Monday, January 24, 2022

The Church of God International's Messaging Problem

The Church of God International's Messaging Problem

Over the years since leaving CGI, I have watched the evolution of that organization with fascination. For those who are unfamiliar with this history, CGI began as a reaction to the autocratic and intellectually stagnant atmosphere within the now-defunct Worldwide Church of God. Unfortunately, one of the "founding fathers" of the organization was the morally flawed son (Garner Ted Armstrong) of the autocrat (Herbert W Armstrong) who ruled over the parent organization. Eventually, the moral failings of GTA became so egregious that some folks abandoned CGI (like Ron Dart) while others (like my own father) forced GTA out of the organization and attempted to institute a more spiritual and democratic direction for their organization. It is as they say, however, good intentions so often go astray.

Like many of the other organizations which descended from Herbert's Worldwide Church, CGI began as a mix of true believers who sought to perpetuate the "core" doctrines of Armstrongism and those who recognized that there were real problems with some of the teachings of the parent organization. Over the years that followed those major disruptions within the organization caused by GTA's indiscretions, these two groups grew further and further apart. Unfortunately, the conservative forces within the church (those loyal to Armstrongism) came to be led by Pastor Bill Watson of Ohio. The reformers, on the other hand, were represented by men like Charles Groce, Vance Stinson, and (more recently) Jeff Reed. The illusion of unanimity between the two groups has been preserved by the desire of the men in both camps not to further dilute the already diminished resources and reach of the organization. Both sides recognized that a rupture between them would effectively destroy the ability of the church to promulgate its message to a wider audience.

More recently, this uneasy truce between the two camps has been sorely tested by the radicalization and extreme polarization of American society at large. In short, the larger tensions between liberals and conservatives within the United States have exacerbated tensions between the two camps within CGI. Indeed, the same denigration of the motives, morals, and intellectual capacity of the other side which has characterized the larger society has excited those same kinds of recriminations within the church. The reform camp sees the other side as stubborn reactionaries that are preventing the church from reaching a wider audience. Likewise, the Bill Watson camp sees the other side as being caught up in the same deception and wickedness that is afflicting the larger culture and views them as an obstacle to getting out their message of warning.

Of course, for CGI, this tension is further underscored and exacerbated by the fundamental differences in the way the two camps react to those "core doctrines" of Armstrongism. Watson (and most of his supporters) still embraces Anglo-Israelism and its attendant notion that the church's primary mission is to proclaim a warning to the "nations of Israel" (chiefly the English-speaking peoples of the earth). Hence, for these folks, the message of the church should be one of warning against the evils of socialism, homosexuality, globalism, gender identity, abortion, immigration, etc. In other words, the culture war on steroids! Most of the reformers, however, reject the teaching of Anglo-Israelism and believe that the church's messaging should be focused on the commission to preach the gospel which God gave to his disciples. For the Watson camp, the thirty-third chapter of Ezekiel is paramount. For the Groce/Stinson/Reed camp, the twenty-eighth chapter of Matthew is supreme. Sure, both camps claim that their objective is to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the world. Nevertheless, we can see that their respective understandings of what that encompasses are fundamentally different.

How have both sides handled this dilemma? Heretofore, the reformers have told themselves that the conservatives are simply stuck in the past and haven't seen the light yet. They pride themselves on being inclusive and not censoring the messaging of the conservatives with which they disagree. The conservatives, on the other hand, feel like they are being stifled and censored! They feel like the impact of their messaging has been thwarted and diluted by the reformers. Of course, for those of us on the outside, it just appears that this organization is speaking out of both sides of its mouth. The messaging is mixed, and both sides have only succeeded in engendering a great deal of cognitive dissonance in their audience!


I just finished listening to a sermon by Vance Stinson that was apparently delivered this past Sabbath titled Shepherding the Flock. In the message, Mr. Stinson directly addressed some of the issues raised in this post about the church's messaging.

