Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Dave Pack: It All Comes Down to “Common” and "if people just "give up everything" they're going to "make it." "

...and then, you too shall be saved FIRST!

From an RCG source:

It All Comes Down to “Common” 


“We're a church, unlike any others, who "sold all" and "gave it all up," others don't. That's the single chief reason we're "going first," because people who will do that, are going to do the other things God says. Not because He says "give me your money and I don't care what you do." People who will do that, all the warnings about love of money, your life doesn't consist of the abundance of things you possess, beware of covetousness, all those warnings, if people just "give up everything" they're going to "make it." Now, some can do that, and then fall backward and hopefully God can fit them in "second," if you will. We'll see how all of that works.” 


Comment: While money can be the root of all evil, there are many examples of biblical figures using money properly. There are many things that Christians are required to do, but “selling all” and giving it to your church hierarchy is not in the Bible. There is hope though, even if you gave everything to Dave, but still decided he is a false prophet, maybe god can still fit you in second, so that’s good news! 

Dave Pack: When this series is over you will receive Eternal Life


From an RCG source:

“Dumb Enough to Leave…” 


“But there's people who are dumb enough to leave now! Cause it's "taking too long." No matter how many times Mr. Pack says, "Be patient, Be patient." They don't care. It's "taking too long!" and they leave, they don't care. "I'll give it a little longer" and they do, or they don't, and maybe they'll give up and they quit. They don't keep the word of "my patience." And if He's [Father] coming with Christ, then you gotta be patient. You have need a patience. Eventually you reached this point where its just a little while, "yet a little while" and we'll receive the promise, which is eternal life. When this series is over.”

Comment: To be clear, there are two messages in this comment. The first is, Dave is the one telling his members that Christ will return on a particular date. He isn’t telling them to be patient, he is the one who is setting the expectation and then after it passes, he makes these claims of “just be patient.” This is called “gaslighting.” Secondly, he claims the members will receive eternal life, when the series is over. The latest expectation was that the series was finished this past Saturday, so, I guess it’s not finished yet?

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

COG False Prophet Upset Over WorldNetDaily Messianic Jewish Writer


I guess I should not be surprised that many COG leaders get their news off WorldNetDaily. It reinforces their paranoia about everything going wrong in the world around them. They need WND to support their endtime garbage scenarios. 

One predominant writer on the site is a Messianic Jew and regularly writes about the Jewish Holy Days tying them into Christianity. This delights some COG leaders as it is proof that others also recognize that the Jewish holy days are required for Christians, but not all of them. One person, in particular, is rather pissed that Mark Blitz has published a new book, Everything you need to know about Passover. Blitz's new book makes mincemeat of Almost-arrested, doubly blessed, Amos, Joshua, witless witness, Bwana Bob Thiel, the great savior to Africa and 299 Caucasians, and the prophet is not happy!

The Great Bwana, the worlds greatest theologian, and authority on the Bible writes:

While I am glad that Mark Biltz believes Christians should keep the biblical Holy Days, he is not one I have much theological confidence in. 

Neither does 99.99% of the Church of God in Bwana Bob. His theological mumbo-jumbo is an embarrassment to the true believers in the church. Never has a COG leader been so unqualified to be leading a COG than Bwana Bob. That is the reason he had to self-appoint himself as a COG leader as COG leaders were never going to and the membership certainly did not raise him up and support him. 

Regular readers of this page likely remember him, as I often denounced his position on blood moons, the solar eclipse of 2017, the ‘super blue blood moon’ of 2018 and 2019, and other matters. 
Mark Biltz has proven to be a false prophet.

Just as Bwana Bob has been proven to be a false prophet in the COG empire. The COG has never had such a pathetic slate of false prophets in its midst as it does in 2021. 

The words greatest theological continues with this:

So, why bring anything up about Mark Biltz now? 
Well, basically because of two reasons. 
First, some falsely believe that if someone promotes the Sabbath or the biblical Holy Days, they are credible leaders. That is simply not the case. So-called Messianic Jews like Mark Biltz misunderstand much about church history, doctrine, and prophecy. 

Well it that isn't the pot calling the kettle black! Whoah boy! Just because a false self-appointed COG leader like Bob claims to promote the Sabbath and holy days does not make him a credible COG leader. Since he is blatantly ignorant about New Covenant theology or anything about Jesus Christ, it stands to reason as to why Bwana Bob is so spiritually bankrupt and not credible. 

The second, however, is that Mark Biltz is correct that Christians should keep the Passover and biblical Holy Days, though I do not believe him to be an actual expert on those subjects.

Bwana Bob is not an expert on the Bible either, and most certainly is NOT an expert or even qualified to discuss the New Covenant and its theology.