evil atheists are seeking to destroy the credibility of the Bible. That record has been skipping in this same place for decades in the PCG.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Gerald Flurry Now Sending Offering Envelopes To Children In PCG


Church of God leaders have always been good about how much money they can milk their members out of. Due to the tithing hoax that the Church of God has promoted for decades by having members tithe 30% of their income, tithe on their tithe, give money to building funds, fund private jets and airplane fuel funds, give special offerings, host garage sales/fundraisers, and those idiotic Member/Co-worker letter end-time push solicitations. Not satisfied with the amount of money they are currently raking in, they expect more from their members. 

Gerald Flurry and his elite boys in Edmond, who live on the cult compound in housing with free maintenance and upkeep, are now sending out offering envelopes to children of members. This is a great way to keep tabs on parents to make sure they are teaching them cult doctrines and also monitor the youth to see how engaged they are in the church. If you don't send in the money you won't be going to summer camps!

Exit and Support Network has this up:

GF Says Children Will Now Receive Offering Envelopes:
August 4, 2021
Andrew Locher sent a letter to the members which included their offering envelopes for the fall holy days. In this letter he said that GF “has requested that offering envelopes also be sent to the children of members and prospective members so they might be taught the principle of cheerfully giving back to God according according to how He has blessed us.” You can read the letter here in PDF: Offering Letter 2021 –Anonymous

While members are being milked to send their tithe money for the final end time push, Gerald and Lil'Stevie are spending money as fast as it comes in. The Edmond cult compound is on a building spree with all kinds of new buildings. The Edstone England cult compound is building and buying new farm animals. Flurry's grandkids have new modern state-of-the-art dance studios built so they dance their Dance of David. Flurry's grandkids are flown to dance competitions. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are being bankrolled into Celtic Throne dance productions in various cities and members are told to give money to buy fuel for Flurry's private jet.


Friday, April 23, 2021

Gerald Flurry and God's Last Message To The World Is That Trump Will Be Returned To Office So That PCG Can Complete Amos 7


The inmates in Oklahoma have escaped the looney-bin and are currently holed up in the Philadelphia Church of God cult compound in Edmond, Oklahoma. The leader of that pack is King Gerald Flurry who's insanity levels are off the charts.

This is what Flurry said in the April 2021 The Trumpet:

God could use this situation to expose the treason. We know that God will yet save Israel, temporarily, by the hand of Jeroboam. Why? Because Amos 7 contains a prophecy that God’s true Church will finish delivering its warning message to the world, especially to Israel and specifically to Jeroboam. This prophecy shows that someone fulfilling the priestly role of Amaziah will order God’s messenger to be exiled from the country. God’s Church has not yet warned Jeroboam, President Trump; this Amaziah has not yet risen to the place where he could speak for the leader of the land; and God’s Church has not yet been thrust out of the country. So this prophecy must mean that President Trump will regain power in spite of the stolen election. And as Amos 7:8 says, this will be God’s last warning message through His Church before this nation is fatally weakened from within and finally destroyed from with- out—unless they heed God’s warning message! AMERICA HAS NO HELPER