More particularly, he addressed just how divisive the issue of mRNA Covid-19 vaccinations has been within the church. In fact, Mr. Stinson pointed out the specific post by Jeff Reed (which referred to the widespread misinformation about the vaccines within America and called them a blessing) that this blogger had previously called attention to as causing so much discord within the church (and within my own family). According to Mr. Stinson, the issue has proven to be so divisive that the Executive Council of the Church has made the decision to not allow ANY further posts regarding Covid-19 mRNA vaccination (anti or pro) on their organization's website.

As I suggested in the above post, Mr. Stinson claims that this step has been taken to avoid dissension and promote unity within their church culture. However, while he insisted that this did not amount to censorship because it would apply equally to both sides, he repeatedly stressed that nothing further would be allowed to be posted on the subject.

Mr. Stinson went on to suggest that there was a strong biblical principle upon which the Executive Council's decision was based: That the shepherds of the flock have a responsibility to forgo their rights to express their own opinions on subjects for the sake of the flock. According to him, the primary responsibility of the shepherds is to promote unity and harmony within the church. In adopting this position, he comes very close to the point which I was originally trying to make with regard to these kinds of issues - that ministers of Jesus Christ had absolutely NO business wading into controversial political and cultural issues.

However, Mr. Stinson failed to address a minister's responsibility to protect his flock from harm and to tell the truth. Moreover, it hardly seems even-handed and fair to this observer to allow all of the many ridiculous statements about social distancing, masking, and vaccinations that had provoked Mr. Reed's post in the first place to stand (remain posted as part of the sermon archive). In other words, in this instance, it appears that those who have made the most noise have prevailed (irrespective of the merits of their objections or the truthfulness of their messaging). And, I'm betting that the Executive Council's decision will NOT satisfy folks in either camp. As John likes to say, time will tell.

Lonnie Hendrix

Sunday, January 23, 2022

There's Always Time:


Did Someone Order a Miracle?

"I still have no Omicron, and to me that's a POWERFUL miracle"
Apostle David C Pack
 Part 345 Opening 

Yet Apostle Dave disappeared from the pulpit for 9 weeks after the Feast of 2020 and when he "reappeared" - he said...


(It Delta Dawned on him to fess up evidently)

"One of the tidbits just relayed to me was that the reason Dave Pack has been missing for 9 weeks is that he had COVID. Should we have expected less since he held Feast of Tabernacles on his cult compound in Wadsworth that became a super spreader event?

After Dave announces he has not spoken in 9 weeks, he says at the 38:30 mark (Sermon 273) - 

"I got COVID I just never told anybody about it...."

 Psychologically, and being God's Man of Faith and Power on Earth, I believe Dave still struggles with why he got Covid in the first place.  He certainly is incapable of admitting to any normal reason for it.  He had to go scripture hunting to excuse and justify why ALMIGHTY HE got Covid. And of course, he finds one! We just don't know which one it was. (Claiming not yet to have gotten Omichron perhaps genuinely surprises him having already had Delta?)  Nonetheless, everything with Dave has to be spoken of "according to the scriptures". 

"There's actually a prophecy. Why I would not speak for a while... Finally I realized there was a prophecy where I wasn't supposed to speak."

Hear Apostle Pack mock and threaten the Splinter Church next door to the RCG Feast Site.

(Hit play symbol twice)

Dave Pack belittles and mocks brethren who choose not to attend the FOT, and mocks another COG

David C Pack is the premier prophecy spewing clown act in the Slivered Churches of God. He is dangerous to those with whom he comes in contact with and they with him.  The man in incapable of admitting scores of past mistakes both in his abuse and misuse of the scriptures or the trail of tears he has left behind him wherever he has set foot. 

If he did contract Omichron, would he tell the Church? 

There is a personality disorder running amuck in Wadsworth, Ohio

The Restored Church of God will not end well

The Scroll of Truth


Saturday, January 22, 2022

Brian Kaidannek: Ex-Restored Church of God Minister Dies

From an LCG source:

We received the news from LCG that Brian Kaidannek died earlier this week of a heart attack. He was 68. So far I can't find an online obituary. 
It might or might not be blogworthy, but his name came up within the past year. After Brian finished up at Nortel and then left LCG, he became a minister in RCG. Brian went from standing up for people and for what was right, and from never being a yes man, to one of RCG's dedicated zealous lackeys. He became more ministerial and one of RCG's yes men than the ones he had rightly criticized, and then he left RCG with his son Greg about a year ago.

We had the letter that Brian Kaidannek sent to Restored Church of God members about his resignation here:  Restored Church of God: Brian Kaidannek Letter On Why He Left RCG

Mr. Pack, who declared last Feast of Tabernacles that he was a prophet and had been for some time then went on to make a plethora of predictions of when Christ would return, none of which obviously came to pass. Yes, he has said he had never claimed God spoke to him, that is true. But brethren do not ignore the clear warning in Deuteronomy 18:22 “When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.” Many times, we have heard, “On God’s authority, I am right!” He HAS spoken Presumptuously! And then to say he was foretold to be wrong is just foolishness. We do not serve a God of confusion! Recently he has stated he is not a prophet. When one says they are a prophet they are either a true or false prophet and later claiming not to be a prophet becomes a mute point. Now again Mr. Pack claims to be Elijah and a whole plethora of other titles; and has once again predicted that we can’t go past Thursday, just before Trumpets. Again his prediction failed and he proved himself false. How can we sit at the feet of, and listen to, this false prophet?

And then the response from Restored Church of God to the letter:  Restored Church of God Letter on the Kaidannek Resignations

Though filled with error on even basic understanding, Greg Kaidannek’s letter is long and reasonably well written, proving much time and thought. He admitted thinking long and hard about writing it. Yet shocking to everyone here at Headquarters, he never uttered any concerns. The Headquarters’ contact for both of these men spoke with them biweekly. They had abundant opportunities to express disagreement or confusion but never did.

Greg Kaidannek’s portrayal of his time at Headquarters is flat wrong. As one who has been in scores of meetings, there is always a chance to ask questions. His problem was not questions; it was attitude. Personal spiritual issues (not prophecy) led to him being demoted in rank (which rarely happens) and given a field assignment over a small congregation. God is patient and merciful, so we hoped that this correction and re-assignment would help him develop the heart of a shepherd and learn to focus on others. His letter made it evident that he chose not to address his problems, but instead justified his transfer and allowed bitterness to set in.

Brian Kaidannek was fully aware of his son’s issues. He agreed this was the right move to help him. In private discussions at Headquarters, we were concerned that if Greg Kaidannek left, his father would follow him. Again, sadly, this proved accurate.

Crackpot Prophet's Book On Dating Making A HUUUUUUUGE Impact in Africa


How is it that we continually fail to see what a magnificent and important man Bob Thiel is? No human the history of the world and particularly in Christendom has had an impact in Africa such as he has. No one on the entire continent had ever heard the real truth till Bwana Bob hit the scene. At that moment the gates of heaven opened and the True Light shined down upon Bwana Bob's doubly blessed head and Africa knelt at his feet as the Great White Overseer come to tell them his truth.

Like any good Church of God leader, Bewana Bob has to stick his nose into every corner of the lives of his followers in Africa, even into their dating and sex lives. Though with their sex lives he treads lightly as polygamy is still an accepted practice by many there.

Like all white missionaries from the past, Bwana Bob the Chief Overseer is here to tell Africans how to date and they are lapping it up! Noting is more important to the Christian walk than to have some smug white American tell you just how things should be. That includes how Africans should be dating. 

Bwana Bob, like all of his fellow COG leaders, has never had an original thought in his head so he has to plagiarize and rewrite Worldwide CHurch of God literature and pawn it off as his own. His dreams can't keep up with his needs so he takes the works that others have done and repurposes it for his own edification.

The Bible teaches that “in a multitude of counselors there is safety” (Proverbs 24:6). Therefore, this book consulted many Church of God writings on courtship from ancient times to present. Such as a book originally published by the old Worldwide Church of God in 1969 titled “Modern Dating,” a series of articles in the 1987 editions of the “Good News” magazine, a 2003 article in Servant’s News, 21st century writings at, and, most importantly, the Bible.

This new tome by the Great Bwana is so important that Africans are flocking to read it.

As far as dating goes, CCOG evangelist Evans Ochieng mentioned that our booklet, Dating: A Key to Success in Marriage, a practical dating guide for Christians, has been popular in Africa.

The proper translation to the above comment by Bwana Bob is that one little group of probably no more than 10 - 15 kids might be interested in his book, yet it is important for the Great Bwana to make it look like it is wildly important in Africa. 

One of his tidbits of "truth" states:

If you are dating to be seen, to be more popular, to get physical affection, or other selfish motivations, you are following the way of get.

Interesting comment considering how much Bwana Bob does and says is due to his constant need to be seen. He has an intense need to be popular in the COG so that people will flock to his group, but as usual, all of these deceived people are following the way of "get" and refuse to follow him. Everyone is so selfish!

When a gentleman asks a lady out, he is putting himself on the line - risking rejection and hurt feelings. By using charm and grace, a lady can promote a man’s self-esteem in a right way, even if she wants to (or has to) turn a date down. 
If you are a woman, be a gracious and truly feminine lady. Likewise, if you are a man, be a noble and masculine gentleman.

As usual in the COG movement, most of the responsibility lies at the feet of women so that the delicate egos of its men don't have to face rejection. Bwana Bob's blatant rejection by the ENTIRE COG movement is constantly simmering in his head and it carries over into what he writes. 

Like all other COG literature on the subject, you can tell it is written by a man. Its always from the man's point of view:

Women appreciate men who take the lead in the proper manner. Not on some macho kick, but truly showing thoughtfulness and consideration. Pulling out a chair, helping with her coat, opening the car door - these are but a few of the characteristics that make a man stand tall in a woman’s eyes. 
In the same way, men genuinely admire and appreciate a true lady - one who will respond and do her best to make the occasion he has planned for her successful.

And more words of wisdom:

Men and women are different emotionally. Men often accuse women of being over-emotional and irrational. Women frequently complain that men are demanding and insensitive. 
Because God’s morality has been more and more rejected, women sometimes say: “Where are the men? We just meet irresponsible, immature little boys - we never meet any real men!” The men counter: “Why don’t women stop being so aggressive and hard? Aren’t there any sweet, gentle, feminine women anymore?” 
Now, men should not be cavemen types, with no regard for a woman’s feelings, nor should women be spineless, clinging vines.

Spinless clinging vines and immature little boys pretty much describe a certain "leader" of an improperly named COG who seems to be in a constant state of immaturity and whininess.

33 Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. (Ephesians 5:21-33)

And on that last point (verse 33) ladies, if you do not really respect the man you are dating, you obviously should not marry him as you are told to respect your husband. A man wants to be respected.

Another sore point with the Great Bwana is that there is no COG leader today that is disrespected the most than he. Even the craziness of Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack fails to keep at bay the lapdogs that grovel at their feet willed with respect and awe of them. Bwana Bob is incapable of getting that kind of respect and it gnaws at his ego constantly.

When we begin to recognize the differences in emotional makeup, problems that come up can be defused and overcome. A true gentleman will respect a woman’s feelings. He will seek to understand her point of view, and he will strive to be sensitive to her moods and emotions. He will try to support her in both her ups and her downs. He will do things within his power to put her at ease. He will realize the value of a sincere compliment at the right time to encourage her. 
Likewise, women should recognize how fragile the male ego sometimes is. As well as realize that men simply do not always see things the same way as women. That does not necessarily make them insensitive—it makes them different.

Never has the COG had a leader with such a fragile ego as we have in the Great Bwana Bob. Literally, anything with burst it and send him into a narcissistic fit.

The Great Bwana also talks about morality.

So, what should be your authority for morality? 
Jesus taught: 
4 It is written, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4) 
Yes, we get teachings on moral authority from the word of God.

It is always laughable when you see a COG leader and so many in the ministry talking about morality when some of the most immoral people the COG has ever seen are in its ministry and leadership. 

No one should ever look at COG leaders as standard-bearers of morality!

The Great Bwana then goes on about "loose" women.


As morals become more and more lax, men need to be even more wary of “loose” women:

3 For the lips of an immoral woman are as sweet as honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil. 4 But in the end she is as bitter as poison, as dangerous as a double-edged sword. 5 Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave. 6 For she cares nothing about the path to life. She staggers down a crooked trail and doesn’t realize it. (Proverbs 5:3-6, NLT) 
Whatever “comfort” sexual relations with the immoral provide is not good for you. Consider also that prostitutes are usually women pretending “love” for their clients—they want their clients’ money, but otherwise despise them.

It is painfully obvious to anyone reading Bwana Bob's book as to where he copied material and anecdotes from - Herbert W Armstrong. Anecdotes and stories from the late 1800s to mid-1930s filled so much of HWA's writings and personal views on sex. 

Once a man has engaged in fornication (and other forms of sexual immorality), it is more difficult for him to keep from wanting to continue in it. Once a woman has engaged in fornication, she knows she is no longer a virgin and it is more difficult to turn down fornicating pressures. 
Let me add that studies have found that Protestants that identify themselves as Evangelicals are about as likely as those who do not claim Christianity to engage in fornication. Many reason around scripture and confuse sexual desire for love.

Not only is it "protestants" fornicating but Church of God people at Feast of Tabernacles sites. Feast sites have long been hotbeds of wild sexual escapades. Facebook is filled with stories of people who had their first sex at the Feast of Tabernacles when talking about "Feast flings". As usual, though, COG leaders love to throw the first stones.

Did you ever turn down a date because you found something wrong with the person and made up an excuse? The Great Bwana Bob says this is a direct ticket into the Lake of Fire! Who knew! Bwana Bob has apparently been on the receiving end of this kind of rejection far too many times!

Realize that a date is a commitment. Whether you are the one who asks for the date or the one who accepts the date, you need to keep your commitment. If you have agreed to a date, be ready for it and be on time. 
Remember, the Bible teaches, “all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone” (Revelation 21:8).

Only truly masculine leaders are men who lead on dates and plan those dates according to what HE thinks the women would like:

For the first few dates, the responsibility for selecting and planning activities normally rests on the man. While some men are not comfortable with this (especially when they first start dating), this is a unique and profitable opportunity to develop proper masculine leadership, and have fun at the same time. 
A thoughtful leader will try to plan dates around activities that he thinks that the woman would like to do. A man could have two or three ideas in mind, and ask the woman which one she would prefer. This allows the man to do the planning and preparation, while giving the woman input.

It's important for the man to take control like this so that the woman can dress properly:

A man should tell his date what she will be doing and where she will be going so she can plan and dress appropriately.

The Great Bwana even tells them how to dress properly. Remember, COG members are too stupid to know how to dress for dates.

If you are going to a fancy restaurant, to see a play, or do something somewhat elegant, formal attire might be called for. 
If you are going on a hike or some similar outdoor activity, boots and/or rougher clothing are more likely to be called for. 
If you are going bowling or something casual, casual clothing would seem to be called for. 
If you are going to a beach, appropriate swimwear, which for women would tend to be a full one-piece bathing suit and a cover-up, and for men some type of bathing trunks (not like small, tight underwear) and a t-shirt may be appropriate.

More words of advice:

Men and women can consider styles and fashion, but should not try to dress in ways society now considers to be sexy/seductive.

This basically means you should not wear clothes that are too tight or are sheer enough in inappropriate places to see through (unless there is a slip or something not see-through under it). Also, your underwear should normally not be seen and your clothes should cover up a sufficient amount of skin.

Do you want your date to end decently or in tragedy?

While dressing decently does not guarantee the date will end well, dressing provocatively increases the risk the date will end tragically. 

Why is it that COG leaders think women are too stupid to know how to dress? Mansplaining seems to be their main job.

Ladies, despite seductive clothing styles many wear today, be assured that you do not need to dress seductively for a man to have interest in you. Any man who chooses to date you because you dress like a harlot or seductress will later look for others that way, even in the unlikely event he would stay around long enough to marry you.

The Great Bwana then warns us about COG men who can't keep their pants zipped and usual it's really the woman's fault for enabling those men.

Ladies, consider that men, Christian and otherwise, can have issues with self-control. Male libido hormones tend to engage more quickly than female ones. Be careful on dates to not be in situations that may tempt your date to pressure you to sin. If someone, be a date, relative, friend, or stranger, attempts to force you to have sex resist and scream as loud as you can—do not allow it (Deuteronomy 22:24-27). If you are raped, report it to the proper authorities. Do not enable rapists.

Gentlemen, you also need to remember that when a seductress grabbed Joseph’s clothes, he fled (Genesis 39:12). “Flee fornication” (1 Corinthians 6:18, KJV)!

The Great Bwana then tells us about the time he got trolled online by a seducer: 

Let’s look at a real-life example. I got the following message recently when I was on Facebook (with slight edits): 
I am Ian XXXXXX from Africa. I'm happy to meet you. I'm looking for a wonderful lady like you. I hope you will like me too. 
... God bless you we are in touch as a church. 
So, this person is claiming to be a Christian, hints he is a Sabbath keeper, is claiming to be interested, and wants to someone to ‘like’ (presumably romantically) him. Well, he apparently does not pay too much attention to who he sends this type of trolling trash to as I am not female. 
Also, during the time I was working on this book, I got a some type ‘Flirt’ request from some social media email. 
Should you receive them, do NOT be flattered by such things and other improper flirtations. You need to be concerned about flattery (cf. Psalm 12:2-3; Proverbs 6:24; 26:28), even from people, like Ian, who claim to be interested in the Church.

Ian can't be any worse than a Chief Overseer who starts a cult based upon some silly dreams and a mythic double blessing. Ian and Bob are the same kinds of trolls. 

The only proper online dating letter one should receive is this:

Hi. I am XXXX XXXXXXXX. I am a member of the Continuing Church of God in central New Zealand. I saw your profile on Facebook. How long have you been part of the church?

Also, remember the fields are white with potential dates out there...somewhere...

If God is involved in your choice of a wife or husband, and both you and your future mate set yourselves to obey God’s laws concerning love, marriage and sex, you can’t go wrong. Ask God to help you see everything you should as you decide who you want to marry.

Jesus told His followers:

2 The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. (Luke 10:2)

More laborers for the harvest means more Christians. Which also means more potential people to date.

The Great Bwana also speaks out about dating people in other COG's with one HUGE qualification:

Does this mean that the only people in the Continuing Church of God can date are those who are baptized members in the Continuing Church of God? 
There are other true Christians in many Sabbatarian Church of God groups. 
However, since we are unaware of other such groups/organizations being Philadelphian, it is our hope and prayer that your potential spouse is one who would be ‘Philadelphian’ (Revelation 3:7-13).

The Great Bwana then tells people to look at an individual's mental stability when deciding to marry. Imagine that, Bwana Bob telling someone to look at a person's mental stability first. This is Bob Thiel, remember. Bob Thiel.

1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Timothy 3:1-7) 
Yes, there are people you should not hang out with.

Amen to that Bwana Bob! That's exactly why people in the COG will not follow you. 

Not everything in his book is bad but the problem remains is that this is Bwana Bob writing this, a man who is a walking comedy routine which leads us to not take anything he says seriously.